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Maid For The Untamed Billionaire (Mills & Boon Modern) (Housekeeper Brides for Billionaires, Book 1)

Page 6

by Miranda Lee

  Abby had been relieved to see that her next-door neighbour Harriet’s car wasn’t in her driveway, which meant she was out and therefore wouldn’t be dropping in for a cuppa as she sometimes did when Abby arrived home from work. Abby wasn’t in the mood for gossip.

  There was no doubt that life hadn’t been very kind to her. Firstly there was her teeth, which had been a huge problem in her eyes but which her parents had dismissed as nothing. Probably because it would have cost money to fix and they’d spent all their spare cash on alcohol. Then, shortly after her father had been killed in a drunken pub brawl, her mother had also died, succumbing to too many sleeping tablets downed with too much gin.

  The coroner had called it an accidental death as opposed to suicide, but what did it really matter in the end? There’d been no life insurance to consider.

  Abby had only been seventeen at the time, just entering her last year in high school. It had been impossible to do well at her studies while living in a refuge. She’d left school in the end to work full-time at the local fish and chip shop, earning enough by working seven days a week to rent the small flat above the shop for herself and Megan. At twenty she’d married Wayne but she’d been unable to carry a baby full term.

  That was the cruellest cut of all, even crueller, in a way, than Wayne’s tragic drowning. Because, more than anything in the world, Abby wanted to have children, wanted to create a happy family, wanted to be the best mother in the world. Instead, she hadn’t even had the chance.

  When tears dripped from her nose into her tea, Abby shook her head quite violently, determined not to dwell on the past any more, or on anything negative.

  ‘Time to run a bath and start looking after yourself, kiddo,’ she said aloud, smiling at how much like Megan she sounded.

  Her mood was still up when she picked up her phone to ring Jake at seven. Okay, so she found the man attractive. Most of the women in Australia did. There was no need to get into a twist over it. Nothing would come of it, and soon she’d be off overseas on the holiday of a lifetime.

  Given all her common sense reasoning, it annoyed Abby that her hand still shook as she lifted her phone to her ear and waited for Jake to answer.

  ‘Hi, Abby,’ Jake answered in his usual businesslike voice. So why did the sound of it suddenly have her stomach curling over and her heart beating faster? ‘Made up your mind about the car?’

  In truth, Abby didn’t really give a hoot about the make and model of the car. She was thrilled just to be getting a brand-new one. Not so thrilled that she was acting like some schoolgirl with a crush on her teacher.

  ‘I like the look of that Hyundai you mentioned. And it doesn’t have to be royal blue. A white one would be fine.’

  ‘Good. I’ll pick you up at ten on Saturday morning. Is that too early for you?’

  ‘No, no. Ten will be fine.’ She’d be ready at dawn if he wanted.

  ‘See you Saturday morning.’

  He was gone before she could say another word, leaving her with a dry mouth and the sure knowledge that the next few days were going to be the longest in her life.


  BY FRIDAY JAKE found it difficult to concentrate on the preparations for his show. Or care. He hadn’t been sleeping well and, quite frankly, doing this damned show every day was beginning to bore him silly.

  There was no doubt now that he would sell it and do something else with his life, something more challenging, preferably overseas and well away from a certain girl who he couldn’t get out of his mind. Instead of going over his notes for the show like he usually did, he kept thinking about tomorrow.

  The door to his dressing room suddenly opened.

  ‘Five minutes, Jake,’ Kerrie said.

  ‘Yeah, yeah, I’m ready.’ Though he wasn’t.

  He did the show on autopilot that day, no one guessing that his mind was elsewhere. Or so he’d imagined. Afterwards, the director pulled him aside and asked him if there was anything wrong.

  ‘No,’ Jake said. ‘Why?’

  ‘A little birdie told me you’ve been having girl trouble.’

  Jake smiled a wry smile. He’d known Olivia would become vicious and vengeful.

  ‘Not me, Victor. I never have girl trouble.’

  Victor didn’t look convinced. ‘Not telling, eh? Fair enough. But it’s never wise to let your private life affect your professional life. The lights were on today, Jake, but nobody was home.’

  Jake shrugged. ‘Just a bit tired, that’s all.’

  ‘No sweat. No one else would have noticed. Only old eagle-eye here. But it might be an idea to get some shut-eye tonight. Man does not live by sex alone.’

  Jake laughed drily. ‘I wish.’

  ‘So the rumours were right? Olivia’s been dumped in favour of your sexy young housekeeper?’

  Jake rolled his eyes. ‘I didn’t dump Olivia. We broke up because she jumped to the wrong conclusion about my housekeeper, who’s a very nice, sweet girl and definitely not my lover.’

  Again, Victor didn’t look convinced.

  When Jake’s phone rang he stared at the identity of the caller, his emotions suddenly a-jangle. He hoped nothing had happened to prevent them getting together tomorrow. The truth was he couldn’t wait to see her. ‘I have to take this call,’ he said sharply, then strode off down the corridor.

  ‘Yes, Abby?’ Jake said, an attack of anxiety making his stomach swirl. ‘What is it?’ He didn’t mean to sound so abrupt but he was shocked by his nervous reaction to the possibility that he might not be seeing her the next day after all. ‘I hope you’re not going to change tomorrow’s arrangements,’ he snapped before he could stop himself.

  ‘What? No, no. I just wanted to ask you if I could go home early today. I was going to do some late-night shopping last night but my sister wasn’t well and she needed me to look after Timmy for her.’

  Relief swamped Jake, as did remorse over his snapping at her like that.

  ‘Of course you can go home early.’

  ‘I’ve done everything I had to do.’

  ‘I’m sure the place is perfect,’ Jake said. ‘It always is. What do you need to buy?’ he added, hoping to redeem himself by showing an interest in her life for once.

  ‘Just some new clothes so that I don’t embarrass you tomorrow by looking like your cleaning lady. Even if I am,’ she added with a sweet laugh.

  ‘You are much more than my cleaning lady,’ Jake said, the devil’s voice whispering in his ear that he would like her to be a hell of a lot more. ‘As I said the other day, you are the best housekeeper a man could have.’

  Her sudden silence brought a tension to Jake which was wickedly sexual. Heat licked through his loins, giving him an inkling of how it would feel if she ever surrendered to him.

  He had no idea what she was thinking but he hoped she might be softening towards him a little. Or was he just fantasising? Abby had been making him fantasise a lot lately, all of it rather R-rated. How many times this week had he pictured going home early and sweeping her up into his arms, kissing her senseless and having her then and there? His favourite fantasy scenario was to hoist her up on to the kitchen bench-top where he would spread her legs—she’d be somehow naked, of course—and sink into her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and urged him on and on. Then there was the polished floor scenario. And the one against the wall. In the lap pool. Across the dining table.

  His raunchy fantasies were multiplying.

  Deplorable, really.

  And very dangerous.

  Because they were oh, so exciting.

  ‘So everything’s still right for tomorrow?’ he asked, his cool voice belying the heat in his body.

  ‘What? Oh, yes…yes. I’ll be ready. Ten o’clock, you said, didn’t you?’

  ‘Yes. Oh, and Abby, what account do you want the twenty-five thousand put

  ‘Just put it in the one my salary goes in.’

  ‘Very well. I’ll do that this afternoon.’

  ‘I… I don’t know what to say except thank you.’

  ‘It’s Craig you should be thanking.’

  ‘I will, when I visit his grave tomorrow.’

  ‘You do that. See you tomorrow then.’

  ‘But you don’t know my address.’

  ‘Of course I do. It was on your CV, which is still in my computer. You haven’t moved, have you?’


  ‘Then I’ll see you at your place at ten on the dot. Have to go. Bye.’

  Jake sighed heavily as he clicked off his phone.

  It was always an intimate situation, driving a woman somewhere, especially in a car which had once been described by a motoring magazine as sex on wheels. Jake figured Abby had never seen his red Ferrari. During the week he kept it locked away in the garage. He always used the ferry to get to and from work, and took taxis if he was socialising in and around the city. The Ferrari was only brought out at weekends for drives either up or down the coast. Jake liked nothing better than to zoom along one of the freeways with the top down and a beautiful woman by his side, one who was as responsive as his car.

  Jake suddenly recalled his thoughts the other day about Abby’s breasts, and how responsive they might be. If he closed his eyes he could still feel how they had felt, pressed up against him.

  He cursed and jumped to his feet. This was all getting beyond a joke. Anyone would think he didn’t have any self-control. He needed to stop all this nonsense immediately and just act naturally with her. He would not, he resolved, do or say anything provocative or seductive or, God forbid, charming.

  An affair with Abby was out of the question.

  Still, as Jake headed out of the dressing room, he resolved not to tempt fate by putting the top down on the Ferrari on Saturday. Better to be safe than sorry.


  FOR THE UMPTEENTH time that morning, Abby smiled at herself in her large bathroom mirror, which was, actually, the only mirror she had in her house. All those years of having horrible teeth had made her allergic to mirrors. She still wasn’t entirely used to her new appearance. Still didn’t smile as much as other people.

  But Megan was right. Her face did look much better now that her teeth were lovely and even and white. Her face looked a lot better with some make-up on as well, and with her hair all shiny and blow-dried properly.

  Deciding that she’d admired herself long enough, Abby returned to her bedroom, where she’d laid out all the clothes she’d bought after her trip to the hairdresser. Abby hadn’t splurged out on too much—a couple of pairs of stretchy jeans and a few tops and T-shirts, all of them cheap but in fashion. She’d also bought a lightweight blazer, a pair of trendy sandals and a new handbag. Finally, she’d splurged on a delicate gold necklace which went with everything, along with some new make-up, nail polish and a small bottle of perfume.

  All in all she’d only spent just over three hundred dollars, which she considered very reasonable. Really, you didn’t have to spend a lot on clothes these days, and it was about time she made more of an effort with her appearance. With today promising to be warmer than yesterday, she selected the white jeans and a short-sleeved silky top that had a white background and little brown dots all over it. The slinky fabric hugged her curves and the scooped neckline was perfect for her new dainty gold chain.

  A glance at the digital clock beside the bed made Abby sigh. Only nine o’clock, excitement having got her up at the crack of dawn. She had a whole hour before Jake was due to arrive. That was, if he even arrived on time. People didn’t seem to care about punctuality these days. She supposed it would take her a while to do her nails, but not an hour.

  As the minutes ticked slowly away she became aware of her heart beating faster behind her ribs. Beside the excitement of a new car, she was nervous at the thought of being with Jake outside of a work environment. Would he think she looked pretty in her new clothes? Did she want him to think her pretty? Did she want him to…what?

  Abby knew she was being foolish. He had a girlfriend. A gorgeous girlfriend. Why would he look at her twice? Why would she even want him to?

  He’s your boss, she reminded herself firmly. And he’s only doing all this because his uncle asked him to. He doesn’t want to spend time with you. He doesn’t want to buy you a new car or take you to a cemetery. Not really. He’s honouring his beloved uncle’s deathbed wishes. Get a grip, girl.

  The sight of a bright red sports car careering down her street was not a sight designed to make a girl get a grip.

  Abby wasn’t surprised when the sleek red car with the prancing horse logo on it slid into the kerb outside her house. For who else would drive a Ferrari but a man who’d been voted not only the most popular television personality but also Sydney’s most eligible bachelor?

  Megan kept her well informed about all aspects of her boss’s professional and private life.

  ‘Oh, my,’ Abby murmured when Jake emerged from the driver’s side, looking even sexier than his car, if that were possible. Up till now Abby had only ever seen her boss dressed in a business suit. Today, he was wearing a pair of chinos and a black polo shirt which hugged the contours of his upper body, showing off his naturally broad shoulders and nicely flat stomach. As he strode around the low-slung bonnet of the car, a lock of his dark brown hair fell across his forehead. Jake lifted his hand and impatiently combed it back with his fingers. The action brought Abby’s attention to his face. It wasn’t the face of a pretty boy but very handsome all the same, with a strong straight nose and a ruggedly squared jawline. His blue eyes—possibly his best feature—were hidden by a pair of expensive-looking sunglasses.

  For a split second, Abby wondered what her neighbours would think when Jake walked up to her front door. It was a lovely spring day so quite a few of them were out in their gardens, mowing lawns and tending to their flowerbeds. Not that they would recognise him. He could be anyone in those glasses. Anyone handsome and very rich, that was.

  Abby took a backwards step from the window when Jake stopped on the pavement to stare at her house, her hackles rising as he continued to stare at it for some time. What was he staring at? she wondered.

  Abby wasn’t in any way ashamed of her home. Okay, so it was small and old, built not long after the war. But it was nicely painted and neat, with well kept gardens, front and back. Inside, each of the rooms was equally well painted, the wooden floors shiny and polished. The furniture was on the cheap side but it had been bought new and looked quite stylish, like the clothes she was wearing.

  He finally opened the gate and strode up the path to the small front porch, Abby using those few precious seconds to get a handle on her suddenly defensive mood.

  It wasn’t like her to be sensitive about criticism; it was a survival habit she’d acquired over her school years when her supposed friends had made bitchy comments about her teeth. But Abby suspected she would be very hurt if Jake made her feel small, especially today when she felt so good about herself. Hopefully, he wouldn’t. He didn’t seem an unkind person. But then, she didn’t really know him all that well, did she?

  The doorbell ringing made her heart jump, then race like mad. Lord, but she was getting herself into a right state. Gathering herself, Abby hurried to the front door, her head held high.


  JAKE THOUGHT HE’D steeled himself sufficiently by the time he’d rung the doorbell, having given himself a firm lecture during the drive over. He’d told himself in no uncertain terms that he had to stop fantasising about what Abby might be like in bed and concentrate on the job his uncle had entrusted him with.

  Craig certainly hadn’t included seduction in his dying wishes.

  Even after he’d arrived, Jake had lingered outside for another minute or so, harn
essing all his willpower for the mental and physical battle he had ahead of him.

  Jake thought he was well prepared until Abby opened the door.

  His startled gaze raked over her from top to toe before returning to her face. He’d found her attractive before. Today she looked downright stunning, and so desirable it was criminal.

  Thank goodness he was wearing sunglasses, the kind you couldn’t see through.

  What to say? Nothing personal. Nothing too complimentary. She might think he was coming on to her.

  ‘Don’t you look nice,’ he said.

  If only she hadn’t smiled at him. Such a beautiful smile.

  ‘I went on a bit of a shopping splurge last night,’ she said a little sheepishly. ‘I hope Craig would approve. I didn’t spend too much.’

  ‘I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,’ Jake said. But he did. That outfit she had on was extremely sexy, those tight white jeans contrasting with the silky top which skimmed her hips and left her full breasts oh, so accessible. In his mind’s eye, Jake immediately saw himself pressed up behind her, their lower halves glued together whilst his hands slid up underneath, cupping her breasts. In his fantasy she moaned softly, her head tipping back against his shoulder. She moaned again when he unclipped her bra and took her erect nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and squeezed them.


  It was impossible to think such wickedly erotic thoughts and not have his body respond. Alarmed that Abby might notice, Jake did the only thing he could think of.

  ‘Would you mind if I used your bathroom before we get going?’ he asked with some urgency.

  ‘It’s the second door on the right,’ Abby directed him.

  Abby smiled as she watched Jake head for the bathroom, thrilled to pieces with his compliment on her appearance. And whilst she was flattered and pleased—she was a female after all—she was quite confident that Jake was not about to pounce on her the way Megan had said he might. She’d sent her sister pictures of her new clothes last night, and been subjected to renewed warnings over the male species and their lack of conscience and morals where pretty girls were concerned.


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