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Cookies and Buried Secrets

Page 3

by Amber Crewes

  The next morning, Meghan awoke to her phone ringing. She rolled over in bed, ignoring the noise, but call after call came in. Finally, she answered the phone.

  “Meghan!” Sofía cried. “He’s dead! He’s dead! He was at the bar last night, and now, he’s dead!”

  “Who is dead?” Meghan asked, rubbing her eyes. “Winston?”

  “Brody! Brody is dead, Meghan!”


  “HE’S WHAT?” Meghan asked in disbelief.

  “He’s dead! Brody is dead!” Sofia screamed. “I wanted him to leave me alone! I didn’t want him dead!”

  “Sofia! What happened?” Meghan asked, holding a hand to her heart as Sofia cried.

  “I don’t know! Mamá isn’t home, and I went to grab a coffee in town. I heard screaming and saw police cars as I got closer to town, and then, I saw his body in an alley! The police were covering it with a sheet! He’s dead, Meghan!”

  Meghan was in shock. “Where is your mother?”

  “I don’t know! Mamá gave me some sleeping pills last night to calm me down, and when I woke up, she was gone. She left a note saying that she was going to the gym, but she still isn’t home!”

  “That’s pretty normal,” Meghan said slowly, recalling her conversation with Karen the night before. “She works out for hours each day. I’m sure she’ll be back soon.”

  “It’s just crazy, Meghan! He’s dead, and a police officer called the house, looking for me! I have to go down to the station later and talk to them. I can’t get ahold of my mom, and I don’t know what I’m gonna say. I just hate cops, you know?”

  Meghan thought of Jack dressed in his police uniform and shook her head. “The police in Sandy Bay are good people. Just be honest and relax. This will all be figured out, I promise! Look, since Karen isn’t back yet, I’ll come pick you up from the station later, okay?”

  Sofia hiccuped. “Okay, Meghan. That would be nice. Gracias, chica.”

  Meghan arrived at the police station that evening with a concerned look on her face. She had been accused of three murders since moving to Sandy Bay, and as she climbed the steps of the Sandy Bay Police Station, she fretted that her name would somehow come up in the investigation of Brody’s death. He had been at her bakery the day he died, and Meghan’s stomach churned as she remembered how it was to have almost everyone in the town turn against her.

  “Meghan!” Jack Irvin exclaimed as she walked into the station. “So good to see you! What are you doing here?”

  Meghan sighed. “I’m here to pick up Sofia,” she explained as Jack’s face grew stormy.

  “I interviewed her myself,” Jack said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Meghan, you’ve been at the center of two Sandy Bay scandals already. I have some....concerns about Sofia and this boyfriend situation. I think you should really let Karen take care of her daughter right now….”

  Meghan shook her head. “She can’t get ahold of Karen,” Meghan said. “She is my friend, Jack. I met her terrible boyfriend! Brody was so scary, Jack. He threatened me, and the police just let him go!”

  Jack’s jaw dropped. “What? Meghan! I didn’t know about that! Why didn’t you call me? I would have made Officer Nunan lock up that monster forever if I had known he had threatened you!”

  Meghan lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry, I should have called,” she said. “I was shaken up, and Karen was upset too.”

  Jack raised an eyebrow. “Speaking of Karen, where is she? Sofia said Karen was at the gym, but I can’t get ahold of her. I’d really like to speak with her. I’m also trying to get ahold of Winston. Do you know anything about his whereabouts? I know Sofia was at his bar last night, and she seems to open up to you….”

  Meghan frowned. “Jack, I don’t know anything. Sofia called earlier to tell me Brody is dead. I don’t know anything about what happened, but I heard how upset she was. I think she is innocent.”

  Jack sighed. “We’ll see,” he said. “I’m just glad you are safe. That Brody character sounds like a bad dude. Whoever wanted him dead really wanted him gone! He had quite a few bullets in his side, Meghan. The murder weapon is missing, and it just all seems a little odd that someone like Sofia shows up, and then, someone dies. That’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen here in sleepy old Sandy Bay, and from what Sofia said, it sounds like she had good reason to say sayonara to Brody!”

  Meghan placed her hands on her hips. “I just know that Sofia didn’t do it,” she said. “Let me help you investigate. Karen did say that Brody and Winston fought last night. Brody even vandalized Winston’s bar! Let me help you look into that. I want to do everything I can to help Karen and Sofia. Karen has done so much for me, and this is the least I can do for them!”

  Jack groaned. “Meghan, are you sure you want to get wrapped up in this mess?”

  Meghan nodded as Sofia appeared through a door at the end of the hallway. “Sofia!” Meghan waved. “Hey!”

  Sofia looked down at the ground. “Meghan. Officer Irvin.”

  Jack frowned and turned to walk away. “Meghan, do what you want. Just know that I have to take this seriously.”

  As Jack walked away, Sofia stuck her tongue out at his back. “I hate cops,” she hissed. “They’re the worst. That one was so rude to me. He thinks I did it. I can tell.”

  Meghan shook her head. “He’s a good guy, Sofia. I know him. Just take it easy. Let’s get out of here.”

  The two women walked outside. Karen’s orange jeep was parked on the curb.

  “Did you find my mother?” Sofia asked. Meghan shook her head.

  “No, I just borrowed her car to come get you,” Meghan said.

  “I can’t believe he thinks I did it,” Sofia lamented as they drove toward Karen’s house. “I mean, we weren’t together, and I hated who he became, but I loved Brody!”

  Meghan nodded her head as Sofia began to cry. “I know,” she said softly. “It must be so hard.”

  Meghan deposited Sofia at Karen’s house and drove the orange jeep back to the bakery. As she parked, she noticed Sofia had left her red leather purse in the passenger side of the door.

  “I’ll get that back to her,” Meghan thought as she reached for her cell phone. As she walked to her front door, she dialed Jack’s number and began to chastise him.

  “Jack! She didn’t do it. She said that you were rude to her, and you need to chill out. I know she didn’t do it. Have you spoken to Winston yet?”

  Before Jack could answer, Meghan tripped, dropping her cell phone and Sofia’s purse on the ground. “Uh oh!” Meghan said to herself as the contents of the purse fell onto the sidewalk. Meghan bent down to collect Sofia’s things. She picked up a tube of red lipstick, fifteen pennies, a wallet, and an expired credit card.

  “Shoot!” Meghan said, stuffing the items into the purse. As she reached her hand inside of the bag, she touched a cold, hard object.

  “What?” Meghan murmured as she pulled the item out of the bag.

  Meghan lifted the cold, hard object out of her bag and gasped. In her hands, she held a gold, antique gun.


  “YOU TOLD ME THAT you had nothing to do with it, Sofia, and then I find this?” Meghan yelled as she pounded on the door of Karen’s house. Sofia appeared, and when she saw the gun sparkling in the sunshine, her face grew pale.

  “Wait. Meghan, it’s not what it looks like,” Sofia said.

  “Not what it looks like? Your ex-boyfriend was murdered, the murder weapon is missing, and you just happen to have a gun in your bag? Where is Karen? I need to talk to her now!”

  “Meghan?” Karen appeared in the doorway beside her daughter. “What’s the matter?”

  “Karen!” Meghan exclaimed. “Where have you been? Do you know what happened?”

  Karen nodded. “I heard,” she said quietly, her face grim. “I was out for a long run and didn’t see my missed calls until I got home. It’s terrible, Meghan.”

  Meghan glared at Sofia. “I think she knows more than what she told J
ack,” Meghan said, pointing at Sofia. “Look what I found!” Meghan dangled the small, golden gun in front of Karen and Sofia.

  “Sofia!” Karen screeched. “You have a gun?”

  “Not just any gun,” Meghan added. “I think it’s the murder weapon!”

  Sofia reached out her perfectly-manicured hand and snatched the gun from Meghan’s grip.

  “Stop it,” she said coldly. “That was a gift from Brody. It’s worth a lot of money, Meghan, and if you break it, you’ll owe me.”

  Karen spun to face her daughter. “Explain to me why Brody would give you a gun,” she said. “Tell us right now, Sofia.”

  Sofia leaned onto one hip and turned her thick lips into a pout. “He always said that I was his pistol,” Sofia explained. “He bought me this from an antique gun shop in Honduras last summer. It’s not the murder weapon, Meghan. Just look at it.”

  Meghan squinted at the gun. It was in perfect condition; there was not a scratch or blemish on it, and Meghan searched for a trace of evidence.

  “That’s enough,” Sofia said, tucking the gun into the back pocket of her tight black leather pants. “I’ve had enough of this. That cop already interrogated me, and I don’t need you in my face, Meghan. You’re supposed to be my friend. I came to Sandy Bay to get away from Brody, not to kill him. This is all too messed up.”

  Sofia marched into the house, and Meghan could hear the slam of a door. “This isn’t good,” she said to Karen. “Jack and I spoke earlier, and he has concerns about Sofia. Now, honestly, so do I…”

  “I know,” Karen whispered, her eyes red. “I had a bad feeling when she showed up at my birthday party. That girl has always managed to find trouble. I’m so upset, Meghan! First Sofia shows up here, then her ex-boyfriend appears and threatens you AND fights at Winston’s, and now, he’s dead? It’s terrible.”

  Meghan nodded. “Karen, what happened last night? Was Sofia here?”

  Karen shrugged. “I think so? She came home from Winston’s and was so upset about Brody showing up and fighting! I gave her some sleeping medication to help calm her down. The last I saw of her was at about nine. I checked on her before my nighttime yoga class. I didn’t look in when I got home, so I assumed all was well….”

  “I want to believe her,” Meghan said. She’s your daughter, Karen! I want to believe her and for her to be innocent! I just don’t know.”

  “Neither do I,” Karen admitted. “Neither do I….”

  The next day, Meghan’s heart fluttered as Jack walked into the bakery. “Jack!” Meghan cried, happy to see him. “I’m so glad to see you. I’m sorry our call dropped yesterday. There were some...interesting things going on!”

  Jack furrowed his brow. “Oh? Anything I should know about?”

  Meghan nodded. “Yes, but you look like you have something to talk about. What’s up?”

  Jack sighed. “I’ve been interrogating Winston, and I’m concerned that he may have played a part in the murder, Meghan.”

  Meghan’s dark eyes widened. “No! No way, Jack!”

  Jack nodded. “Brody tore up his bar, and I have several witnesses on record saying that Winston was threatening Brody as he kicked Brody out of the bar!”

  Meghan rolled her eyes. “Officer Irvin,” she said playfully. “Threatening someone doesn’t mean that he killed him! Come on!”

  Jack stared into Meghan’s eyes. “We found some things, Meghan.”

  “What?” Meghan asked.

  “We searched Winston’s bar and found some guns. A few of them had recently been used. We can’t be too sure, but we think we may have found our murderer.”

  Meghan’s heart pounded. “There’s just no way,” she said. “Winston isn’t a killer!”

  Jack shrugged. “Our lab isn’t sophisticated enough to do accurate testing,” he explained. “We’re sending the guns off to a bigger lab in Portland. Until we can get more information, we’re going to keep Winston in jail.”

  Meghan crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I’m just not sure you’re onto the right gun owner,” she said. “I found a gun, Jack. I found a gun in Sofia’s purse.”

  Jack’s blue eyes grew large. “You found a gun?” Jack whispered.

  Meghan nodded. “I think Sofia might not be innocent after all,” she admitted sheepishly. “I think you should keep an eye on her.”

  Jack took a long breath and paced around the dining area. As he walked near the window, he cocked his head to the side. “Hey,” he said. “Speaking of Sofia, isn’t that her out there?” Jack pointed out the window, and Meghan saw Karen’s orange jeep. Sofia was behind the wheel, and she was racing through the streets of Sandy Bay.

  “Uh oh,” Meghan muttered. “She must be going a hundred miles an hour!

  ”She’s about to hit that sign!” Jack exclaimed as Sofia narrowly avoided hitting a stop sign.

  “What is she doing?” Meghan asked.

  Jack turned to Meghan. “I don’t know,” he said. “But you and I are going to go find out.”


  “I LOST SIGHT OF HER!” Meghan cried as she and Jack followed Sofia in Jack’s undercover vehicle. “I’m sorry!”

  Jack gave Meghan a side-eyed smile. “Oh? I thought you were contributing to this investigation, Truman! You let me down!”

  Meghan blushed. She liked when Jack called her by her last name, but she tried to forget about her crush and focus on the task at hand. They had been following Sofia for nearly fifteen minutes, and her driving was getting worse; Sofia had almost hit several pedestrians, and she was driving well over the speed limit.

  “She’s up to something,” Meghan said as Jack eased the car into the left-hand lane. “I know it. Who drives like that?”

  Jack nodded. “It’s suspicious,” he confirmed. “I want to check out that gun you told me about, too. You said it was clean, but if she’s recently wiped it down, we’ll be able to detect that.”

  Meghan sighed. “What if we don’t find her? She’s driving so quickly!”

  Jack jerked his chin at the road in front of them. “Look, Meghan. There she is. I can just make out the back of Karen’s jeep. See? There’s Karen’s I BRAKE FOR YOGIS bumper sticker!”

  Meghan gasped. “She’s pulling into that parking garage, Jack! Look! Pull in behind her!”

  Jack turned the car into the parking garage behind the orange jeep. “We have to lay low, Meghan,” he warned. “She’s a wild card. We need to make sure we aren’t walking into anything dangerous.”

  Meghan nodded. “Slow down. She’s coming to a stop beside that black car. Look! She’s getting out!”

  Jack pulled his car into an empty spot a few hundred feet away from where Sofia was parking the jeep. “We’ll watch from here. I have my camera, handcuffs, and gun, if we need it. We’ll see what she does. I have a feeling she’s up to no good.”

  Meghan and Jack watched as Sofia emerged from the driver’s side of the orange jeep. Her long, dark hair was piled atop her head in an immaculate bun, and she wore a low-cut black dress. A black lace choker wound around her neck, and Sofia sported a matching pair of black high heels.

  “She looks fancy,” Meghan whispered. “I wonder who she’s meeting?”

  The driver door of the black car opened, and a handsome, silver-haired man stepped out. Meghan could see his biceps bulging out of his tight black shirt, and a gun was strapped to a holster around his waist.

  “He has a gun,” Meghan whispered to Jack as the man walked toward Sofia. “He has a gun! Jack! Look! He’s running at her! She must be in trouble!”

  Before Jack could respond, Meghan tore out of her seat and ran across the parking garage toward the man and Sofia.

  “Hey!” Meghan screamed. “Don’t hurt her! Don’t hurt her!”

  Sofia’s eyes widened. “Meghan?”

  Meghan wrapped her arms around Sofia and yelled at the man. “Leave her alone! I’m here with a police officer, and if you think you’re going to hurt her, you are wrong! Stay back!”

/>   Sofia glared down at Meghan and shoved her off. “Get off of me, Meghan!”

  The man looked amused. “Sofia? Who is this?”

  Sofia rolled her eyes. “A friend of my mother’s,” she replied as the man chuckled.

  “Meghan, seriously. He’s not going to hurt me. This is Simon. He’s my boyfriend.”

  Meghan gasped. “Your boyfriend? But I thought Brody was your boyfriend?”

  Sofia shook her head. “Brody was my ex,” she said, snapping her gum and shooting a smile to her boyfriend. “Simon was his friend for years, and then we all went into business together. As soon as Brody started getting mean, Simon and I got together.”


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