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Witch Tease

Page 18

by Cindy Keen Reynders

  “Holy Hanna, that hurt,” she complained, sucking in a sharp breath.

  “Sorry.” He sent her an apologetic look, then pushed to his feet. He set aside the cloth and dried his hands on his trousers. “Guess I’m not such a good nurse after all.”

  “You’re a fine healer,” she said. “I’m just anxious to get going again.”

  “Soon, lass. Soon.”

  She wanted things returned to normal, and she also wanted the torture of being with Kincaid to end. He could return to his wulver ways and she would resume her life in Wysteria. She should be excited by that prospect. Yet somehow, she felt it would be difficult after what had transpired between them.

  They were married now and she’d tasted a love she could never fully enjoy. Without Kincaid by her side, the world would no doubt seem dull and lackluster.

  Despite her best efforts to keep her tears at bay, one managed to roll down her cheek. Get a hold of yourself, a small voice taunted.

  Kincaid lowered down beside her and enclosed her hands in his large ones. “Lizzie girl. I’ve a proposal to offer.”

  “We’re already married,” she said with a small laugh.

  “Aye, that we are. What is stopping us from staying together after we rescue your clan?”

  Lizzie gave that solid consideration, especially since her thoughts had been warring with the same idea. Kincaid was right. What was stopping them? She would scoff at the Supreme Witch’s Council for trying to prevent them from being together. And her family? Certainly, they would come to love Kincaid just as she did.

  What about Kincaid’s wanderlust? What about his dangerous lifestyle?

  “I thought you wouldn’t want me with you, Kincaid. Aren’t you worried I’ll cramp your lifestyle?”

  “Aye, I’ll need to adjust some things.”

  “And I thought you were worried I’d eventually leave you, so you didn’t want to risk being with me.”

  He squeezed her hands. “I’ve been such a fool to believe that you’d abandon me like my mother left my dad and me. Just because their love turned sour, it doesn’t mean ours will.”

  “Kincaid, you are so clueless.” She hugged him, careful not to rub her raw spots, and he drew her against his chest. “I will love you to the end of time. And I’ll never let you get away from me again.”

  “Are you sure you want this, lass?”

  She nodded, every nerve ending she owned singing with eagerness. “I believe everyone who is supposed to be together will eventually find a way. And here we are with a second chance. We shouldn’t pass it up.”

  “Aye, lass. Right you are.”


  Desire smoldered in Lizzie’s dark eyes. Groaning with need, Kincaid captured her mouth with his, drowning in her sweet kiss. A soft moan escaped her as he drank in her essence. He reveled in the feel of her woman’s curves pressed against him.

  To think that Lizzie wanted him fired his libido. Yet he restrained his impulses, realizing she ached from her wounds. The next time they made love, when she was feeling better, he wanted her branded like a burning torch in his memory.

  He gently pressed her back against the grass, his hungry mouth still covering hers as he devoured every ounce of nectar her lips offered. She ran her fingers through his hair, and he shivered. Lizzie was the only woman who had ever taken him to a place of sexual ecstasy.

  All that mattered, all that he cared about, was the opportunity to join with her once again. But he could wait.

  “Undress me,” she said in a sultry voice. “Like you did the first time we made love near those enchanted stone cairns.”

  “But, aren’t you in pain, lass?”

  He grinned down at her, fondly recalling that day. The haunting loveliness of the emerald-colored glen around them had enhanced the encounter. That day, Lizzie had truly bedazzled him beyond his wildest dreams. He’d never before experienced the sensations he had with her. And somehow, he’d known he never would again.

  “This small patch of green in the wilderness has’na the ambience of our secret meeting place,” he said with a chuckle. “Besides, I’m worried about your wounds after that tumble you took.”

  “I’m feeling better. Those herbs have removed the sting,” she countered. “We’re together. That’s all that matters.”

  Slowly, he began to unbutton her blouse, his fingertips tingling. With each button he loosened, he drew aside the material, then leaned over, kissed her petal-soft flesh, savoring the salty-sweet taste of her. Finished with the last button, he said, “Speakin’ of the first time we made love, are you sure you didn’t enchant me with your witch’s powers of fascination?”

  She giggled. “I swear I didn’t. This is the second time you’ve asked me. Why are you worried?”

  “I was so caught up in the moment, lass. It indeed seemed magical. I can barely believe you didn’t addle my brain.”

  “You are easily addled.”

  He uncovered her rosy-tipped nipples and suckled each of them, drawing the succulent flesh inside his mouth. She moaned and drew his head closer. He nuzzled the pale globes more intensely, his groin hardening with each movement of his tongue.

  She arched against him and moaned. “By the Goddess,” she said breathlessly, “the things you do to me…”

  “We have a lifetime together, and I’ve only just begun, love,” he murmured, then blew on her nipples, which responded by puckering.

  She lifted up on her elbows and began to unbutton his shirt. When it flapped open, she drew him closer so their bodies pressed together, creating a blazing heat between them.

  “You need to know something,” she murmured as she reached down to stroke his hardness. “That first time we were together, my mind was as muddled as yours, Kincaid. You’re the only man I’ve ever loved.”

  He frowned, barely able to believe his own ears. He lifted one of her hands and kissed the back of it. “Nay, that canna be so.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Lizzie, girl. I had no idea.”

  She pressed her index finger against his lips. “Shhh, Kincaid. Just love me again.”

  Like a kaleidoscope, the colors around them swirled together. Heedless of anything else but the heat building inside him, he sat up and pulled off his clothing, then hers.

  “Lizzie, no matter what happens, you’ll always be my woman,” he said as he dove inside her and began to thrust.

  “You’ll always be my man,” she whispered.

  Blood throbbed through Kincaid’s veins, urging him to the highest passion. When she trailed her fingers down his back, he sensed he was in for something good. Lizzie always loved him in magical ways.

  An anguished groan escaped him and he shuddered with delight, his eyes closed, body taut as he gave into titillating sensation. Lizzie knew just how to give him the greatest pleasure.

  After the lovemaking, Kincaid placed a tender kiss on Lizzie’s lips, then her cheeks, and finally the bruises on her forehead.

  “I’ve been such an insensitive brute,” he said. “You were already hurting enough after your fall. I hope I didn’t make it worse.”

  When he began to pull away, she stopped him. “On the contrary. I feel much better.”

  “Are you sure, lass?”

  “Would I lie?” She giggled.


  “Shut up, Kincaid. Just kiss me.”

  And kiss her he did.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Back on the trail, Lizzie and Kincaid rode the tonafers toward a mountain range. Love pricked Lizzie’s heart as she watched Kincaid fiddling with the compass and muttering Gaelic swear words.

  Kincaid glanced over at her. “What are you grinnin’ at, lass?”

  “You. You’ve got such a serious look on your face.”

  He held up the compass. “This blasted thing is’na so easy to use. Do see yon mountain? The tallest one.”

  She nodded.

  “’Tis the Hag’s Mountain.” He narrowed his gaze. “See how
the snowy peak resembles an old crone? It looks like she’s got a hooked nose and a sharp chin.”

  “You’re right,” Lizzie said as she studied the rocky features. “I wonder why the Faeries called her a hag instead of a wise old woman.”

  “Good question. But then, Wise Old Woman Mountain does’na have the same ring as Hag’s Mountain, now does it?”

  She chuckled. “True.”

  “Either way, it’s not far now.” Kincaid clicked his tongue, and his tonafer picked up its pace.

  Anxious to find Uaithne and free her coven, Lizzie did the same. Up ahead, jagged peaks thrust upright into gray skies. Thick forest, covered in sparkling ice, stood at the base of a mountain range. Here and there, boulders clustered together to create strange, twisted formations.

  As a chill swept through the air, Lizzie snuggled into her cape, watching as snowflakes started falling and began to accumulate in drifts. Nightfall hugged the land as they reached a cave entrance at the base of Hag’s Mountain. Rocky slopes rose high above it, dusted with snow and ice.

  “’Tis about time we arrive,” Kincaid said.

  “I wish we could start looking for Uaithne right now,” Lizzie said, impatience whittling at her nerves.

  “Not until sunrise will the item show itself in the tombs,” Kincaid reminded her.

  “I know. I just—”

  “Hate waiting,” Kincaid finished for her. “I know, love. But we must.”

  Kincaid slid off his tonafer. He took Lizzie’s hand and helped her dismount, hugging her for a few seconds as she settled on the ground.

  Then he led the tonafers over to a grassy patch where he secured their leads to a bush. The beasts drank from a trickle of water running off the mountainside and began munching on fodder thrusting through snowdrifts.

  Kincaid heaped grass and leaves on the ground and covered it with a blanket.

  Lizzie lifted a brow. “What’s that?”

  “We’ll rest here till sunrise, lass. I could’na very well have my new wife sleeping on bare ground.”

  “Me? Sleep?” She snorted. “I won’t get a wink of that tonight. I’m too anxious.”

  He pointed at the makeshift bed. “Well, at least pretend to so I’ll feel better about takin’ care of you. I’ll stand watch.”

  She settled onto the makeshift bed as he gathered wood and made a campfire. Crackling flames soon lit the tinder and smoke rose in the air, filling the air with a peaty scent. When Kincaid sat next to her, he held her face and studied the scratches and bruises.

  “Amazing. The blemishes are nearly healed.”

  “That’s the least of my worries,” Lizzie said. “Won’t you get tired sitting up all night?”

  “No, lass. Wulvers are blessed with extreme stamina and strength. That’s why I’m so fit for this harsh, wandering lifestyle.” He frowned.

  Uneasiness swept through Lizzie. “Kincaid, are you sure you want to settle down with me? The idea is wonderful and I want to spend my life with you. But I’d hate to take you away from what you love.”

  “Lizzie girl, I love you.” He gave her a warm smile. “I’ve lived the life of a wanderlust for far too long. Even my dad settled down eventually.”

  “That didn’t work out so well, did it?”

  Kincaid shrugged. “Right you are. But that was his life. We are two different people. We’ll make it work and we’ll always be family.”

  “Yes, we will.” Deep down, a part of her still worried. She chalked it up to her impatience and need to control everything. She and Kincaid were in this relationship together, and they would work out their troubles together. Never having been married before, she needed to grow accustomed to working with her husband on difficulties they may encounter.

  She settled into the leaf bed and tried to find a comfortable position. Pain shot through her shoulders and she inhaled sharply.

  “What is it?” Kincaid sat down next to her and took her hand.

  “I still ache some from that tumble off the cliff.”

  He pulled her close and massaged her back. “It won’t be long now, Lizzie girl, before we return to Wysteria and free your clan.”

  “I love you, Kincaid.” She nuzzled his shoulder.

  “And I love you, my little witch tease.”

  Lizzie dozed fitfully, her thoughts never far from her family. When she awakened, she realized Kincaid still held her in his arms, but he was warily watching the campsite.

  With his heightened senses and keen reflexes, she realized nothing could stir without alerting him. She pecked his cheek and he glanced down at her.

  “My sleeping beauty is awake.”

  She laughed. “Aye, and ready for action.”

  He looked up at the dark sky where a full moon shimmered. “Only a few more hours, Lizzie girl, and we’ll enter the tombs where generations of Faery royalty are buried. We’ll find Uaithne and be on our way.”

  “Not a second too soon,” Lizzie said.


  In the early dawn, Kincaid roused Lizzie and they prepared to enter the cave. When the sun burst above the mountains, showering the slopes with a thousand golden rays, the cavern filled with light.

  “It’s time to go,” Kincaid told Lizzie, taking her hand.

  The rock walls glittered with moisture and the trail led to a subterranean hallway. After a short walk, a large earthen room opened, revealing torches along the jewel-inlaid walls. Piles of gold and silver coins glittered and gold statues featuring people and animals stood in nooks and crannies. Colorful tiles and frescoes decorated stone archways and thick carpets covered the earthen floor.

  Wearing a pale green gown, an elderly woman with long white hair walked toward them with the aid of a long wooden walking stick. Thin and frail, she smiled at them, revealing several missing teeth. Her jeweled crown seemed far too large for her small frame and her gossamer wings looked like wrinkled parchment. Though she looked tired, her eyes sparkled.

  “Welcome,” she said in a scratchy voice. “I am Dana, queen of the Tuatha De Danann and divine ambassador to the Elemental Kingdoms. I am the keeper of the Faery tombs.”

  She held out her wrinkled hand, her fingers covered in fine jeweled rings.

  Kincaid bowed low, lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. He felt honored to meet such an esteemed dignitary.

  “How may I help you, young ones?”

  “Fine lady, we are here seeking Uaithne in order to defeat Sorcha and her banshees. She is terrorizing humans in the Earthly Realm.”

  “Sciuradh!” Dana shook her head. “That cannot be allowed.”

  “Aye,” Kincaid said. “We aim to destroy her and save the humans from her terrorizing ways.”

  “She’s holding my clan hostage, Queen Dana,” Lizzie said. “We need to free them as soon as possible before…” Lizzie’s eyes shone with tears.

  “I understand.” The queen nodded. “I sense your intentions are true and that you both come here out of love for your people. I will fetch Uaithne and lend you instructions on how to rid the Earthly Realm of this rogue swarm.”

  “Th-thank you,” Lizzie said in a relieved tone.

  “We are beyond thankful for your assistance,” Kincaid said, relieved Queen Dana would help them.

  The elderly woman cleared her throat and said, “What offering do you bring?”

  “Offering?” Lizzie looked confused.

  “Queen Dana, we have no offering,” Kincaid explained. “We din’na know that we were to bring one.”

  Queen Dana shook her head. “Ah, young ones, did no one tell you what is required if you wish to borrow one of the ancient items? That’s the only way I can unlock them.”

  “We weren’t told,” Kincaid said.

  “You see, I must continue to live so I can guard the tombs and those buried here,” Queen Dana said. “As you can see, I age as time marches forward. But when a life is brought to me, it is encased in gold and I am filled with its essence. That way, I live on.”

  Lizzie inhale
d sharply and Kincaid met her gaze. She looked crestfallen.

  He turned to Queen Dana again. “So the golden statues in this place were once live animals and people?”

  “Indeed,” she said. “They were all offered to a higher purpose, so that I might live and continue to be the guardian of this place and its treasures.”

  Kincaid mulled over Queen Dana’s revelation. He understood what she was saying, but he and Lizzie hadn’t brought anything they could offer. Except…

  “Let’s go, Kincaid,” Lizzie said, placing a hand on his arm. “There’s nothing for us here.”

  “Wait, lass. I’ve an idea.”

  “What?” Lizzie pointed at the statues. “Where can we find a bull or a sheep to bring as an offering?”

  “Nowhere around here, and it would take too long to fetch one from somewhere else,” he said.

  “You’re right,” Lizzie said with a pensive expression. “This isn’t going to work.”

  “Lass, people offered themselves, too.”

  “Wh-what do you mean?” Her eyes opened wider.

  “I can be the sacrifice, love. Then you can return to Wysteria to free your coven.”

  She tugged his arm. “Absolutely not! I won’t allow it.”

  “There’s no other way.” He folded his arms across his chest, giving Lizzie a stern look.

  “I’ve managed to conjure some magic here,” Lizzie said. “Let me see what I can manage again.

  “Fructum expromo!” Lizzie held out her hands, as if expecting a lamb or a goat to appear. But nothing appeared. Frowning, she shouted, “Geno parturio pronto!”

  A puff of smoke appeared, along with a fizzling sound.

  She jumped on a rock and said, “Nature spirits, from thee I request that you bring forth an offering, so mote it be!”

  The fizzling grew louder, the smoke increased, but still nothing happened.

  “It’s no use, lass.” Kincaid took her arm and helped her down from her perch.

  “I don’t understand,” she muttered. “I’ve been able to do a few things. Why not this?”

  “I’m sorry lass,” Kincaid said, a catch in his voice. “I know we made plans to be together, but perhaps, after all, this is my fate.”


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