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THE MONSTER INSIDE ME: The Immortal Chronicles: Book One

Page 25

by Tristin Clark

  “Uhh!” I grunt, when I fall hard on my stomach, against the soft foam.

  I attempt to glance back over my shoulder, to get a glimpse of him, but a hand forces my head down against the mattress. He hovers over me and presses his body against mine, while slowly grinding the meaty length of muscle between my crack. His skin is hot. Not warm like before but literally hot, burning. His fingers lace within my hair and he pulls my head back, making it tilt, before he licks up my neck and face.

  “My Emilia,” he whispers in my ear. His voice is different, deeper. It’s the voice a man, a beast. It’s not the voice of the boy I know. “Are you ready for me, my soul?” his deep, rough voice asks. My chest caves in and I tremble violently.

  “Yes. I’m ready,” I nervously tell him, while shaking.

  He lowers down my back, leaving heavy, tingling kisses along my spine. Goosebumps arise, covering every inch of my skin and then I feel his hand slide between the crease of my ass. His fingers continue trailing down, until they reach me below. He slides three of them into me and I moan.

  “Ohh. Yesss,” I squeal.

  “I truly hope you are, my soul. I truly hope you are.” With that, he removes his fingers and slides his arm under my waist and lifts me to my knees. He kneels between my legs, spreading them one at a time, with each of his knees. His fingers find my entrance again and slide inside. He thrusts them a few times, wetting them, before pulling them out and piercing my ass with one deep thrust.

  “Huhhh!” I gasp. He leans over, to whisper in my ear,

  “I’m going to fuck this ass and you will enjoy it and then when I am done, I will fuck your sweet cunt and empty my seed inside you, until you explode, many times.” I instantly tremble, my core convulses, dripping fluid at the sound of his deep, vibrating tone. My knees go weak and cave under me, but the arm under my waist prevents me from falling.

  “Not uh ah. It’s too early to tire so soon. I haven’t even had my own taste,” he whispers huskily and then begins pumping his fingers inside me.

  “Ohhh. Mmmh,” I moan under closed lips and tightly shut eyes.

  “You enjoy this, don’t you?” he asks, now pounding his fingers within.

  “Austin…” I moan.

  “Augustine,” he corrects.


  “Augustine. You will address me by my real name,” he demands.

  “I knew Austin wasn’t your real name,” I state.

  “You were right. Now the only sound I want to hear from you, is the moans and screams I will gift you with. Silence!” he orders. His dominating voice rattles the cave around us, and I shut up immediately.

  This new him. This Devil him… it’s so powerful, so deep. It silences my inner rebel and rejoices at his dominance. I find myself submitting so easily to him. Never in my life would I think to say this but, I finally liked being controlled. At least by the Devil, currently pounding his fingers in my ass.

  “Mmmh,” I continue to moan, as his pace picks up. I thought Austin was rough, but I was wrong. Augustine was even more rough as he pounds away, knuckles deep into me at a maddening speed. He wants to dominate me. He wants to show me who owns me, and he is. He’s a beast, a Devil and he enjoys being in control. I enjoy him being in control.

  “Ahhhh!” I scream, when his pace picks up even more. His knuckles are bruising the outside of my hole, to the point of it becoming unpleasurable.

  “Augustine… stop. Please,” I beg internally. His fingers immediately withdraw, and I suddenly feel the warmth and wetness of his dear long, snake like tongue. It licks between my crease several times, before slithering into my ass.

  “Ohhh,” I moan in ecstasy. What pain I felt before, has been erased by whatever miracle residue that coats his tongue. My body is now more at ease. More at peace.

  He grips my hips tightly. His tongue withdraws from my ass and is then replaced with a foreign pressure. A demanding pressure. It works to enter passed the entrance of my tight hole, and then slides in.

  “FUUUUUCK!” I scream, just as it forces itself all the way in. Instant tears, stream down my cheeks, after being impaled by the mighty, thick log. I almost pass out on impact after the initial shock but managed to stay awake.

  “Make it smaller! Make it SMALLER!” I scream. I don’t care if I spoke when he told me not to. It hurts. “Augustine, you hurt me…” I internally cry. Within seconds, I feel it shrink down to a more, fitting size.

  “Drink!” my devil orders. He holds his now cut wrist in front of my mouth. I pull it to my lips and devour his precious blood instantly. My eyes close as I grip his arm and savor every ounce of the delicious, hot liquid.

  “Mmmh,” I moan, after swallowing.

  I can feel the devil behind me, thrust slowly in and out of me. He is waiting for me to grow calmer, waiting for me to heal. His gentle nails scratch my head and runs through my hair in comforting strokes.

  “There, there, my soul. Drink so the pain is gone. Drink so you feel no more, for I am not done with you and need you whole, so that I can make you immortal, my sweet, sweet soul,” he rhymes.

  His arm recedes and I find myself reaching back for it, wanting to consume more. I gaze up at him, my giant, black as night Devil with horns so sharp, so pointed. He grins a wide, toothy grin and places both his hands on my hips.

  “You’re ready now. Now, my soul, I will take you. Now, I will consume you whole.” My heavy eyes go wide and my heart pounds. I turn back around and my head drops. It weighs a ton. I am dizzy, tingling from consuming so much of his blood. I am high, euphoric and blissfully aroused and nervous all at the same time.

  “Huhhh!” I gasp in surprise at his first mighty thrust. “Ahhh!” I moan at his second. He continues his mighty thrusts, filling me to the hilt each time. “AUGUSTINE!” I shout, after I feel him pull the long length of his member almost all the way out and thrust it hard within me. My body is thwarting with every slam. My breasts are bouncing and smacking against my own skin. His thrusts are ruthless, mighty and holy fuck… Earth shattering.

  This member… is way bigger than before. Too big but I can’t feel the pain. I only feel pleasure. I only feel tingles. I just feel him.

  “Ahhh!” I shout as he picks up his pace.

  My body is now thwarting rapidly. I am panting and grunting after each thrust but it’s not just I. This Devil is grunting deeply and almost as loud as I am, and it is music to my ears. His pleasure is my pleasure. My pain is his pain. We feel each other. Know each other. We are one and united and it is so beautiful. He is so beautiful.

  Skin slapping skin echoes and bounces off the cave walls. I turn to my right and see the dark shadow of our silhouettes, reflecting off the fire. It mirrors our two hot, sweaty, fucking forms and as I stare, I can’t help, but notice something I had missed from before. Something new, something long, thin and pointy at the end. It’s his Devil’s tail. He has a tail. I watch it sway and coil within the air and I am beyond fascinated by it.

  I continue watching our shadows. I watch the silhouette of my mate, fiercely fuck me from behind. I see his form. His giant, beastly form and I smile. I smile because as terrifying as the picture is that I observe, I know it’s my Austin. My Augustine. My love.

  I reach my arms behind me, and wrap them around his thick, muscular neck. I raise and kneel, just as he kneels with me. The giant hands that grip my hips, slide up the curves of my body and move to cup my breast. He squeezes them roughly a few times before they find their way back to my hips once again. He yanks me against him and pounds inside me repeatedly.

  “Augustine,” I whisper in awe.

  “My soul,” he delicately whispers against the skin of my neck. His lips skim up my throat, before licking down it. “I am going to drain you alive,” he whispers, right before I feel his mouth stretch wide and attack my neck with a harsh, piercing bite.

  I scream,

  “Ahhh!” His sharp canines bury deep into my flesh. I feel the warmth of my blood drip from my wound, only to be d
evoured by the Devil drinking hungrily from me.

  As he drinks, his thrusting does not slow but grows far more demanding. The more he drinks, the harder he thrusts. I can feel myself begin to grow weaker, as he consumes more and more of my blood. My head falls forward and my heavy eyes close. My body goes limp but the arm that sweeps around my waist prevents me from falling forward.

  His canines finally withdraw and his tongue laps over my wound, erasing the sting. His hot breath and wet lips then greet my ear.

  “Don’t pass out on me yet, my soul. I’d prefer you awake than asleep, while I take you and finish the ritual.” His tongue slithers inside my ear, before pulling back so that he can whisper, “I’ve only consumed a quarter of your blood. We’ve got a long way to go before I consume all. You won’t die yet, my soul.”

  That’s what he is doing. He intends to drain me. That is how he plans to kill me. Drain me and—

  “Do not worry, my soul. I intend to give back just as much as I take. By the end of your human existence, you will be filled with my blood, just as I am filled with yours. Our bloods will combine, mix and mold together, becoming one. You won’t feel a thing. That I can guarantee,” he promises. His assurance calms my anxiety well enough. I trust he knows what he’s doing. I trust him. He would never intentionally hurt me. I know that.

  He pulls out of me and I fall on my stomach and gasp at the impact. I can’t move. I am so numb. Augustine turns me over. He kneels high above me, between my quivering thighs, eyeing me proudly. I take the moment to gaze at him, to really observe him. Despite his demonic appearance, I still see my Austin. My sweet, beautiful boy. His features are in there, morphed into his Devil form and together, they make one beautiful creature. One breathtaking creature. My Devil is breathtaking, and I can’t stop staring.

  “You like what you see. I am pleased for the view, I see before me, and it is one I intend to gaze upon, for an eternity, my soon to be, immortal queen,” he tenderly states.

  “Augustine…” I lose my train of thought. I want to say something, but no words come forward. I am speechless as I stare at the creature before me.

  “Hush, my soul. It is time for me to burn you. Are you ready to proceed?” I swallow a hard gulp and nod my head.

  “Say it!” his deep, demanding voice orders. The cave rattles once the hairs on my skin rise.

  “I’m ready to be burned,” I weakly tell him, too exhausted to give much more energy than that.

  “I’m going to recite a chant. You will not understand but do not fret, it’s only a part of the ritual. I must say it as I empty myself inside you. I will declare you as my immortal bride and then I will claim the final part of your soul, and bind it to mine, forever.”

  “Okay…” I nervously reply.

  “Do you accept me inside you, Emilia? I need you to say it,” he eagerly asks.

  “Yes. I accept you,” I say, with assurance.

  My words release a surge of aggression within the Devil. He growls loudly before falling on top of me and ravaging my neck with a hungry chomp.

  “Ahhh,” I moan. I know it should hurt but I feel no pain, only pleasure.

  Soon after, I feel the pressure of his enormous member enter me. The combination of him drinking from me and slowly pumping into me is so delightful, so heavenly.

  He eventually removes his canines from within my neck and licks over my wound. He raises high, towering above me, and leans up on his hands. His dark, crimson eyes bore into mine and never look away.

  “It’s time,” he speaks. I nod, not even capable of making a sound. He arches back, making his member pierce deep inside me. I try to moan but it only comes out more like a broken squeak.

  He kneels and lifts my legs, resting them on his shoulders. He leans forward, never breaking eye contact, grips my thighs and begins pounding into me. I can feel his heat. It radiates from his member and then courses down my legs and up my torso at the same time. It surges through me like a massive wave, reaching every part of my anatomy, claiming every inch of my being. The heat, it’s hotter than before. What was once a pleasurable pain is now more pain than pleasure and I can’t quite tell if I like it or hate it.

  “Ahhh!” I scream internally, just as his thrust sends a burning wave of fire throughout my body. I release a brutal orgasm and then not even a second later, another. “Ahhh!” I scream again. It’s become a thing. With every thrust, he sends a surge of fire within, followed by soul ripping orgasm. I’ve lost

  track of how many he’s given me. I can’t keep up. My mind is melting… my body is overly exhausted. I’m so tired…

  His thrusting has become rapid as wave after wave of fire, fills my body and leaves me just as exhausted after each given climax before. My eyes have become glued to the back of my skull. My mouth hangs open permanently. I can’t move, can’t speak. I can barely think, all while he continues fucking me. All while he burns my soul completely. I am an immobile corpse. Barely on the brink of consciousness, but I am here. I am hanging on. For as long I can. I am hanging on…

  I hear my devil grunt and feel him flex the thick log inside me. He grips my hips, digging his sharp nails into my skin.

  “AHHHHH!” he roars, when he releases the flood gates, and empties his seed inside me.

  As if it was possible, he feels even bigger, when he tenses and flexes the appendage within. He’s jerking and trembling and continues emptying himself inside me. Luckily, I feel no pain. That pain is gone. I only feel fire. His fire as it burns me alive and even though it burns me internally, it is still the most euphoric feeling I’ve ever felt. I’ve grown to love this pain. I crave it, even while knowing it is the thing that is killing me. I still love it. I love him.

  “Sum Augustini. Filii luciferi. Princeps tenebris,” I hear him speak in what sounds like Latin. He whispers the words to his chant, and they sound so beautiful, the way he speaks, the way the words flow off his lips. It’s melodic, entrancing. I keep listening. “Herede de solio tenebris ad inferos. Aemilia dici quod me mate.” Everything around us, begins to shake violently. The fire behind him erupts in an out of control, blazing flame. Something is happening… something malevolent and it sends an eerie chill down my spine. He never stops speaking as those intense, blood red eyes remain locked on mine. “Ego autem egrediens animam eius obligaverit meus, in aeternum hibent sociati sunt sibi in immortales mea sponsa. Audi me voca Deus lux est, et tenebrae Dei. AEMILIA MEA!” he throws his head back and ends with a loud, thunderous roar.

  There’s a boiling pressure beneath my chest. It’s rising. Pushing against my sternum. My eyes dart open. My mouth opens wide and I explode.

  “AHHHHHHH!” I bloody scream. Augustine is thrown off of me by the force of my light. “MAKE! IT! STOOOOOOP!” I yell. It’s too much. This power, This energy. It’s too much. I continue screaming as the blinding, white light evades my body in a violent current of soul sucking torture. “MAKE IT STOOOOP!” I scream again. It burns. It burns so horribly. The light within burns worse than Austin’s fire could ever burn. It streams out of me, rushing towards the cave ceiling in long, bright beams.

  Suddenly, it comes to a complete and abrupt halt.

  My eyes close. My body relaxes.

  I lay here, lifeless and immobile. The light is gone. My light is gone. It’s left me. All I feel now is darkness. I’m cold. Empty. Frozen. I am trembling. Hollow. Weightless. I can’t move. Can’t think. Can’t speak.

  My eyes open. I hold no emotion. No expression. No feeling. I gaze directly into my mates worried and wondering eyes. He hovers closely above, and he is searching frantically within. I can feel him. He is the only thing I can feel. His presence is the only thing I know.

  His arms wrap tightly around me, holding me against his hot skin. He is so warm as I am so cold.

  Our position changes. Instead of laying, we begin to float upright. Augustine’s hand slides passed my rear, down to my thigh. He grips it, pulling it up and against his pelvis. He does the same to my other thigh. I am now
sitting on his lap, straddling him, while he holds me close.

  We are floating. Hovering just off the bed, slowly ascending. I take that moment to gaze up while Augustine holds my heavy head, back in his palm. I see the sharp tips of the hanging stalactites and wonder if we will meet them. Augustine presses my face into his chest and lays a kiss on top of my forehead.

  “Everything is fine. Do not worry, my soul. The only thing to impale you is I,” he softy speaks. I’m not worried. I don’t even think I’m scared. I realize the danger, but it doesn’t affect me. I don’t care. “The

  ritual is almost complete, my soul. You’re doing far greater than I ever imagined. You’re a strong one but I already knew that. You’d have to be, to be my equal.”

  I can feel my heart rate weaken. As strong as Augustine thinks I am, I know… I am dying. I had just lost my soul. I had lost my humanity. I am drained, exhausted and I am dying. My mate is killing me and soon, I will be dead.

  “And reborn an immortal. Just as I,” he finishes my thought.

  I didn’t realize we had descended, landing delicately back on top of the mattress, in a sitting position. Augustine holds me against him, and then lays me back. He hovers over me and brings my knee up and inserts himself inside me. He begins moving, slowly within.

  “Hold on, my soul. We’re almost finished,” he gently tells me, before brushing my hair behind my ear. I want to nod but I can’t move. Instead, my head falls to my side and my mouth barely parts. My half-lidded eyes flutter to remain open and I know if I close them, that’s it. I’ll die.

  “NO!” I hear him shout. “Not yet! Stay with me!” he begs. His hand holds the side of my face, gripping it tightly. “Emilia! Not yet. I’m not finished. Stay awake!” My eyes glaze over as heavy tears fall onto the sheets in endless streams. I am barely breathing. “FUUUUCK! NOOO! NOT YET!” he screams.

  My breathing has slowed to the point of nothing. My heart barely beats. It’s giving up… It wants to let go…

  “FUUUUUCK!” I hear him scream again and I feel his pain. He feels lost, terrified, guilty and scared.


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