Book Read Free

Life Reset

Page 51

by Shemer Kuznits

  The stars were disappearing as the horizon brightened, heralding the dawn of a new day. How long have I been here? I thought in alarm.

  I yawned. No matter now, time to go to bed.

  I went back to my house. It was empty. Glad I didn’t have to worry about facing Tika, I lay in my furs. I was ready to sleep, but first I wanted to know the results of our first work night. I opened the interface and looked through the various options. Thanks to the new Blessing buff I purchased and us no longer working overtime, our morale penalty was down and currently at -10. I checked our total efficiency, and saw, to my delight, that the Nocturnal buff of +10% for all skill effects had managed to counteract all the efficiency penalties. The clan now had a 0% efficiency modifier, which was excellent news! That meant we had 10% more production rate compared to the constant penalty we were working with for weeks.

  Construction progressed nicely. The Smithy and the Mess Hall were both at 44 BP out of 250.

  Though the Mess Hall construction started after the Smithy, it had four Novice Builders working on it. Together they managed to progress faster than the two Apprentice Builders who worked on the Smithy. Of the four, Bargush the four-armed worker was clearly the highest contributor to the effort.

  Zuban has made a little progress with his research; 7.4 out of 300 RP.

  I checked the food production, What in Nihilator’s name… I thought in astonishment. The daily harvest yield was 296 units of mushrooms! Recruiting the second gatherer was a good idea. Along with the other foodstuff we had in store, I could immediately summon 10 new simple workers, or 6 warriors.

  I decided to postpone the decision of who to summon next for tomorrow.

  I closed the interface and lay down to sleep. As I was drifting off, I heard the door to my house open, and Tika walked into my bedchamber.

  She still looked hot and adorable, standing there like a glorious goblin goddess of the hunt. I raised my blanket, inviting her in, all thoughts of Guba’s naked body evaporated from my mind as Tika lay down beside me, turned and snuggled her back against me. To my surprise she took out her tongue and gently licked my face.


  Conflicted, I put my arm around her. It felt good. Comforting. Like a child hugging his favorite toy. Sexy, bestial toy. I thought humorously to myself.

  I closed my eyes and fell asleep contentedly.


  Christa finished cleaning the dishes and stuffed the two empty beer bottles into the recycler.

  She took her crutches that were leaning on the wall, leaning on them she walked out into the living room. Her brother was watching the latest wrestling match on the big screen. The room was small and simple. A sofa, a television and a large whiteboard filled with mathematical equations the two were currently tackling.

  “Come on lazy head,” She said to her brother. “It should be morning in NEO already, you wouldn’t want to miss half a day of exploration just watching the end of last year’s match, would you?”

  “Right right, I’m coming,” He said distractedly, still watching the match. A moment later he turned off the TV and lifted himself over and into his light, indoor wheelchair.

  The two went to the adjoining room where two large, state of the art FIVR gaming capsule took most of the floor space. The capsules were a bonus, given to them as part of their contract as beta players for the company, replacing their old, worn gen-2 models.

  Next to each capsule stood a simple single bed. This was their game/sleeping room.

  Even though she had a hard time standing, Christa did her best to help her brother climb into his capsule. They both suffered from a medical syndrome called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease.

  As children, they couldn’t go outdoors, so they had no friends other than themselves. They couldn’t attend school, so they were assigned a homeschool tutor by social services.

  It was quickly determined that the two had an uncanny talent for mathematics and probabilities. Within a few years, they surpassed their tutors and matriculated at a university for the gifted. Since graduating at the age of 17, they earned a living as researchers in their respective fields.

  As they were orphaned at a young age, the money allowed them to rent and maintain a small apartment and to keep the water and electricity running. As they were both avid gamers, this was all they required in order to dedicate their spare time to gaming. It was not uncommon for them to sometimes spend as much as 16 hours straight in the game. Their life wasn’t fancy, but it was all they needed.

  Hoshisu logged in first, appearing in the middle of the valley’s open meadow. She looked around her. It was daylight. All the goblins were either sleeping near the main campfire or guarding the forest path.

  She sat down, retrieved her daggers and with annoyance began sharpening them with the whetstone she received as part of her starting gear. Damn, he probably logged in a minute behind me, it’s gonna be awhile.

  She finished the first dagger, and was just about to start sharpening the second when Malkyr’s transparent body appeared, taking a few seconds before becoming completely solid.

  “Well it’s about time!” Hoshisu exclaimed. “Told you we should login on the same count!”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Malkyr grunted, stretching his large body, enjoying the sensation of his muscled body. The game enabled him to experience his physical form in a way his flesh and blood body never could. Here he could run, fight and submit others with sheer physical strength. His disease was more advanced than his sister’s, his body more limited. That’s why he always played as a fighter. He enjoyed the thrill and satisfaction of physically overcoming challenges. Basically, he liked trampling down foes using his muscles and brute strength.

  He raised the high-quality steel Greataxe. The axe blade was slightly dented as the weapon was down 12 durability points. The axe was built for combat, not cutting down trees, which was what he was doing with it yesterday, fulfilling the hobgoblin’s quest. It was something he could not neglect for long.

  “So what are we doing today?” He asked his sister.

  She yawned. “How’s your skills progression?”

  Malkyr checked his character sheet. “I got Lumberjack to 5, and Powerful to 3”.

  “Well, I jumped around while you were chopping wood, got my Limber skill to level 4. I’d say it’s time we hunt some game. We can gain some XP, and hopefully get enough meat and pelts to complete a couple of quests.”

  “Sure, can’t wait to see what this new character can do in a fight.” Malkyr answered exuberantly.

  The two got to their feet and made their way toward the forested part of the valley.

  An hour later, Malkyr cried impatiently. “There’s nothing to hunt around here! It’s supposed to be a starter location, right? Where are all the mobs??”

  “It seems,” Hoshisu replied slowly, “the forest was cleared. Remember what the company rep said? mobs respawn via natural breeding. Since we’re now considered to be monsters ourselves, we share their evolution time. From our perspective, it’ll probably be a week or two until more respawn.”

  “Damn it! I want to fight stuff!” He was pouting.

  Hoshisu rolled her eyes at her brother’s childish behavior, though she understood him. In real life he was limited by his body, almost trapped by it. NEO was his chance to blow off steam and experience sensations he could never otherwise have. Although her real body was also quite weak, she was better off than he was, so her cravings were different than his.

  “Well, that Totem guy said we shouldn’t leave the valley, and I tend to agree. It’s a completely new setting, better take it slow and learn the layout a bit more.”

  “Oh, come on! What’s the worst that could happen? If we die, we’ll respawn right back here, no penalties until level 10, remember?”

  “Well…” Hoshisu hesitated “Maybe…”

  Just then a large snake dropped from the tree above, landing on Malkyr and wrapping its coils around his body.
/>   “Alright!” he exclaimed enthusiastically, “Finally!”

  He tried to swing his axe at the snake’s body, but it was partially immobilizing him. “Eh, sis? Some help here?”

  Hoshisu shook her head. Raising her two daggers, she adopted an attack stance and charged at the snake.

  22 - A Crafty Goblin

  I woke up late in the afternoon, cuddled close to Tika.

  After our third sleepover, it was starting to feel more natural, despite her occasional tendency to lick my face.

  Eyes still closed, Tika felt me stirring and softly caressed my cheek.

  I felt a sudden rush of affection toward her. I shook my head, trying to reorient myself. I can’t fall for an NPC, she’s not real! But a part of me simply refused this reasoning

  The shame I felt for crushing Bek’s willpower when I dominated him, or my aversion of sacrificing the goblin babies - both could be argued to be the same type of misplaced emotions toward mere NPCs. And yes, I felt those keenly. Then was it so unreasonable to have feelings of affections toward an NPC? I had to wonder. Especially when they like to snuggle, I smiled despite myself, gazing at Tika’s lithe body with admiration.

  Then the image of Naked Guba flashed in my mind for a split second, ruining the moment. I shook my head again, this time in an attempt to banish the disturbing image from my mind.

  I got up and walked toward the door. Vic was hanging from a peg on the wall. As I walked by him, his cloak body swooped forward and wrapped himself around my body, in his favorite spot.

  Opening the door I stepped outside and was momentarily blinded by the rays of the setting sun. Soon it’ll be nighttime, bringing with it the empowering darkness.

  As I blinked away the glare, I saw two figures waiting patiently outside of my house. It was the new arrivals; Hoshisu and Malkyr.

  They had been through some action. Malkyr’s body was stained with blood, and his equipment looked worse for wear, probably on its last few durability points. Hoshisu looked in better shape than her brother, though still worn and exhausted.

  “Hi guys, what ruffled your feathers?”

  “Stumbled upon a snake nest in the forest.” Grumbled Malkyr. “We spent half the day looking for mobs to hunt before we found it. And then the snakes were almost too much for us.”

  Hoshisu nodded, “My first report for the beta testing management would be the lack of low-level mobs to fight around here. How are we supposed to train in these conditions?”

  “Maybe you could help us build up the settlement faster?” I suggested. “Once we reach a certain point, I’m sure we can start manufacturing better weapons and armor. Then you’ll be better equipped to venture outside the valley and handle the hobgoblin threat.”

  Hoshisu made a sour face. Apparently, building stuff didn’t appeal to her, but Malkyr looked interested.

  “Oh that reminds me,” he said, accessing his inventory. “Here you go.”

  You received 10 raw meat

  Granted quest completed: Bring Raw Food

  Malkyr, Hoshisu rewarded: 142XP, 20 reputation with GreenPiece clan, 10 gold

  Quest Giver skill level increased to 6

  I grinned, I just received an extra 10 food that cost me absolutely nothing, and it also strengthened my allies. Being part NPC definitely had its perks.

  Now that the quest had been completed once, I could alter it. I made it a repeatable quest and used my new increased skill level to set the reward to 912 XP and 60 gold - the maximum for my skill level. I had no qualms exploiting the system for my benefit. For once, I would profit from my unfortunate circumstances.

  “Holy Shit”--“Holy moly!” the twins blurted in unison after reading the details of the new quest I had just given them.

  “Dude, you’re bat shit crazy!” Malkyr exclaimed. You realize you just offered to pay 6 gold for each lousy piece of meat! Indefinitely!

  “And the experience gain!” Hoshisu exclaimed. “A couple of days of hunting meat could bring us to level 10. Damn! If only there were more creatures to hunt around here!”

  I shrugged, “That’s why it’s so expensive. But I trust in your abilities.”

  “Well, I did manage to acquire the Sneak and Track skills,” Hoshisu admitted, “Should increase our chances of finding some critters to hunt.”

  “Yeah,” Malkyr replied, “Now it’s actually more profitable than helping around with the settlement development. Sorry. Oh, that reminds me, I delivered 10 logs to your hobgoblin dude. Damn quest took a quarter of my axe durability.” He looked sadly at the greataxe I had given him.

  Granted quest (repeatable) completed: Bring Construction Resource

  Malkyr, Hoshisu rewarded: 426XP, 50 reputation with GreenPiece clan, 30 gold

  Quest Giver skill level increased to 7

  That’s a shame, I thought. I could have used the extra help with construction more than the extra food. But that was a small concern. Every little bit helped.

  “Malkyr, I think it’s time for us to log out.” Hoshisu turned to me. “We’ve been playing for three game-days straight, only logging off to pass the nights and have a bit of food. We’ll log off for a good night’s sleep now, so I guess you’ll be seeing us in three days.”

  “Just a sec Hoshisu,” her brother said, “I think we ought to add him to our contact list, could be useful to keep in touch with the clan’s glorious leader.” He winked at me.

  “Alright,” she agreed. Both of them refocused their attention on their own private interfaces.

  I felt a pang of dread going over me. I had no contact interface of my own, it was one of the things I lost when I became a monster. What happens if the system won’t let them add me as a contact? How will I explain it to them? I swallowed nervously, furiously wrecking my brain how to explain the impending issue.

  To my immense relief, a few seconds later, I received a normal system prompt. Even though I didn’t have access to contacts myself, it seemed other players could still contact me.

  Hoshisu Matsugaya would like to add you as a contact. Accept? Yes/no

  Malkyr Edahs would like to add you as a contact. Accept? Yes/no

  Vic declared.

  Eh… let's not make any large changes impulsively, I thought back to him with concern. I’ve had enough near-implosion experiences lately.


  You’re the best Vic!

  He agreed modestly.

  +80 reputation with Vic (The awesome companion)

  Current rank: Neutral. Points to next rank: 400

  Malkyr drew his brows as I grinned, “something funny about our contact request?”

  “Eh? Oh no, not at all,” I hurriedly replied, then accepted both requests. I now had access to a new contact menu, where both names appeared.

  Malkyr grinned back at me, “Alright, see you later.”

  I nodded. A sour feeling replaced my short moment of happiness as I watched the two disappear before my eyes, returning to their probably normal, hazard free lives.

  Never mind that, I reprimanded myself. I rubbed my hands in anticipation, recruitment time!

  In order to know what my summoning options are, I needed an inventory update. I walked to our equipment pile, which was now twice as large as before, full of mushrooms. “Vic, can you give me an updated status of our food stores?”

  Without bothering to answer this time, he simply slid down from my shoulders and flowed into the pile.

  Gandork, the clan’s grumpy new cook was stirring the large main cauldron occasionally pausing to slice some mushrooms and adding them into the mix.

used Analyze on him. I was pleased to find he reached level 5 in his Cook skill. Impressive progress for one day.

  “Everything alright?” I asked.

  He glanced my way and nodded. “Yes Dark Totem. I easily learned to duplicate your previous cook’s daily stew. Simple, yet filling I might add. I added some mushrooms, to give it some extra flavor.”

  “Excellent!” I beamed at him. No matter how grumpy he was, anyone that updates the unchanging daily rations was a decent guy in my book.

  Everyone was gathering near the cooking fire, ready to have their first meal of the night. I saw Tika approaching, her bow slung across her shoulder. She gave me a knowing smile, blushing a little, and went to sit with the other goblins.

  “What about advanced food?” I asked.

  “I tried duplicating Guba’s fish dish,” He said in a somewhat defensive tone, “But she doesn’t know exactly how it is done. Her success was based on pure luck. It will take me awhile to get a sure and tested recipe, but I’m close. Despite the task you had me doing yesterday was beneath me, grilling all the raw meat, at least increased my knowledge how to handle food better. It’s just a matter of time until I’ll master that damned fish recipe.”

  “Very well.”

  Vic flowed out of the pile and pulled himself together, growing into his purple goblin shape. “Alright boss, here’s a rough estimate of our current food stock.” He theatrically waved his hand, like a magician waving a wand, and a notification menu appeared. The magic bit is a new thing. I thought to myself.

  24 raw meat

  8 raw fish

  10 gathered edibles

  4 gathered ingredients

  438 raw mushrooms

  1 advanced food

  39 basic food

  My grin nearly reached my ears. As a goblin, it was almost possible to do it literally. I easily have enough food to recruit a dozen workers! I thought gleefully. I called the Miner worker over and ordered him to haul all the food to the Breeder’s Den. Since I’d given his pick to the stonemason, the poor guy had been mostly idle for days, serving only as a porter for everyone else.


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