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Kept for Training

Page 5

by Emily Tilton

  “Joe, why don’t you free Alice from those restraints? Alice, would you please strip down to your shift, to start. Mary will help you undress.”

  And Mary did, after she had taken off her own shift again. Joe loosed the stout straps, and Alice stood up, feeling very strange to be able to move freely again. Joe put wood in the stove, and went to get more. Alice tried not to think about what had happened and was happening, but found that somehow, with her limbs now free, she couldn’t avoid it.

  The night before, once Joe had without force though with eloquent threats of whipping bound her to his bed, everything had seemed to take on a dreamlike quality that seemed now nearly as comforting as it had been terrible. For when she had lain there unable to move more than a few inches, to have to watch a man’s penis in a girl’s anus hadn’t really happened to Alice as much as to the girl Joe had bound to the bed, who possessed some similarities to Alice Rhodes but was of course actually a different person entirely.

  Now that she had to follow the elder’s instructions, suddenly it seemed that the girl who had felt the wetness trickling down her thigh as she saw and understood the way Joe treated Mary, and how Mary responded to it, turned out to have been Alice Rhodes after all, and it made her cheeks hot and her face pucker as she felt naked Mary pull Alice’s gingham over her head.

  “Slowly now, Alice,” the elder said in a kind voice. “Joe did the right thing to fasten you securely that way, to keep you safe, and he did the right thing to let you see him fuck Mary as a natural man does. It’s important for a girl who doesn’t yet grasp the nature of her position in our community to experience her erotic response to such a beautiful sight as a hard penis in a tight young bottom-hole. But it’s a very powerful experience indeed, and unless we make sure you start to understand your new life here in Brownsville right away, you may not be able to take it in. You may have difficulty with negative thoughts about yourself, and the way your body responded to what you saw last night when Joe bound you to his bed.”

  Standing in only her shift now, close to the stove, Alice’s lips parted, but no sound emerged. The elder’s words, and the tone in which he said them, kind and understanding but also full of a sort of authority she had heard in Joe’s voice as well, had affected her so strongly that her knees felt wobbly. The same terrible but also shamefully pleasant feeling arose down below her belly, as when she lay over Ma Gantner’s knee after a spanking—as when she had watched Joe fuck Mary’s bottom, and looked into Mary’s face and saw how proud she was to take his big cock in her little ring.

  Then she understood, suddenly, what the elder had meant about the negative thoughts, because she thought of Miss Thacher, and how it had felt to stand in the corner with her skirts up. How could she feel this way about what had happened here in Joe’s cabin, about what might happen now? Wouldn’t the birch come down from the schoolroom wall, destined for Alice’s bare bottom, to repay her for these thoughts? Shouldn’t she spend a long, long time over Ma Gantner’s knee, having her backside tanned with the big wooden spoon?

  Shouldn’t that happen to Mary Jones, though, because Mary was naked? First Mary, over Joe’s knee, his leather belt flashing down as she cried out for mercy. Then Alice, because she had gotten so wet between her legs when she saw Mary’s bottom fucked: Alice’s own bottom bared and raised over Joe’s knee, and the belt whipping her over and over until she wouldn’t be able to sit down for weeks and weeks.

  She had cast her eyes to the elder’s still ice-crusted boots, and she gave a little sob as the whirl of new ideas chased each other through her mind, as the burning between her thighs grew, and wouldn’t stop.

  “Alice,” the elder said very gently now, “look at me, please.”

  Alice raised her eyes to meet his penetrating ice-blue gaze.

  “The way you’re feeling now isn’t wrong. Nature made your body for pleasure—for your own joy and for the joy of the man who uses your sweet charms to seek his erotic release. Had you ever seen a man’s penis before last night?”

  Alice shook her head mutely.

  “Had you heard about sexual coitus? What people call fucking?”

  Alice nodded.

  “But you had never seen it done.”

  “No,” she whispered, “and I thought… I mean… not there…”

  The elder nodded. “That’s right. I’m sure Joe fucked Mary’s vagina earlier in the evening, before you arrived.” He glanced over at Mary as he spoke, and she nodded, her cheeks going a little pink. Joe nodded too, where he stood on the other side of the cabin, where he had a little work table with some leather-working tools and a piece of a harness atop it.

  For a horse? Or… for a girl? Alice thought, her heart racing.

  “A natural man, like Joe and myself and the other men of Brownsville, doesn’t hesitate to engage in what we call the act of mastery, his erect penis in his young lady’s anus, teaching her respect for and obedience to his authority.”

  Alice couldn’t suppress a little whimper at this information, or a terrible, wayward little motion of her hips as the ache down there seemed to take on a life of its own, seemed to become desperate for the slightest motion to ease the burning between her thighs. Her cheeks burned at this bodily betrayal, and she dropped her eyes again, unable to keep looking at the elder’s face.

  Again he spoke sympathetically. “As I said, Joe was right to have you watch him fuck Mary’s bottom, but anal coitus is what we call an advanced duty. Mary, how long did you wear your harness before Elder George used your bottom with his penis?”

  “Two weeks,” Mary said softly. Alice glanced at her new friend and saw that Mary had also cast her eyes down. She still felt shame, then, about having her bottom trained for men to fuck?

  Didn’t that make sense, though, since Alice knew she would never stop being ashamed of it, once the elder had trained her for the same terrible purpose… to be a place, even in the passage not intended for fucking, for men to enjoy themselves whenever they liked and however they liked?

  As Alice realized that some part of her had accepted that she would receive the same sort of training as Mary—that some part of her felt happy that Joe would someday soon put his cock inside her mouth, her cunt, her bottom… even that the elder might do the same, as it seemed Mary had had her bottom fucked by this Elder George first—her whole body went hot, as if the stove had just received a hundred fresh logs rather than the two Joe had put into its glowing front. How could her mind and her heart betray her that way, going along with the bodily urges to which Miss Thacher and Ma Gantner would surely agree a young woman must never yield, for fear of never becoming a respectable bride, wife, and mother?

  The elder had kept speaking in that awful gentle voice, though, and his words affected Alice beyond reason, seeming to go straight to the hot, needy place down below.

  “You can see, just as you saw last night, Alice, that Mary delights in submitting to a man’s enjoyment even in what must seem to you an unnatural way. When the time comes for you to begin your anal training, we’ll spend a long time talking about why it’s so important for young ladies in Brownsville to be fucked in their bottoms, but I can see on your face that you already know, deep down inside, that anal coitus will be compulsory for you, and that you’re even beginning to understand why. Mary, can you help Alice a little? Why did you have to be fucked in your bottom, and why do you have to give natural men their way there regularly now?”

  A deep crease appeared in Mary’s brow as she raised her eyes to give the elder an imploring look, as if hoping to be spared the shame of the admission Alice felt she already knew would emerge from her pretty pink lips.

  “We need it,” she whispered. “It’s not natural, and that’s why we need it… so that…” Her frown deepened, as she seemed to try to find the words she had learned from the elders in the school to which Alice now felt certain she herself must also go. “So that we give a natural man his will even when his will is unnatural.” Mary beamed, clearly knowing she had rep
roduced her lesson perfectly.

  Elder Hilton gave her an answering smile. “Very good, Mary. Very good indeed.” He turned his attention back to Alice, and her cheeks instantly went hot again as his eyes fixed on hers. “Why don’t we have a look at Mary’s anus now, and her vagina, so you can see firsthand what your life here will involve. That will help get your ready for your own examination in a moment.” He looked again at Mary, whose own face had gone red again. “Bend over the bed, please, Mary, and spread your hind-cheeks.”

  Alice had noticed, of course, that Mary had no hair between her legs, but now, as the girl bent over in compliance to the elder’s instruction, the fact seemed even more embarrassing than it had when Alice had first noticed it the previous night.

  “You’ll see that Mary here has had her pudenda shaved. You’ll be shaved too, when you come to school, Alice. Natural men generally prefer that their young ladies not have hair to cover their nether charms, as a way of impressing on them that their modesty and shame belong to their masters. Some men allow a little hair to grow back once a young lady comes to live with them as their own. It’s a matter of personal preference. I like my girls to have a few tresses just above their clitorises. What do you prefer, Joe?”

  Alice swallowed hard as she turned her eyes to the big, bearded, handsome pioneer. He answered forthrightly, looking straight at her. “I like it all off, Alice. If I’m given the right of the phallus over you, you’ll go into town for shaving once a week.”

  “As you can hear,” Elder Hilton continued smoothly, “natural men know what they like, when it comes to their young ladies’ bodies.”

  Alice couldn’t suppress a little whimper at that, as she contemplated Mary’s spread bottom and her young cunt with its pink secrets just peeping out between the plumper, whiter lips around them.

  “You can see that Mary’s anus is still very small despite her training and regular coitus with Elder George and the men to whom he has sent her. How often does the elder lend you, Mary?”

  Mary’s voice came from her bent head as a barely audible whisper. “Once a week, Elder.”

  “Alice, if you are given to Joe, you won’t be sent around Brownsville as often as that, but I’m sure Joe does plan to share you with his friends. Isn’t that right, Joe?”

  She could sense the tiniest bit of tension in the elder’s voice, now, and it fascinated her, even as the idea of being shared around the town put squirming butterflies in her belly. The greater tension in Joe’s answer increased her interest. “Sure is, Elder Hilton,” he said, but the cheeriness of his voice seemed to cover over something else, and it made Alice’s heart give a little jump. Did Joe really want to keep her for himself only? Did the elder’s very question mean that this part of life in Brownsville might be more difficult to navigate than the men might wish?

  Chapter Eight

  Thomas knew now that he faced a dilemma, but also that it was of a kind Dr. Brown had specifically prepared his three elders to face. The physician had given them strict instructions on the matter—or, rather, Thomas reflected now, strongly worded guidelines—not once but twice in their last meetings with him in Liverpool, the week before they had set out for America.

  The final time had come on board the Oceanic just before Dr. Brown had given them his final blessing and disembarked to return to his college in Westmoreland.

  “Young women will, as I’ve said before, gentlemen, almost inevitably find their way into your little town along paths we have not foreseen. I believe that together we have laid out a very sensible scheme for the addition of girls to the female citizenry, and the assignment of the right of the phallus over them to deserving cocksmen—er, male citizens, I should say.”

  One of the few decisions they had made in the planning of Brownsville not to occasion a certain degree of contention among the elders had been the designation of the men they would recruit as settlers not as cocksmen but as male citizens. Dr. Brown had declared himself surprised that all his elders agreed on this score, because he found the frank designation helpfully bracing to natural men in their responsibility to care for their young ladies properly. Messrs. Shaw, George, and Hilton, however, had convinced him that if the name were revealed to the more prudish sort of American on the frontier, difficulties might follow. The doctor had contented himself with outlining a weekly town meeting in which the sort of names he found more natural could find employment. Thus, at the town meeting, male citizens addressed one another as Cocksman, and the elders as Grand Cocksman.

  “Indeed, sir,” Mr. Shaw had said. “And your assistance from here in identifying English girls who stand in need of a fresh start in America has already been invaluable.”

  Dr. Brown had nodded graciously at the compliment. “But, gentlemen,” he had continued, “though I do not wish to repeat myself, I must confess that I believe the advent of girls according to other means—say, if a male citizen should go to a city and find himself a young lady and bring her to Brownsville on his own—to be a grave threat to your community’s thriving as we all wish it should.”

  Mr. George had ventured to state his opinion at that point. “As I said the last time we discussed this matter, it seems easiest simply to send such girls away, especially since we will not have the benefit of the vetting we ourselves will do before selecting girls for sexual training.”

  “I’m afraid,” Dr. Brown had replied, “I don’t view that as feasible, Mr. George. The three of you, as fully natural men, cannot fully grasp, I believe, the feelings of men less advanced in the ways of natural sexuality.”

  Mr. Shaw had begun to protest, but Dr. Brown had waved a conciliatory hand.

  “Pray don’t be offended, Mr. Shaw, or any of you. You are men of the world, if still, blessedly, young men of the world. You are natural men—indeed you are cocksmen, the highest compliment I can pay a man, strange as our so-called enlightened society might find it. But you haven’t the experience of seeing the development of other natural men’s consciousness of their rights and duties as I have. Mark my words, a girl will arrive in Brownsville who cannot be sent away so easily without the occasioning of ill will. One male citizen will regard her as belonging, properly, to him. Another will see the matter very differently and invoke the commonality of women’s bodies, that founding principle we have from Plato himself.”

  “But,” Thomas himself had interjected then, “surely the men we select, and in whom we inculcate your doctrines, will be brought around to see matters as we do. In fact, will not it be an excellent occasion for a lesson, in the meeting house or in the public square, when several men fuck the girl together, to earn the right of the phallus over her?”

  Dr. Brown had shaken his head, and reiterated the advice he seemed to consider best on all such matters. “You must deliberate,” he had said. “I do not think it will be easy, because the urge toward possession is strong in natural men, else our human species could not have survived. If a man did not have the urge to keep his woman—several women, even—to himself, to be the one to rule over her body… to decide how she should serve him sexually and how he should discipline her…”

  Mr. Shaw had finished the thought for the doctor. “We would never have evolved from the beasts. We would have had no reason to do so.”

  Thomas still didn’t feel entirely sure he saw the logic of that theoretical portion of Dr. Brown’s theory, but such concerns faded in comparison to the very practical ones he now confronted, as he glanced at Joe Smithers and noticed the way Joe looked at Alice Rhodes, precisely the sort of new girl whose arrival Dr. Brown had predicted. Joe very clearly understood Alice to belong to him, as much as he might acknowledge the idea of commonality under which he had agreed to live when he came to Brownsville—under which indeed he had been enjoying Mary Jones’ bottom when Alice had come to his door.

  Now, with that same bottom on lewd display as Mary bent over his bed, Joe had eyes only for Alice, still in her shift. Thomas suppressed a sigh. He must do his best now to make it as easy as
possible for Joe to give her up into his custody, and he must do it in a properly erotic fashion, to further the girl’s training.

  “Alice, why don’t you play with Mary’s cunt for a bit, and see what happens?” he said.

  The girl’s pretty face puckered with mingled shame and desire, and a little sobbing sound came from her chest.

  “I…” she whispered. “I couldn’t…”

  “Yes,” Thomas said. “You can, and you will, my dear. I can see in your eyes that these matters weren’t entirely unknown to you before you came here last night. Tell me, have you been regularly spanked, or whipped with a strap, or birched, to teach you proper behavior?”

  Alice’s eyes went wide.

  “Regularly?” she said, as if she had never heard the word before. Thomas saw the sort of opening for which he had hoped. He glanced at Joe, who seemed quite happy with the direction of the conversation. That would help, of course: Thomas must make it clear that Alice’s training would occur under the aegis of the elders, before her being awarded to the most deserving male citizen. That might be Joe, but Ken Sweeney probably had the better claim.

  “Yes, Alice. Some girls, once they’ve turned eighteen, receive regular bare-bottom discipline. Isn’t that true, Mary?”

  Alice’s right hand had begun to drift, very hesitantly, toward Mary’s backside. Now the blonde girl jerked it back, almost as if she had received a smack upon it, or the sting of a bee. Yes, Thomas thought, she’s had some interesting—and probably recent—history in this regard, hasn’t she?

  “Yes, Elder,” Mary said, with a little reluctance in her voice.

  “As you can hear from the way Mary answered,” Thomas continued smoothly, in the tone he used for teaching when he came to Miss Reynolds’ school to give a lesson, as the three elders did in regular rotation, “she doesn’t much like to talk about her punishments any more than you do, my dear. But please go ahead and rub her cunt, now, and you’ll see what the thought of them does to her, as it should to every submissive young lady—as I imagine it’s doing to you right now.”


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