THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One Page 15

by Tristin Clark

  “What happened?” The boy calmly asks. I try to catch my breath. His hand cups my cheek and it tingles. It feels nice. It feels familiar.

  “I— I don’t know. Couldn’t breathe. Anxiety attack. Don’t know… why,” I struggle to say.

  “Why is he here with you? You’re supposed to be home, resting,” he says.

  “Mom. Dad. Pizza. With Van and Cole. Friends,” I say. His brows arch. He finds my comment humorous.

  “Friends? He is not your friend,” he adds.

  Cole comes staggering beside me. I smile. He tried to save me.

  “Back away now before I end you,” the boy growls at Cole, never taking his eyes off me.

  “Is she okay?” Cole asks.

  “She will be fine. Leave us. Tell her parents we will be in shortly. Don’t speak of this or you will regret it.”

  “I’m not leaving her with you. We don’t even know you,” Cole tells the boy.

  “Seeing how I’m the one who just saved her life, you have nothing to fear. At least when it comes to her. For you, now that’s different.”

  “If you hurt her, I swear I will—"

  “Leave!” this boy deeply demands. Cole gives me one more glance and then takes off. The boy holding me, gazes at me intently.

  “Emilia? Do you know who I am?” he asks.

  “Know? I don’t— I don’t— Uh. I don’t know. I feel like I do but I don’t remember,” I say.

  “It affected you too. I assumed you’d be immune, but I was wrong. I suppose even my mate is not immune to my influences. Humans... so influenceable,” he belittles.

  “You’re what?” I ask.

  “It’s okay, my sweet. I’ll take care of that.” He places his hand over my forehead.

  “Remember,” he whispers. My eyes go wide. Holy fuck I remember!


  “There you are. You came back to me,” he says, as he softly smiles. I try to sit up. “Take it slow. Your body and mind have been through a lot. You were supposed to be resting,” he tells me.

  “Austin... what the Hell happened? Why could I not remember you? Why was Van and Cole acting so strange? Why was I acting strange?” I thought back to how I had reacted around Cole. I should have felt disgusted by him, yet I felt… close? “What’s going on? Did you do something to us?” I ask.

  “I made them forget. I made them all forget,” he says.

  “You made who forget? Forget what?” I ask.

  “Everyone who saw. I couldn’t allow them to remember. I told you I enjoy my secrets. I acted in public, so I had to correct it. Erase it. As if it never happened.”

  “You mean when you strangled that girl?” I recall the memory and shiver.

  “Mmh hmm,” he hums, as if the accusation is nothing.

  “Austin... you could have killed her had I not stopped you,” I tell him.

  “We should go inside. Your parents are waiting,” he says.

  “Don’t change the subject on me. I’m tired of you dodging my questions. Just answer me for once,” I tell him.

  “Why do you hate Cole? You didn’t a moment ago, but now you do.” he states. To be honest. I don’t know. I’m confused as to why I forgot about what he had done. How could I forget what he did? I say nothing. “See? I’m not the only one dodging questions.”

  He pulls me, helping me stand. He brushes my hair, smoothing it out. I’m gripping his upper arms to steady myself.

  “Whenever you’re ready to reveal your secret, I’ll reveal mine. Deal?” he asks. I nod and so does he. “Very well then.”

  He wraps an arm around me and guides me back towards the restaurant.

  “You’re dirty, sweetness,” he says just as he brushes my ass of dirt.

  “You just wanted an excuse to touch my ass,” I say.

  “Can you blame me?” he teases. I giggle. We both gaze down, blushing with shy smiles. It’s when he glances back up at me under those thick lashes, do I fall that much more for the tall giant beside me.

  We walk inside and I lead him to our table. Cole and Van instantly glance up and eye the both of us. Mom turns and smiles at Austin and dad stands and holds out his hand to greet him. Austin glances down at my father’s hand before gripping and shaking it. Good job blue eyes, you nailed it.

  “So, you’re the boy my girls keep telling me about. Mighty tall for your age. What do your parents feed you? Miracle grow.” He laughs at his own joke. Austin says nothing but smiles lightly. “Nice to meet you son.”

  “Nice to meet Emilia’s father,” Austin says. He turns his gaze to Van and Cole who are staring at him confusedly.

  “Remember me,” he whispers.

  His comment would sound like a question to my parents but by the sudden change in expression on Vans and Coles face, I’d say his comment was more of a demand than a question. He just made Van and Cole remember him.

  Austin greets them with an eerie grin. My parents can’t see him, but I do. He’s taunting Van and Cole. How much do they remember? Would they say anything? Fuck... this is not good.

  Austin takes a seat next to me and leans in close to whisper,

  “Relax my sweet. They only remember what I made them remember.”

  “What?” I ask.

  “I’ll tell you later.” I nervously swallow and try to relax. Austin’s arm wraps around my shoulder and his touch begins to soothe my stressed nerves.

  My dad turns towards the blue-eyed boy to speak to him,

  “So, Austin. Tell me about yourself? You and your family are new here, right? Where did y’all move from?” Yes. Some answers. Finally! He’d have to answer my dad, right?

  “I’ve had ties here in Hollowcreek for some time now. It was only recently I decided to surface and claim them, before here, I suppose you can say I came from Hell.” My smile drops. What? Is he serious? Is he really from Hell? No. No way!

  My dad laughs.

  “I hear ya. The little town I grew up in was a shithole too, but compared to this town of horror, it doesn’t seem so bad,” he says.

  My mom goes to speak next,

  “Well, Austin dear. There’s leftover pizza if you want some. Help yourself.”

  “No thank you. My appetite was nourished not long ago,” the blue-eyed boy says.

  “Oh. Okay then,” my mom awkwardly replies.

  “So, why are you here then?” Cole pops off.

  “To meet Emilia’s parents of course. Why are you here?” Austin asks Cole.

  Van interrupts.

  “Because he’s Emilia’s friend,” she states.

  “Is he though?” Austin sarcastically asks.

  “What are you talking about? Of course, he is!” Van argues.

  I grip Austin’s arm to get his attention.

  “Austin... don’t,” I quietly warn him.

  “What’s going on here?” my mom suspiciously asks.

  Van speaks,

  “I don’t know but I’m thinking Em and Cole have something they’ve neglected to share. Care to share now?” she asks.

  I’m put on the spot. Everyone’s watching me, including Cole. He’s nervous, waiting for me to say something. Waiting to see what I’ll say. I can’t. I can’t say. Screw Austin. If this is his way to get me to reveal my secret, then screw him!

  “Fuck all of you,” I spit.

  “Hey!” my mom stands and shouts. I force my chair back, stand and storm off before anyone can stop me.


  I feel Austin right on my heels, but I don’t turn around. I fly out the entrance door and march away, down the sidewalk.

  “Emilia,” Austin sings.

  “Go away!” I shout.

  “Never,” he whispers just as he stops me, wrapping me in his tight hold from behind.

  He holds me close, trapping me in his arms. His lips brush up against my ear and all is gone. The pain, the frustration, the stress. It is just him. Just him.

  “Fuck me, huh?” he taunts.

“You did that on purpose. You wanted me to reveal my secret. How could you do that? If I can’t bring it up in front of you, how hard do you think it’d be to bring it up in front of others?” I angrily cry.

  “So, your secret and that vermin are connected after all…” he realizes. I turn and gaze up at him with wide eyes.

  “What? How did you—" I begin to say, before he interrupts.

  “I told you, I’ll do what I have to do, to get what I want, even if that means tricking you. I want your secrets Emilia.” Oh, no he did not.

  “Then you work for them! You don’t cheat your way to get them. This whole, “you tell me your secrets and I’ll tell you mine,” is bullshit and I’m tired of it! Enough with the games Austin. I can’t endure anymore stress. It’s killing me!” I shout.

  “I’ve put too much upon your mind, body and soul. A human can only take so much before they are lost, relinquished and consumed by the fire,” he admits.

  “You and your riddles and unanswered questions. Just stop with them. Please! Be real with me and tell me what you are. Tell me everything! I need to know Austin. I need to know!” I cry.

  “If that is what you wish.”

  “Yes! That is all I wish!” I shout.

  “So be it. I am the be—"

  “Em!” screams Van from behind the boy. Austin turns and then moves behind me. His arm wraps around my waist in a possessive manner, once he sees Cole catch up to Van, from behind.

  “What? I shout in annoyance. Just when I was about to get some answers, I am interrupted yet again. Ugh! I just want some flipping answers! Is that so much to ask for!

  “It happened again! It’s on the news inside! They found another one! They found a body. Em... she was from our school,” Van nearly cries. I inhale a shaky breath. My heart beats fast, but I am calm, in the wake of catastrophe. I feel calm. Maybe it’s because I am still in the warm embrace of the boy behind me.

  “Where is her head?” I ask.

  “It was found inside her locker. Her body was sitting right outside her locker. School has been cancelled. The news is telling the whole town to go on lockdown,” she says. Nausea, horror and anxiety flood me. My body grows tense. My chest constricts.

  “Who was it?” I dare to ask.

  “Julie Baker.” I gasp. The girl Austin strangled. Realization hits. No… no... It’s just a coincidence. Just a coincidence. I tell myself.

  I turn to Austin. He’s gazing at me with this knowing, grinning look, and then like a broken levy, it all comes back to me. I remember. My mind allows me to remember. All the hints. All the people who have hurt me in some way… It wasn’t a coincidence. It wasn’t me. It was—

  “You. You’re the— the—" he places a hand over my forehead.

  “Shhh. Forget,” he whispers. Darkness. Black, shadowy darkness consumes my mind…

  I open my eyes and smile warmly. I see him. It’s Austin. The beautiful blue-eyed boy. I’m so happy he’s here. We’ve had such a lovely day together. Such a beautiful day. He took me swimming in the lake again. We went swimming and it was lovely. So lovely.

  “Em?” I hear Van behind me. I turn back to her.

  “Yes?” I happily answer.

  “Did you hear what I just said?” she asks.

  “Yes. Julie Baker was beheaded,” I say, my smile never fading.

  Cole moves to stand beside Van. They eye each other in confusion.

  “Em?” Cole nervously asks. “A girl from school was just found dead and you’re smiling. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Julie Baker was a bully. Am I wrong for not feeling any remorse over her death?” I tilt my head and uncaringly wonder.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you Emilia?” Van asks in anger. “A girl just died and you’re acting like a cold, heartless bitch about it.” I’m confused by her question. I am not a bitch. I’m just happy. Doesn’t she know what a lovely day I’ve had today? Anybody would be as happy as I, if they got to have such a lovely afternoon as I had.

  I go to reply,

  “Sorry for not caring as much as you do but like you said before, karma is a bitch. Julie deserved what was coming for her,” I say, without a care in the world.

  “No,” whispers a weak voice inside. “Wake up,” she urges. I blink a few times, slowly coming back to the reality of what I just said. I didn’t mean to say that. That was low, but do I regret what came out of my mouth? No. It was the truth. I was speaking the truth and for some reason, I am no longer afraid to say what needed to be said. There was this new sense of confidence that I had gained. A new sense of feeling. I don’t fucking care anymore. I should, but I don’t and not caring feels good. For once, I feel free.

  Austin’s arms wrap around me from behind. He kisses my cheek and I embrace those warm, wet lips with a happy sigh.

  “Let’s go, my sweet,” he says to me.

  “Em... I don’t know what’s gotten into you. I don’t know if he’s brain washing you, but I think you should come with us,” Cole sternly says, as he takes a cautious step towards me. He reaches his hand out for me to take, but Austin pulls me back a step and growls at him from beside my ear.

  “No. I don’t think I will. I’m fine where I am,” I tell him.

  “Em...” Cole tries.

  “Cole. If you knew what is best for you, you’d stay away from me. Stay away from Van or who knows? Karma might just come for you too,” I threaten him with a smile.

  Austin grips my hips, walking me back. He turns me and ushers me away. We walk down the sidewalk, passed local shops, until we reach an alleyway. The blue-eyed boy leads me down the dark alley, until we reach the end. He swings me around and pushes me against the wall. Lifting me by my ass, he presses his body against mine and leans in and kisses my neck.

  “Austin....” I moan. He’s rubbing his hard erection into me and I can’t take it. I want it. I want it inside me.

  “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. Everything I’ve ever needed. I’ve waited for you for so long. I’ve waited. Stuck here. Trapped. Never to leave. Never to return home. I rise from my slumber every twenty years, waiting for you, my sweet. Waiting for you to be created. The wait is my sentencing. My punishment. I could have had it all. I could have ruled my father’s kingdom, but I gave it up. I gave it up for you, my sweet, sweet human,” he says, nuzzling his nose up and down, against the skin of my neck.

  “What?” I ask in a heated trance. My mind is barely conscious. Barely aware of what he is saying. His touch is melting my mind. Melting my body. My body wants him. Needs him. It needs to be close. Closer. Closer!

  “I chose you. I chose you the moment I knew your soul was created within the heavens. My sentencing was to wait for you, not knowing when I could have you. My punishment, to spend every aching second on this retched place you call Earth, until you arrived. I couldn’t have both. It was

  either, rule or be casted out. I chose you, my sweet. I chose you and together, you and I will rule. We will rule, side by side, in the darkness as one entity. As one soul.”

  I hear him, but I can’t concentrate on his words. I am focused on the feel of his body against mine. His heated hands hold me, caress me. His lips trace sensual kisses up and down my sensitive neck. His warm breath blows in my ear and I tremble against him. I focus on his touch. His touch is everything. It is all I need. All I crave. Nothing else matters. Nothing but his touch. Nothing but him.

  “I can’t— I don’t underst—” I try to say. I hear his words, but they do not register.

  “Shhh. Don’t speak. Just feel me. I am in you. You feel me, don’t you? I feel you, sweetness. I feel you and it consumes me. You consume me, but I need more. My Devil needs more,” he purrs.

  My eyes open wide. My trance is broken. That… that, I heard.

  “Devil?” I repeat. My chest constricts, holding in what remaining air I have inhaled. My body shakes. Not from pleasure, but fear.

  “You wanted to know what I am. Now you know,” he says, sliding the tip of
his nose up my neck.

  Something inside me is stirring. Something inside is waking. An internal pounding of fists against the inside of my chest. Fighting, screaming, “Run!” she screams. “RUN!” Fear. I am consumed by it. Frightened to the point that endless tears stream down my cheeks. I am terrified. Scared. I want to run. I need to run.

  Austin’s head tilts. He exhales a long, broken breath. I watch his bottom lip quiver. I feel his sadness. I feel his guilt. He feels terrible. His thumbs wipe away my never-ending streams of tears.

  “No. No. No. Don’t be afraid my sweet. You’re scared of me. Don’t be scared. I promise I will not hurt you. I will never hurt you. You mean so much to me,” he declares.

  It won’t go away. The screaming voice beneath my dying conscious. She’s urging me to run. She’s weak but refuses to let go. Something is killing her. She’s been suppressed. She’s been ignored, but not now. Now she fights. Now she survives. She is my last hope of survival. Last hope of sanity. If I lose her, I am broken. I am truly gone, for she is my light, that is pulling me from the darkness.

  “Let me in Emilia. I can’t lose you. I need to give you more. Do not block me. Let me in, my sweet,” he desperately begs. I see him cry. Is he really crying? Can he cry? I see no tears, yet he appears on the verge. I want to give in. I want to comfort him, but I can’t. She is stopping me. I must listen. I must…

  “No,” I say. His somber look disappears just as fast as it appeared. Surprise and amusement takes anew.

  “No? No?” he repeats, grinning that devilish grin he always holds.

  “You can’t have it. You can’t take her,” I weakly say.

  “So, she’s still alive?” he grins. “I thought I silenced her.” He moves in close, gazing deeply into my eyes. He’s searching me. Searching into my soul. He sets me down on my feet, grips the sides of my face firmly, leans in, nose touching nose, and speaks, “I am inside her. You hear me? You cannot fight me forever. I will own you, soul of light. I will take you. Devour you and eat you whole, for I have tainted you, defiled you and brought you great sin. Fight all you want but I can feel you. You are weak, rotting, fading into the nothing. I will have you, whether you refuse to accept me or not. I will have you and you will be mine.”


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