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Fixer Upper: Contemporary Romance

Page 5

by L. C. Davis

  I hesitated, realizing there was no way to answer that without sounding like an overzealous boyfriend, or worse, a stalker. “Just a feeling, I guess.”

  That seemed to surprise him, and he looked away. So, something was wrong.

  “What is it, Sawyer?” I asked, reaching for his hand before I could stop myself. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

  His eyes finally met mine, and to my relief, he didn’t pull his hand away. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you anyway. I was just looking for a way, I guess.”

  I frowned, taking in his words. I hated that he felt like he had to hide anything from me. Unless… unless he was planning on ending things and didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I realized that was a very real possibility, and me showing up on his doorstep had probably hastened his decision.

  “Oh,” I said, feeling my throat grow tight. I was determined to listen, and take it like an alpha, even if I was also going to do everything in my power to convince him otherwise.

  He probably only looked at me for a minute or so, but it felt like an eternity. I was hanging on his every word with unbearable suspense, but when he finally spoke, nothing could have prepared me for the words that came out of his mouth.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Two little words changed everything. Not that I believed them at first. I just stared at him like a complete moron, and when I finally managed to pick my jaw up off the floor, I realized it had been way too long without an answer.

  “You’re what?” The words came out strained. Smooth, Devon.

  “I’m pregnant,” he said, sounding far less certain. “I know, I felt the same way. It’s...hard to believe.”

  I realized I had probably given him the wrong impression with my stunned silence, but even now, my heart was pounding with excitement.

  I’d always wanted to be a father. Always. No, I hadn’t imagined it would be this soon, but none of that mattered. The moment I heard the news, my heart accepted it, even if it was going to take my mind a while to catch up.

  I moved closer, squeezing his hand. “Not really,” I said with a soft chuckle. “We did mate when you were in heat, and I knotted you…”

  He looked up at me with a quizzical air to his gaze. “You’re not upset?”

  “Upset?” I echoed in confusion. “How could I be upset when you just told me you’re having my baby?”

  For the first time since I’d met him, his face reddened, and he looked away. Bashful was one side of him I never imagined I’d get to see, but it was just as charming as all the others. “Well, I was. I never planned on any of this. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”

  “Hey,” I said, cupping his face in my hands. “I know this is a surprise, but I swear, I’ll do whatever it takes to make you see it as a good thing. If you’ll let me, I want to take care of you and this baby.”

  My words seemed to stun him as much as his had stunned me a few moments earlier. “‘I’m not really the being-taken-care-of type.”

  “I know,” I assured him. “And we can go at your pace. Whatever you’re comfortable with. I just want you to know I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  I expected him to have a sarcastic remark to that, but he didn’t. Instead, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around my neck, sinking into my embrace like it was the first time he’d relaxed in ages. I held him tightly, stroking his hair. There was so much I wanted to say, but something told me not to. What he needed in this moment was just to be held, and that was something I was more than happy to do.

  Chapter 8


  Devon had regularly started staying over at my place, and despite the fact that we were approaching the one-month mark, I was surprised I hadn’t gotten tired of it yet. Even when I was with Trevor, moving in together had been a hurdle to get over.

  I was stubborn and set in my ways. I had little patience for anything or anyone messing up my routine, which was the main reason I wasn’t sure I was cut out for parenting. Still, I found I actually enjoyed his company.

  My place was small enough that we both should have been going stir crazy by now, but I had to admit, it was nice having someone around. Especially while I processed the shock of being pregnant.

  I had a doctor’s appointment coming up soon, and I was going to have to fully come to terms with the reality. For the first time, I was thinking it might somehow be okay.

  Devon had to go into the city that morning, and while he had made his feelings about me continuing my work clear, he’d reluctantly agreed to go if I swore to be careful. I was always careful, but I knew what he meant. No heavy lifting and unnecessary risks. I wanted to take care of the baby even when it was inside my womb, I just wasn’t sure I knew how to do that once it came into the world.

  So far, I’d managed to keep the pregnancy from the guys at work, but I was going to have to tell them eventually. I’d need leave sooner or later, and the morning sickness wasn’t getting any better.

  It had taken me long enough to get their respect as an omega, and I worried all the progress I’d made would be undone with that revelation. Having babies and belonging to an alpha were both hallmarks of being an omega, and I knew most alphas would put me right back in all the boxes as soon as they realized I checked those two.

  As concerned as I was, I still couldn’t help but be excited. Devon had asked me to dinner that night, and while I wasn’t sure about the idea of date-dating, I couldn’t deny it was kind of silly to be worried about that when I was having his kid.

  Once I got off work, I took a shower and prepared to meet him. He picked me up in his souped-up car, but he didn’t speed the way I was sure he usually did. And that was the only reason someone owned a car like that in the first place.

  “So, where are you taking me?” I asked him.

  “Your favorite place,” he answered.

  I raised an eyebrow. “I thought you hated the steakhouse.”

  “Tonight isn’t about me,” he snorted. “Besides, I figure I’ll have to get used to it.”

  His words made me blush for some reason. How ridiculous was that? It hadn’t fully sunk in that this was going to turn into a long-term thing by default. Even if things didn’t work out between us romantically, we would always be co-parents.

  The idea of things not working out had more of an effect on me than I wanted to admit, though. I decided to not think about it and enjoy the evening.

  Dinner was surprisingly nice. The steakhouse wasn’t exactly a romantic restaurant, but that made it more comfortable. As the evening progressed, I could tell there was something on Devon’s mind.

  “What is it?” I asked, trying not to let my imagination get ahead of me.

  “That obvious?” he asked with a sigh.

  “I’ve gotten to know you pretty well, I guess.”

  He gave me a strange smile. One that made my heart flutter and sink at the same time.

  Was this it? He’d been staying at my place for a long time now. Maybe he had decided it was long enough.

  “The project is coming to a close,” he began. “Your team is well ahead of schedule.”

  “Told you,” I said with a smirk. Inside, I wasn’t so lighthearted, though. I knew a breakup speech when I heard one.

  “Well, I had a proposition,” he said, drumming his fingertips on the table like he was nervous. I’d gotten to know his little quirks well by now.


  “I was wondering how you’d feel about helping me with another property I’ve had my eye on,” he said. “It’s a three-story on Rose Street.”

  My eyes widened. Rose Street was where I’d grown up as a kid, and even though our parents had sold the house when they’d downsized, I still loved the neighborhood. “Seriously?”

  “It could use some work, but I know you can work miracles,” he said, taking a sip of his water. “And truth be told, I would be relieved to have you occupied with something other than construction. It would be more of an advisory role.”
r />   “I see,” I said, folding my arms. “You’ve really thought this out, haven’t you?”

  He gave me an unapologetic smile. “Are you turning me down?”

  I snorted a laugh and looked away, trying not to betray just how relieved I was. The idea of working on another project with him was appealing, but most of all, I just didn’t want to lose him.

  “And when are you going to buy this place?”

  “I already have,” he admitted. “I was hoping you’d move in with me.”

  I stared blankly at him. “You what?”

  “It’s been working out so far,” he said with a shrug. “If you haven’t gotten tired of me in your tiny apartment, I figure a bigger house shouldn’t be an issue. And it would make the renovations easier.”

  My heart kept pounding, and for a second, I thought I was dreaming. “Yeah,” I finally got out. “Yeah, I think that would work.”

  Chapter 9


  Moving back into my childhood neighborhood was a bit surreal. So was the fact that our neighbors immediately thought Devon and I were a couple, which I couldn’t really blame them for. It was easy to be around him, and I found myself more comfortable with him than I had been after a few years with Trevor.

  As far as I could tell, he felt the same way, but who knew how long that would last? He was still an alpha, and I had learned my lesson about giving my heart to one. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to do anything to stop me from giving it anyway.

  Every day, he owned another little piece of me. One I hadn’t even realized I’d given away until it was too late.

  Working with him was just as blissful. He gave me enough freedom to do what I wanted, and his input was always helpful. I could tell he was getting more into the process that had once been nothing more than a financial matter to him. Or maybe that was wishful thinking.

  Either way, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a partner not just in business but in life. To work toward the same goal and share the same experiences. The more time I spent with him, the more possible it seemed, and that scared the hell out of me.

  Even more frightening was how quickly I had adapted to being taken care of by someone. The one thing I had never let anyone else, not even Trevor, do.

  My morning sickness had only gotten worse over the last month or so, and Devon had been as attentive as any mated alpha would be. He brought me cold washcloths and stayed with me on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night when I didn’t have the confidence I’d be able to make it back in time if the nausea overwhelmed me again. When I couldn’t keep anything down, he’d bring me ginger ale and saltines, and stroke my back.

  His touch and scent were the only things that really helped the nausea when it was at its worst. I could only fall asleep in his arms with my ear pressed to his chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat.

  When I wasn’t too sick to get out of bed, I was usually too horny to think straight. He was more than happy to tend to me in that regard, too.

  Being pregnant was even worse than being in heat. I knew it was more important to distance myself emotionally now than ever, but I couldn’t keep my hands off Devon, and he seemed to be having the same “problem.”

  That night, we’d settled in the living room to go over some plans for the next phase of renovations and the new sunroom we’d discussed putting out back. Somehow, it had turned into a full-blown make out session, and my drawings were scattered all over the coffee table and floor along with the empty takeout containers.

  My growing bump made certain positions challenging, but Devon was nothing if not resourceful. At present, he had me pinned to the couch with my ass in the air and a pillow supporting my belly. The angle was perfect, and every time he thrust into me, I saw stars.

  My nails dug into the arm of the sofa as I buried my face in another pillow to stifle my moans of satisfaction. I was usually pretty aggressive in bed, which Devon seemed to enjoy just fine, but tonight, I was happy to let him take the lead. He knew every inch of my body like it was his own. Every touch and movement was masterful and left me breathless for more and satisfied at the same time.

  “You like that?” he asked, his voice raw and husky as he ground into my ass, his knot already halfway in. He was taking it slow, torturing me in the most incredible way, wanting to draw it out for both of us as long as possible.

  I lifted my head as my spine arched and another cry of pleasure escaped me. He was pounding my spot over and over, and just when I thought I was about to pass out from bliss, he gave me what I so desperately needed. His knot filled me, swelling to its full potential and binding us together. His body collapsed on mine, his fingers laced in mine and pressing my hands into the couch as he shuddered on top of me from the last of his orgasm.

  “Fuck,” I gasped, burying my face in the pillow once more. My pulse was hammering away in my ears, and I could feel his deep inside me. His cock was still hard, pulsing the last streams of his come inside. Hot and filling, even that was pleasurable.

  “Mmh,” he moaned in satisfaction, pressing his lips to the back of my neck. When his teeth grazed my skin, I shivered.

  Fresh need spread through me like fire, and my whole body went tense around him. I felt him freeze in response as my ass clenched around his cock before it could soften.

  “Bite me,” I pleaded.

  His breath hit the back of my neck, cool and teasing. “Sawyer…are you sure?”

  Even if I hadn’t been, the desire in his gravelly voice would have pushed me over the edge. “Do it,” I demanded, throwing my head back for better access.

  This time, he immediately took me up on the offer. The moment his teeth sank into my neck, the bliss and pain surged together. I cried out his name involuntarily as I came again, and his knot ground into my spot even harder. His teeth claimed my flesh possessively, and when he finally pulled away, he licked the droplets of blood on the surface of my skin like he was dying of thirst.

  A low, rumbling growl came from his chest as he gathered me into his arms, holding me close. I was too spent to come again, but as he filled me for a second time, the pleasure seemed to intensify and seep into my every pore.

  “Sawyer,” he whispered, his lips brushing the spot he’d bitten with adoring tenderness. “I love you.”

  I froze, still overwhelmed by the orgasm and convinced I was dreaming. Or hallucinating. There was no way he’d actually said that, and yet, the words sank into my heart long before I could bring my mind to believe them.

  I didn’t know what to say, but he didn’t seem to expect me to say anything. He just sighed contentedly and held me, his face buried in my neck. Before long, I relaxed again, but those words kept my mind occupied long after I should have fallen asleep.

  He loved me? There was no way he could mean that. Not after such a short amount of time, and yet… there wasn’t a trace of doubt or dishonesty in his voice.

  I told myself it was just wishful thinking. That I was hearing what I wanted to, but damn, I wanted to believe it was true. More than anything.

  Chapter 10


  Six months into my pregnancy, and it had finally started to sink in that this was really happening. I was actually going to have a baby. Devon’s baby.

  I’d expected I would panic when I finally came to terms with reality. Jeff said even he had, and he and my brother had been mated for a year by then.

  Somehow, I felt…fine. Better than fine, really. It all felt normal, and if anything, that was what scared me. How much I had grown to want this. To want him.

  That afternoon, the sonogram at the doctor’s office revealing we were having a daughter had only sealed it. As I’d watched Devon’s face while he stared at the screen and listened to our baby’s rapid heartbeat, I saw another side of him. One I doubted anyone else ever had.

  There was love in his gaze. The same adoration that was there when he looked at me and didn’t think I was watching. When he held me at
night. When he’d first told me he loved me.

  He’d said it several times since, but something about the way he said it that day in the doctor’s office as he took my hand and pressed his forehead to mine was different. Something about it made my heart ache, and words I didn’t dare speak out loud danced on the edge of my tongue, threatening to fall off.

  I wanted to say those words in return so badly, but something within me was convinced that if I did, it would all just disappear. Like a dream that crumbles as soon as you open your eyes. I was too desperate to keep this new, strangely perfect world spinning to risk it.

  After the appointment, Devon had suggested we go shopping for a few things we couldn’t order online, if I was feeling up for it. It was rare that my morning sickness allowed me to be out for more than a few hours, so I was more than eager to take the opportunity to get some sunshine, and he was right. We definitely needed a few things. The first six months had disappeared in the blink of an eye, and as impossible as it seemed, our baby—our little girl—would be here before we knew it.

  As we entered one of the quaint little shops the downtown district was known for, I realized somehow, one of us had taken the other’s hand. It felt intimate, but too right to pull away. His hand was so firm and strong around mine. It made me feel safe in ways I’d never imagined I could or would want.

  But I did. I wanted a lot of things that surprised me, if they were attached to him.

  The clerk greeted us enthusiastically and gave us a summary of the store’s layout before welcoming us to look around. I found myself drawn to the newborn clothing section, with all the overtly frilly things I’d never thought I would have reason to buy. A yellow onesie caught my eye, and it had a cute little giraffe embroidered on the front. Maybe it was finding out we were having a daughter, but for the first time since I’d started shopping for baby things, they weren’t just abstract concepts. It hit me that we were going to be bringing a baby home from the hospital, and just like that, my life would change forever.


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