Broken Promises (A Timeless Trilogy Book 1)

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Broken Promises (A Timeless Trilogy Book 1) Page 16

by Quell T Fox

  “S’okay,” is all I manage, before I fall back to sleep.

  The next time I open my eyes, it’s to pure darkness, besides the light from the headlights, and trees. Lots of trees. I didn’t check the time at the gas station, but I don’t think I’ve been sleeping for long. We are driving very slowly, down an extremely bumpy dirt road. It’s wide enough to fit only one car at a time, tall thick trees sit on both sides, blocking any light from the moon that may make it’s way down. The road is curvy so I can’t tell when the trees end, if they do at all.

  Sitting straight up, I stretch as much as I can for being in such a small space. I rub the back of my neck, it’s sore from the way I fell asleep.

  “Sleep well?” He asks while handing me a bottle of water. I take it from him and take a few sips.

  “As good as expected.”

  A few moments later we come to a clearing. Not much of a clearing, just enough of one for a tiny house to sit. Jacob slows more and pulls into a paved driveway. After coming down a road like that I half expected to happen upon a castle, but this is cute.

  Jacob puts the truck in park then turns it off. I open the door immediately to step out. After sitting in the cramped space for who knows how long, I need to stretch properly. I don’t see any snow. That’s disappointing. I walk to the end of the driveway and look both ways. I don’t see anything else on this road besides trees. I wonder if there are neighbors close by anywhere. This seems familiar.

  I turn back around and get a good look at the house that is more of a cottage. The driveway is short, but wide. It looks as if it could fit about five cars parked closely together. There are a few steps made of stone that lead to a small grass area, that could be considered a front yard. From there, there is a few more stairs, made from wood, that lead to the wooden porch. It’s the width of the house, which isn’t much. This place has a fairytale feel to it. Like any second there will be singing animals popping out of the bushes. I bet it’s beautiful during the summer.

  The house itself is made of stone, with a high peaked roof. Vines grow up the walls of the house and intertwine the rail banisters. To the left there is a small patch of dirt, surrounded in stones. It looks as if it could be a garden or a place that an animal was buried. A brick chimney runs up the right side of the house.

  Liza pulls in, parking on the side of us. She gets out of the car, not saying a word. She heads right for the door, pulls out a set of keys and let’s herself in. I watch Jacob as he grabs the few bags from the back area of his truck, he turns to look at me. Waiting.

  I let out a slow breath and walk to him. He takes my hand, leading me inside.

  The house has more room inside than I expected. There are two floors, even though I never would have guessed from the way it looks on the outside. It’s rustic looking with an open floor plan. The stairs are situated somewhere in the middle of the living room and kitchen-slash-dining room. There is a small dinette set, a couch and TV. I see two closed doors off to the right side of the house. Possibly bathroom and closet?

  Liza turns to us, holding the only thing she brought with her. The laptop. “You two can take the room upstairs, it’s more spacious and has the bigger bed.” She heads to the door that I thought was the closet, which now I know is a bedroom. She walks in and shuts the door.

  “Make yourself comfortable, sweetheart. I’ll put our things upstairs and then I’ll make you a proper dinner.”

  How often does she come here that there is food stocked? Maybe she rents it out when she isn’t here? This isn’t her normal home, Jacob said that the Society thinks she lives in Connecticut. How many houses does this woman have? And where does all the money come from? It doesn’t seem to be a problem for either of them.

  More questions, just what I need. Instead of getting some answered and scratched off the list, it just grows longer. If I had a dollar for all the questions on my list, well, I’d have a lot of dollars right now.

  Dropping to the couch, I take my shoes off and leave them on the side, underneath the end table. I scoot back and try to get comfortable. I take the remote from the table and turn on the TV. I click through the channels, trying to find something to watch. I settle on an action film that I haven’t seen before, hoping that it will wake me up a little.

  Jacobs footsteps sound on the stairs as he comes down. The sound gets closer and a moment later his hand gently glides over my shoulder. I lean my head onto his hand, wanting more of his touch. His other hand moves my hair from my face, and he rakes his fingers through it. I close my eyes, enjoying the moment. His lips press to my temple. I hold my breath because I don’t want the slight movement to disturb this moment. He pulls back, squeezes my shoulder softly and his footsteps move away. The next thing I hear is the refrigerator opening.

  I turn my attention back to the movie, while Jacob starts dinner. I smell chicken cooking. I can’t remember the last time that I had chicken that was prepared at home. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I had a home-cooked dinner. This is going to be a treat. The sweet aroma of cooking food makes my mouth water, and I realize just how hungry I am.

  Liza must have come out of her room, because I hear her speaking with Jacob.

  “Were you able to get the barriers up? Are the protections spells still working?”

  “Yes. There shouldn’t be any issues. I figured the bounce method would be the best option. In case there are any large amounts of energy expelled around here.” I see her, out of the corner of my eye, waggle her eyebrows at Jacob. He shakes his head and continues what he’s doing.

  “Dinner will be done soon. Are you eating with us?”

  “I’m going to take a nap. I plan on being up most of the night to watch the live feed. I’m trying to take data on the areas the Hunters hit most often and it’s easier to follow while it’s happening. You two have a good night.”

  I turn my head to her, “Night.”

  Jacob continues to shuffle around the kitchen. The sound of glass clanking together hits my ears, as he pulls dinnerware from the cabinet. The food smells amazing, my stomach growling. A few moments later, Jacob is walking to me, the outline of him growing larger as he gets closer. I act like I don’t see him and keep my eyes on the TV. He moves directly into my field of vision, completely blocking the TV, but this view is better anyway. I’m staring directly at his you-know-what, his tight pants allowing me to see what’s going on in there, and my mouth is watering all over again. I have no choice but to meet his eyes, I need to get control of myself. He’s standing with his hands in his pockets, a smirk spread across his lips. His pants are so tight that I’m not sure how his hands fit in there to begin with. Again, not complaining because damn can he fill a pair of jeans. The fact that he has on a button up with the sleeves rolled up, is too much. My mind going right back to the gutter, pulling out that image of him standing in nothing but his boxers. I swallow. Hard. This is not going to be easy.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” He asks, offering his hand to me.

  I smile my acceptance, offering my hand to him. I stand and he leads me to the table, which is set for two. He pulls out the chair for me, and I sit. He moves to the opposite end of the table and sits himself. As far as I can tell, everything is set properly. I don’t know the official way to set a table, but I trust that he does.

  “I hope you like chicken stir fry. It is one of the quickest things to make.”

  “I’m not sure that I’ve ever had it, but it smells great.”

  There is a dish full of rice, I take the serving spoon and dump perhaps a bit too much on my plate. When I reach for the bowl full of chicken, vegetables and some kind of sauce, Jacob mentions that I should put it on top of the rice. So, I do.

  Jacob is watching with a satisfied smile on his face. He takes the wine bottle that is sitting on the table to his right and opens it. Reaching across the table, he takes my wine glass and pours some wine into it. He then does the same for himself.

  He seems to be a fan of wine, did I used
to like it? I’ll take any kind of alcohol, really. Wine isn’t awful, it’s just, if you drink too much of it, which I tend to do, then you wake up with this awful headache the next day.

  After I finish serving myself, I slide the serving spoons over to Jacobs side and he plates his food. I waste no time digging in. I didn’t think it was possible but wow, this food tastes better than it smells. I guess you don’t realize how bland take out is until you’ve had real food.

  “Jacob, this is so good.” I say with food still in my mouth because I’m classy like that.

  “I’m glad you are enjoying it.”

  You can’t tell by looking at him that he’s over a hundred, but you can tell by the way he talks. He has a slight accent and he speaks properly, like the right kind of English, no slang. Kind of the way old people speak. Like, it’s not wrong but it’s different. You can tell it’s from another generation. I kind of love it.

  We don’t speak much through dinner. I’m too busy stuffing my face and Jacob seems to be respecting that. I wouldn’t have minded if he spoke to me, I’m not opposed to listening to his voice. I still feel like things have been a bit off since our conversation last night. Kind of like I don’t know how to act. Then, after him telling me that no one knows where I came from…yeah, that just made me feel…strange. But I miss him. I know he’s been with me all day, but I miss him. I feel like I need more of him. I need his touch and his want of me.

  When we are finished, I stand to take the dirty dishes to the sink. Jacob stands as well, picking up his plate.

  “Nope. Sit. You cooked, I clean. That’s how it goes.”

  He raises his hands in a surrender motion and sits back down slowly.

  “Thank you.” He says, sounding more appreciative than necessary considering I’m only washing a few dishes and he just cooked an entire meal.

  He sits in his seat, sipping his wine while I bring the plates to the sink. My back is to him, but I can feel his eyes on me. I start washing the dishes trying to act completely normal, like I can’t feel the heat of his gaze on me. It’s not easy.

  I feel hands come around my waist and I smell that amazing musky scent that does crazy things to my hormones. I try to focus on finishing the dishes but it’s really hard to do when he is so close. He pulls my hair off my shoulder, wrapping it around the other side. Nuzzling his mouth into the space where my neck meets my shoulder, he places a soft, gentle kiss. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine. His soft lips make their way up my neck, stopping right below my ear. I lost count of the kisses and also my sense because I feel his tongue running back down my neck. If he wasn’t behind me to hold me up, I’d be on the floor right now, in a puddle. I can’t feel my legs.

  As he takes my earlobe between his teeth, biting just enough to send a small spark of pain, he reaches his arm around me and turns off the water. I stopped washing the dishes the moment I felt him behind me, but I’ve been unable to move. He continues to kiss and lick my neck, adding more pressure, proving his want. A breathy moan escapes my lips, my legs clench together trying to fend off the overwhelming sensation that’s taken over down there. His chest flush against my back, his hand resting on my hip, he pulls me into him, his hard cock pressing against my ass.

  Now I am even more grateful that he’s here to hold me up. I can’t manage on my own. My hands are still wet from the dishes, but I don’t care. I reach my arm behind me, placing it on the back of his neck. I lean my head to the side, allowing him more room to put his mouth anywhere that he wants. He continues to kiss, bite and suck on my neck, which makes me moan louder. I know there is going to be a mark on my neck, but it doesn’t matter. Pushing my ass into him more, I feel him harder than he was moments ago. I feel the warmth and wetness growing between my legs, wishing he’d give me more.

  His hand that was on my hip moves across my waistline and under my shirt. My hands move to the counter in front of me for support. The tips of his fingers teasing the skin right under the waist band of my leggings. Slowly moving his fingers back and forth, but not going in any lower than that. I push into him more, wanting to feel his hardness against me. I can’t contain myself and the sound that comes out this time, is louder than it should have been, embarrassing even, considering Liza is only in the next room.

  He moves his hand up towards my lips, brushing his fingers across them. My lips part, allowing his finger to enter. I use my tongue to wet the tip of his finger, I close my lips around it, sucking gently. This time, the sound comes from his own lips. If I thought I was wet before, it is nothing compared to what that sound just did to me. As I suck on his finger, his other hand continues to tease the skin under my clothes.

  Taking his hand from my mouth, he spins me around to face him. He brings his finger, still wet from my mouth, into his. His tongue slowly slides across the tip of his finger. All I can do is stare at how fucking hot all of this is. Both hands are on the counter behind me, holding myself up. My heart beating hard, my mouth dry, all signs of moisture currently between my legs. His hand moves to cup my face, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip. My eyes close and I press forward into his finger. A second later, his lips are on mine. His lips pillowy soft, his tongue demanding entrance to my mouth, I open for him. His hands move to my thighs as he lifts me up, my legs wrap around his waist, needing more of him. My hands go around his neck, helping to hold my weight, not that he needs it, he’s stronger than he looks. The kissing is becoming messy because we’re both insatiable in this moment.

  More, I need more.

  He holds my weight for me and starts towards the stairs.



  I was the one who told Asha that we should not be doing this. It is dangerous, but oh, I am losing my mind, having her this close and unable to touch her. I have gone too long without her near, and I cannot take it any longer. Besides, Liza put the barriers up. Even though they aren’t 100%, with the protection spells they should keep us hidden. She made a comment about this happening; she knew it would. What Liza set up will work. It will take whatever energy is created and throw it out in smaller amounts, to random places.

  I tell myself repeatedly that Liza knows what she is doing. She does. She hasn’t let me down thus far and I must trust that this is going to be okay. It has to be okay; I need this. I cannot go another moment without feeling Asha close to me.

  I see the need in her eyes, as I lick her sweet taste off my finger. She is beautiful, she always has been. Her dark hair is long and falls in perfect waves around her face. Her brilliant green eyes remind me of a cat’s eyes, bright with golden flecks. They suit her round face and full pink lips. The bottom one, she currently has between her teeth. She doesn’t remember what that does to me. She doesn’t remember anything, and I need to keep that in mind. There is a lot that she doesn’t remember, but I plan on reminding her.

  I move to her quickly, unable to stop myself, my lips smashing into hers.

  This is okay, it has to be.

  My hands move from her waist down to her ass. Her firm, round ass that I have been staring at every chance that I get. I slide my hands down to her thighs and lift her. She wastes no time wrapping her legs around me, as tight as they will go. My dick gets harder when I feel the warmth between her legs. All that warmth is for me, it’s mine.

  Her arms are around my neck, helping to hold herself up. Moving her away from the counter, I make my way towards the stairs. I want to fuck her, but not on a kitchen counter. Not this time. On the outside I don’t look as strong as I am, looks can be deceiving. I have no issue carrying her full weight up the staircase. Once at the top, I continue forward going into the only bedroom that is up here.

  I worry that Liza should have given us the room on the bottom floor. If this is going the way I think it will, then Liza is not going to appreciate the noises coming from her ceiling. Luckily, she’s a heavy sleeper and I truly hope I don’t disturb her too much. I don’t plan on going easy, just because of that minor inconvenience, t

  Closing the door behind us, I leave the lights off. Stopping at the foot of the bed, I pull my lips from hers. I take in the puffiness of those full lips and my dick becomes harder knowing that it’s because of me. She bites her lip again. I put her on the bed, but she doesn’t remove her arms from my neck. I take her lip between my teeth and bite, only hard enough to send a small snip of pain. I kiss it and lick it better afterwards. I kiss her more, giving her what she wants and filling my own need at the same time. I know this is what she wants, it’s always been what she wants. This is how she is with me, and only me. It’s no different now. It’s what makes me know that she is mine and always will be. I saw how she was with Andrew, and that is not my Asha.

  I nip her bottom lip again and she makes a squeak, moving her head back a bit. Enough for me to get out of her grip and step back. I don’t want to stop. I want to enjoy this. I want her to enjoy this and I know what drives her crazy. Never could I forget that.

  She sits on the end of the bed leaning back on her hands, her chest heaving, lips swollen. I watch as her chest rises up and down and I remember what is beneath those clothes. The beauty of her flawless skin, her round supple breasts and perfectly pink nipples. Yes, I remember. I thought of it often, while I was alone all those years. She waits, patiently, as I take her in. The hunger in her eyes is unmistakable, though. I remove my shirt, dropping it at my feet. She did always like me with my shirt off. Moving towards her, my hands go to her waist, moving them up towards her ribs. Reveling in the feel of her softness under my fingers. How I have missed the feeling of her body.

  Asha looks exactly as she did when I saw her last. Her beauty has not changed in the slightest. It’s as if the time apart has been a mere hour, and not a century. I was not sure how she would look. Sometimes when people are reborn, they look similar to what they were, but not the same. This Asha is a spitting image of the old Asha, and I could not be more thrilled.


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