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Just One Touch

Page 6

by Baker, Tory



  I’m in a state of shock the next day when the doctor tells me one of my worst fears. As models, we all know we put our bodies through hell, I was one of the luckier ones. I’m tall, naturally lean, and I never had to deal with the fad diets to keep my figure. My metabolism was always ridiculously high. So, when he tells me, pregnancy will be hard for me, it brings me to me knees. He talked about infertility treatments, but I tuned him out.

  When I made this appointment, it was to start birth control, again. I wanted at least a year with Mason before we started trying.

  “I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, is there someone I can call for you?” My doctor asks.

  “No, I’ll be okay,” my voice shaky as I try to calm down.

  “As long as you’re sure, take your time. The room is yours for as long as you need,” he says before he walks out the door.

  I dry my eyes, this is just a hurdle, I can get over this. No, we can get over this. I know Mason will be by my side no matter how down in the dumps I am about this.

  Instead of calling Mason, I do something different. I call Momma Tina.

  “Hey sugar, how’s my girl?” she says through the phone.

  “Hey Momma, can we meet somewhere?” I tip my head back trying to get the tears to stop flowing, but not having a whole lot of success.

  “Of course, meet me at the frozen stand. This sounds like we need some good old fashion ice cream.”

  “I’ll see you there in about ten minutes, thank you,”

  “Anything for you, sugar.” We hang up, I grab my purse and head out to meet her.

  It doesn’t take me long to meet her and when I do, she stands up from the chair she’s sitting in with arms wide open.

  I fall into them, and the waterworks continue. She holds me through my tears until I can get up the gumption to tell her what the doctor said.

  “Now, now. It’s not the end of the world. I could never give birth to my own children but look at the boys I was blessed with. If it’s meant to be it’ll be, and if not, well, adoption is always something to think about. I know Mason wouldn’t be against it either.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t feel down and in the dumps about this. We have so many other options. I guess I should go to my next appointment. The lawyer’s office, ugh.” I tell her.

  “Well, I’m always here and I’ll follow you to John’s office, so you don’t have to go at it alone,” she states.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, and she pulls me in for another hug.

  “I’m always here, anytime you need something, you just call me.” We break apart and we both head towards our vehicles, and she follows me to John’s office. I just hope my news gets better, instead of worse.



  I hauled ass home after getting a call from Mom telling me not to make it a late day, and Quinn may need me. She wouldn’t tell me anything else, but to be prepared to hold Quinn and that she’s been strong all day, but she thinks Quinn will need me to be strong for her.

  “Quinn!” I yell walking through the house. It’s not even a house anymore, it’s a home, our home. It has both of our styles mixed together and I couldn’t be prouder.

  “I’m out here,” Quinn responds, she’s out on the back patio. Sitting on the new furniture we recently purchased, she was pissed because I wouldn’t let her help pay for it. I didn’t care though, I know her sneaky self would figure something out to repay me for telling her no. She’s done that tenfold, with the way she decorated inside and outside. The framed pictures she has of all of us framed in the hallway, and my favorite one is on the shelving by the fireplace. It’s a picture of us we took as the sun was coming up one early morning. We weren’t posed or decked out in clothing. It was simply just us.

  When I reach her, her hand finds mine, and she brings me down to sit right beside her on the outdoor couch. She lays her head on my chest before she says, “I got some bad news and some good news today. I’m still processing it, I’m not sure how I’ll hold it together while I tell you.”

  “I’m here, baby. No matter what it is or how long it takes,” my lips find the crown of her head and I kiss it.

  “The bad news is, I may never be able to become pregnant or if I do it’s going to be a challenge, and the doctor isn’t sure I’d be able to carry all the way to full term, so I’d be on bedrest,” she rushes out.

  “Sunshine, as sorry as I am that we may not be able to create a family from our blood, I’m not with you for your baby making capabilities. I’m with you because I love every single thing about you. We can always adopt, there’s so many children out there that need a loving family, and Quinn, we have that in spades.”

  “God, I love you Mason Carter.” I pull her into my arms as she lets her tears out. I hate that she’s crying, but she clearly needs to let this all out.

  In between her bouts of tears, she lets me know her level of endometriosis is on the severe range, but the good news is John let her know the missing money that she wasn’t getting from Greta is now coming, and her old modeling agency is pressing charges against Greta. It could mean court dates, or they may take Quinn’s deposition instead.

  “Today may not be our best day, but I promise you we have each other now and for always,” I murmur into her ear before she drifts off to sleep in my arms.



  Getting everything off of my chest last night to Mason was worth it, there’s something to be said about burdening the ones you love with a problem that can’t be solved, yet there they are. Picking you up when you just want to lay on the floor and cry your eyes out.

  I make my way downstairs and Mason is standing in the kitchen, cup of coffee in his hands, pair of flannel pajama pants on, hair a mess from me running my fingers in it last night, and this morning.

  Mason smirks at me when he sees me watching him sip his coffee, he’s a work of art, and he’s all mine. Literally. The ring on my finger proves that, I wasn’t expecting a proposal after telling him the news I got yesterday, but there he went proving me wrong in every way possible.

  I fell asleep after my crying jag, only waking up when Mason picked me, cradling me in his arms, like I was the most precious gift to him. By the time we got into the bedroom I was wide awake. My mouth found his and he devoured every square inch of my body, it was only when he was deep inside me did he slip a ring on my finger. My body was writhing beneath his, our hands, entwined. When he let my hand go, I saw what he placed there, it stunned me silent.

  “Marry me, Quinn. Be my wife, the mother of the children we’ll try for or adopt. I want you with me forever,” he said placing a kiss on my hand with an engagement ring on it.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you!” I all but screamed out loud. His hips never quit moving, my body on the verge of coming.

  “Fuck yes you are,” he grunted as we both came together.

  I’m brought back to the present when Mason states, “Good morning Sunshine.”

  My checks are flushed because I know that he knows what I was thinking about, “It’s definitely a great morning.”

  “I think we have some phone calls to make, maybe have a get together here?” I ask Mason.

  “I think they’d all love that. Especially Mom,” he responds. We start looking at what we can make before he gets on the phone and I do the same. It’s time to spend the day with our family.

  “Rome and Summer may have news of their own to tell us too,” Mason baits me, but I’m not falling for it.

  “Huh, that’s interesting. I have no idea what their news could be,” I wink at him and go about getting our food set out to cook.



  Our home is soon bombarded by everyone and it ends up being a great day with food, music, the ocean, and the pool.

  No one was surprised by not only our news, but Rome and Summer’s too. She tried to surprise him but that didn’t work this time around. Rome is
getting used to her schemes. She even stomped her foot and pouted.

  Sawyer was whisked away by Quinn, she put on her bathing suit, slathered herself with suntan lotion, along with the baby, and they’ve been in the pool for a couple of hours now.

  “You’re sunk, man. Completely sunk,” Heath says coming up to me. This heat wave has us all enjoying the outdoors, including him. He’s spent more time in the water than at the office lately, but as long as he gets his work done, we don’t mind too much. Hell, all of us are slacking when it comes to work these days.

  “I am, but it’s the best god damn feeling in the world,” I reply back.

  “She’s awesome, too bad she doesn’t have any hot friends,” Heath says with a smirk.

  “Like you would give a girl the time of day, we all know the monk status you’ve been on for years.”

  “It’s called being selective. I’m not giving up the goods to just anyone,” he jokes.

  “Yeah, yeah. I hear you. What do you have going on this week?” I ask him.

  “Same shit, different day. Work some and surf more,” Heath replies.

  “You okay? You’ve been riding waves more than usual lately?”

  “Just sorting through some shit in my head, things will get right, soon enough. If not, I’ll reach out to you and Rome,” Heath’s eyes are far off in the distance.

  “We’re here. Don’t forget it.” I tell Heath.

  “Yeah, what Mason said.” Rome comes over to us, wrapping his arms around each of our shoulders. Rome is the oldest and tallest, but not by much. We’re all pretty close in age and height, it’s helped our bond stay strong, shit though. It’s Heath I worry about most.

  “Can’t believe I’m having another one in nine months, you’ll be getting married soon, and this bonehead is still stubborn as ever.” That’s how Summer finds us, she takes a pic while we’re all laughing, and if I know my woman, that photo will find its way on the wall in a frame.

  “Life is fucking perfect,” I state before leaving my brothers to find my woman.

  Sawyer is now with mom, fast asleep in her arms, and my woman is lounging on a float, basking in the sun. I dive in and swim up to her. Shaking the float, “Damn it, Mason Alexander. You scared the shit out of me,” her hand is placed on her heart, I can see her chest heaving.

  “Love you, Sunshine.” I tell her trying to take away the sting of scaring her.

  “I love you too, but you’re still in big trouble,” she gets off the float and comes after me, trying to dunk me. Quinn doesn’t succeed but it makes for a hell of a lot of fun.

  When we’re both breathless I comment, “I think we should get married, soon.”

  “How soon are we talking? Because Mason, I’d marry you tomorrow.”

  “Fuck yes, I’m the luckiest man on earth. Looks like we’re getting married tomorrow,” I yell out to our family.

  “Dear god, Mason. You’re not going to give your mother time to plan a reception, are you?” Mom replies.

  “Nope, we can just go out to eat. Quinn and I don’t want all the fanfare, just our family standing beside us.”

  “You’re not wrong, you know. I just want you, our family, and that’s it,” Quinn tells me, and then quickly kisses me before swimming to the edge of the pool to get out, and fuck what a view does she give me.



  Mason wasn’t kidding, he rallied our whole family, and we were married earlier today. It was small and simple at the courthouse. I wore a dress I had in the closet that was never worn before, it was white in color with a lace over lay, and off the shoulder. Summer came over and found the perfect pair of heels to go with it. We worked on my hair until it was piled high on my head with tendrils were falling down loosely.

  The showstopper, of all showstoppers, was Mason though. When I saw him, I swear my heart stopped beating. He was in his signature suit, looking so drop dead gorgeous I wasn’t sure I could walk on my own two legs.

  When I reached him, his hands instantly found mine and we said our vows to each other. It was exhilarating and almost sad at the same time. I wish my Grams was there to watch me marry the most wonderful man in the world, but I knew she was watching over us just the same.

  After we said our “I do’s,” we all headed over to a restaurant for our reception. Momma Tina wasn’t going to let us get away with just a small ceremony. I didn’t mind not having one, but I’m really glad she put her foot down and did this for us.

  “Are you happy, Sunshine?” Mason whispers into my ear as we dance slowly on a makeshift dance floor.

  “The happiest. Thank you for giving me the best life ever,” I breathe out.

  “The best is yet to come,” his lips graze mine and I seek him out for more. He gives into my need until we’re both breathless and ready to leave.

  I’m hoisted up on his shoulder as Mason shouts, “Thank you, we love you, but I’m taking my bride home. Don’t come over for at least a week.”

  “Oh my gosh, you’re all welcome whenever you want. Well, maybe not tonight,” I say as he walks towards the door, my head is up as I hold onto his waist.

  “We’ll give you forty-eight hours, that’s it,” Summer jokes.

  “I’ll be there bright and early, he owes me,” Heath grunts.

  Momma Tina slaps him on the shoulder and tells him to “Hush his mouth.”

  That’s all I hear, Mason has exited the building and we’re on our way to his car. He abruptly stops and spins around, entirely too fast.

  “Mason!” I admonish, and it’s then that I see his car. This has Heath written all over it, instead of wedding bells, there are wedding dicks everywhere on the car, along with the “Just Dicked” instead of “Just Hitched.” Payback is going to be so sweet.

  “That little fucker, just wait till it’s his turn,” he groans before he sets me in the car, and we head home to play out our own version of a honeymoon.

  Epilogue One


  Six Months Later

  “Just like that Quinn, fuck me just like that.” Quinn is on all fours, her back to me, and she’s moving back and forth fucking herself on my cock. I drag my thumb across her clit as she shudders, I know what will really get her off though.

  I bring it to her back entrance, slowly pushing in every time she shuttles back on my cock. The pressure alone gets her off, but I know she likes feeling me inside her like this, in both places when we get a chance to.

  When her body locks up, I know it’s time to go deeper and harder with her. I take over thrusting into her tight as fuck pussy, until she’s clenching down, and taking me along with her.

  “Oh god,” her voice hoarse as she falls flat on her stomach. Try as I might to not laugh, I can’t help it. The one way to help Quinn relax and not stress as much is to wring her dry.

  “You ready to sleep, Sunshine?”

  “Mmm..hmm,” I take that as a yes and slowly slide out of her. Knowing she won’t get up, I make my way to the bathroom, clean myself up some, and then grab a washcloth to do the same to her.

  We have a meeting tomorrow with the adoption agency, it’s taken us months to get to this point. Quinn who doesn’t usually stress too much has been a mess, cleaning the house from top to bottom constantly, making sure the spare room is ready in case it happens sooner.

  But tomorrow is the day, they had a child that’s ready to meet its family. We haven’t been given any information except where to be and what time to be there.

  I finish cleaning up Quinn, then shut down all the lights before I slide into bed beside her with a smile on my face.

  Epilogue Two


  One Year Later

  I look around at our family we have surrounding us, it’s the best feeling ever. Of course, what makes all of this so much better is the fact we got to bring our sweet baby girl home six months ago. A teenage mom, who wanted a better future for her child met with us, and she knew Alana was a great fit with us.

  We w
ere going to try at first, going to the best of the best doctors, but Mason and I were content that if it was meant to be, it would be.

  It hasn’t happened yet, and as much as I get upset that my body doesn’t work like most women, Mason is there to reel me in off the ledge.

  Even Heath, the jokester looks happy and content for the first time in a long time. I think all of us foisting our children onto him, truly helps too. Summer just recently had their second son, Parker Heath Carter is coming up on a year old. Sawyer is almost two, and our baby girl, Alana Harper is six months old.

  Life has been an up and down train for me, ever since I could remember, but having the Carter family has been my rock, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

  “Hey Sunshine,” Mason comes towards me, holding our baby girl in his hands. This look right here, it supersedes him in a suit. He’s in full on daddy mode and it melts my heart. I can’t tell you how many candid photos I have of him and Alana on my camera roll.

  “Hey, how are my two favorite people doing?”

  “I’m fine, but I think fussy pants needs her mom,” he says trying not to smile.

  “No way, I know what you’re all about Mr. Carter. You’re holding her, you get to change her. Rules are rules,” I wave my finger at him, it’s an ongoing joke we have. I fell for his charade the first time, but as soon as I caught on, it’s just been fun and games since. The best part was when Mason played it out on Heath. The look on his face was priceless, and the whole family had a laugh at the jokester.

  “I’ll get her, I love you Quinn,” he whispers into my ear.


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