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Infinity Chronicles Book Three

Page 9

by Albany Walker

  My neck gets a crick from the awkward angle I’m sitting as I watch the movie. I give up pretending to watch and let my head fall against Milo’s chest. I can see Ollie’s profile in the light, the flashes of color bouncing off his high cheekbones. Milo runs a palm up my back, his hand large and comforting, as he lets out a deep breath.

  If it wasn’t for Ollie’s prowling hands, I would probably fall asleep cradled against Milo’s big, solid chest, but I find myself holding my breath every time his fingers graze over my legs above my knees. I’m not sure he’s even aware he’s doing it, and every once in a while, I’ll feel him stop and squeeze. Those times are usually accompanied by the rapid-fire of a weapon, or the smack of flesh against flesh during a fight scene.

  Milo’s lips move to my ear. “You okay?”

  My mouth dry, I try to croak out a yes, before clearing my throat and answering again, more clearly this time. “Yes.”

  Milo’s chest expands as he takes a deep inhale. He moves his arm I was lying against so I fall back a little, enough so I can see his face above me. “How about now?” I lick my lips, my eyes wide, and I nod. He’s staring right at me. There’s no way he can miss it.

  Leaning in so his lips are ghosting over mine, he whispers, “And now?” I feel the press of his lips against mine as his lips form the words. My hand fists into the fabric of his t-shirt over his chest.

  “I’m good,” I reply huskily, the tone of my voice surprising me. Milo dips even closer and runs the tip of his velvety, soft tongue between the seam of my lips. I open, expecting him to delve in, but he pulls back, his eyes meeting mine as he watches me. With a deliberate movement he reaches out, his eyes still on mine, and wraps his hand around the back of Ollie’s neck. Lacking any of the gentleness he uses with me, he pulls Ollie over and places a soft wet kiss on his lips. Ollie’s eyes fall closed, as his hands grip my inner thigh.

  A shot of lust coils in my belly. They’re inches away from my face as Milo caresses Ollie’s lips with his tongue, similar to way he teases me. Ollie pushes closer to Milo, only to have Milo retreat from him.

  Without waiting for an invitation, I jolt up and place my lips against Ollie’s. His mouth opens, and he returns my kiss. He nips at my bottom lip and slides his tongue into my mouth to dance with mine. With Milo’s shirt still fisted in my hand, I use the leverage to push myself closer to Ollie.

  The heat of Ollie’s palm slides up my inner thigh, and his fingers caress under my leg, against Milo’s lap. The thought that he’s touching Milo and me at the same time makes me pant. I pull myself away from him and look up at Milo. My vision is clearer, I’m using Ares’s ability to see in the dark and it wasn’t even a conscious thought.

  Milo’s eyes are wide, his pupils expanded to cover most of the dark blue I know his eyes to be. His lips are slightly parted as he looks at me with what I can only describe as hunger. I place my hand over Ollie’s between my legs and stretch up, placing my lips on Milo’s with the same gentle pressure he gives me. Using the very tip of my tongue, I trace his full bottom lip.

  “Kiss her back Milo,” Ollie demands, his voice holding a slight edge. Milo immediately opens, his tongue coming out to touch mine. Milo’s kisses are intoxicating, every time I think he’s going to deepen them he pulls back, leaving me wanting so much more.

  Ollie shifts and my feet fall to the floor, but then he’s there. His face right next to mine and Milo’s. I pull back a little, giving him some room, but he doesn’t want it. He catches my lips in a kiss, then immediately leans over to Milo, kissing him. “Laura,” Milo groans my name. Leaning back in, we make a messy triangle.

  Milo’s tongue is the first to touch mine, but then I feel Ollie’s too. My nose gets bumped as I move in even closer. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this desperate for them, but I can’t pull myself away. Not when I can feel Milo’s hold tightening around my back, and Ollie’s hand pushing farther between my legs.

  But Milo does, he pulls away, his head going back to lean against the headrest as he takes several deep, measured breaths. Ollie drops his forehead to mine, his hand still nestled between my legs but no longer inching higher.

  I release Milo’s shirt, realizing only now that my hand is cramped from holding on so tightly. Wiggling my fingers in my lap, I try to get the feelings of frustration and annoyance under control just like my breathing.

  The frustration is easy to understand. It’s the annoyance that is unexpected. I’m annoyed at myself for losing control. Annoyed at Milo for starting this here. Annoyed that Ollie went right along with it. Unable to sit still, I jump up. I think about sitting down in an empty seat, but change my mind at the last minute. “I’m going… I’ll be right back.”

  Not waiting for their reply, I rush past their legs and hit the exit door with both of my palms. The door slams into the opposite wall with a loud bang. I don’t even lift my head to see if anyone was around to notice it.

  Chapter 9

  I splash cold water on my overheated cheeks and let the water run over the insides of my wrist. Now that the moment is over I feel stupid and exposed. What the hell was I thinking, acting like that with two guys?

  Covering my eyes with my hand, I lean my rump against the sink. I’ll probably leave with a wet spot on my pants, but that’s the least of my worries. The image of Milo reaching for Ollie, kissing him sweetly, plays in my mind. That wasn’t their first kiss, no way in hell. A shot of anger chases away the embarrassment I was feeling.

  Both of them denied there was anything going on between them. I knew Milo had feelings for Ollie, hell, I knew they were more than just friends for longer than I care to think about. But I foolishly thought neither of them had acted on those feelings. I don’t care that they’ve kissed, and possibly more. I care that they didn’t tell me, again.

  The bathroom door swings open and I turn to face the sink, washing my hands again so I don’t look like some nutcase hanging out in a public restroom. After a quick dry where I don’t look in the mirror, or the girl putting on her lipstick, I push out the door, into the lobby. Not quite ready to face them yet, I walk over to a claw machine filled with cheap, stuffed toys against the wall. I see knockoff Hello Kitty and Power Puff Girls, but my mind is a million miles away.

  Why didn’t they tell me? Why pretend to be just friends? The chatter of a few people and heavy steps coming from the theater auditorium fills my ears. One of the shows has let out—is it ours?

  How do I talk to them about this? Should I ask, or do I even have the right to be upset? Yes, I decide, I do. I’m so tired of being kept in the dark. I turn around with my shoulders back and my chin up.

  Ollie saunters past the ticket attendant, his eyes already on me as he takes the two steps down into the lobby. I glance around him, waiting for Milo to appear. Ollie makes it over to me, his hand reaching out for mine the second he’s near enough. “Where’s Milo?”

  He gives a slight shrug of his shoulders. “He’s coming, bathroom,” he replies smoothly.

  I almost pull my hand free from his, I’m feeling a little vulnerable after the kiss inside the theater, but I don’t. I do turn to face the men’s room though, partly so I don’t have to look at Ollie’s beautiful face, and also so I can see Milo when he gets out. Looking at Ollie makes me think of the kiss again, the one with just him and Milo. It also reminds me how much I enjoyed witnessing it.

  Milo holds the door open for another man as he exits the bathroom. He doesn’t have the same swagger as Ollie, but it’s hard not to notice him anyway. His shoulders are wider than every guy in the room, his waist trimmer, and that’s just the beginning if the differences. Milo doesn’t wear an easy smile, but he doesn’t have that same unapproachable air that Dante and Ares put out either.

  Milo almost seems wary of everyone around him, but shouldn’t it be the other way around? Truthfully, he could crush anyone in the room. I tilt my head as I watch him navigate around other people when understanding dawns. Milo is always holding himself in chec
k, whether or not he realizes it. He’s much more hesitant to approach us. His steps stall before he’s close enough to look like he’s with Ollie and me.

  An awkwardness falls over us. I don’t know what to say, but I know we aren’t in the right place to talk about anything anyway. I let Milo keep his distance but tug Ollie hands. “Are we going?”

  My voice seems to snap Ollie out of his discomfort. “Where to Muenster?” He heads to the exit before I answer. Milo trailing behind with his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

  “Home I guess, I don’t know anywhere else to go.”

  “We could grab dinner?” Milo offers almost hesitantly.

  “What sounds good?” Ollie doesn’t even look back in Milo’s direction when he replies.

  “Whatever, no fast food though.” Milo jogs the last few steps to the car, opening the passenger side door. “You okay in the middle or…?” He lets his question hang in the air. His lips tighten like he regrets the words the second they leave his mouth.

  I release Ollie’s hand and look right up at Milo’s face. “I’m fine in the middle.” My hands go to my hips as I glare up at him. Making sure not to leave Ollie out, I narrow my eyes over in his direction. “I told you I was okay with this, I knew you had feelings for each other. What I don’t like is you acting like this is something you’re just now exploring.” I raise my brows and glance between them.

  Milo jerks, and it’s such a small movement I wouldn’t have even seen it if I wasn’t looking for a reaction. “Can we talk about this somewhere else?” He looks around.

  I make a point to gaze around the parking lot. Ollie parked the car well away from any others, so no one is around to hear us. But I climb into the front seat and slide to the middle anyway. Ollie rounds the car to the driver’s seat.

  “Why don’t you ever drive?” The question comes out harsher than I intended, my frustration showing.

  Milo’s brows drop, and he reaches for the door, slamming it behind him. “I drive,” he answers defensively.

  “I’ve never seen you drive,” I counter.

  “It’s Dante’s car, Ollie likes to drive,” Milo informs me.

  “You don’t?”

  “I don’t care either way.” I roll my eyes, irritated with his answers.

  “So,” Ollie elongates the word, “you’re upset Laura.” Ollie nods his head quickly, looking left and right before pulling out of the parking spot.

  Milo makes a loud snort. “She’s pissed because I kissed you.” He folds his arms over his chest, but it makes the front seat uncomfortably tight. So, he settles his left arm on the back of the seat behind me instead.

  “I’m not pissed because you kissed him, and he kissed you back, by the way.” I watch Milo for a reaction. A ticking in his jaw is his only response. “I’m pissed because you both acted like there wasn’t anything between you, even when I knew there was.” It’s my turn to cross my arms. I stare out the front window, waiting for them to try to deny it.

  Ollie takes his eyes off the road to look at me. “I never told you there wasn’t anything between us.” I let my mind wander back all those weeks ago to when I had accused Dante of being a shitty boyfriend, to when I thought Ollie and Milo were a couple.

  “You told me it wasn’t like that between you. I remember, because I felt like a total jerk for embarrassing Milo.”

  “Yeah, I said it wasn’t like that. What I meant was that we weren’t exclusive. You were acting like I was cheating on him. And I wasn’t. Especially not with you. You’re what holds us all together.” Ollie seems almost mystified that he’s explaining this to me.

  Feeling slightly indignant, I bluster, “Well you practically said you were a virgin, never really got close to anyone.” My snarl is directed at Milo this time.

  “I am.” His eyes widen as his chin tips toward me.

  The burn of regret tightens my throat. I feel my eyes begin to water. I’m frustrated, with them, myself, and most of all, I’m embarrassed that I’m apparently clueless. Did I misunderstand them, or did they mean to mislead me back then? Milo acted like he was mortified when I thought he and Ollie were together. I shake my head, unable to wrap my head around how wrong I was.

  Ollie sighs, then turns the car off the busy city street and into a shopping mall parking lot. He coasts the car into one of the outer spots, away from any other cars, and eases it into park. Dropping his hands from the wheel, he angles his body to face me. “I might have let you believe what you wanted in the beginning,” he admits.

  “We thought it was best,” Milo chimes in from the other side of me. I don’t like not being able to see both of them. But I don’t think this is a conversation for a parking lot either.

  Pinching my temples between my fingers, the fading evening light dims as my hand covers my eyes. “You were already having a hard time with Delaney and Mia. We decided to wait and see if you were okay with us.” Ollie lifts his hand and gestures to Milo.

  “And what if I wasn’t?” I snap.

  Ollie’s eyes go above my head, and he looks over at Milo with a sad smile turning up the corners of his lips. “Then we wouldn’t have ever touched each other like that again,” he divulges.

  I see how much that would have affected him, but because we’re bonded, I can also feel the absolute truth to his statement. “I knew that wouldn’t be the case though.” Ollie grabs my hand and laces our fingers together.

  “I didn’t,” Milo confesses, drawing my attention. I lift my right hand and lay it over his. He watches our hands tangle together before meeting my eyes. “I was afraid of you finding out. I thought it might change the way you feel about me… us,” he amends.

  The car falls quiet while I think about their motives, and if they really did lie. Once I’ve gathered my thoughts, I squeeze both of their hands. “I understand. It probably would have been hard for me back then, not for the reasons you’re thinking though. You guys have always had this amazing connection. All four of you, but you two more than the others.” I swivel back and forth, looking between the two of them.

  “I probably would have pushed you both away. I never would have been able to compete with the connection you share. I would have given up before even trying,” I admit, feeling guilty for my feelings. I wouldn’t have pushed them away so they could be together, no, I was too selfish for that.

  “You don’t have to compete Laura. Not with us, it’s not like choosing between one or the other. We’ve always told you our Infinity is different. There isn’t anyone who has feelings for someone that isn’t in the pairing. It took us a long time to realize that we love each other because we are paired too. Not in the same way we are to you, but there’s something between us. I accepted it a long time ago. He’s still fighting it, if you ask me.” Ollie bumps my shoulder, talking about Milo.

  Milo huffs, I can almost hear his eyes roll.

  “Ares and Dante, they know right?” I pull our hands so they’re folded together over my thighs.

  “Yeah, we really don’t keep secrets from each other.” Milo’s face goes sheepish when I raise my brows at him. “Not anymore,” he amends.

  Chapter 10

  Turns out we didn’t pull into the parking lot just so we could have a real conversation. Shortly after our talk, Milo directed us to a small restaurant a few doors down from the grocery store. As soon as the door opened, I knew I was in for some good food. The smell of onions and green peppers was heavy in the air, along with spicy herbs. A cute brunette hustled past us with a tray held aloft with one hand, and the sizzle of fajitas leaving a wake behind her. “Grab a seat, I’ll be right with you.”

  We find a small table near a window with paper menus already folded behind the napkin holder. Milo hands one to me the moment we sit down, not bothering to grab one himself. “Come here often?” I ask, unfolding paper to check out my options.

  “A few times,” he responds. “The street tacos are amazing.”

  “What else have you had?”

  “Me, n
othing. But Ollie likes the wet burrito and Dante usually orders half the menu. He never complains, but then he rarely does about food as long as it’s edible.”

  I lay the menu on the dark wood table and the same waitress that told us to have a seat comes over with three glasses of ice water, already covered in a dewy sweat. “You guys ready to order?” she inquires, placing the waters in front of us with practiced efficiency.

  “You know what you want Muenster?”

  Looking up I meet the girl’s eyes, she a few years older than me, maybe. Her jeans are well worn, and her eyes are tired. This is who I would have been if the guys didn’t find me. “I’ll have the street tacos, no sour cream or guac, please.” I give her a kind smile and hers in return is automatic, but not insincere.

  “For you?” She directs her attention to Milo, her eyes traveling over his shoulders and chest. I see a flare of appreciation, but she doesn’t let it show beyond the slight perusal.

  “I’ll have the street tacos too, but I want everything and a double order. Thanks,” he adds at the end.

  “And for you?” The waitress’s hands go to the pocket of her apron as she cocks out her hip, waiting for Ollie’s order.

  Some of his hair has escaped the band holding it back. He jerks his head, moving it out of the way as he looks up at her for the first time, a cheeky smile already on his lips. “I’ll be the troublemaker and have the wet burrito with rice and beans, and a cheese quesadilla. Oh, and can we have some hot salsa for the chips too?”

  She blinks down at him, not saying anything for a long moment. “Yeah, sure… that’ll be right out.” She spins away, retreating from the table quickly.


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