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Omertà Anthology - A Very Merry Mafioso Christmas

Page 32

by V. Domino

  “I really need you to stop. Please!” I pleaded with him, though my plea sounded weak.

  “Do you really want me to stop?” he asked.

  “I….” I couldn’t even finish my thought because while my words did say yes, my body was surely having a disagreement.

  “Don’t you have other women to get your dick inside? You don’t need me.” I said with disdain.

  Jax laughed and shook his head. “Of course, there are plenty of women I could have my dick in as you said, but I don’t want other women. I want you.”

  “Why? Why would you want me? This thing between us ended a long time ago.”

  “Maybe for you it did. But for me it didn’t. You were my salvation from the hell that I was in. Don’t you see that no matter what happens or who comes along, it’s you? It’s always been you. I don’t want any other woman in this crazy life, but you.”

  And then he kissed me and it felt like the world had stopped. His lips were searing hot. I wanted him to stop, but then part of me didn’t.

  “Fuck you,” I said against his mouth in a whisper, and he chuckled again.

  His teeth pulled at my lip before his tongue pried my mouth open. I gave in then as my hands grabbed the back of his head. He groaned against my mouth and my heart once again started to race.

  For a moment it seemed like we were frozen in time and then he pulled away from me. I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t. I knew if I did I would admit that somewhere in this heart of mine that I thought I closed off to Jax, I still loved him more than I cared to admit.

  It was Christmas Eve and I wanted to take Mia somewhere nice to get out of the house for a bit. One of the properties I owned was a restaurant. One of the best in the city. Of course named after my family. Messina’s!

  “Love bug, I need you to get dressed. We are going to celebrate a little bit,” he said.

  “Celebrate what, my captivity?” she replied with sarcasm.

  “Ha ha ha. Always the smart ass. It isn’t captivity necessarily. Just safety measures.”

  “Whatever you say, sir,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  In about an hour Mia was ready and she came down the steps dressed in a red strapless dress with a slit up the side. Her breasts were perky and pushed where there was a bit of cleavage shown, but done tastefully. Her curly hair was pinned up and she wore diamond earrings in her ears. I couldn’t see what shoes she was wearing, but it gave her a bit of height.

  “Damn, you look amazing,” I told her truthfully trying to adjust the bulge that had quickly started to show in my pants.

  Mia reached me and smiled her teeth showing and I had to admit, it sent this cold heart of mine racing.

  “I’ll give it to you, you have really good taste. This dress is amazing, though I don’t know how you knew what size I wore.”

  “I’m pretty good at deciphering a woman’s clothing size. I have plenty of experience you know.”

  She sighed. “I bet. Of course you do.”

  Once we reached the restaurant, I opened the door for her to allow her to step inside first. This was one of my favorite places to eat and it was just us and the chef and the one waitress. I wanted to make this evening special.

  The restaurant design was black and gold. Gold chairs and gold tables with black table cloths. The tables were a mix of rectangle and circle ones and there was a black and gold piano in the far right of the room. A small waterfall stood in the center and a very large chandelier hung from the ceiling.

  Walking up to the table, the waitress Anna had already poured white wine into the glasses. Menus were placed in front of us and I pulled out Mia’s chair to allow her to sit.

  She sat down and opened the menu.

  “I have to admit this place is really nice. I can only imagine what kind of dealings you have going on in here,” she said.

  “This is one of the better ones,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Hmm.” Abruptly, she closed the menu. “I’m going with the Chicken Alfredo,” she said.

  “That was quick.”

  “I’m a woman who knows what she wants.”

  “Is there anything else she wants?” I asked her teasingly.

  Her face flushed at the moment, and I nodded. “I take that as a yes, but I won’t do a thing until you tell me so yourself.

  Anna came back over with a pen and notepad to take our orders.

  “Did the two of you decide what you want to eat?”

  “Yes. Give this beautiful woman the Chicken Alfredo. For me, steak medium well, mash potatoes and broccoli. Thank you,” I replied.

  “Very good, sir,” she said, taking the menus.

  “I should’ve had music playing,” I said.

  “Yes, that would’ve been nice,” Mia said absently.

  I watched her fiddle with her hands as we waited for the food.

  “Come dance with me,” I told her standing up to grab her hand.

  “For what? Besides, there’s no music playing.”

  “We don’t need music.”

  Her brown eyes look at me suspiciously, but she stood up. Grabbing her waist, I twirled her and then we started to slow dance, dancing to the beat of our hearts. She laid her head on my chest and it felt right. It felt like home and the more time I spent with her the more I questioned what the next step would be in this crazy life of mine.

  Anna came in with our meals and placed them on the table. She refilled our wine glasses and stepped away. We sat down and begun to eat. I could feel her eyes on me again, so I looked up and gave her a small smile. Quickly, she looked away from me. We ate in a comfortable silence. At least I felt comfortable.

  I could stare at her beautiful brown skin all day, but I tried to at least behave myself while we ate. This was our first proper date in years.

  “You know, it always seems like you’re thinking. Every time I look at you, you have this look of concentration and wistfulness,” I told her.

  Softly, she shook her head and smiled.

  “Why would you say that?” she asked.

  “I keep catching you steal glances when you think I’m not paying attention

  “No. I would tell you if there was something I needed to say.”

  “Because you have been so willing to tell me that kind of stuff before right?”

  She chuckled. “I use to tell you things all the time and you dismissed them, I don’t think that’d change magically now.”

  “I’m older and wiser now,” I answered her putting a forkful of food in my mouth.

  “Older maybe. Wiser, I’m not too sure.”

  “I could always show you how wise I got in all the other areas as well,” I said with a wink.

  Mia looked at me and busted out laughing, amusement twinkling in her eyes.

  “Let’s not get too carried away there stud,” she said.

  “You ever think about what we had or rather what we could’ve had?”

  Blinking a few times in shock, she put her fork down on her plate. “I could lie to you and tell you no, but there’s no point in doing that. We were something back then. I wanted that so bad, for you to leave all of this behind and go away with me somewhere, but the more that time went on I realized that would never happen. You loved this life. You relished it and all of this is not the life for me. Sure, sometimes it’s crossed my mind. Sometimes I would remember how good being with you felt when we had sex, but that’s all physical things. I don’t think you can love me the way I need to be loved. I guess that’s the best way to put it.”

  I didn’t know what to say to her after she finished. It was rare when a person’ could say something that would stump me. I wish I could give her what she asked right now, but I knew there were things I needed to fix and finish first. Knowing that my dad would never forgive me if I just left this life the way she wanted me to.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” Mia said standing up. I stood up with her as she walked out towards the bathroom. Julius still stood by the front door. Phil and T
ate were outside. I knew it was cold out, but I had to have precautions. I still didn’t know who wanted me dead as there were many and until then things had to be over the top like this.

  I sat back down watching her walk away, I couldn’t help but notice how great her ass looked in the dress. She was a beautiful woman. Always was, but tonight something was different. If I was a different kind of man, I would’ve proposed right then and there. But, I didn’t know if I believed in marriage or if she would even have me. The only thing I knew was I didn’t want her out of my life again.

  Ten minutes had passed and Mia still hadn’t come back. Unless she wasn’t feeling well, she should’ve been back by now. An unshakeable feeling a dread had settled in my stomach and quickly I got up from the table. Something wasn’t right. I motioned for Julius to come and we walked to the back area of the restaurant where the restrooms were. Not too long I spotted her. I gave her a worried glance from across the room, but the glance quickly turned to cold as a small twinge of fear hit me. There was someone else was standing there with her.

  Both of us looked at the man standing in the dark suit. He stood dressed in all black. Black from head to toe. I could see something gleam from his hand and I realized that it was a pistol. The lights were dim, but even so the pistol shone under the light. Was this the man that was sent to make me pay for my sins? I had many of them under my belt. Was I going to die? Was this man like an angel of death? I didn’t have time to think about it some more because Mia was standing there and I had to make sure nothing happened to her.

  Trying to figure out what to do, and I saw Mia backing up trying to create some distance between her and the unidentified man. He pulled her closer and raged filled me. He flashed a smile and slowly I made my way over there. I saw him grab her and take the hand with the gun dragging the gun across her face.

  I was surprised Mia barely reacted and I wasn’t sure if it was because she was too scared to say anything or she was putting on a brave front for me. By this time, I had already alerted my guards to go to the back to make sure this man had no way to escape.

  Checking my holster to make sure my gun was still there, I finally reached her, the rage and sadness I felt knowing that I had put her life in danger was a tough blow. I contemplated making it my next goal to get out of all of this and just make Mia happy.

  Love bug, I’m sorry you were even put in this situation. I’m sorry you have to deal with this on what was supposed to be our date, and on Christmas Eve none the less. I hope you forgive me for what I’m about to do, but as I already told you, I will protect you with my life,” I said, my voice in full control and calm. Calmer than I was feeling.

  Mia nodded, still not speaking and I nodded back in return.

  The man turned towards me and I realized it was Julio. The same Julio who I had shown mercy to just the other day. He was trying to hurt the woman I loved and that enraged me.

  “What the fuck are you doing Julio?” I said angrily.

  “Your trip to the bar the other night got me in trouble with my uncle. I was supposed to be next in line for this promotion and you just had to butt in,” he said pacing back and forth. He seemed erratic, but I was trying to keep him calm enough that I could get in control of the situation. I needed to get Mia from behind him.

  “You stole me from Julio. I didn’t kill you. Your uncle finding out about it should’ve been the least of your concerns. If you were anyone else, I would’ve ended your life. This is how you thank me,” I said. I wanted to yell. I wanted to cave his face in until he no longer breathed, but I had to keep calm. Mia was the priority.

  “For someone like you, it was pretty easy to get in. Pretty easy to wait. I spoke to Hunter Russo. He wants you dead and after you threaten my family, I wanted you dead too. You would think you’d made your security codes harder to figure out. I was always good with breaking codes,” he said. He laughed menacingly after that waving the gun around as he spoke.

  I finally saw Tate and Phil come in behind him and I breathed a sigh of relief. This would be easier to handle now that they covered the other exit.

  “Julio I really wish you would’ve paid me back instead of having this warped sense of entitlement when you were wrong. Now, your family will have to say goodbye to you instead,” I said, my voice as cold as ice.

  “I have your little girlfriend,” he said, pointing the gun at her. Mia’s eyes finally showed some fear and I finally understood why she didn’t want to have anything to do with me.

  “You might want to check behind you,” I replied and Julio turned to see Phil and Tate with their guns on him.

  “You even make a move and they will kill you before you even get to pull the trigger,” I said.

  Julio stammered again and then his arm wavered before he dropped the gun.

  “Mia, baby please come over here,” I said and reached my hand to her. Mia moved slowly, but she didn’t take my hand.

  “I need you to go outside and wait for me by the car. I’ll send Julius with you.”

  But for some reason she seemed rooted behind me and refused to move. I didn’t have the time to debate with her.

  “Mia, since you’re choosing to not leave, I need you to close your eyes and cover your ears for me. This kind of thing changes you and I don’t want to change that heart of yours. I don’t want you to be tainted like me. You’re too good of a person for my bullshit and this life, but I hope after this you will forgive me.”

  She nodded and covered her ears, but she did not close her eyes.

  “I hope you said goodbye to your family Julio,” I said and then I cocked the gun. I aimed the gun to his head as this was a line he shouldn’t have crossed with me. With a flash of light, and a deafening blast from the gun, I shot him in the head. I watched the life leave from his eyes leave as his body hit the floor with a thud. Instantly, blood splattered the walls and the floor. The blood quickly started to seep at my feet. Julio was gone and I knew that there would be repercussions for this.

  But, I didn’t care at the moment. All I wanted was to get Mia out of here and away from all of this.

  It had just turned midnight and that meant it was officially Christmas. I had just watched Jax kill a man. Killed him with no second thought. There was so much blood. All that red that painted the walls. I wished I could say that this wasn’t my reality, but it was. I knew how Jax was. It was something that put the fear into the hearts of many men. Something that scared me to my core, but this time it wasn’t the stories I heard. I saw it in action.

  The dreadful sound of bullets tearing through flesh scarred me and I knew that my life was definitely changed. I wasn’t the same Mia who could pretend this world was so removed from mine. I couldn’t do that when now I had seen it myself.

  The sound from the gun radiated through my body. It was one of those unmistakable sounds that I would never forget. Jax’s face was so cold. Colder than I can ever remember and this was the ruthless prince that everyone talked about. The prince that would eventually take over his father’s empire.

  He told me to cover my ears and to close my eyes, but I wasn’t one to follow instructions all the time. Especially when it came to him. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why for once I didn’t do what I was told.

  “I’m glad I didn’t get any blood on you,” he said, his voice soft.

  And for that I was grateful. There we sat in his car no words being exchanged between the two of us as we were driven home.

  For some reason, just as much as what he had done scared me, it also turned me on. Turned me on in ways I couldn’t explain. It was insane what was running through my mind at the moment. Insane that while before it happened, I wanted nothing to do with him. Maybe it was because he did it for me. Whatever it was, I wanted him.

  My cheeks flushed as I thought about how his anger had once terrified me to my core has made me so wet that I squirmed.

  I urgently needed some kind of a release.

  Jax grabbed my hand and squeezed
it. His hand was still covered in blood and the blood had touched me. Yet, still I wanted him. Wanted him badly.

  He walked to the other side of the door and slid into the car and his driver pulled away. There was silence, but the tension was very loud. I didn’t need to say anything because I was quite sure both of us was thinking about the same thing.

  “Are you okay Mia?” he asked me his voice, rough and husky.

  I could only nod. He slid closer to me and I could smell sweat, him and my own arousal.

  “Mia….” He whispered again and then I felt his lips on mine. His kiss was deep, rough, his tongue prying open my mouth with ease. I groaned against his mouth and his hands instantly went to grab my hair.

  His rough hands found my breasts and he grabbed them squeezing it, his thumb rolling across my nipple.

  I squirmed in the seat anxiously wanting more of him. Knowing we could only do so much in the car. His driver was there and I knew Jax would try to play dirty and I knew I would let him. His lips went to my neck, kissing it and then biting it softly.

  Then his hand slid underneath the dress, and I felt him slide my panties to the side. One finger entered me and then there were two, his thumb rubbing my clit. I started to tremble and sweet sensations rolled over me as I tried my hardest not to make any noise.

  My skin grew tight as my clit swelled from the movement as his fingers worked in and out of me like absolute magic. He toyed with me and my back arched on instinct, knowing that I was going to get there in the back of his car like we were teenagers sneaking a quickie. Moans escaped my parted lips, as the tempo of his fingers increased. I let out a moan that I was sure was much too loud. His mouth pressed against mine as my orgasm started to course through my body. It went from my toes and I clutched his arm as a wave of ecstasy washed over me, my pussy muscles contracting all over his fingers.


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