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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

Page 4

by V. Domino

  “Would you mind staying a few hours with Frank tonight?” I ask him but every word out of my mouth hurts. I’ve never spent Christmas without him. I know it’s just a few hours and after that, we will still have a night of watching crappy Christmas movies but it doesn’t pain me any less.

  He frowns, asking what is the reason for it being this way.

  “Elio invited me to dinner with his family and I just can’t refuse. But after that, we’re going to come home and hang out with you,” I assure him.

  Aiden pouts at Elio’s name. He still doesn’t have any warm feelings toward him and barely ever acknowledges him. Nevertheless, he nods and goes back to being lost in his own little world. Sometimes I wish he could let me in on what is going on in that head of his. It must be a really colorful place since he prefers to be in it more than in the real world.

  When we are almost home though he pulls my arm and runs in front of me. I stand still at once, confused. Then I squat to match his height. He’s really small for his age but hopefully, that’s one thing he takes after our father and grows up to be as tall as him one day. He still looks like him with that hair and his eyes but thankfully I rarely ever acknowledge our parent when I look at him. Aiden is better than that. Better than any of our parents ever were.

  “What’s up buddy?”

  He hesitates, probably debating whether he really needs to say it or maybe it’s not that important. But from my experience, if he feels like talking it’s always something I should take to heart.

  I smile.

  “Are you planning a family with him?”

  My first instinct is to laugh because that’s extremely ridiculous. We barely can be considered a real couple, not to mention us ever becoming a family. However, Aiden seems serious as he awaits my answer. I know why he wants to know that and once again it breaks my heart to think that he could ever think of such an awful thing.

  I grab his hands and kiss them both, holding close to me. “You’re my number one man no matter what. I’d never make such a decision without knowing what you think. Nor would I ever give you up. There’s just no way. You’re mine, Aiden.”

  I can feel my cheeks getting wet as the tears escape my eyes.

  He wipes them immediately then hides in my arms, holding on tight. He’s not an emotional person but ever since I can remember he loves cuddling. He seeks affection whenever we’re alone. Especially when we watch movies or read books together. Those are my most cherished moments.

  The Contes live in a townhouse that quite frankly is the only one standing out with having close to no decorations but it doesn’t surprise me since Elio mentioned it many times that his parents do things for the sake of appearances and since there are to be only a few people here tonight, it must have seemed for them as a stupid thing to try to show off. They have no one to show off to.

  Their house is big but not massive with a modern look to it. It’d look nice if it didn’t give me the feeling of being cold and impersonal. Nothing that even slightly could make me think that a happy family lives here.

  Sure, it might be my prejudice but to be completely honest that’s the same thought I had the first time I came to Elio’s apartment. I might not have much money or the most expensive things lying around for people to admire but I did whatever possible to make my place home.

  Elio’s mother opens the doors for us with a huge smile. She immediately hugs her son but he barely returns the gesture, a frown crossing his face. I nudge him to react and he only moves to pat her back before pushing away.

  I roll my eyes. His unwillingness to show any affection to the woman who birthed him is stupid. He doesn’t lose anything by actually being a decent human being to her. I realize it’s not my place to make Elio be someone he isn’t willing to be, however, no matter how bad his mother is, at least she’s still trying. She’s still here.

  I wasn’t worth even that much to my mother. Or my father.

  We step inside and my eyes are immediately drawn to the wide, bright hall with thousands of fairy lights wrapped on the black round railings and a Christmas tree to the left of the stairs. Ahhh maybe they actually care about the holidays to some extent.

  The walls are beige and the floor white marble. There’s a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling that makes this place seem even bigger. I’d never have thought that this house can look like that just by gazing at the outside. I know that as a Capodecina for Las Vegas Famiglia, Gastone Conte must earn pretty good money but Elio always makes it seem like they don’t have any at the end of the day. Now I’m wondering what is the actual truth. Because standing in this house in my dark green dress on thick straps and reaching just above my knees which I bought in Target on sale a month ago, I’m feeling even cheaper.

  “Savannah,” Elio’s mother turns towards me, reaching with her hands to hug me. I wasn’t expecting such a warm welcome from her with her husband probably in one of the rooms. Nonetheless, I let her hug me. “It’s so nice to finally officially meet you. You look beautiful.”

  I smile shyly before taking in her outfit. A long black dress with long sleeves that shines with little diamond-like details here and there. This matched with gold jewelry looks stunning. Even though it’s not my style or in my budget surely. She has a full face of make-up perfectly set with deep red lipstick completing the look. Her dark hair braided into a high bun must have taken a hell of a time to create.

  “It’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for the invitation,” I say.

  “You’re very welcome. We are all happy to regale you.”

  That stinks of a big, fat lie from miles and miles away. As if I have no idea how things are. Yet I simply nod, not wanting to be rude. It’s not her fault that her husband and one of the sons are bad and cruel men.

  I feel Elio’s hand on the small of my back, slightly directing me towards the dining room. He lowers his head and I can hear and feel his breath on my neck. “Are you alright? You’re shivering,” he whispers in my ear.

  I look down at my hands and finally see that he is in fact right. They are trembling and cold sweat covers my body. I am scared of facing his family and sitting down with them, pretending like everything is great. Would they even pretend though? Or would I just hear all the nasty comments thrown my way before I can even take my place at the table?

  My throat is dry as I slowly nod my head. I’m not alright but Elio doesn’t need that kind of worry right now, however, his eyes tell me that he doesn’t believe it. I’m not a good actress so I shouldn’t be surprised, though.

  As we appear in the threshold, my heart literally stops. There are more people that I thought there would be. Right by the windows, Elio’s father is talking to Coluccio Guerra who I remember very well as he approached us that time in Ecstasy. A little further to my right there are three young girls who look pretty similar to one another. Long dark hair and big shiny eyes; dressed in modest but surely expensive gold and silver dresses. A few women indulge in a conversation with Elio’s mother just behind them. Then in the far corner of the room, Fabro sits in the armchair, his eyes boring into me and the frown on his face deepens when I send him a shy half-smile. It’s a normal thing for me when I don’t want to get under anyone’s skin. And Elio’s twin always looks like he hates women. As if he is about to stir the drama before watching it explode. I don’t want to be the one to make him want to start anything.

  Everyone stops talking the moment they feel the presence of someone else in the room. It’s almost as if they’re responsive to any outsider stepping through their array even if just for one night. I’m nowhere near being interested to do it more often. This one time is going to be enough for the next few years.

  I hold my breath.

  Quickly they go back to their own conversations.

  “They won’t say anything to you, Savannah. You’re safe,” Elio says, making small circles with his finger on my wrist that he’s gently holding in his big hand.

  He was right. Surprisingly, the dinner goes sm
oothly. I am quiet and only ever add something if one of the three girls, who I found out were Coluccio’s daughters, ask me for my opinion on something. They mostly talk among themselves about animals. Something I haven’t expected. With one look at them, I was certain they’d be one of those girly girls. However, not once do I hear anything about clothes, shoes, makeup or anything else from them. And they even make sure to acknowledge me as the only ones in the room.

  None of us interferes in the conversations between others. They make sure not to talk about mafia business since I am there but rather their personal lives. Nothing of any importance to me.

  Not that mafia stuff would keep me interested, either.

  The less I know, the better.

  Elio sometimes puts in his two cents. Usually when Coluccio asks him for it. He’s the only man who either doesn’t recognize the tension throughout the dinner or ignores it completely. I’d like to believe the latter since he doesn’t seem that bad of a person as far as his personality is concerned. He likes talking. That much is obvious.

  I take a sip of water and look at the clock. It was already two hours later and none of the people sitting at the table seems to move an inch to even indicate that they would soon be going to this banquet that Elio mentioned to me before. I want to go back home to Aiden and spend the rest of the night without this stupid anxiety creeping in on me.

  I wonder what he is up to. Probably having more fun watching documentaries with Frank than I’m having here. I grab my bag and quietly push back my chair.

  “Excuse me,” I whisper but other than Elio and his mother, no one cares as I leave the room with the intention of calling to check on Aiden. It isn’t necessary but it is my excuse to leave even if just for a few minutes.

  I turn the corner into the hallway behind the stairs. There’re a few doors on both sides but thankfully the one that I am looking for is slightly ajar. Bathroom. Once I am inside and feel cold tiles against my back, I release a harsh breath. My heart picks up its pace when I’m looking through my contacts for Frank’s number.

  Suddenly, the doors fly open, making me squeal and jump to the other side of the restroom, dropping my bag and my phone. To think that with all those predators under the same roof, I’d make sure to stay safe and close the goddamn door.

  No… Why would I?

  “Relax, it’s just me,” I chuckle seeing the terrified expression on Savannah’s face. As if I’d ever let anything happen to her. She’s mine. She’s safe.

  I walk in the bathroom and turn the knob, locking the doors. We left a few things unfinished and it’s been on my mind ever since I saw her wearing this damn dress. Even though I love seeing Savannah in it, I can’t wait to tear it from her and see how great it looks laying on the floor while she’s gloriously naked in my arms.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, her cheeks turning red.

  Fuck… I love that she’s barely wearing any makeup and still looks better than any girl I’ve ever met. I’m still able to see her light freckles on her nose and the heat that flashes on her face from embarrassment or shyness. She’s real. Always.

  Without hesitation I close the space between us, crashing my lips on hers. I tower over her as she clearly tries to keep herself steady on her tiptoes. With her being short it’s a struggle. I run my hands from her neck down through her waist and pick her up effortlessly but don’t break the kiss. Her legs tighten around my hips, her warm pussy rubbing against my growing hard-on.

  I groan into her mouth, deepening the kiss. Our tongues are fighting for dominance yet I’m not going to let her take over. I’m in charge and letting her lead happens only once in a while. Not that she minds because she’s so obviously more confident in her moves when I am dominating.

  “Have you been wet for me all that time, baby girl?” I whisper, setting her on the washbasin. My hand closes around her throat slightly, the other pulling her panties up, teasing her pussy.

  She nods and moans, biting her lips.

  I tighten my hold. “You know I need words. Use them, Savannah,” I say. “Has your cunt been soaking wet ever since we came here?” I repeat the question.

  “Yes.” Savannah chokes on air. I’m not restricting her breath and I rarely do that knowing that she doesn’t have a good experience with being manhandled most of her life. I love dominating, but it’s all about giving her power and confidence. Not making her lose it.

  I cup her breast through her dress, feeling her nipples puckering against it. She isn’t wearing any bra and somehow this knowledge is the last straw for me. I unzip her dress and pull it through her head, throwing it on the floor just like I intended before. She arches exposing her perfect body more. Seeing her just in her black lacy panties is a sight to behold.

  “What do you want?”

  She doesn’t answer, watching me unzipping my pants. My cock is so fucking hard and pulsating against my boxers. Soon I’m standing in front of her, pumping it and looking at Savannah, waiting for her to say something. I know what I want. And she knows exactly what she wants. But I need those fucking perfect plump lips to move and say those words.

  She reaches for me, drawing me closer by my neck. I am not showing any restraint. I don’t even give a single fuck that we’re at my parents’ house and that we left the table just like that. I couldn’t care less what all those fuckers think. All I want is to fuck Savannah hard so that they can even all hear what only I can do to her.

  “I want you inside me,” she finally says, planting a single kiss on my lips.

  Thank God she doesn’t even think of where we are. I’m not to lose time on making her get out of her own head full of those ridiculous fears she planted there herself.

  Pushing her panties aside, I rub the tip over her opening. Then I slip in more and more, watching Savannah’s face. She’s so tight that every time a streak of pain jolts through her expression. Thankfully a second later it changes to pure pleasure as I fill her completely. She embraces me, digging her nails into my back through my shirt. I’d take it off to add some scratch marks to the collection but I can’t be bothered tonight.

  With rough moves, I start thrusting into her. “You feel so fucking good.”

  She moans, opening her legs even wider to give me better access. I’m rarely gentle now and Savannah loves it. She’s giving herself to me fully, letting me do whatever the fuck I want. And if that isn’t making me love her more, I don’t know what would.

  My hands grab her hips as each of my thrusts is getting her more unstable. Her brain completely shuts down and her eyes close.

  “Look at me, baby girl,” I bite down on her lip making her meet my eyes. Her beautiful deep blue eyes. They’re full of trust and pleasure. The sounds escaping her lips fucking amazing melody that I can never get enough of.

  Our heavy breaths mix together creating a sex-filled atmosphere which wouldn’t be able to be covered up once we go back to all those useless people in the dining room.

  My orgasm jolts through my body as I come inside her pussy just when Savannah has come, too. I pull out of her but before I step back, I take her face in my hands, stroking her cheeks lightly. Our eyes are locked.

  “It’s stupid,” she says.

  “What is?”

  She covers my palm with hers and smiles. “That you’re the person I can picture my future with. Even if this is as far as we can go.” She gestures between us.

  I want to tell her that it isn’t true. But I’d lie and she is the only person I would never do that to. We might omit certain topics, however, we never lie to each other.

  I kiss her, not able to answer her with anything that could even be considered somewhat suitable for the moment.

  “Let’s go home,”

  Savannah frowns. “But they still haven’t left for the banquet.”

  “I don’t fucking care. I want to be with you more than I’ll ever want to spend another minute with them.”

  Things get better later that night when we finally drive back
to my apartment. Even though it’s nine in the evening and Aiden should be slowly preparing to go to sleep, Christmas is the only time I overlook that rule and we sit together in the living room for as long as he can stay awake. All three of us play a few card games. Elio even teaches my brother how to play poker which for the first time makes Aiden interested and his reluctance to spend time with the man vanishes into thin air.

  I don’t feel like playing with them and only watch the two, Aiden absorbing every word Elio says. There’s something I never thought I’d see. But it makes me smile to see them getting along.

  My two most important people.

  Elio seemed determined to get me out of his parents’ house after what we did in the bathroom. Which was perfect because the moment I stepped out of there, I could read the judgment on their faces. They knew what we were up to and before I hadn't realized that they could hear. Apparently, they could. And even if they hadn’t, we were gone for a while so it wasn’t hard to figure out why.

  Could I be more stupid? His family didn’t have the best opinion about me as it was, yet I made it my mission to ruin it completely.

  However, for some reason I don’t care as much I think I should. Maybe that is Elio’s character impacting me. Spending so much time with him must have had long term consequences. One of them is caring less about what others think.

  I press the cup of hot cocoa to my chest, leaning against the threshold that connects the kitchen with the living room. That is exactly what I like. This kind of time when I can focus on the people I love and nothing else matters.

  Elio, feeling my eyes on them, turns his head to the left. His eyes meet mine and he smiles at me. The satisfaction written all over his face. I guess he didn’t expect Aiden to behave like this either. He still isn’t willing to talk but with his black eyes concentrated on every move Elio makes is an achievement nonetheless. With the question that I heard from Aiden before, it’s also perfect for him to see that no matter what the future holds, he’s an important part of my life. One that Elio fully accepts.


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