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Kept for Training

Page 9

by Emily Tilton

  “Miss Rhodes, that is a bold eye you have for Mr. Fancher. Young ladies in Brownsville do not look so frankly at gentlemen—especially those to whom they have not been introduced. Mr. Sweeney will spank you now. Miss Jones, please help Miss Rhodes undress completely for her punishment.”

  Before that, last Monday, she had felt Joe’s already familiar hand on her bare bottom in the schoolroom itself, in recompense for giggling with Mary about one of the illustrations in the mythology book, of Jupiter changing back from swan to human to enjoy the lovely Leda. Miss Reynolds had made Alice stand at her desk, and then take her tight knickers down to her knees and raise her skirt. Then she had had to walk slowly to Joe where he sat at Miss Reynolds invitation in the big teacher’s chair, at the very front of the schoolroom next to the pot-belly stove.

  The whole class had watched as he upended Alice over his knee and began to spank her soundly, until her tears wet the floor under her face and her bottom blazed. At Miss Reynolds’ instructions she had had to stand at her desk for the rest of the lesson, knickers still down and skirts pinned up to show the evidence of the stern correction she had received at the hand of the man to whose home she had first come that terrible, strangely marvelous night.

  Oh, Joe, she thought now, turning back with warm cheeks to her book, by no means sure that Miss Reynolds wouldn’t single her out for her bold eye, yet again, though the girls looked back at the gentlemen on visiting days all the time and it almost seemed that their teacher encouraged it with the occasional knowing smile. Oh, Joe.

  All the girls said that Ken Sweeney would be Alice’s master. It seemed completely settled to them, because Ken Sweeney had come at the same time, and he ran the bunkhouse while Joe had decided to build a cabin and farm. Even Mary, who liked Joe very much, and understood how Alice felt about the matter—and felt sure that Joe wanted Alice for his own and would take good care of her—thought that the elders would give Alice to Ken.

  “I set my cap for Ken,” Mary had said to Alice just the day before, as they sat at Sunday dinner, “when I first got here.”

  As the second of Elder George’s young ladies Mary was allowed to come to Miss Reynolds’ for dinner whenever she liked, though her sexual duties to the elder and the men to whom he sent her were quite demanding. Miss Jane Weathers, Mary’s senior young lady, sometimes required Mary’s assistance in keeping the George household running, but more often, being a kindly mistress, she recognized that the elder kept Mary so busy in the night that the girl deserved a good deal of freedom during the day.

  “When Elder George told me I would belong to him it made me a little sad. That was before I really understood deep down. Jane persuaded the elder to send me to Ken once a week for fucking, though, and that made it easier.”

  Alice’s jaw had dropped, for she hadn’t considered this part of the life of a young lady in Brownsville. “In the bunkhouse?” she had asked.

  Mary had giggled. “Yes, silly. How else are the men supposed to stay content while they’re waiting for homes and girls of their own? You’ll be sent to the bunkhouse, too, I’m sure, once you belong to Ken and live in town. I bet he’ll lend you to Vic Rottner all the time. Vic has a nice penis, too. Not too long, but nice and wide. It’s uncomfortable in your bottom at first, but he’s gentle, and he lets you touch yourself, and it feels so nice in your pussy before he turns you over.”

  Alice’s face had gone very hot at that, and she had glanced around the table to see if anyone had heard the lewd words despite knowing that such things were completely acceptable in Miss Reynolds’ dining room. Just as lessons about the enormous manhood of the father of gods and men, deep in Danae’s virgin cunt to make a hero in her belly, were, it seemed, appropriate in Miss Reynolds’ school.

  She wondered for the hundredth time whether she was in love with Joe. She certainly felt differently about him from the way she felt about Ken, even though she couldn’t help liking both men very much. And she felt differently about the two of them from the way she felt about Elder Hilton, or about the new man with the blond beard. She supposed Miss Reynolds had seen to that, with the way she turned Alice over alternately to Joe and to Ken.

  That part of it—the alternation—represented the element of Miss Reynolds’ intentions that seemed the most opaque to Alice, and also the most troubling. It seemed as though the schoolteacher must have some other purpose beyond teaching the new girl respect, if Joe and Ken were the only men to whom her bare bottom was given for firm-handed chastisement. Alice understood that Mr. Sweeney and Mr. Smithers stood first in line for the next girl to be awarded, but did that have to be Alice? And hadn’t Alice come to Joe in the first place?

  She felt as if Elder Hilton and Miss Reynolds had kept something from her. When she thought about Joe in bed at night in the cozy dormitory that felt more like home than any place since her family’s big house in Boston before the crash, not knowing what the elders or her teacher intended for her made her heart ache. The sentimental anguish, in turn, troubled her even more than she thought it would have had she come to any ordinary community: to have visions in her sleepy mind of Joe’s big penis, the one she herself had sucked several times now, in Mary’s little bottom… to rub her own sore bottom and touch the little hole Joe had promised to fuck… to stop herself for fear of the caning a girl got here for touching herself… all that seemed to make Alice want to run away, no matter the territory and no matter the winter weather, and die in the snow if she didn’t find a place that made more sense.

  She liked Brownsville just as much as Mary had predicted she would, but though it made little sense when she tried to puzzle it out, Alice didn’t like the fact that she liked it: she didn’t like it at all, because it would mean that even if she did become Joe’s, she wouldn’t be allowed to pretend that she didn’t want all of it—the cock in her mouth and in her pussy and in her bottom… the firm hand guiding her so strictly when she needed to learn respect… even the idea of being sent by her master to other men for fucking and discipline.

  Wouldn’t it be better to want red-haired, blue-eyed Ken Sweeney? She felt she could be more rebellious with him, because he wasn’t sweet on her the way Joe was. When Ken spanked her, she struggled more, and he didn’t seem to mind but rather seemed happy to spank her harder. He wasn’t a cruel man, but he had made it clear to Alice that he didn’t feel any compunction about keeping her in line. If Alice had to stay in Brownsville, where all these strange feelings would she felt sure keep afflicting her, shouldn’t it be as the property of a man like Ken? Surely he would send Alice to Joe sometimes to please him, and receive in return the erotic delights of whatever girl from the new group the elders would assign to Joe.

  “Miss Rhodes,” Miss Reynolds was saying rather severely. “Alice Rhodes, please return your attention where it belongs this instant. I asked you a question.”

  Oh, no. Surely she would get her spanking now.

  “I’m sorry, miss,” Alice said humbly, looking up with burning cheeks into the stern gaze of her teacher. “Could you repeat the question, please?”

  “I asked you,” Miss Reynolds said in an exasperated tone, “whether you think Perseus fucked Andromeda’s anus before he rescued her, or whether he waited until afterward. But it is clear that you cannot pay attention to the lesson. You will be birched naked today by Elder Hilton in the parlor, and suck the cock of every man present while they fondle your charms as they please.”

  Alice looked down, the words on the page of the mythology book swimming in front of her eyes. A tear dropped onto the book, as Mary put out a hand to squeeze Alice’s own on the desk.

  “Now go to the corner and display your bottom, please. You will remain there for the remainder of the lesson since it seems to do you no good at your desk, and the spectacle of a young rump soon to be whipped may help inspire the new girls to greater respect than you seem capable of mustering.”

  Alice bit her lip and gave a little sob. Suddenly all the defiance that had left her in the past t
wo weeks, as she had tried it Mary’s way, accepting her need for the shameful ways of Brownsville, came back. She might need this in some terrible way she would rather never admit, but she didn’t need to accept Miss Reynolds’ unfair treatment of her—the way the woman who sometimes seemed so kind had clearly decided to make Alice’s life miserable as she held her caught like a mouse among cats, giving her over for unjust punishment to any man the schoolteacher chose.

  “I won’t,” she said, trying to make her voice strong but hearing it quaver with her tears. She looked up into Miss Reynolds’ blazing eyes and hesitated for a moment, almost repenting of her rebellion.

  “Oh, won’t you, Miss Rhodes?” asked Miss Reynolds, her eyes narrowing. “Mr. Smithers and Mr. Sweeney, would you please display Miss Rhodes’ bare bottom over my desk? Remove all her clothes. I think she must be birched here in the schoolroom. The cock-sucking can take place later.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Joe didn’t know how to feel about Miss Reynolds’ decision. Part of him wanted to object to the punishment, which didn’t seem at all fair to him. He looked at Ken, though, and saw in his rival’s face that he had no intention of objecting. Ken wanted to display Alice’s backside for all to see, and he wanted to watch Alice birched in front of the class.

  Joe couldn’t deny the way his cock swelled at the thought, but as the days since his breakfast visit to Alice had passed, he had found himself growing more tender toward her than he had thought he could ever be. He fully recognized the necessity Dr. Brown outlined in his treatise of guiding submissive girls through firm-handed discipline, but Miss Reynolds’ treatment of Alice, with such regular spankings and now a second birching in only her first two weeks in Brownsville, made Joe feel protective of the girl who had stumbled into his cabin and out of the blizzard.

  Ken’s resolve seemed to Joe, however, to give him no choice at all. Miss Reynolds ran the school, under the authority of Elder Shaw and the other elders, and she had the right and the duty to decide how to interpret Dr. Brown’s ideas for the benefit of her girls and of the community as a whole. She had decided that Alice needed frequent punishment, and had also apparently decided that having Joe and Ken involved in that punishment would produce the best result for Brownsville.

  Joe only questioned whether it would produce the best result for him, or for Alice. Ken could take care of himself: the stern man didn’t seem to have his heart at risk the way Joe’s was. As Joe remembered how he had treated Alice the night she arrived—the brusque things he had said about fucking, the way he had tied her up so that he could finish in Mary Jones’ bottom, even the proprietary thoughts he had entertained as he went to fetch Elder Hilton, of how Alice should of course be given to him to master—he could hardly believe he had possessed that kind of hard-heartedness. If Alice should in the end come to him as his young lady, he knew he wouldn’t have a difficult time taking her over his knee and lowering her drawers for a spanking when she needed correction for not getting her chores done… but it made his heart ache to think of having to punish her that way.

  He would not, of course, have a difficult time at all giving her the kind of masterful fucking he longed to enjoy with her, and bringing her body the kind of pleasure a girl can only feel in the arms of a man whom she trusts completely. But at this moment that seemed to Joe to be neither here nor there: he found as he moved forward woodenly alongside Ken to take hold of Alice and draw her on reluctant feet to the big desk at the front of the schoolroom that he cared about nothing but her happiness, and the way this display and this birching would lessen it so greatly.

  Perhaps this humiliating, agonizing ordeal would, as Miss Reynolds must intend, bear the fruit in Alice of repentance and the respect that Joe frankly didn’t find to be as lacking as the schoolteacher seemed to think it. Joe just couldn’t see it, though: Alice’s tears and sobs as they undressed her seemed a cruelty to him.

  Ken removed her school dress while Joe held her around the waist, shifting his grip as necessary to let the worsted be drawn over her head, then Ken did the same for Joe so that her undershirt could be removed to bare her lovely little breasts. Alice struggled against them, and cried out, “No, please,” but Miss Reynolds said, “Fasten her to the desk with the straps at the corners, then lower the knickers and take them off. She’ll have them in her mouth to keep her quiet.”

  Joe couldn’t help wanting to be the one to lower Alice’s tight schoolgirl pants, but he let Ken do it so that he could be close to her face when he buckled her wrists into the well-worn restraints of Miss Reynolds’ desk, bending her bare torso across the dark wood. He consoled himself that with her hands bound, she wouldn’t get any extra for trying to ward off the birch.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear as he made her fast. Alice looked into his eyes, then, and for a moment he thought he must have made a terrible mistake in revealing that he had felt a pang at having to play this role in the terrible chastisement of the girl he loved. Alice seemed to be searching his face for something else—something besides pity and mercy and even love. Then she bit her lip and gave a little nod, and he thought he saw in her gaze the return of at least some of the affection he felt for her.

  “Mr. Sweeney, please give the knickers to Mr. Smithers. He’ll put them in the girl’s mouth.”

  “With pleasure, Miss Reynolds,” Ken said, a broad grin on his face. “Here you go, Joe.” He held out the little garment of thin cotton over Alice’s naked back.

  Joe felt sure then that Miss Reynolds knew the conflict in his heart, and that either to confound his desire to have Alice as his own or somehow to help it, she wanted to make him be as severe with her as he could—as severe as Ken could clearly be. His fingers felt strange and almost foreign to him as he took Alice’s knickers. His cock stiffened even more, for the touch of the fabric, and the sight of a little wet spot on it, made him want Alice more than he ever had, even as it made him dread the moment when he must stand back and see her cunt and bottom on display, see her whipped until her lovely backside became a mess of terrible red welts.

  “Spread your knees, Miss Rhodes,” Miss Reynolds said coldly. “Let’s see to what the man who masters you has to look forward.”

  Alice gave a little sob, and from the opposite side of the desk Joe saw that she had in fact drawn her thighs closer together and tensed her bottom.

  Miss Reynolds gave a theatrical sigh. “Mr. Sweeney, it appear that we must bind her feet as well. Would you please do me that service?”

  Alice gave a heartrending cry, and looked wildly up at Joe. “Please, Joe… please…” she said. “Please, don’t…”

  But though he didn’t think he understood completely, he could see on Alice’s face and hear in her words that even though Miss Reynolds might well be going too far this morning, Joe’s lovely golden-haired girl would benefit from this correction in front of the class. That didn’t make it right for Miss Reynolds to do it, but the schoolteacher seemed almost to be doing her pupil good despite the misguided intention behind the punishment.

  “See, girls,” Miss Reynolds was saying. “Her cunt is quite wet, isn’t it? Miss Quirk, I’m sure you can see even from the back of the room how those lips shine.”

  “Oh, no. Oh, no,” Alice sobbed.

  “Mr. Smithers, please silence Miss Rhodes.”

  In a trance of arousal, Joe lowered Alice’s knickers to her face, where it extended just over the edge of the big teacher’s desk between her wrists in the stout black leather straps. Obeying his dominant instincts, and knowing from the sound of her pleading voice that it would indeed do her good in the long run to get this evidence of his intention to possess her fully as his own, he presented the wet spot she had made to her eyes, and then to her nose.

  Alice gave a whimper, and her hips bucked on the desk. She closed her eyes, and her face went very red.

  “Observe, girls,” said Miss Reynolds, “how much Miss Rhodes needs this correction, as a prelude to her eventual fucking by one of thes
e men.”

  “Open your mouth, sweetheart,” Joe said softly, and Alice bit her lip and made a mewing sound, one final time, and then she did open her mouth so that Joe could gently insert the wadded fabric that would complete her obedience. She would have her birching in the desperate quiet of the rod against her lovely bottom and the muffled whimpering that emerged around her knickers.

  “Do you taste your need, Miss Rhodes?” asked Miss Reynolds. “Nod if you do.”

  Alice, eyes still closed, nodded frantically.

  “Very well. You may go back to your places, gentlemen. We will leave Miss Rhodes like this until the end of the lesson, and then she shall be birched by Elder Hilton.” Miss Reynolds strode to the wall and took the bundle of branches, wrapped at one end with a pink ribbon to make a handle, down from it. Purposefully, with the eyes of all upon her, she walked back to her desk and laid the birch across Alice’s back. “Think about how your pretty bottom will feel, and how it will look, once you have received your punishment, girl. Perhaps you will learn respect today, and perhaps you will show these men that you deserve to have one of them as your master.”

  Then Joe thought he understood, as he heard Alice’s answering whimper, something about Miss Reynolds’ plan that he had not grasped before. The schoolteacher meant to prepare Alice to accept the decision of the elders. She meant to show the girl that even if she were sent to Ken’s new home for pleasure and guidance, rather than to Joe’s cabin, she would still be a young lady of Brownsville.

  Joe didn’t feel sure he liked either the aim or the means, for he desperately wanted Alice to come to him and he thought Miss Reynolds might run the risk of confusing Alice so thoroughly that she didn’t want to be a young lady of Brownsville. He felt a little reassured, though, to have puzzled out more of the schoolteacher’s meaning. Though he still thought the punishment wrong and unjust, perhaps it would do Alice some good.


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