Book Read Free

Just One Touch

Page 1

by Baker, Tory

  Just One Touch

  Tory Baker




  1. Quinn

  2. Mason

  3. Quinn

  4. Mason

  5. Quinn

  6. Mason

  7. Quinn

  8. Mason

  9. Quinn

  10. Mason

  11. Quinn

  12. Mason

  13. Quinn

  14. Mason

  15. Quinn

  16. Mason

  17. Quinn

  18. Mason

  19. Quinn

  20. Mason

  21. Quinn

  22. Mason

  23. Quinn

  24. Mason

  25. Quinn

  26. Mason

  27. Quinn

  28. Mason

  29. Quinn

  30. Mason

  31. Quinn

  32. Mason

  33. Quinn

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Preview of Just One Promise

  Author Links

  Also by Tory Baker

  To anyone who loves and breathes the beach as much as me, this is for you.



  The dark circles, the tired eyes, the grayish complexion that’s marring Quinn’s appearance is something to be worried about.

  She was off limits, I love Summer like a sister, but there is no damn way, I can stay away from Quinn. Not when she needs someone in her corner.

  Her contract was up two months ago, yet here she is at Summer’s condo, looking more tired than when she was working as a model around the clock. Now, she’s back in our hometown and looks worse than ever.

  “Ready to go,” I ask her when she answers the door to what was once Summer’s condo but is now hers. I texted her earlier asking if she’d like to ride over with me. It was definitely a rouse to get her alone and out of her house. I live three doors down from Rome. Quinn lives a few miles away from us. I was shocked when she responded with a simple yes.

  “Yeah, let me just grab the dessert I made.” Quinn is in a pair of khaki shorts, white top, and a cardigan that hangs down to her knees. On anyone else it would look ridiculous, but not on her.

  I hold the door open for her while she walks out, making sure she feels as much of as me as she can. With her sharp intake of breath and the way I see her nipples pebble, I got the reaction I was looking for. Now if I can just get her to admit everything else.

  I look down and see the dessert she made, licking my lips, “That looks delicious, what is it?”

  “An old family recipe, my grandmother made. It’s called no-name dessert,” she says with a chuckle.

  “Interesting name.”

  “My grandmother, well she was old-fashioned. Raised seven kids while her husband was away most of the time. Things just came as they did,” she whispers out once we’re in the car.

  “It sounds like she’s a great woman.”

  “She was, the best I’ve ever known,” her voice is solemn. I reach for her hand that’s on her thigh and bring it to the center console, trying to give her some kind of solace while she’s deep in thought.

  We hold hands the few minutes it takes us to get to Hill Street.

  “I hope this doesn’t monopolize more of your time, by coming to get me,” she says once we park in Rome and Summer’s driveway.

  “Not at all, I was just at home watching the sports channel until it was time to get you.”

  “Still, I could have driven over or even rode my bike,” Quinn responds.

  “Stay there, I’ll come get your door.” I get out of my Jeep and round it to help her out while she holds the dessert she made.

  Her legs come out first, and they’re enough to make me get on my knees right here and pay homage to her.

  I have to make Quinn mine, no matter the cost.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” We make our way around the side of the house, bypassing the front door.

  Once we’re on their back deck, I guide her to a table so she can set the dessert down.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m going to see what Rome is up to and if we can help them out. Not to mention it’s time for me to steal my nephew for a while,” that’s when I see a genuine smile light up Quinn’s face.

  “Okay, I’ll be right here. Do you think Summer would mind if I held Sawyer? After you get your fill of course,” her face is tipped to the side.

  “Absolutely, she loves that Sawyer is surrounded by family and friends,” I push a tendril of her hair out of her face, needing just one touch before I go inside.

  “Thank you, Mason.” Leaving this gorgeous woman isn’t something that my body or heart wants to do, but I know she needs me to take things slow.



  After being gone for so long, it feels good to be back home. Or really the home I’ve created for myself. When I lost my grams, I lost not only my only living family member, but I lost a piece of my heart too.

  When Summer mentioned she had a place she was thinking about renting out, I took a leap of faith and jumped in with both feet. I had no idea though, when I signed my last modeling contract that there was a contingency for up to six months after. I should have known better. This is the reason why I have an attorney, yet I was in such an emotional state I didn’t think.

  Here I am now though, back where I should have been all along. My modeling career now in the rearview mirror along with the worst manager and human being one could ever imagine.

  “Thank you for picking me up and bringing me home,” I say to Mason as he pulls into my condo building parking lot. I had the best day I ever could holding Summer and Rome’s sweet baby boy.

  “Anytime, Sunshine,” he replies, we’re looking into each other’s eyes and if I had any nerve at all, I’d ask him to come inside, but I don’t. Not right now at least.

  I lean over the center console of Mason’s jeep, kiss his cheek, taking in one last lingering breath of his masculine scent, and unfold out of the vehicle.

  Walking to the front door of my condo, silently wishing I was still at the beach and listening to the waves crash against the shore, I see Mason’s headlights are still shining brightly. I wave at him, letting him know he can leave. Yet he doesn’t, it isn’t until I’ve unlocked the door, stepped inside, and shutting the door do I see his lights disappear.

  Today should have been all fun in the sun, but it wasn’t. Memories came up that caught me off guard. Ones I thought I had laid to rest, hopefully now that I’m back home I can work on finding my inner peace again.

  The upside of today though was definitely being around Mason. I caught his lingering glances, and even I couldn’t help but look back at him when I felt him near me.

  Add into the fact that I got to hold baby Sawyer, breathing in his sweet baby scent, and basking in the way he’s such a sweet child. Even when Mason’s mom came over, she let me hold him until I finally gave him up to her. It was as if I needed him to ground me today.

  I walk to my bedroom and get ready for bed, hoping that tomorrow will be better than today.



  “Fuck,” I grumble out as I reach for my phone that keeps dinging on my nightstand indicating I have a text message. Without even looking at the screen I know it’s Rome and Heath, fuckers want me to meet up and catch some waves today.

  Heath: Wakey, Wakey, eggs and bakey.

  Rome: The fuck?

  Me: Do you ever shut up?

  I didn’t sleep for shit last night, seeing Quinn looking down and in the dumps had me all off balance. I was in an argument with my own damn self. Should I go back to her house, should I call
her, or should I leave her alone? I ended up doing the later, and it about kicked me in the fucking gut.

  Heath: See you in ten, slackers.

  Rome: I’ll be late, getting Sawyer and Summer settled first.

  Me: Same. I’m just rolling out of bed.

  I throw my phone on the bed as I get up and head to the bathroom, turning the light on this early in the morning is rough. Especially with the lack of sleep I’ve gotten.

  My dark hair is standing up on end, my fingers going through it haphazardly throughout the night. My normally bright blue eyes are lackluster at best and blood shot. I grab the toothbrush out of its holder and brush my teeth. Knowing if I’m too late, I’ll get a ration of shit from Heath. It’s not like I have a good enough excuse, and if they dig deep, they’ll know a certain raven-haired beauty is the thing that has me tied up in knots.

  I walk out of my bathroom, grab a pair of board shorts out of my drawer, and slide them on before walking downstairs and to my back patio.

  All of us within walking distance of each other, opening the sliding back door, I grab my wetsuit putting it on before grabbing my board.

  It takes minutes for me to meet up with Heath, “You look like shit,” he says with a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Feel it too,” I grumble back.

  “Dude, how do you feel that way when I know damn good and well you took Quinn home?”

  “Because I took her home,” I run my fingers through my hair.

  “Clearly you didn’t stay, dumb ass,” he tosses out as he walks towards the water. I follow behind him hoping like hell the waves will tire me out enough that I can take a nap when I get back. Just what I fucking need, a nap at the ripe age of thirty-four.



  I, Quinn Rae Harlowe slept in for the first time in forever. When I woke up and saw the time on my phone, it was nearing noon. It was freeing, knowing I could now eat what I wanted, sleep when I wanted, and live on my own time.

  When I started modeling at the age of fifteen, the one thing I knew I needed to be done was to invest and save as much as I could. I walked to Grams house when I got the contract and she told me what to put back and what to save. I made sure I had a set amount put away each month and Grams took care of the rest. If I needed anything or if she did, I always tried to help her out and vice versa. Though, she wasn’t thrilled about me wanting to help her out. She reluctantly did take some of my money. Grams was a strong woman, and I’m strong because she raised me. If only she were around before that she-devil, Cassandra.

  At least that part of my life is over. Rolling out of bed, I walk downstairs to the kitchen to get a pot of coffee going.

  My stomach growling spurs me into action, there’s nothing to eat in my house. I doctor up my coffee with lots of cream, but not sugar, and take it upstairs with me to get dressed for the day.

  I grab my phone to look at the weather for today, here in Florida the weather can go from hot to cold in a matter of twelve hours. Today will be nice and breezy, but by the evening it’ll be chilly out.

  Looking down at it as I walk towards my dresser, I almost drop my phone. There on the screen is a message from Mason, smiling I read what he sent.

  Mason: Good morning, Sunshine. Meet me for lunch?

  I think about how I want to respond, we both felt a pull towards each other. I just wasn’t sure if it was one sided, but after yesterday, I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I go with my gut and take the plunge and respond back.

  Me: Morning, sure! I’ll be ready in ten minutes, where do you want to meet?

  I see the dots appear that’s telling me he’s typing back. The smile that’s on my face today is in full effect and I don’t see it leaving, especially if I’ll be in Mason’s presence.

  Mason: Meet me at my house, then we’ll walk down to the restaurant.

  Me: See you shortly

  I put my phone down and squeal in excitement and then proceed to get ready, brushing my teeth, hair. Then move onto my clothes. I’m standing here in my bra and panties trying to decide what to wear. I finally decide on a pair of ripped up jeans along with an oversized long sleeve shirt. It hangs over on one side, leaving my other shoulder bare except for my bra strap that shows.

  Once I’m done, I grab my phone and head downstairs to finish the rest. I don’t even care that my stomach is nonstop growling, as if it’s dying for food. Which I mean, it is, but Mason Carter is what really has my stomach in a state of butterflies.

  I grab my purse, throw my phone in it, take my keys off the hook by the front door, and slide my feet into a pair of deck shoes.

  The pep in my step doesn’t stop the whole time I make my way to Mason’s place.



  After surfing with Rome and Heath, it cleared my head, it gave me a sense of what my next step with Quinn would be. When we all got out of the water, Rome was the first one to say, “Fuck, you’re going after Quinn, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I am. That gonna be a problem?” I retort back.

  “Not for me, but Summer may give you hell. Her and Quinn have gotten closer the last six months. Even when she was away, they’d FaceTime and text half the day away.” He acts like it’s a burden when he and I both know Summer having Quinn as a friend is a good thing.

  “I’ll take care of little sis, but just tell her, I know Quinn’s the one I want,” I grunted and turned to leave.

  “Fuck you too? I’m gonna be the odd man out now,” Heath complained. I smiled but continued on walking towards my house, unzipping my wet suit as I walk along and leaving the top half open and pulled down to my waist.

  After texting Quinn, I grabbed a quick shower. By the time I was out, she responded back. When she said she was only a few minutes away, I knew I needed to get my ass in gear.

  I quickly make up my messy bed, throw some jeans and a tee shirt on, and then make my way downstairs to pick up the extra glasses and crap I left laying around during the week.

  It’s a wreck, “Shit,” I mumble out. There’s no way I’ll get this all cleaned up before Quinn gets here. But I’ll get what I can done. Starting with throwing away the empty water bottles, pizza box, and then loading the dishwasher.

  I’m just closing it when I hear the doorbell go off, I look around one last time and hang my head in shame. Sure, I have a cleaning service that comes in every other week, but Mom would kick my ass if she saw how bad I’ve let my house go right before Quinn came over.

  “Hey,” Quinn says as I open the door.

  “Sunshine,” I murmur out, and as soon as she’s inside the house, I engulf her in my arms. I feel her sink into the hug and exhale a deep breath. This right here, this isn’t just what I want, it’s what Quinn needs too.

  When we pull apart, her stomach growls. I laugh and say, “Let’s go grab some food then we can come back here and hang out.”

  “Sounds good to me, I have nothing but time on my hands these days,” she replies. I take a long look at her. Her smooth as silk raven colored hair, her deep sun-kissed skin, even though I know she’s not one of the local girls around here that bake in the sun as much as possible. Quinn’s is all natural, much like the rest of her body. Her dark chocolate eyes are lingering on mine and that’s when I know if we don’t leave, I’ll have her body up against the nearest surface, and I won’t let her up until I have her every way I can.



  Both of us are laughing at my rioting stomach, he turns to lead me out toward his back deck. Mason’s home is much like Rome’s but a little less homey. There’s not a woman’s touch in it at all, not even from Momma Tina. It’s even a little messy, nothing like I would have expected from a bachelor. I smile to myself as I follow his path, with my hand encased in his. I can feel the callouses he has on his hands, they’re such a contradiction to my smooth ones, yet the way it makes me feel is indescribable.

  Opening up the back door to his deck, my senses smell the oce
an, the sun is bright and beautiful today, but the breeze is chilly. I’m really glad I wore something warm.

  “Are you going to be cold?” Mason asks. He’s wearing jeans that are molded to his long lean legs to perfection, along with a tight long-sleeve Henley that’s waffle knit in texture. The vee in the neck gives me a tease of his chest and has his skin peeking out beneath. It has my blood on fire with need and desire. Add in the fact that it’s navy blue, highlighting his skin tone, it’s beyond making me yearn for more of him.

  “No, I should be good,” I tell him. Mason definitely caught me gawking at him but didn’t call me out on it.

  “Let me know if you do, we can always get our food to go and eat inside,” he offers.

  “And miss the smell of fresh burgers? No way, I’ve been dying to eat here since I got back home,” I say with sincerity. Ever since my last shoot was over and done with, I’ve been eating everything I wasn’t allowed to. It’s allowed me to gain the weight that was definitely needed and then some.

  “Well, I guess we should get you fed then,” Mason says, the look in his eyes is telling me he’s hungry for more than just food.


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