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The Alpha King and his Human Mate

Page 33

by Melisa Bigler

  "Why are they so determined to get past? Why not come through the front door if they want me."

  Edric frowned. "Because there are guards all around the front, and now the back. I am not taking any chances, and because of that, I want our wedding moved up."

  "Moved up? it's only four days away as it is."

  "Yes, but I want it to be tomorrow. I have already informed the other Alpha's."

  "What about my dress? Which by the way, I never saw the tailor yesterday."

  "Yes, about that," Edric frowned. "She was kidnapped on her way here."

  "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

  "Because I didn't want you to worry."

  "Where is she? Is she okay?"

  "I have the police looking for her."

  "But why kidnap her?"

  "Because she was coming here."

  Jillian's eyes teared up. "I feel so bad. First Dr. Hess, and now the tailor. When is it going to stop Edric?"

  Edric kissed her forehead. "I am hoping tomorrow. We are going to get married, and hopefully, bring out whoever is after you."

  "And if they don't show up?"

  "I can guarantee you that they will."

  "I'm worried Edric."

  "So am I love, so am I."

  Chapter 42

  Hayden walked into the office then and nodded at the two of them.

  “Edric, a word?”

  Edric nodded. “Stay here. I want to make sure it is safe before you come outside,” he told Jillian.


  “Good, they’re gone,” Aria chuckled, as the door closed behind the men.

  “Aria, I am worried. If someone is trying to test the barriers, that means they are determined to come and get me.”

  “Oh posh, girl. You can take any one of them down if Edric would let you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, once you shift, you will be unstoppable.”

  “Oh. You are probably right, Edric will probably try and be too overprotective though when he sees I can shift to a wolf.”

  “You had better believe it, that is why you and I aren’t saying a word until after the wedding.”

  “We will be attacked tomorrow though.”

  “Of course we will be. It is too much of a temptation not too. The one after you doesn’t care who he kills, as long as he can get to you.”

  “I wonder how many people are on his side?”

  “Too many more than likely.”

  “I wonder if I will be strong enough to fight tomorrow. If I have never shifted before, but where can I practice shifting? If Edric heard me, well, all hell would break loose,” Jillian said.

  Aria chuckled. “You had better believe it. Wolves have very good ears. I’m sorry to tell you but you are going to have to wait until tomorrow to shift. But where you are a healer, you should be able to shift easier.”

  “I wonder if my mother could heal.”

  “Yes, you are just like her, but more powerful, especially when you get angry. Your mother couldn’t bring people to their knees like you can.”

  “I can do that, can’t I,” Jillian chuckled. “Just wait until everyone finds out about you.”

  “I know, it will be so awesome,” Aria agreed.

  Jillian sighed then. “I wish that I could have the wedding of my dreams tomorrow. But no, I will be forced into wearing something I know I will hate, plus no cake, no decorations, no bouquet.”

  “Girl, you are marrying the hottest man alive, and you are worried about your dress? Get over yourself,” Aria chuckled. “You are a High Queen, not some teenage girl who isn’t getting her way.”

  “But I am a teenage girl not getting her way,” Jillian pouted.

  “Oh please girl. Suck it up. I am sure Edric would give you the wedding of your dreams after this is over.”

  “You are right, he probably would, and yes, I need to suck it up.”

  “Good girl. I can hear Edric.”

  And then she was gone again.

  Edric walked back in and walking to Jillian he picked her up and then set her onto his lap, kissing her fervently. “I love you sweet Luna of mine.”

  “I love you too.” She looked at him. “You are worried.”


  “We can put off our wedding if you want.”

  “No, I want to marry you my sweet Luna, and I know it’s not going to be your dream wedding, but I want us wed. I want others to know that you are mine, and mine alone.”

  “Don’t they already know that?” she grinned.

  “Well, I suppose so, but I think we can catch whoever is after you.”

  “I know,” she sighed, leaning her head against his chest. He rubbed her back. “How are you feeling?”


  He kissed her softly, then stroked her belly. He sighed. “We are going to make good parents, you know that?”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so,” he said, kissing her again. He then gently put her on her feet. “I need to make sure the other Alpha’s are on their way. I’ll see you for dinner.”

  She nodded and watched him walk out.

  “He’s worried about me,” Jillian said.

  “No duh, we are carrying his baby, the heir to the throne.”

  “Yes, I suppose we are,” Jillian sighed.

  “You’re going to be fine, everything will work out you know.”

  “I know, I just hope Edric isn’t upset at me when he finds out I am a wolf.”

  “He will be very happy, believe me,” Aria chuckled.

  Chapter 43

  Everyone called it an early night. It was going to be a long day the next day, and if Hayden and Edric were right, they would be attacked.

  Jillian cuddled up against Edric in bed.

  “I’m worried about tomorrow Edric.”

  “I am also love, but I know we are going to end this whole thing tomorrow, finally.”

  “You are sure of that.”

  “Of course I am. Who is going to resist coming and destroying our wedding? I just hope we at least get to say our vows,” he chuckled.

  “I do too,” she sighed.

  “Don’t be too worried love. I have an army for tomorrow. We will be okay, and I will be right by you if and when something happens, okay?”

  “Okay love,” Jillian sighed. “Do you think Hayden will help stop them?”

  “I am sure he will help.”

  “I wonder why he isn’t a wolf.”

  “He’s like you, my love, which is interesting to me. Especially since your parents werewolves.”

  “I guess I am an anomaly,” Jillian told him.

  “That you are my love, but it doesn’t matter, I love you just the way you are.”

  “Oh really.”

  “Oh yes,” he chuckled, pulling her on top of him.

  “Show me,” she whispered.

  “My pleasure.”

  Jillian fell asleep in Edric’s arms, but then a dream started, and Jillian knew it would be bad. She woke up screaming. Edric pulled her into his arms. “Shh, I am here love. You had a dream again?”

  She nodded into his shoulder.

  “Want to tell me about it?”

  “Tomorrow,” she whispered. “There will be so many of them, more than you thought, attacking us.”

  “Will we win?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered, “all I saw was blood and destruction.”

  “Do you know who is the one leading the rogues?”

  “No,” she lied. She had seen who it was, and she was in absolute shock, it couldn’t be them, but her dreams never lied. One thing was for sure, she would make sure she protected her Alpha, that was the most important. She couldn’t let him die.

  Edric whispered encouraging words in her ears until she finally fell asleep.

  The morning came all too soon, and when Jillian got up, Edric was gone, again. She sighed, of course, he wouldn’t stick around on their wedding day.

ria chuckled. “Come on girl, it is going to be a big day for us.”

  “Yes, yes it is,” Jillian agreed. “I wonder what color you are?”

  “Hmm, not sure, but I know I will be beautiful.”

  “I am sure you will be.”

  “I can’t believe the one over the rogues is him,” Aria then said.

  “You can see my dreams?”

  “Of course. I am a part of you, so what you see, I see.”

  “Wow, and I know, it’s crazy, right? But I couldn’t tell Edric, he would be devastated.”

  “You are right, he will be. But you will need to be extra cautious.”

  “I will be, especially knowing who it is.”

  Jillian then headed into the bathroom and did her daily routine, then dressed into a skirt and blouse before heading down to breakfast. The palace was busy as she walked down the hall. There were several men wandering about, all of them bared her necks to her as she passed. They must be the other Alpha’s, Jillian thought.

  “They are. Here to protect you,” Aria said.

  “I feel honored.”

  “You should be, it’s not every day that the whole nation’s Alphas gather.”

  Jillian headed to the kitchen then where it was full of people getting ready for the wedding. They all stopped and bared their necks to her.

  “Luna, it is a pleasure to meet you,” a tall and beautiful woman with a chef’s jacket on said, bowing to her. “I am Scarlett, your caterer.”

  “Nice to meet you, Scarlett.”

  “We were just about to start cooking for your wedding, would you like some samples?”

  “I would,” Jillian replied, “but breakfast first.”

  “Right here,” Den replied, from the crowd. He handed her a plate loaded with all kinds of protein. “You need your strength on your wedding day,” he winked at her. She blushed at his innuendo, making him chuckle.

  “Thanks, Den,” Jillian said and headed into the dining hall.

  Edric was there finishing his breakfast. He covered his eyes when she walked in.

  “Edric, what are you doing?” she asked him.

  “I heard it’s bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day before the wedding,” he chuckled.

  She walked over to him and pulled his hand away. “You are funny, and I am not worried.”

  “Good,” he said, kissing her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay, I guess.”

  “I brought in more men. After your dream last night, I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Thank you, Edric.”

  “Anytime my love.” He sighed. “I will be glad when this day is over. Not that I can’t wait to get married,” he started.

  “I know what you mean Edric, and I agree. I want this whole mess over with.”

  He looked at her curiously. She looked worried but also happy, and something else.

  “Jillian, what are you hiding from me?” Edric asked her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You are hiding something, I can tell.”

  “Edric, can I tell you at our wedding?”

  “Is it something I am going to be upset about?”

  “Yes, and no,” Jillian said.


  “Edric, you need to trust me. It is our wedding day, we need to be happy, and not argue, okay?” she batted her eyes at him, making him chuckle.

  “If I find out it is something important,” he then threatened.

  “Edric, I love you, but trust me.”

  “That is my line,” he chuckled.

  “Alpha, the stage is set up outside for the band,” Emerson said, walking into the room.

  “Good. Go tell Adam they can practice now.”

  “Where is Hayden?” Jillian asked as Emerson walked out.

  “He is making sure last minute details are taken care of.”

  “Oh, I wanted to talk to him.”

  “That’s fine, I’ll send him inside to visit, but stay out of the backyard.”


  “I want you safe inside, where there are several Alpha’s who will make sure you are protected.”

  “And you? What will you be doing?”

  “I will be in for some of the day. But I need to make sure everything is set for this afternoon.”

  “Who is marrying us?”


  “Okay, and where are Nadine and Henry?”

  “Jillian they are still your parents.”

  “I know, but it’s weird, calling them that.”

  “You need too, for now, and they are out back helping.”

  “Oh. But you aren’t worried about their safety?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because the person responsible for all of this, is not after your parents.”

  “He’s right you know,” Hayden said, walking into the room. “Alpha, we might need to move the wedding up.”


  “A storm is going to be moving in this afternoon.”

  “Of course it is,” he sighed. “How much time do we have?”

  “About four hours.”

  “That’s not much time.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  Edric looked at Jillian then at Hayden. “Okay. Tell the caterers to speed things up, and for the others in the backyard to get things set up.”

  Hayden nodded and walked out.

  “He can predict weather too?” Jillian asked.

  “That man can do about anything, I swear he can,” Edric chuckled.

  Nadine walked into the room. “Hayden said a storm will be moving in?”


  “Then we had better get you and the bride ready, yes?” she grinned.

  “I suppose we do,” he grinned and stood. He then helped Jillian up. “Come, my love, it is our big day.”

  “But I don’t have a dress.”

  “Check your room,” he smiled, kissed her and then walked out.

  “Come on daughter of mine,” Nadine smiled. “Let’s get you looking like a bride.”

  She nodded and headed out the door and up to her room. Kimberly was there, wearing a beautiful dark blue gown. “You never said what colors you wanted for me to wear, but I thought it would match your bouquet.”

  “I get a bouquet?” Jillian asked.

  “It’s right here, Luna,” Carla stepped forward to hand it to her. It was beautiful. There were blue roses tucked in the middle of white roses, and a single red rose in the middle.

  “Edric said the white is for purity,” Carla and Kimberly both snickered, as Nadine said that, “Blue is for the blue of your beautiful eyes, and the red is for his eternal love.”

  Jillian started to cry. “Stupid pregnancy hormones,” she muttered, making the women laugh.

  “Now come on girl, let’s get you ready,” Kimberly said, pushing her into a chair.

  Carla had makeup, Nadine had a curling iron, and the two ladies got to work.

  A while later they stepped back and admired their handiwork. “Amazing,” Carla breathed out.

  “You look so beautiful,” Nadine said, wiping at tears.

  “And she doesn’t even have her dress on,” Kimberly grinned, bringing out a bag. She unzipped it and pulled out the most stunning dress Jillian had ever seen. It was beautiful, with diamonds in the bodice, sleeveless, and flared from the hips down, ending in a beautiful but short train.

  “Are those real diamonds?” Jillian whispered, touching the dress reverently.

  “They are,” Carla nodded, “and how the Alpha pulled it off, I don’t know.”

  “He chose this for me?” Jillian’s eyes started to water.

  “Now Luna, no crying and ruining your makeup,” Kimberly laughed, “and yes, he chose it for you.”

  She stood and the women helped her into it, then they tied, zipped and buttoned her in. It fit perfect. Carla then put some slippers on her feet. “That way you aren’t tripping down the stairs
,” she grinned.

  “Oh my goodness,” Nadine cried. “You are so exquisite. Wait until Edric sees you.”

  “Can I go look now?” Jillian asked.

  “Not quite,” Carla said, and walking over to a box on the bed, she opened it and pulled out a crown. “This, your Highness is your crown,” she placed it onto Jillian’s head. The three women began to cry. “Now you can go look,” Carla whispered.

  Jillian headed into the bathroom and gasped at her reflection. She didn’t even recognize herself. She was incredible looking. Her hair was curled and piled onto her head under the crown, but a few curls surrounded her face. The makeup was light but made her look ethereal. She almost didn’t recognize herself.

  “You go, girl,” Aria chuckled. “Won’t Edric be panting when he sees you.”

  “I think so,” Jillian smiled.

  “Wait, we forgot the necklace and earrings,” Nadine said,

  then headed back into the bedroom. She walked back into the room and opened the box. Jillian gasped. Inside sat a sapphire necklace on a gold chain, with sapphire earrings.

  “Those were mine, I wore those on my wedding day,” Nadine whispered, tears in her eyes. “And you are supposed to have something borrowed, and something blue.”

  She helped Jillian put them on, and then she handed Jillian her bouquet. “Your father is ready I am sure to walk you down the aisle.”

  “I am ready,” Jillian whispered, even though she was shaking. She was so nervous. Nervous to get married, and nervous for the outcome of the day.

  Chapter 44

  Jillian took a deep breath and headed out the door behind the other women. Ruben met Kimberly at the top of the stairs and kissed her. He then bowed gallantly to Jillian. “You look stunning, your Highness.”

  “Thank you, Ruben.”

  “Jillian,” Henry said, stepping up to her, wiping at his eyes. “You look so beautiful.”

  “Thanks, dad,” she smiled at him. He took her arm in his and kissed her cheek. “Are you ready?”

  “I think so,” Jillian told him. Nadine headed down the stairs so she could go sit down outside, and then Ruben walked down the stairs, Kimberly on his arm. Jillian then followed with Henry.

  She took a deep breath as they headed down the hall and to the door that entered the backyard.

  Adam was playing some soft music, which she didn’t know was possible on an electric guitar, but it sounded nice. Then he started playing the wedding march.


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