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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

Page 25

by V. Domino

"Thank you, Victor." Alessandro held out his hand to my father. "I will be in touch soon."

  My father turns and kisses me on my cheek. "Movers will be here later today to pack everything up."

  "What?" Gripping my father's arem tighter I try to plead with him. "Please papa, you can't expect me to marry a man I don't know. Mama would turn in her grave knowing you were forcing me into this union."

  "Your mother is the one who made the deal for this union. You are done with college. Alessandro waited for you. You wanted to go to college and I want my only daughter, my only child to be happy. You graduated last week. It's time to come home. Take your place as Alessandro's wife and what that entails."

  My father patted my arm. "Alessandro will bring you home later. I imagine you two have a lot to discuss."

  I watched my father and his men leave. When he closed the door I felt my apartment getting smaller and closing in on me as I find myself being stuck here with Alessandro.

  "Do you like your ring?" he asked noticing I was staring at it.

  "I imagine it was you who actually picked it out." I studied the sapphire that was nestled between two diamonds.

  "It belonged to my mother."

  I only nodded my head. It felt like my world was getting smaller and smaller.

  “Valentina,” he whispered placing a hand on my arm. “I’m sorry for the decoy boyfriends, but it was something that must have been done. You belong to me,” he placed a finger under my chin, “your virginity belongs to me.”

  His eyes were a darker green than I remembered and his dark hair was starting to curl, which meant he needed a haircut.

  “When I was a teenager I fantasized about marrying you,” I admitted.

  I saw this pleased him as a smile large enough to show off his perfectly white teeth took over his face.

  “But then I realized what a monster you were.” Taking off the ring I threw it at him and turned to run to my bed room.

  Feeling a hand grab my arm I turned ready to punch him, but he was quick, too quick for me. Grabbing my hand he brought it down to my side and pinned me against the wall.

  “Oh little dove, it’s going to be fun with you.”

  “Let go of me,” I yelled trying to free myself from his hold, which only brought his body closer to mine.

  That was a mistake, my heart was racing and I wanted him. I had a yearning in the pit of my stomach. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him to touch me.

  “Stop acting like a spoiled brat.” Letting go he stalked to the other side of the room to look out the windows.

  I watched as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. I stood there afraid to move. He was obviously stronger than I was, so I tried to plead with him.

  “Please Alessandro, why would you want to marry someone who hates you.”

  His eyes flashed to mine, dark, angry. Dammit.

  “Hate me or not you will be my wife. I will have what is mine. What is owed to me.”

  “I am not anyone’s property.” Feeling defiant I stood my feet in protest.

  “You are my property.” He stalked over to me, grabbing my left hand he forced the engagement ring back on my finger.

  “That is to never come off again.”

  Sighing I glanced past him. “Why am I owed to you?”

  “You just are.”

  “Please tell me. Maybe we can come to terms.”

  Laughing he ran a hand through his already tousled hair again. “What terms could you possibly offer me?”

  “You said you wanted my virginity. You tell me why I am owed to you and I will give you my virginity here and now.”

  Rather than agreeing with me, it seemed to piss him off even more. Placing a hand on either side of my head he leaned in close. I could feel his hot breath breathing on my face. His eyes wild with something I couldn't recognize.

  “I will take your virginity when I am good and ready and you are my wife. You will not act like a whore and offer it up like it means nothing.”

  I flinched as if he had slapped me. I can’t believe he would call me a whore.

  “I suggest you go change your fucking clothes and pack up a smaller bag of essentials that you need for a couple of days. We leave in fifteen minutes.”

  He turned and stalked back to my living room windows. She knew she wasn't going to get through to him now and Valentina knew she would have to do as she was asked even if it was the last thing she wanted to do.

  I waited until I heard her bedroom door close before pulling out my phone.

  “Hello,” Robert answered on the first ring.

  “I’m with Valentina now, she knows the truth.”

  “How did she take it?” He wanted to know.

  “Not well, she thinks she is in love with you.” he spat with vengeance in his voice. Alessandro knew to expect Valentina to have feelings after all this time for Robert but he would be damned if he liked it.

  “Oh, man, I am sorry Alessandro. I tried to stay close but not too close.” Alessandro smiled pleased to hear the panic in Robert's voice as he begged for forgiveness.

  “If you contact my fiancé again I will have you killed, do you understand me? You were supposed to woo her and keep her attention not, make her fucking fall in love with you.”

  “I am sorry. Please, Alessandro, I never meant for this to.” Robert began speaking quickly trying to plead with his boss. "I would never defy you in any way."

  “She will try to call you, if you answer you are dead.” With that I hung up my phone and sent a text to my right hand to have Robert closely watched and calls and texts monitored until I stated otherwise.

  I had known Valentina had loved me as a teenager, she couldn’t take her eyes off of me. I had loved the attention knowing someday she would be my wife. I remember how she used to blush when I would call her little dove. Smiling at the memory of the flush that would cover her face and cheeks when I would use that endearment.

  She was my property. She belonged to me, she had always been mine. Yes, she was owed to me. A debt her father owed my father. This would tie two of the largest mafia families together. We would be unstoppable.

  Did I love Valentina? No. But she would make a great wife and in time she would do what I told her to. And fuck it will be nice to take her virginity from her. Christmas was seven days away. We would wed at midnight on Christmas, a request of her father. Not long after that I would claim her thoroughly.

  Hearing her bedroom door open I turned towards her. She was gorgeous. Her long, thick black hair reached mid-back. I couldn’t wait to grab a handful of it as I fucked her from behind. Or better yet while she sucked my cock. She had long legs I couldn’t wait to wrap around me. And her eyes were so dark, yet very readable. The white of her dress offset her olive complexion and her tall black boots with heels only made me want her naked wearing only them.

  “Our car is waiting downstairs.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To your new home.” I grabbed her overnight bag and suitcase and led the way out of her apartment. I waited patiently as she grabbed a large black purse and locked up.

  “I figured I would stay with my father until the wedding. When is the wedding?”

  “I need your apartment key,” I told her as Bruno, one of my men met us at the elevator.

  Handing it over to him I instructed, “All of her belongings will be delivered to the main house. The movers will be here at noon. Make sure they don’t fuck up.”

  “Yes sir,” Bruno stated going to the apartment.

  “When is the wedding?” Valentina asked again.

  “Midnight on Christmas.”

  “Oh,” turning to her I noticed she had tears in her eyes.

  “What is it? Something wrong with that? It was your father’s request.”

  “No, nothing wrong with it.” She murmured as the elevator doors opened to the first level.

  She said nothing more as she stepped out into the lobby.

  Once we were in the car I told the
driver to take us home. “What upset you?” My voice was demanding and, damn, I hated myself for it.

  “My parents were married at midnight on Christmas.” Her smile was soft and sad.

  “I’m sorry about your loss. Your mother was amazing.”

  “Yes, yes she really was.”

  Watching her a moment I wanted to say more, I wanted to comfort her, but then my phone rung.

  “What?” I answered.

  “Victor wanted me to follow up with you to see if things had gone okay with Valentina.”

  “Yes, we are headed to the house now.”

  “I will let him know.”

  With that the man hung up the phone. I expected Valentina to ask what that was about, but when I turned to her she had placed ear buds in her ears and was staring out her window.

  It was going to be a long week to convince her that this was the right thing to do. The only thing to do.

  Staring out my window in amazement as the car stopped in front of a large dark brick home. It was three stories high with balconies off the second and third levels.

  “Who lives here?” I wondered mostly to myself. I didn’t expect an answer.

  “You and I will have the first two levels of the house. The third level is off limits.”


  “Because I said so,” he laughed getting out of the vehicle.

  It wasn’t a playful laugh, but a laugh that stated he was in control and I needed to shut up and listen to him. He had a lot coming. I did not take orders easily. Ask my father.

  Inside the house it seemed even bigger. The ceilings were endless and the sitting room to the right was huge. It could host fifty people comfortably with a large fireplace.

  “I will show you to your rooms.”

  Following him up the staircase that curved in a slight circular motion I tried to take in everything. The colors were rustic browns and creams, a very earthy tone feel to the place. And definitely not what I expected. At the top of the staircase we turned left and went to the end of the hall then made another left.

  “These will be your temporarily rooms,” following Alessandro inside to a sitting area I was in awe. I had my very own living room. “This door leads to your bedroom and adjoining bathroom. I am sure you will find your rooms accommodating. If you need anything please let me know."

  “Wait-“ I stopped him before he could exit. “Where are your rooms?”

  “You will see them soon enough.” He promised. “Be ready at seven sharp, wear a nice dinner gown.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Can you ever take a fucking order without a question?”

  Crossing my arms defensively and raising my chin I said, “No,”

  “Be ready at seven.”

  With that he slammed my door and left me alone. A moment later a man brought in my luggage and quickly left.

  I might as well make myself useful and unpack I decided going into the adjoining bedroom which was large. There was a king size bed on one wall with nightstands on either side. A large sliding glass door led out onto the balcony. The view was absolutely beautiful. The sun was up and bright and shining, the tress covered in snow.

  I wish I felt as happy as the sun looked right now. Instead I was anxious and sad. I didn’t want to marry a man who looked at me like a piece of property. I wanted a man like Robert, or who Robert pretended to be with me.

  I wanted someone who truly loved me and wanted more than just my virginity and to own me. Alessandro seemed cold and distant. He would probably use me for what he needed in the bedroom and then leave me be. Which in the end I guess could work to my benefit.

  I had gotten my degree in photography. It was my dream to take pictures. I had clients already lined up. I had taken some gorgeous Christmas pictures to add to my portfolio. Maybe this marriage could be beneficial to me. But still I yearned for a love like my parents had.

  Maybe someday.

  For now I knew there was no point in fighting this arrangement. I knew Alessandro would win. And quiet honestly I couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel for him to ravage me and take my virginity. This was something I wanted for a long time from him and now it was possible.

  A quarter to seven I made my way downstairs. I didn’t want to be late. I had decided to wear a gown I had gifted myself a few months back, but never had an occasion to wear until now.

  It was a bright red fitted gown with a slit up both sides stopping just below my hip. The back was also low with silver straps swaying side to side across my lower back to hold the dress together. It was strapless so I decided on a white coat to wear with it. My heels were red with the heels silver to match the back of my dress. My clutch was silver, I decided red would be too much. I had left my jewelry simple, wearing only my engagement ring knowing it would make a statement itself.

  Reaching the bottom of the steps I realized I wasn’t sure where to meet Alessandro, but I heard people talking to my left which was the large sitting room I had seen earlier. Stepping into the room I immediately felt uncomfortable as everyone hushed to gawk at me.

  I watched Alessandro pause with his glass of a dark liquor before taking a drink. His eyes trailed over my body which sent a warm tingling feeling straight to my core. Maybe I was over dressed. But glancing around the room I noticed two other men besides Alessandro and they were all dressed in suits and ties. And two women who were sitting on one of the couches talking. They were also dressed in evening gowns. Maybe the hush was because I was new, I was a piece of property for them all to gawk at.

  “Just in time,” Alessandro crossed the room to me. “You look dazzling.” He told me with a husky tone to his voice.

  “Thank you.” his compliment took me off guard and I felt my heart rate increase in anticipation.

  “You won’t need this tonight.” He took the jacket out of my arms and passed it to someone passing with a tray of appetizers. “Come on, let me introduce you.”

  I interlaced my arm with his and allowed him to lead me into the room.

  “This is my fiancé, Valentina,” He announced to the room as he turned to beam at me.

  In that moment he looked happy and excited to announce that I was his fiancé.

  “Valentina these are close friends of ours, Mark and his wife Lucinda.” He gestured to one of the couples. “And this guy here has been my best friend since childhood, Antonio and his wife, Veronica.”

  “Nice to meet you all.” I smiled at them. The men seemed pleasant, but I could tell the woman were sizing me up.

  “Dinner is ready,” someone called from the doorway.

  “Shall we?” Alessandro led us out of the room and into a large dining room.

  Again this room was done in rustic earthy tones. The table was large enough to sit twelve people and a deep mahogany color. Alessandro helped me sit in the seat to the right of the head of the table before he took his seat. He looked like a man in charge of the world sitting at the helm. He glanced at me and smiled sweetly.

  “I had the chef make all of your favorites tonight in celebration,” he told me as a young woman began filling our wine glasses.

  “Thank you,” I murmured my mouth going dry. How did he know my favorites and why was he being so sweet?

  “I have to say we were a little surprised to be invited tonight to meet your fiancé,” Veronica spoke as she started taking a sip of her wine. Her red hair was pinned back in a fancy French twist. Her makeup wasn’t subtle, she made a statement with her cat eyes and dark lashes. She was very beautiful. Both women were.

  “Yes, it is surprising,” Lucinda agreed with her blonde hair left down pulled over one shoulder with a gold clasp holding it in place. Her makeup was subtle.

  “And then we get here to find out you are getting married.” Mark laughed. “I never thought this day would come.” He lifted his glass in a toast before drinking it.

  “Neither did I,” Veronica agreed. “You were just dating Sasha, we all assumed you would marry her. I mean
you were together for nearly two years.” Veronica pointed out.

  Ouch. I glanced at Alessandro whose expression was unreadable. “While she was fun in the bedroom that was the extent of it.” Considering the matter closed he drained his whiskey and signaled for another.

  “Yes, but you two were just together two weeks ago. She had even said how she saw an engagement ring in your office one day.” Veronica stressed.

  “Are you pregnant?” Lucinda wanted to know.

  I almost chocked on my wine, “No,” I laughed. “I’m not.”

  “Something just doesn’t add up, Alessandro,” Veronica pressured. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  He had a girlfriend he had been with two weeks ago? I guess I didn’t expect him to remain single and wait on me as well. But so close together. What was really between him and Sasha?

  “Ronnie,” Mark warned his wife.

  “I’m sorry Mark, but you know I can’t keep hush about certain matters. We really loved Sasha and I feel like you are being dirty to do her this way.”

  “Sasha knows our arrangement,” Alessandro stated.

  Arrangement? What did that mean? Was he still going to see her?

  Alessandro watched me a moment before speaking. “Sasha will always have a place in my life. She knows this. Her and I have an understanding.”

  I felt my face flush with fury. He was going to have a wife and a whore on the side? Has he no consideration for my feelings on this matter?

  “Oh that’s great. So we can still be friends with Sasha.” Veronica exclaimed bouncing in her seat. “We really do love her.”

  “Well seeing as Alessandro and I aren’t married yet perhaps there is still a chance for the two of them?” I threw my napkin on the table.

  I felt Alessandro’s eyes on me but I refused to make eye contact.

  “What do you mean?” Lucinda leaned forward.

  “This is all an arrangement. Alessandro doesn’t want to marry me anymore than I want to marry him. This is something our father’s arranged many years ago.” I stood. “If you will excuse me,”

  As I went to step away Alessandro’s grabbed my arm.

  “I believe I need a few minutes with my fiancé. Please enjoy dinner, we will be right back.” With that Alessandro led me out of the dining room and into a smaller room attached.


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