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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 10

Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

  All I saw was a life diving acrobatically in the waters; occasionally being eaten by the preposterously huge white shark.

  As I tried to comprehend my destiny in the eyes of a cold blooded murderer; standing in the firing range of his gleaming revolver,

  All I saw was a life assassinating innocuous individuals; coating my palms with their innocent blood.

  And eventually as I tried to imagine my destiny in the eyes of my beloved; I felt submerged in waves of unprecedented euphoria,

  And it was here that I saw my life the most beautiful; the most ravishing; the most exhilarating out of all of my previous lives; and I discovered a host of blissfully fulfilling  purposes to live. 



  31. SHIVERS 

  The tall silhouette of sodium light pole shivered incessantly,

  When fed with Herculean amounts of white electricity.

  Golden sands of the scorched desert shivered in submission,

  As tumultuous currents of nocturnal breeze; swept past them at midnight.

  Soggy patches of unadulterated clay shivered with nostalgia,

  An aftermath of being submerged in icy rain water; after months of blistering heat.

  Phlegmatic territories of green river water shivered in ecstasy,

  As they bore the brunt of rosewood boats; traversing tantalizingly through their surface.

  Naked parchment of white ivory paper shivered in agony,

  After invading its harmony with a plethora of blemishes; leaking from the fountain pen.

  Pale Grey tarmac of the road shivered in incorrigible agony,

  As onerous tyre treads of steel; trespassed them unrelentingly.

  Glossily striped skin of the venomous reptile shivered in cupid ebullience,

  The moment it saw the succulent body of fleet footed rabbit.

  Undulating demeanor of the mystical mountain shivered in bewilderment,

  As it was camouflaged in entirety by crispy bedsheets of brilliant snow.

  The sacrosanct body of cow shivered with philanthropic gratitude,

  As it was adeptly divested of large Jerry cans of milk.

  And infinite arenas of my flesh shivered with a volley of squalid goose-bumps,

  Which didn’t disappear for decades immemorial,

  Embossing my tangible heart with uncouth scars of shattered romance,

  My eyes flooding with an ocean of tears at her slightest mention;

  several years after the Creator took her prematurely away from my life .



  I didn’t want the grandiloquent Taj Mahal to live in,

  A solitary hut with fortified walls would beautifully suffice.

  I didn’t want to drink chicory mugs of opulent cherry wine;

  A glass of holistic water was all I needed to quench my thirst.

  I didn’t want ornate embellishments of cloth to drape my persona,

  Jagged rags of jute; blended with firmly riveted buttons would work as a

  wonderful substitute.

  I didn’t want mesmerizing rhymes sung by the matron; in order to sleep,

  The monotonous cacophony of vehicular traffic would prove to be an adept


  I didn’t want flamboyant cars to traverse the Grey carpet of roads,

  The non-polluting; multiple spiked bicycle would help me maintain

  my circulation of blood.

  I didn’t want the silken floss of brush; to scrub the armory of my teeth,

  Serrated sticks of medicinal neem; would render my palette with a ravishing

  scent all sunlit day.

  I didn’t want swim in the luxuriously sculptured; glistening water pool,

  Instead I wanted to feel the exhilaration while trespassing through choppy waves

  of the saline ocean.

  I didn’t want to consume pasteurized milk; juxtaposed with flavored nuts,

  Fresh droplets of milk oozing from the teats of mother cow; was the one indispensable for my bones.

  I didn’t want to be exorbitantly applauded by scores of innocuous individuals;

  Benevolent  prayers; from within deep recesses of their heart would be

  enough to make me ecstatic.

  I didn’t want artificial contrivance's to illuminate the atmosphere,

  The dazzling light of sun; and enchanting beams of moon were fathomless to


  I didn’t want appetizing dishes of roasted almonds; with a slurry of processed


  Bountiful fruits dangling from the tree; and a plethora of succulent vegetable

  leaf would annihilate all indigestion.

  I didn’t want the luminous dial of imported watch; wound tautly against my


  The varied positions of sun god and changing patterns of light would give me an

  excellent idea of time.

  I didn’t want battalion of flowers to be laid for my reception,

  An ambience bereft dust and debris; evacuated of wild thorn would be the

  enough to express gratitude.

  I didn’t want fat bundles of currency; with you dressed in ostentatious jewelry

  as my bride,

  A rustically polished face; with a cluster of inexpensive flower in your hair;

  would pacify my heart,

  As I would outrageously cry out in public and say "I just want your perpetual love" .








  The moon in the sky was obliterated by a cluster of ashen Grey clouds,

  While the moon standing before me; was as immaculate as freshly extracted milk.

  The moon in the sky possessed disdainful blotches of dispersed powder,

  While the moon standing abreast my heart; was bereft of even a solitary spot

  of dirt on its body.

  The moon in the sky was often invaded by a fleet of alien spaceships,

  While the moon I held in close proximity; was obsessively mine.

  The moon in the sky bestowed its tenacious radiance only in nocturnal hours

  of the night,

  While the moon caressing my lips; shone brilliantly all sweltering day; as well

  as in perpetual dark.

  The moon in the sky was often overshadowed by flaming rays of the  sun,

  While the moon lying down on my toes; stood prominently as the lone survivor

  amidst infinite contestants of beauty.

  The moon in the sky offered partial relief from the monotonous heat prevailing

  in the air,

  While the moon smiling parallel to my eyes; pacified all turbulence that arose in my body.

  The moon in the sky changed its shape with the unleashing hour,

  While the moon whispering in my intricate ear; harbored the same silhouette for marathon numbers of years.

  The moon in the sky remained impassive as an obdurate stone; even when I cried,

  While the moon nestling beside me in the languid grass; wiped my tears with sumptuous empathy.

  The moon in the sky segregated  its love; amongst millions of people residing on the globe,

  While the moon dwelling with me in my house; loved me as much as it feared to

  abruptly die.

  The moon in the sky didn’t breathe a fraction of  air,

  While the moon staring at me in due adulation  for countless hours; breathed

  heavily down my neck.

  And did you; know that the moon in the sky was as intangible as the withered leaf;

  While the moon I possessed in entirety in my perception; was living; being the most beautiful girl on this earth





  I missed you like; the scorched deserts miss inevitable droplets of rain,
br />   I missed you like; the innocuous orphans profoundly missed their parents,

  I missed you like; the gargantuan chunks of white marble miss shine,

  I missed you like; the arid mountains miss the mesmerizing cascade of the waterfall,

  I missed you like; the wild panther in the cage misses its kingly status and growl,

  I missed you like; the glamorous woman, who misses streaks of flamboyant paint on her nails,

  I missed you like; the fortified lock which lies strangulated; missing its articulate key,

  I missed you like; the fishes imprisoned in the aquarium miss the ravishingly salty sea,

  I missed you like; the dilapidated stones lying on the street missed the honor of being incorporated in the palace,

  I missed you like; the grandiloquent fountain pen missing its ink,

  I missed you like; the mother who misses her children when they depart for school,

  I missed you like; the leaves of the tree which thoroughly miss exuberant draughts of breeze,

  I missed you like; the silver sands of beach miss a battalion of crabs,

  I missed you like; the exhausted intestine misses reinvigorating water,

  I missed you like; the blotted patches of thunderous sky miss the twinkling stars,

  I missed you like; the crippled man misses his strong feet,

  I missed you like; the tallest summit of the mountain misses the obstreperous

  sounds on the earth,

  I missed you like; the spider crawling wildly on the ground misses its web,

  I missed you like; the criminals held captive in dingy cells miss their homes,

  I missed you like; the penguins wading through frozen ice miss holistic sunshine,

  I missed you like; the drunkard in the disdainful hospital misses voluptuous wine,

  I missed you like; the fractured bone misses its strength to audaciously fight,

  I missed you like; the blind man traversing on the crowded streets misses his eyes,

  I missed you like; the bereaved wife misses her husband,

  I missed you like; the bird lying injured on the debris misses its buoyant wings,

  I missed you like; those afflicted with cancer miss the zest for robust life,

  I missed you like; the dismally old miss their resplendent youth,

  I missed you like; the once exorbitantly affluent misses all his wealth,

  I missed you like; dead body of a person missed indispensable breath,

  I missed you like; tbe omnipotent god in heaven misses earth,

  Please come back to me; forgiving me for my inadvertently committed misdeeds,

  As I can't exist without you; I really miss you .



  If I was a blind man; with indispensable jewels in my eye gruesomely scarred,

  With a colossal island of darkness besieging me in entirety; prompting me to grope like an imbecile animal on the crowded street,

  I would recognize you in millions; by the cadence of your mesmerizing voice.

  If I was born stone deaf; unable to decipher the most thunderous of sound,

  Sitting unperturbed with tranquil ease; even after witnessing the vociferous roar

  of a shattering earthquake,

  I would recognize you in millions; by your articulately molded features; and your celestial smile.

  If I was existing as perpetually dumb; deprived of the ability to produce sound,

  Grant stupendous impetus to words; converting them into eloquent speech,

  I would recognize you in millions; by the astoundingly striking honey brown

  pigments in your eye.

  If I was disdainfully crippled; traversing through the scraggy streets; resting entirely on my angular hands,

  Unable to stand vertically on my mutilated feet; scrutinizing the gargantuan building

  kneeling low towards the earth,

  I would recognize you in millions; by the shape of your mystically carved dainty feet.

  If I was born squint eyed; with intricate arenas of my face appearing comically


  Sighting a single person as twins; being beaten up on infinite an occasion by apathetic individuals,

  I would recognize you in millions; by the softness and tenderness of your ravishing hair.

  If I had a mask camouflaging my face; obliterating my sight even from the

  faintest traces of light,

  With gigantic plugs of cotton stuffed uncouthly in my ears; rendering me worse than being deaf or blind,

  I would still recognize you in millions; by the fragrance of your enchanting body.

  And If I was wholesomely intact; with all parts of my demeanor functioning to bountiful capacity,

  Several gallons of blood circulating boisterously through my finely chiseled veins,

  I would recognize you in millions; as my heart would beat turbulently the instant I passed you. 


  I had dirt imprisoned in my nails; which seemed all the more abashing when I stood in the limelight; confronting public,

  I had scores of dandruff imprisoned in my scalp; prompting me to inevitably scratch;

  although it blended strikingly with my black coat,

  I had tumultuous strength imprisoned in my clenched fists; having stupendous power

  to decimate impostors swindling the innocent,

  I had eloquence imprisoned in my throat; which made me chant melodious

  rhymes of synchronized music,

  I had tenacity imprisoned in my emphatic eyes; which possessed the prowess to

  melt the supremely intransigent,

  I had a frivolous smile imprisoned in my luscious lips; which seemed all the more profound; when I encountered ravishing beauty,

  I had a jugglery of obdurate muscle imprisoned in my legs; enabling me to traverse long distance in acerbic sun; bereft of a vehicle,


  I had millions of hair imprisoned in my skin; cushioning me from uncouth blows of the society,

  I had salubrious blood imprisoned in my intricate veins; instilling in me the strength to sustain life,

  I had a crimson pink tongue imprisoned in my mouth; granting me the

  indispensable ability of speech,

  I had a bulky wallet imprisoned in my trouser pocket; making me feel despicable;

  when I stripped it of its currency,

  I had a flamboyant horse imprisoned in my stables; on which I used to sit and gallivant through the mountains,

  I had infinite lines imprisoned at the back of my palm; which audaciously portrayed

  my destiny to unleash,

  I had unfathomable cells imprisoned in my finely chiseled brain; blessing me with the capacity to decode the most baffling of enigmas,

  I had golden droplets of sweat imprisoned in my armpits; inundating the placid surroundings with unbearable stench,

  I had tones of air imprisoned in my inflated lungs; which made me breathe; relish every unveiling second of life,

  I had yellow enamel imprisoning my teeth; making it impossible for me to smile,

  I had nostalgic memories imprisoned in my subconscious mind; as I ruefully reminisced all those moments when I was young,

  And most importantly; superseding all things; I had her love imprisoned in my heart;

  which bestowed upon me the impetus to blissfully live; fight for justice in this nonchalant world .




  When I was studying incessantly; trying to decode enigmatic problems of intricate arithmetic,

  Concentrating onerously; putting in my stupendous best to appear in the examination,

  I wistfully wished that time should whistle past; as fast as the aircraft flying in the air;

  and there were blissful holidays once again.


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