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Just One Touch

Page 4

by Baker, Tory

  Maneuvering my way up and out from underneath her, I bring Quinn into my arms. Wanting nothing but to take off these damn pants and fill her up.



  “I think you’ve killed me, like I’ve died and gone to orgasm heaven,” I murmur into Mason’s chest. I want to return the favor to Mason, it’s not just a want, it’s a need, but right now my body is limp.

  “I’m not done with you yet, so you can’t be dead,” he grunts.

  “I don’t know if I can go again, I’m not kidding. I’m boneless,” I reply, knowing it’s a lie. Lying naked against him, knowing only his pants are stopping me from getting what I want, already has me wet with need.

  Mason flips me over, and I let out a squeal. I can’t help but smile at him. We’re face to face and his hips are between my legs. When he brings his hips closer to my center, I can’t help but bring my legs up and wrap them around his trim waist.

  “Not feeling so dead now, are you?” he has a smirk on his face. My lips find his not caring that I can taste myself on his lips. He takes over, biting on my upper lip, and then sucking on it to soothe the ache he created.

  This time it’s me that breaks us apart. With my hips still around his, I shift my hips as I turn us over. I’m straddling Mason’s hips, something I’ve come to notice he loves, but wouldn’t have happened without him allowing it.

  I kiss his lips, then follow a path, nipping, sucking, and kissing the underside of his jaw, down his chest. I take my time. Wanting to feel every dip and divot of his muscular chest.

  When I get to his happy trail, my fingers find the top of his pants and silently plead with him to help me take them off.

  “You sure?” he questions me.

  “I’ve never been surer,” I respond, moving and trying to help him take them off at the same time. Once his pants are off, it’s my turn to take him all in.

  He has long, lean lines, with muscles that aren’t overly big. You can tell he has a surfer’s build. His skin is darkened from the sun, and the smattering of hair that’s along his chest leading to his cock has me salivating. It’s long and thick, I wrap my hands around his girth and my fingertips barely touch.

  “Fuck, Quinn. What you do to me,” Mason groans out. I look up as I continue to work his shaft in my hand. His head is thrust back against the pillow, hands in his hair, as if he knows if he moves his hands, he’ll be deep inside me before I can even start, with that last thought I do what I’ve been wanting to.

  Leaning down I lick the head of his cock, teasing him like Mason achingly teased me. I feel his hands dive into my hair, that’s when I really work him, sucking him as deep as I can. He doesn’t push me down deeper onto his length. It’s more like he needs to always touch a piece of me. It doesn’t take long until Mason’s groans get louder and louder. His body tenses up and he warns, “I’m going to come, Quinn. Back up, baby.”

  I don’t back up, I keep working him, and when he comes, it’s in the back of my throat and I take everything he has to give.

  When he’s completely finished, his hands leave my hair, and this time he’s the one who’s out of breath and winded.

  A smile is plastered on my face when I crawl up beside Mason, laying my head on his chest. His heartbeat is thumping a million miles an hour, and I was the one that he gave a piece of himself too.



  The past week has been a flurry of events, I’ve had more meetings than ever, but thankfully after them I’ve been able to work from home. This weekend though, we get Sawyer and I have to say, I’m excited to watch my nephew.

  Quinn asked if the small pool on my back deck was heated, it makes me happy that I was smart enough to have it installed after I bought this place. We’ve had a heat wave this week, our high has been in the eighties and sometimes at this time of year, it doesn’t even hit the seventies. I have to say, I reaped the rewards of it. There is nothing like walking into the house after dealing with numbers and meetings most of the morning, looking out at the back deck and seeing your woman on a float in the pool, with nothing but a string bikini on.

  And I’m the lucky bastard that gets to rub her down with suntan lotion.

  “Hey, baby,” I walk out back. She lifts her head up from the float she’s laying on, the long lines of her body glistening in the sun.

  “Hey, you,” she responds, a smile on her face, happiness showing in her facial expression.

  “Did you have a good morning?” I ask her, already knowing full well Quinn hasn’t left my house unless it’s to hang out with Summer and Sawyer.

  “The best, what time is it?”

  “Just after noon,” I say glancing at my watch, fuck I love getting off work early.

  “Oh, time flies by. Let me get out of here and I’ll make us some lunch,” her smile hasn’t left her face, even as she paddles her way over to me. I really should have rethought this process and detoured to the bedroom.

  “You stay out here, I’ll change into my boardshorts and fix us lunch.” That was one of our first arguments, well not really an argument, more or less Quinn standing her ground and me being bullheaded and me not wanting her to spend her own money. Her and Summer went on a grocery shopping spree while I was at work that first day.

  I didn’t realize what she did until the next day when I went into the pantry to grab things for the coffee, already knowing full well I’d have to stop by the grocery store.

  “What the fuck?” I questioned as I walked out of the pantry, Quinn took that time to walk downstairs in nothing but my tee shirt.

  “I went to the store. Mason, you literally had nothing and you offered up your home for me to use. I wasn’t going to not pitch in,” her hands were on her hips, making her shirt ride up her long lean legs.

  “Sunshine, as much as I love that you did this, you didn’t have to, I don’t want you spending money unnecessarily,” I responded.

  “Then I won’t unnecessarily spend time here while you’re at work,” she turned on her heel, posed to go up the stairs. Quinn didn’t get far, I rushed to her, my arms coming around her waist holding her. My front to her back, whispering, “I didn’t mean that the way you thought. I know what your agent did to you, baby. I don’t want you spending money at my place, when I know you still pay rent at Summer’s along with the utilities.” Her shoulders relaxed and she melted into my arms. When she turned her head back towards me, Quinn stood her ground. “If I didn’t have the money, I wouldn’t spend it, and I wanted to. Not only for you, but for me too. I love being here and cooking meals with you.”

  “Quinn,” I crooned in her ear and then spun her around, my hands fisting her hair as I took her lips.

  Shaking my head, I walk back inside and head to the master bedroom. If I have my way, we’ll eat lunch, and maybe I’ll get Quinn on a surfboard.



  “Hey girl,” Summer comes to me with open arms, engulfing me in a hug. Rome is standing with Sawyer, as if he doesn’t want to let him go, but he knows that Summer and he need the time Mason and I are offering to give them.

  “Hey, you sure you don’t mind watching him? He’s not been sleeping through the night this week,” Rome mutters.

  “Not at all, come on in,” I tell Rome. He comes in with a diaper bag on his shoulder, Sawyer in one arm, and his pack n’ play in his other hand.

  “Where’s my knucklehead brother, he didn’t leave you to fend for yourself, did he?”

  “He’s right here, I was closing the curtains in our room for whenever Sawyer is ready for bed.” Mason is going to make an incredible father. Earlier this week he went on Amazon and ordered every safety device he could. Plug things for electrical outlets, cabinet locks, and even a first aid kit that included a thermometer. It was so endearing and thoughtful.

  “Good luck, dude. He’s been up and down all hours of the night. I know I shouldn’t be thankful for a night off, but fuck. We need it,” he grumbles.

, watch your mouth!” Summer admonishes, but she’s smiling as she says it.

  “We’ll be fine and if we’re not, you’re only a few doors down,” I say to Summer and Rome.

  “Let me help you get this thing set up, it can be a pain to set up.” Mason goes back upstairs, and Rome follows after passing Sawyer off to Summer.

  “He’s not usually this grumpy, but I think the lack of sleep is getting to him. I think a quiet night out and then a goodnight’s sleep will do us both wonders.”

  “Is that what they call it now?” I’m trying to hold my laughter back, but I know there won’t be any sleeping for her and Rome tonight.

  “Quinn!” The men come back downstairs, finding us on the couch in stitches laughing.

  “Hey,” Mason crouches down beside me on the couch, kissing the underside of my jaw.

  “Hi,” I reply breathlessly. He recovers faster than me and tells Summer and Rome, “Take your time coming over tomorrow. I think the weather is supposed to cool off tonight and Quinn talked about making a pot of chili. I’ll invite Heath and you guys can come over whenever you want, no rush.”

  “Sounds good, you tell Mom?” Rome questions.

  “Yeah, she said if she gets back in time she’ll be here,” Summer hands me Sawyer. I tickle him under the chin, he gives me a toothless grin, and my smile broadens.

  “Okay, we’re off. Mr. Carter, you and I have a date,” Summer wiggles her eyebrows at Rome, and he chuckles before bringing his arm around her waist.

  I walk over so they can say their goodbyes to Sawyer, they kiss and cuddle him, and then they’re off. Mason and I are left with Sawyer as we wave them off.

  “I think we may be in for a wild night,” Mason says with a laugh.

  “Looks like we won’t be getting sleep for all the wrong reasons,” I wink and walk back into the living room and sit on the couch.

  “I think we’ll be okay,” Mason says as he turns on the monstrosity of a television that is now placed above the fireplace. He called me earlier this week and told me a delivery would be coming and that they’d be installing something. I laughed when I saw how big it was, it literally is massive in size.

  “I think we will too,” I move so I’m closer to Mason, and we all sit on the couch watching what’s happening in the world of football.



  Rome was right, Sawyer was up and down all night, only sleeping for two or three hours at a time. Quinn took it like a champ and even left the bedroom a couple of times to feed him on the couch. Once I realized what she was doing though, I got my ass in gear with either fixing a bottle or changing little man’s diaper. No way was I going to let her do everything. If she wasn’t going to get any sleep, neither was I.

  “I’m not sure how Rome is functioning these days,” I say with a yawn. The sun is slowly creeping up in the skyline and this is when Sawyer is finally out, we ended up moving the pack n’ play downstairs after his last feeding, knowing we’d be starting our day.

  “It can’t be easy, I know Summer is napping during the day when I go over there, she desperately needs it. Even with Sawyer slowly weaning off of her, she’s still exhausted. Hopefully this is just a short phase,” Quinn says going to the coffee maker, both of us were trying to be quiet, but after I dropped a spoon on the tile floor and Sawyer slept through it, all bets were off and we moved about as we usually would.

  “That’s for sure, no wonder he’s tired of closing the office down. Thank god Mary has stepped up to the plate.” I turn around and notice Quinn is going through her stack of mail she’s been slowly going through this week. It’s slowly dwindling down, but I couldn’t believe how much she brought with her that accumulated over the past six months.

  She’s reading a letter, and her face goes as white as a ghost. “What’s wrong?” I question Quinn. She doesn’t respond, her eyes are locked on the piece of mail in her hand. I go over to her, my eyes find what she’s reading. Looking at the logo on the top right corner I see it’s from her old modeling agency.

  As I continue reading, I let out a low hiss, followed by “That cum guzzling gutter slut.”

  It breaks the tension and Quinn giggles, before she erupts in tears. The letter stated her previous agent is suing her for a breech in contract. One she didn’t want in the first place, her last one before leaving the agency for good, and this is what her agent does.

  “I didn’t break the contract though, how could I? I wasn’t here where I wanted to be, I was being pinched, pulled, and prodded doing what I was supposed to do. What does this even mean?”

  “I’m not sure, but we’ll get our attorney to look at it this week. It’s bullshit, this should have never come in the mail, even certified. You’d need to be served for this to have any real bearings,” I respond holding her tight as Quinn’s tears soak through my shirt.

  I fucking hate like hell she’s going through this, and there’s nothing I can do to soothe her pain until Monday.



  “I’ll call everyone and cancel today,” Mason offers.

  “Hell no, you said so yourself. There’s nothing we can do until Monday, today is the day we have your family over and relax,” I counter.

  “My family is your family too, Sunshine. You have to know I’m full in on our relationship,” Mason’s arms are around me, my head is tilted up to look into his eyes.

  “I’m in this with you and beside you. Now and always, Mason,” I reply.

  “Well good, let’s get everything ready so when little dude wakes up, we won’t be scrambling.” Mason leaves me with a kiss that knocks my socks off and I think to myself, I’m already falling in love with him. All it took was just one touch, and I knew. He was meant for me, like I was meant for him.

  With one last glance at Sawyer, who is sleeping peacefully on his back spread out like a starfish, I make my way to the kitchen.

  The last time I was at my place, I made sure to bring Grams recipe book over and I’ve been making her recipes this whole time.

  Mason and I get everything ready, browning the meat, cutting the onions, mixing the beans, and seasoning. We let it simmer and by the time the kitchen is clean, Sawyer is waking up with a huge smile on his face.

  Even with the thought of a million-dollar lawsuit knocking on my front door, Mason and his family keep my hopes up and my future bright.

  “Good morning, baby boy,” I coo. Sawyer babbles as I change his diaper, we make our way into the kitchen where Mason has his breakfast ready which is baby cereal with some baby food on the side.

  I take Mason in, he’s looking at me with longing in his eyes. The same look that I know is on my own face. Tonight is the night I’m going to give Mason all of me. I’m all in when it comes to him. I don’t care that we’ve been inseparable in a short amount of time. My soul knows he was meant for me.



  My whole family is here, Rome, Heath, Mom, Summer, Sawyer, and Quinn. The smile that’s been on her face all day has made it all worth it. Even when she had tears streaming down her cheeks, it was worth it to see how at ease she is among us.

  Especially with Heath, the damn pain in my ass. He corners me and says, “How much longer till I have another sister?”

  “If I had it my way it would be tomorrow,” I don’t miss a beat. She already means that much to me.

  “When us Carter boys fall, we fall fast,” I quip.

  “Just wait brother, you’ll be the one that falls the hardest,” I leave him and make my way to our mom.

  “Hey, honey. How’s my boy doing?” She pats my cheeks as I take a seat next to her.

  “Doing good, thinking I may need your help to go ring shopping soon though,” I tell her.

  Tears start to shimmer in her eyes, “All my boys, growing up and doing damn good for themselves, it’s more than I could ever ask for. Leave it up to me, I’ll come over this week and spend some time with Quinn. Figure out her style, we already know she’s
not a showy type of person. All those years working in the fashion industry and she’s still down to earth. You bet I’ll take her under my wing.”

  “Thanks momma, don’t know what I would do without you.” I reach for her, hugging her in my arms.

  That’s how Rome finds us, “Ah shit, I know what this is all about. Felt it hard and fast with Summer. I’m glad you found it with Quinn, baby brother.”

  “Thanks, gotta say seeing her with Sawyer, it only solidified what I feel for her.”

  “Yep, I know that all too well. Thanks for watching Sawyer for us, pretty sure we both needed it, and not for just the sleep,” the sly grin on his face is all too telling. I’m sure in another nine months I’ll be welcoming in another nephew or a niece.

  “Not a problem, his teething is out of this world. But we enjoyed every minute of it. Do you know what Summer is going to do with her place? I have a feeling Quinn won’t be going back and I’d hate for her to pay rent on something she isn’t using.” I ask.

  “We talked about it, we can either rent it out or sell it. We’re leaning towards selling it. We both don’t want to deal with the hassle of renters, even if we do it in house. I’ll talk to Summer about it though. Shit, the way those two talk who knows what could happen. Add in Mom here, and she could be moved in when you’re at work,” we all chuckle.

  “Hey now, I don’t hear you complaining one lick,” she adds in.

  “Not at all Mom, not at all.” We all sit down where we can and continue shooting the shit until it’s well into the night and Sawyer is ready to get into his own bed.


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