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Marked By A Rogue: The Rogue Hybrid Book Three

Page 7

by K. J. Padgett

  Wilder’s hand flexed against my back, sending butterflies through my stomach and chest. I tried to step away from him, but he just moved with me.

  “This hunting party...” Seraphim cut in. “I want to do my part. Aella and I run together. Unless you tell me otherwise, Alpha, I’m going with her to find the rogue.”

  “As am I,” Tara agreed.

  “Me too,” Jamie’s small voice floated to us from the corner of the room. We all turned to look at her as she flicked her eyes toward Wilder. “If the rogue is anything like him, Aella will need all the help she can get.”

  My stomach twisted. “What do you mean ‘like him?’”

  She gave us both an apologetic smile. Jamie always had an uncanny sense of knowing. None of us could figure out where she got it or how, but she was always accurate. Most times it gave me the creeps.

  “Your mate smells... different. I can’t explain it.”

  Wilder went rigid behind me, and my heart stopped beating. My mate. Jamie knew we were mates. And now Wilder did too.



  “The good news is we’re fine,” Penny said over the line.

  Luke and I exchanged a wary glance.

  “What do you mean, ‘you’re fine’?” he asked abruptly.

  We had been on the phone for all of two seconds, checking in with our friends who still remained inside the clave. They had brought us invaluable intel so far. And from what we heard the last time we spoke – the clave wasn’t looking like the same castle I’d lived in for weeks. No more plush sofas and crystal ballrooms. It was a fully operating war camp. They were filling spaces with supplies and accommodating more vampires than ever. Apparently, it had become a hive of debauchery.

  “It was really only a matter of time, guys,” Aral’s crisp voice came over the line next. Guess we were on speakerphone.

  “We got a hit put out on us,” Peter somehow sounded as if he thought that was funny.

  “You what?!” I barked.

  The phone groaned from the pressure of Luke’s grip. He was strangling the poor thing to death.

  Kalum cleared his throat. “I got word from a source that William was putting a hit on us. He knows that we’re your allies. I’m surprised he overlooked us for this long. By the time I got back to the clave to warn the others, they were already packed and ready to go. They had a vampire tied to Penny’s pink ottoman.”

  Something rustled on their end, and then Aral cursed. “Get your mitts off of my head, Peter!”

  Peter snickered. “My girl’s a badass. They sent someone after Penny first. She and Aral showed him a taste of his own medicine.”

  Pride swelled. My friends were far from breakable, but I’d seen the aftermath of what Arden had done when he broke into Penny’s apartment to find me. If she’d been human, she would probably be dead right now. I doubted she’d ever be ambushed in her own home again. Not without a good fight.

  I sighed, letting out a slow but steady breath before grabbing Luke’s free hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. He still looked like he wanted to destroy something, and I preferred it not be our burner phone while we were still mid-call.

  “I’m just happy you guys are safe. Where are you heading now?”

  “We’re staying in Louisiana, just going underground for a little while. I’ve got friends prepared to hide us away until the coast is clear.”

  As stupid as it was, I felt a little disappointed that they weren’t coming to join us on our mission to rally the other covens to our side. But it was for the best. I trusted that Kallum’s friends would offer them safety, and that was something neither me nor Luke had to offer right now. Plus, on the off chance that they were being followed, they could potentially lead William and Loraine right to us.

  “We miss you guys,” I said.

  Penny replied, “Miss you more.”

  “I’ll be checking in soon,” Luke sighed. “And guys? Stay safe.”

  “We will, buddy,” Kallum answered.

  “Scout’s honor,” Peter followed.

  The line went dead.

  I’d muted the rental-homes flatscreen TV before the call. I’d been watching Hallmark Christmas movies all night. It was a tradition my mom and I did every year during this season. There always had to be one full day of cheesy Christmas romances.

  Now, the room filled with a tense silence. I could tell something was up when Luke crossed the small living room and sat in the loveseat. He rubbed his face with his hands, avoiding my eyes.

  “What?” I pressed.

  But I was in no way prepared for what he was about to say.

  “I think you should go to the hideout with the others,” Luke said quietly.

  My jaw nearly hit the floor. What? There was no way he could be serious right now. I thought that we had moved beyond him hiding me away while he faced all the danger alone. I wasn’t a porcelain doll. I was an immortal being for crying out loud!

  “Stop,” I put my hand up. “Don’t say that to me again.”

  He got up and started to pace in front of me, his long strides eating up the length of the living room in just a few steps. He still wouldn’t meet my eyes. He just kept staring ahead with a blank expression on his face.

  “I’ll get their location and drop you off with them tomorrow. Then I can start trying to enlist the help of the European clave.”

  What?! We’d just landed in New York last night for a meeting with their coven leaders! And Europe?! He was going to fly to Europe without me? Um, hell no!

  I got off the sofa and walked straight past him to the bedroom. Yanking the drawers open, I pulled our suitcase out of the closet and started shoving all of my items inside.

  A gentle breeze tousled my hair.

  “What are you doing?” Luke asked right next to my ear.

  “Packing for Europe.”

  Luke’s hand caught my wrist as I moved to grab more clothes, halting me.

  “I’m serious, Ryn. You’re joining Penny and the others.”

  My lip peeled back over my teeth as I hissed. “Like hell I am. I’m not leaving you.”

  He stepped forward, forcing me back until I was pressed against the dresser. He leaned in so close, our noses skimmed each other. He grabbed my other wrist as well and pressed both of my hands against his chest.

  “I don’t want to be away from you. You know that. But I can’t risk you anymore. Please, listen to me this once.”

  “No,” I growled. “You’re not going without me. And you’re not shutting me out again. We’re equals. Partners. You go, I go. End of story.”

  “Ryn,” his voice cracked. “Please.”

  I hated the fear in his voice. I hated the way he sounded like he might cry. I never wanted to hear that sound again.

  “Why?” I leaned back, searching his face. He looked as desperate and pleading as he sounded.

  “Because you’re my entire heart,” he breathed. “Because I’ve nearly lost you far too many times. Because I need you safe more than I need blood, or oxygen, or a heartbeat.”

  The anger simmering within shrank back. I gulped down the lump forming in my throat. His heart was racing beneath my fingertips.

  “I can’t leave you,” I said honestly. “Think of what you’re asking me. I can’t send you out alone while I helplessly wait to know if you’re alright. I suffered through that while we were at the clave, but things are different now. We’re bound. I’m in love with you.”

  His eyes turned guttural. His breath was a ragged rasp. I had no time to prepare as his mouth crashed against mine. Suddenly the hands holding my wrists were gone, only to land on the back of my thighs as he picked me up, pressing my body against his. I instinctively wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, my hands combing through that smooth blonde hair.

  His tongue slid into my mouth, a low groan rumbling in the base of his throat. My pulse turned into a wild, thrashing beast in my veins as he moved, and my back hit the mattress. He followed me down not a second l
ater, his long body pressing me down into the cushions.

  His kisses moved down to my jaw, nipping at my ears and neck. Damn it if I didn’t start panting as his hands moved up my hips, gliding over my waist, around the curve of my breasts. His fingers got to the neck of my shirt, clenching the fabric. With one harsh yank, the fabric ripped straight down the middle all the way to my navel, exposing my lacey bra. It startled me so much, I yelped.

  He lifted his head from my neck, his darkened eyes meeting mine. “Are you alright?”

  I nodded, gasping at air. “Don’t stop.”

  That’s all he needed. His lips fell against mine again. His hands moved, one gripping the back of my neck as the other roamed across my chest. He bit my lip, sucking it into his mouth hard.

  My back arched off the bed. God... I wanted him. I needed him.

  “Luke,” I begged.

  He looked up at me as he began to glide down my body. One more tug and my bra popped. The air hitting my pebbled nipples made me grind my teeth together. It was too much. Too much and not enough.

  Luke’s fingers never fumbled as he unclasped the button of my jeans and guided my zipper down. My head fell back against the pillows as my vision swirled.

  Holy hell.

  Slowly, he leaned back as he pulled my pants off of each leg one at a time. The sound of his sharp exhale was what made me glance back down. Oh, and what a sight to behold. He was on his knees kneeling between my legs. At some point, he’d stripped himself out of his shirt. Every breath he took made the lean muscle across his entire abdomen flex. A deep ‘V’ disappeared below his low-cut jeans. His eyes were nearly bottomless as they beheld me in nothing but my black lace panties.

  Self-conscious with his gaze eating me up like that, I tried to clench my thighs but met resistance as I knocked into his knees.

  His eyes shot to mine, and he seemed to remember himself. His throat bobbed.

  “You’re breathtaking,” he whispered.

  I pushed myself up into a sitting position, my face coming level with his chest. I let my lips touch his skin. He made a low noise in the back of his throat, his eyes sliding closed. My fingers trembled as I glided them down the planes of his abdomen until they rested on the button of his pants.

  When I looked back up at him, I was startled to find him already watching me. A small, crooked smile twitched at the corner of his lips, almost challenging me.

  The button popped. The zipper followed.

  Emboldened, I ran my hand over the length of him as I shoved his pants away. He hissed, sucking in a sharp breath, and then he was on top of me again – nothing but a scrap of fabric between our panting bodies.

  “Is this what you want?” He whispered.

  “Yes,” I answered without hesitation. “Please.”

  Fabric ripped, and suddenly there was nothing between us. I wrapped my legs around his hips, arching up into him. His breath fanned out into my ear as he pressed himself against me.

  I gasped as he thrust forward, and my body stretched around him, accommodating his length. Stars blazed behind my eyes. My back arched off the bed as he settled inside me, our chests heaving against each other.

  He looked down at me, his breaths fanning out across my face. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, gulping. The truth was, I was a bit nervous that I might pass out from the overstimulation.

  Luke’s mouth brushed against mine again, and then he started moving. His pace was slow at first as he pulled back an inch before our hips met again. But I wanted more.

  My hips moved, twirling lazily. The sensation it gave left us both gasping.

  He got the hint.

  We moved together in sync, a dance that seemed as if we’d practiced it a million times before.

  My muscles clenched around him. Everything inside of me was building into a blinding white light as his hips crashed against mine again. Faster. Faster. Faster.

  His fangs pierced the side of my neck with no warning, and I screamed at the mixture of surprise and pleasure. It was too much. It was too much and I... I...

  The blinding white light exploded as I arched off the bed, clinging to Luke with every muscle in my body. I may have screamed his name, I wasn’t sure. For a moment everything was white noise.

  Luke smothered his moans into my neck as release barreled into him not a moment later. His thrusts slowed until we were just laying flush – two spent, panting bodies.

  Sweat clung to both of our skin, and I brushed one of his damp curls out of his face. He kissed my hand – nipped at my fingertips.

  Every part of my body pulsed in rhythm with my heartbeat.

  “I’m in love with you too,” Luke whispered in my ear.

  “Tell me that I’m going with you,” I demanded.

  Not even earth-shattering sex could make me forget.

  He twirled a strand of hair around his finger, studying it as if it were the most fascinating thing in the world. “You’re coming with me.”

  I pulled back, gaping at him. That had been way easier than I thought.

  His crooked grin slid back into place. “There’s no way I can go long without that now.”

  I gasped, shoving at his shoulders.

  He laughed, a full, throaty sound, and held onto me tighter.

  “I’m kidding!” He pleaded as I smacked him again, giggling. What a dude.

  He pulled back, slipping out of me. I shuddered at the sensation, my toes curling.

  He brushed his lips against mine. “Say the word, and I’m yours.”

  I glanced down at the evidence that he wasn’t lying. Apparently, being a vampire came with more perks than super-speed. I sat up, smiling wickedly, and pushed him back against the bed.

  Oh, I could get used to this.



  “What do you mean, Jamie? What do you sense about him?” Mom didn’t miss a beat.

  I barely heard them, barely noticed anything other than the racing of Wilder’s pulse and the way he still hadn’t said anything.

  Oh God, he would hate me. He should hate me for this.

  “I – I don’t know,” Jamie shook her head, her strawberry curls bouncing from side to side. “Just that he’s not completely like us.”

  Mom’s eyes swung to Wilder, assessing him as if staring into his soul would give her all the answers. “If you’re like her...” her brow creased. “Then maybe she can learn to control it. Maybe she’s not all bad.”

  “He’s not like her,” I snarled. “She’s a murderer. She’s killed dozens already.”

  Her eyes met mine, understanding clear in them. She was always so wise and kind, but a tough-ass when she needed to be, and she knew now that my defensive nature was a part of whatever bond Wilder and I shared. It was in my blood to protect him at all costs, especially against the girl who’d ended his mortal life.

  “That may be so, Aella, but even the worst of us deserve a chance at redemption.”

  I begged to differ. “If I find her, I shoot first, ask questions later.”

  “If you find her,” the alpha snapped. “You’ll do as I tell you. There’s much to learn here. Whatever has been done to this girl, she’s the only one with answers. She’s the only one who knows how she became what she is.”

  “I’ll bring her back,” Wilder said, his voice firm. “If I’m like her, then I might be the only one who can stop her.”

  My mother dipped her head at him. “Good. Now, I suggest you five get moving. Sunrise is in two hours.”

  I shoved my toothbrush in a backpack along with a few pairs of clothes and a dozen fighting knives. When that was done, I shoved six more knives into the holsters on either arm, ankle, and thigh.

  The hair on my arms tickled as they stood on end. The presence mere feet behind me, silent as a ghost, was distracting enough to make me want to rip my hair out. He hadn’t left me alone since the attack.

  Typing a code into the keypad on my closet door, I flung it open and stepped aside for him. Wilde
r’s eyes widened as the lights inside flickered on.

  “If you’re going to stick around, you might as well armor up.”

  He stepped past me into the closet, and the small distance between us made me hold my breath. For once, he wasn’t focused on me. His eyes scanned over the endless knives, blades, swords, and guns in my personal arsenal.

  “Has anyone ever told you,” his eyes flicked over to me. “That you’re really creepy?”

  I snorted. Actually snorted. “Yeah, well life as the pack huntress comes with some perks.”

  His fingers skimmed the surface of a long, ten-inch blade with a curved hilt. One of my favorites. He chose it and two other blades to go with it.

  “Here, take these.” I held out a few straps for the weapons, and as he reached out to grab them from me, our fingers brushed.

  A ragged breath whooshed past my lips, and those steel-blue eyes shot to mine.

  “What the girl said about me being your – your,”


  His eyes blazed. “Yes, that. That’s why I’ve been feeling so... protective – attracted... all of it. That’s why my wolf wanted you so desperately, isn’t it? Why I want you so desperately...”

  My heart slammed against my ribs like a monster trying to break free of a cage. I tried to clear the cobwebs from my head. We couldn’t do this. Not now.

  “It is,” I murmured.

  His focus drifted to the floor, avoiding my eyes, I realized, though his fingers still brushed mine. I hadn’t let go of the straps yet.

  “Do females not experience the same thing? Am I the only one feeling this way?”

  I gulped down the lump in my throat. “We do. Finding a mate isn’t exactly an everyday occurrence and it’s hardly ever denied.”

  His head shot up, his eyes hollowing out until there was hardly anything but shadows left in them. “And you’ve denied me.”

  I wouldn’t lie to him. Not about this. Not now that he knew the truth of what we were. “I’m trying to.”

  His hand dropped, letting me go. As he backed away, the distance made it easier to breathe again. But with the freedom of him came a deep, empty feeling, as if he’d robbed me of a piece of my soul.


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