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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

Page 29

by V. Domino

  My little warrior growls, “You said you wouldn't stop.”

  Rubbing her bottom, I bite my lip and wink, “I’m not stopping. I’m about to give you more.”

  The clink of my belt has her eyes widening before a hungry smile spreads across her beautiful face.

  Taking myself out, I rub my tip along her wet slit and hiss at the slick heat. I’m not even inside her and she already feels like the headiest drug.

  Her arm shoots out, grabbing my shirt and bringing me toward her, our faces coming within a breath of each other. “Don’t tease me, boss. I need you, now.”

  My chest tightens and that warm sensation is back. Like a missile seeking its target, my cock obeys, impaling itself into her sweet walls in one swift thrust.

  A guttural roar escapes us, and I could give two shits if the staff or my men hear us. Never in all my years have I experienced a sensation like this. No other woman or drug could compare. In this moment, I know I’d start and win a war for this woman. I’d tear down and destroy anyone who ever threatened whatever it is we have here. She is mine and there’s not a goddamned soul on this earth that could change that.

  A hand flies up to her long brown hair, wrapping several times around the wavy locks and pulling. The long column of her neck is exposed and I see the blue and purple mark I left there earlier. A sense of pride fills me, making my thrusting intensify. I push in and out of her relentlessly as she writhes below me, her wicked mouth spilling all sorts of unintelligible words.

  “Si, damelo. Asi. Asi.”

  God, she’s so damn sexy. Grabbing her by the waist, I slow my pace to a torturing tease and she gives me one of those delicious whimpers I love so much. “One thing, little warrior. You come when I say you come.”

  Her brow raises as she bites her bottom lip. “Is that so?” Lifting herself up to sitting, she releases me from her core.

  Pushing me back down onto the chair, she places one leg on either side of me as she lowers herself onto my bobbing cock. As soon as I’m back home, we both groan in pleasure. Sweet ecstasy.

  “I accept the challenge.” She whispers against my mouth before sucking in my bottom lip and biting.

  “Little one, you’ll be the death of me.” I grip her waist and pull her into me, finding a rhythm that’s a music all our own.

  We’re from two different worlds, but right now we only have one language, and fuck if I can’t spend the rest of my life speaking it.

  Her walls begin to contract around me, milking me with every squeeze. My god, a tingling begins at the base of my spine and I feel it all the way to the tip of my head. Her little hand sneaks behind her back, gripping on to my balls and squeezing. Fuuuuuuuuck. That little push throws me spiraling into the most intense climax I’ve ever had.

  Gripping on to each other for dear life, our eyes lock and we know. We damn well know that no one else has or ever will compare.

  Our foreheads touch as the shock waves of our climax wash through us. Our bodies are a tangle of sex and sweat, shuddering in each other’s arms as we come down from a high unlike any other.

  Closing my eyes, I take in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

  Being cold and indifferent was something that was bred into me. I have not feared a single thing my entire life. Not a single one, until today.

  This woman has the power to take my breath away, destroying me without even knowing it.

  In other words... I’m fucked.

  I toss and turn despite the extreme softness of the silk sheets and the pillowy softness of the featherbed. I’m in the most comfortable bed my body has ever experienced and I’m not getting a wink of sleep.

  After the most amazing mind blowing sex of my life, Mateo excused himself and left me on my own for the rest of the night. I mean, I get it. He’s a pretty important figure in his world, I know he felt the same things I did during our exchange of intimacy.

  Just calling it plain ol’ sex won’t do. That was other-worldly, life-altering, ground-shaking type of shit.

  I never believed in fairy tales. Not even as a little girl. I made fun of my sisters for being dumb princesses, waiting on a man to rescue them when they could be doing the rescuing themselves.

  But with him, I want it all. I want to be his damsel and I want to be his rock. I want to build him up and make him strong. I want to show him that yes, he has the power to make me bend, but like the moon and the tide, with every push there’s a pull. I’ll gladly be his moon if he’ll be my tide.

  Burying my face into the pillow, I groan, “What the hell is wrong with me?”

  I’ve never pinned over a man like this before. I pride myself in being independent, backpacking through the world on my own, living my life to the fullest and never letting a man dictate what I do or say. Yet here I am, dick-whipped after just one serving.

  I’m about to roll over when suddenly the door to my room flings open and the man occupying my thoughts comes barreling through, “Get your robe on, now!” He demands in a tone that has me scurrying of the bed and going for the silk robe Flora laid out for me.

  Before I’ve fully wrapped it around myself, his hand reaches out, latching onto my arm and dragging me into the hall.

  “What’s going on? Mateo?” I try to hide the panic from my voice, but the way he’s acting leaves me a little more than concerned.

  “The Bratva is here. I need you to stay in the safe room while I deal with them.” He still won't look at me, but I can see the tension in his jaw and the glint of fire in his eyes.

  “No. I want to fight with you. Give me a gun and I will help defend your home.”

  His eyes finally meet mine as we abruptly come to a stop. Something like pride flashes across his face before he pulls down that mask of indifference. Despite the wall of ice, his words shock me to my core.

  “It’s not the home I’m trying to protect, little warrior. It’s you.”

  Mother-fucking-swoon. My knees wobble from his admission and he has to catch me before I fall.

  “Boss, they’re past the exterior gate.” Damian looks at Mateo with so much respect that I can’t help but beam. He’s a good man. If he weren’t, his men wouldn’t be as loyal as they are.

  “Damian, I need you to show Ceci to the safe room. Stay with her and defend her with your life if you have to.”

  Pushing me toward his man, I see Damian’s eyes widen in surprise. I have to admit, I’m also shocked as hell with his demand. So what we’ve shared does mean something to him.

  I’m about to give him a piece of my mind, reminding him that I’m joining him in this battle when I realize he’s already half way down the hall and Damian is pulling me in the opposite direction. Trying to pull myself free, I yell at the top of my lungs, “Let me go! Can’t you see that he needs us?”

  Damian’s eyes go wide once more, and I’m pretty sure he’s just as shocked as I am. Who would've thought that a prisoner would be so willing and ready to defend her captor? Sure as hell not me.

  “Miss, if something happens to you, it will be my head on a pike. That’s not something I’m willing to risk.” Mateo’s second in command lifts me up with ease and throws me over his shoulder as he keeps on walking in the opposite direction of the action.

  Despite my kicking and reigning down blows onto this ogre’s back, I find myself being thrown into a small control room. The dimly lit space is equipped with surveillance for the entire grounds, including the extensive fields.

  My heart sinks as my eyes fall on the multiple televisions lining one of the walls. I can see the action unfolding before me, and what I see is not pretty.

  The Russians outnumber Mateo and his men. It would take a serious Hail Mary for him to pull this one off. It’s not that I think the Bianchi famiglia weak, it’s just rational logic.

  I fall down onto my knees and wail. “You have to let me out there, Damian. Are you fucking blind!? He’s going to get slaughtered.”

  “Miss, if my Capo dei capi asked me to take a bullet for hi
m, I would do so without hesitation. He issued an order and I plan to see it through, even if it guts me to do so.” The sadness in his eyes is palpable. I feel it too, and it gets stuck in my throat as I choke out another sob.

  Reaching a hand up on the screens, I whisper, “How can I lose you when I’ve just found you?”

  Mateo Bianchi

  Looking at the volume of men charging toward us, I know that this is where we battle to the death. Something I’d willingly do to protect the woman housed behind me.

  Even if they take us over, there’s no way they would be able to find my control room, and even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to get inside.

  “It’s time to show these assholes what the Bianchi are made of!” I rally my men, though they’re already chomping at the bit to make it rain blood.

  Even though we’re vastly outnumbered, my men make me proud. We’ve equipped our home with strategic dugouts and sniper posts, helping us even out our odds, if even just a little.

  After ten minutes of fighting from a distance, our stronghold breaks and it’s time for hand to hand combat. Leading my men into the action, we come out, guns pulled and ready.

  Our only advantage at this point is that most of their men have exhausted their ammo trying to break through our first line of defense, meanwhile our guns are loaded with several clips within reach.

  I spot Ivan Petrovic, next in line to the Bratva throne, running at me with murder in his eyes. Quickly dodging behind a pillar, I point and shoot. Hitting his arm, but not slowing him down in time.

  “Come out and fight me like a man, Mateo.” His voice taunts me as I lower myself to the ground, only peering out the opposite side of the pillar once I hear his feet shuffle toward the area I was last seen.

  I’m no fool. They may have the upper hand with numbers, but we still have our weapons. I’d be an idiot not to use every advantage at my disposal. Only a stupid child would let school yard taunting rule and obscure their logic.

  “You’re hiding because you’re a co—“Ivan is cut off mid-sentence, I’ve stopped his words with a bullet straight to head.

  Getting up from my crouched position, I head over to Ivan’s lifeless body. “No, Ivan. I didn’t hide because I’m a coward. I hid because I understand the rules of war.”

  Lifting my gaze from Ivan, I survey my men. Blood litters the floor and I’m proud to say they’re holding their own. I’m about to go join them in the melee when one by one, the Bratva start falling to the ground, their lifeless bodies piling up quicker than hyenas on dead carcasses.

  What the fuck?

  Each and every one of them has a bullet to their head, but looking around I see that our sniper is amongst the chaos and couldn’t possibly be the cause of this gift.

  As soon as the last Russian asshole drops to the ground, a booming voice comes from somewhere out in the field. “We are the men of WRATH. We’ve come for Cecilia Martinez and we intend to bring her home.”

  My blood boils and keeping my composure is the last thing I want to do, but once again I realize they have eyes on us and we still don’t know where the fuck they are. Stepping down in between my men, I bellow, “Cecilia is safe. She is one of us and I will do everything in power to protect her. If you want her, you’ll have to get through me.”

  My men, understanding what I’ve just declared, ready their weapons, and their loyalty once again warms my heart.

  A short blonde runs out from the field and I shout at my men to stand down.

  “Cassie, get the fuck back here right now!” A man shouts after her but she keeps running, dismissing him entirely.

  “My sister is in there, Ren!” The woman is close enough to where I can see the resemblance. Although she’s blonde and my little warrior is a brunette, their striking features are the same.

  “Men, put your weapons away. You will not harm this woman.” Once again, my men comply.

  As soon as the weapons are sheathed, the remainder of the men of WRATH join Cecilia’s crazy sister and who I suspect to be her man. The way he’s fuming as he reaches her tells me he’s worried about much more than just botching their rescue mission.

  “Cassie! Oh my god!”

  My head whips around and I see the other Martinez woman emerging from our home, Damian nowhere to be seen. “Cecilia, I told you to stay put! And where is Damian?”

  The man named Ren chuckles. “Welcome to the family. These women don’t listen for shit.”

  Despite the bloody scene before us, I join in his laughter and shake my head. I guess this is my new reality if I want this woman in my life. And right now, there’s no doubt in my mind that I do.

  Cecilia reaches her sister, embracing her before turning to look at me. With a shrug, she finally answers my question, “He wouldn’t let me out, so I knocked him out and came out myself.”

  I close my eyes and rub my forehead. How could my second in command be taken over so easily?

  As if knowing my thoughts, Ceci walks toward me, placing both her arms on my chest,“Don’t worry, he didn’t go down easily. I had to trick him by letting him think I’d fainted. If he weren’t worried about my safety, he would’ve never fallen for it and I would still be in that room. But I had to take the chance. I couldn’t risk my sister getting shot in a mix up from hell.”

  Letting out a sigh, I wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. “You will be the death of me, little warrior.”

  “Um, hello. We’re still here. You know, your family who came to rescue you from across the globe.” The blond beams up at us as she teases.

  Laughing into my chest, Cecilia places a soft kiss on my chest before turning in my arms toward her sister. “Cassie, Ren, the men of WRATH securities, meet Mateo Bianchi and his men. Mateo, meet my sister, her fiancé, and what looks like the entire nationwide security team.”

  Extending my hand out to Ren, I smile “Good to meet you, brother. I have to say thank you for helping us with our situation.” I tilt my head toward the bodies littering the grounds. “We weren't ready for an ambush of this size. Don’t get me wrong, we would have gone down fighting, but it is nice to be able to live through it instead.” I squeeze Ceci’s waist as she melts into me. “How about we go inside and celebrate the victory?”

  Ren whistles and does a circular motion in the air, causing his men to fall in line. “Sounds good to me. Got any whiskey?”

  THE END, for now…

  Dear reader, If you’d like to continue Mateo and Cecilia’s story, be sure to add MAGARI to your cart HERE. These two are in for a wild ride as they battle those who dare stand in the way of their love. Also, if you'd like to read more about Cassie and Ren’s story, you can find it HERE. Their story is one of five in the Men of WRATH, Forbidden Love Series. In the meantime, I’d love for you to stop by on social media and let me know what you thought of Mozzafiato. xoxo, Eleanor Aldrick

  Thanks for the inspiration stud!!!

  It was dark when I woke up and I had a very bad headache. Another thing that I noticed right away was that I was not alone. I tried to move and that’s one I realized I couldn’t. I was constrained and the faint taste of iron touched my tongue. Was I bleeding? My legs were free, but even so for the life of me I couldn’t move. Confusion swarmed me and I started to tremble, my breath heavy trying to figure out what happened and where I was. My hands were restricted. My mouth had been taped shit and my wrists were also tied in front of me. I couldn’t see anything outside of the dark tinted windows that I was near, but I knew enough to know I was traveling by car. We were moving as I could feel the wheels jerk over the small bumps in the road. But I had no idea where I was going or with whom.

  I wanted to scream. It was instinct really, but as my mouth was taped shut I could only clinch my jaw tightly. My biggest fear had started to play right in front of my eyes. You hear all the warnings about being a woman living in the city of New York. A city while beautiful, rich with history and fabulous in its own right, could be a breeding ground of danger t
o a woman like me. A woman who could easily be snatched up, thrown in a white van and taken into some crazy sex trafficking ring. My mind would always go to these scenarios where I will be taken from a random street and no one would ever see me again. Call it extreme paranoia if you will, but all those stories and shows on the ID channel existed for a reason. Besides, I was running from a past I was trying to get away from and now it seemed maybe the fear wasn’t too far off base.

  After a few moments it came back to me. I was taken from the bar I was at yesterday. I was supposed to be meeting a guy for a drink, but he never showed. I was irritated at being stood-up. I had one more drink than my usual two, but realized shortly after that I didn’t really feel like myself. It was the last drink that I had. The one drink, I hadn’t watched being made like I usually do. I made a major mistake. Bits and pieces of what had happened started to flash before my eyes. Three guys had met me in the bathroom of the bar and took me against my will.

  It was late and while feeling a bit out of a hit, I really needed to use the restroom. My bladder seemed so full and heavy, and my head was starting to pound. I only had 3 drinks. I never got drunk this quickly, but then I never felt this bad being drunk either.

  Trying to steady myself over the toilet, I pulled by tight dark blue dress up so I could handle my business when I heard the bathroom door open and close, but nothing else. No footsteps, no bathroom stall door closing, no water. Nothing. It was weird,

  “Hello? Who’s there?” I said, trying to serious, but then a giggled came out instead. Nobody answered so I shrugged, wiped, flushed the toilet and open the bathroom door stall. I went to the bathroom sink and washed my hands, humming off key. Just as I grabbed my purse, I realized there was a tall man standing in the bathroom with a long jagged scar across the right side of his face. I fumbled in my purse, fear coursing through me as I realized that this wasn’t right. I wasn’t feeling right. I looked for the taser in my purse and the guy with the scar smiled.


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