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Landon: FBI Special Agent: FBI Brotherhood Book #3

Page 15

by Ann, Bry

  “Oh, she’s fucked,” Dean mutters.

  Brad glares at him.

  “What?” I ask before I can help it.

  Brad looks at me, face flat and unreadable, as it always is when it comes to the woman on his team.

  “She’s attached.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “How is she?” I whisper, dreading the answer already.

  The doctor sighs and sets his clipboard down so I get a full view of his tired eyes and the hopelessness in them.

  “Conscious. She’s conscious now. We no longer have to sedate her, but agent, she’s not well. She may need to be moved to a psychiatric facility. Something more long term than Dogwood.”

  “No,” I reply immediately. “Essie Taylor is not living in a psych ward.”

  Fuck. No. I made a promise to her. A promise for a better future. That would be a bold-faced lie if I let her be sent off to a psych ward.

  “Well, as of now, that’s what’s being looked into.”

  “We’ll see about that.” I push to stand. “Anything else I should be made aware of?”

  He shakes his head. “That is the most glaring issue.”

  “Alright, then. I'm gonna go see her.”

  Technically, I'm still responsible for her, but that’s not why I'm here. With Ellie being willing to testify and answer questions, we have what we need to arrest the current most prominent players, but to take down the whole ring, we still need Essie. Collin and Brad both are cagey on the issue, though. We all know that even if we can get Essie back to us, we can’t possibly expect her to testify. We know we need another way. They’re just assigning me here for me… and her.

  Once I reach her door, I rap my knuckles on it a few times before pushing it open. Just like before.

  “Hey,” I murmur.

  She’s not looking at me. Her eyes are drilling into the other side of the room with an angry scowl on her face.

  “What’s wrong, Essie? You look mad.” … and I'm gonna start crying.

  She starts muttering about animals or something. I don’t know. It kills me to listen to it, even if it is some kind of insight into her mind. I don’t wanna hear it. I just want her sarcastic, jaded, bitter, secretive self back.

  Is that too much to fucking ask, God?

  Bring this woman back. She deserves freedom more than anyone. While Essie may think insanity is freedom, it’s really a cage keeping her from the life she deserves.

  “I guess I have to fill you in now, huh?” I grind out, begging my voice to sound casual as I pull up a chair beside her.

  “Let’s see. I’ve sucked at keeping in touch with my sister, Evie. Remember her? Yeah, so, she’s doing a bit better. She has her days where she puts effort into recovery now. Baby steps. I think that’s a good lesson for you, too. You don’t have to come back all the way, all the time. Baby steps, right?” I choke.

  As if she can hear me, she turns and pins me with bright green eyes.

  “Hi.” I smile and wave.

  “Annoying dogs,” she mutters.

  “I like dogs. Compare me to them anytime, baby doll. They’re cute and friendly, and, well, let’s be real… I kinda got the hair for it.”

  Something flashes in her eyes. It’s fast, but Goddamn, it’s a blast. A blast of fucking hope to my aching heart. She’s here. She’s fucking here. Just trapped in that tormented mind of hers. I’ll be the motherfucker to get her. I swear it to you, Essie Taylor, I’ll find you.

  “Anyway, I’ll pretend you didn’t just insinuate I was annoying and keep going. Unless you want to add to the conversation?”

  I wait. Kinda pretending, kinda hoping.

  “Yeah, didn’t think so. So, I—”

  “You’re so good with her.”

  I turn to find a nurse with bushy hair and black-framed glasses in the corner of the room with tears in her eyes. I didn’t hear her come in.

  “Sorry,” she sniffles, shaking her head. “Just, well, she’s been treated like such a hopeless case. It’s good to hear someone talk to her like she’s a person. That’s all.”

  She’s blushing a deep red as she quickly runs to check Essie’s IV.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Jade.” She tentatively smiles at me from beneath all the cords. “My sister has autism. She doesn’t communicate well, but I know she hears me. People think I'm crazy but…” She shrugs. “I seem to be the only person to reach her when she has a meltdown.”

  “Good for fucking you,” I say passionately. “It’s fucking annoying how people get written off for being different, for struggling. Even if they don’t hear us, the way you treat your sister, like she matters, makes a difference. Sorry for my language, but Goddamn.”

  I swipe a hand through my hair. She stands now, encouraged by my unexpected speech.

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “Yeah, a sister. Anorexia.”

  “Ah, another one with a whole shitload of stereotypes attached to it.”

  I smile at her, really liking this girl.

  “Completely. Hey, would you mind doing me a favor?”

  I glance at Essie, who’s clearly oblivious to anything going on around her right now.

  “Sure.” Jade wipes her hands on her scrubs.

  “Can you be Essie’s nurse as often as possible? Try to treat her like you would your sister, ya know? I know it’s an odd request, but I’d do anything to help her.”

  “No, not odd! Of course! If you put in a request to the higher ups, it increases my odds of being assigned to her. This isn’t usually my area, but I'm covering for someone today.”

  “Will do. Thank you. Honestly. I know being a nurse is your job and an agent is mine, but Essie is a… friend of mine. I consider this a personal favor as well. If there’s ever anything I can do for you, let me know.”

  She laughs. “Don’t be ridiculous. I get it, but any decent human being would help Essie in any way they could. And as a fellow woman, I’ll fight for her. Don’t you worry. Anyway, I’ll get out of your hair. It was nice to meet you…”


  “Agent…?” Her eyebrows crease, knowing I'm in the FBI and trying to be respectful. Sweet, but…

  “Just Landon.” I grin at her. “We’re friends. Agent nothin’. I'm Landon to you.”

  She smiles. “Sounds good to me. See you two in a bit.”

  Then she’s gone and I feel a little better about Essie’s care.

  * * *

  Derek’s gone back home. He left one day after announcing Collin would be going back briefly to visit Arabella. I guess he was assured Collin was okay and good to go. Collin is better. Things are evening out with his ex. I don’t know the details, but it’s obvious in Collin’s demeanor.


  Today I have to call and check on my sister. I haven’t been by to see her in forever, but I’ve made sure she knows I call to check on her at least five times a week. I also personally talk to her at least twice a week. I'm trying amongst the chaos, and I think—I pray—that she gets it.

  “Hi, Millie, this is Landon. Again.”

  She laughs a little. “Evie’s available. I’ll grab her for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Landon!” Evie squeals with more energy than I’ve heard from her in a while.

  “What’s up, sis?”

  “Not much. Same old, same old. Why do you sound tired?”

  I can almost see her eyes narrowing in my head.

  “Just a long week. I'm fine.”

  “Fine. Fucked up, insecure, neurotic, and emotional?”

  I bark out a laugh. “Where did you hear that?”

  “They say it here in treatment all the time,” she giggles. “I told you they’re crazy, but seriously, you sound drained. You’re never drained.”

  “I'm good, Evie. Honestly.”

  “Listen here, Landon Parker! I may weigh less than a hundred pounds, but I will still kick your ass!”

  I laugh. I miss my sister so much. Not just in body, but her personality. That is a comment the real Evie would make. Not the eating disorder consumed, starved monster that stole her.

  “I don’t doubt you.”

  “Well then, get talking.”

  I sigh. “It’s complicated. This case is hard.”

  “Your girl,” Essie whispers.

  “She’s not…” Fuck it. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I'm the last person to take advice from on mental health, but I know this: if she’s got you on her side, she’ll have no choice but to keep fighting. You’ll care for her and you’ll fight for her even when she doesn’t want to fight for herself.”

  “Evie,” I whisper.

  “Don’t. Please.”

  “I love you.”


  I force myself to laugh to make her feel more comfortable.

  “Come on. You love me too, sis. Don’t be shy.”

  “You’re an asshole,” she laughs. I'm just happy to have turned her mood around. “Yes, I love you. Very much. Never doubt that. No matter what.”

  “I never do. Even when you’re a little monster.”

  “I'm a saint, thank you very fucking much.”

  “Language,” I chuckle.

  “Oh yes, dad-slash-brother.”

  “Slash-babysitter. You forgot babysitter.”

  “I'm sticking my tongue out at you. Just so you know.”

  “Thankfully, I'm more mature than that.”

  “Bullllllllllllshit. Says the brother who once walked around the house with his boxers on his head so I would be grossed out and leave.”

  “It was very effective. You left. Kelly came over and—”

  “Ew!” Evie screeches while I laugh. “They really frown upon vomiting here. Better watch it.”

  “Hey, watch your humor there, Evie,” I say seriously. “That could hurt someone’s feelings.”

  I hear her wince. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I get your dark humor, but some may not, ya know?”

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. People are sensitive there. Just watching out.”

  “Yes, agent.”

  “I have to go, but I promise I’ll come see you soon. I'm the worst.”

  “Please do. I think— I think you’ll be proud.”

  “I literally cannot wait.”

  “‘Kay. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Keep it up, Evie. I know it’s hard.”


  Walking through the doors of the hospital, I catch sight of Jade with her bushy hair and black glasses, but she’s sprinting down the hall with an urgent look on her face. I’d worry if she weren’t running in the opposite direction of Essie’s room. She must be with someone else today. I quickly send healing thoughts to whoever it is she’s heading for, and keep walking.

  Even if I'm about to be talking to myself for the next four or so hours, there’s nowhere else I'd rather be.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Nine Days Later

  “Has he really been here every single day, even after his shift is over?” Evie asks, a little bit wide eyed, unconsciously leaning back into Carson. She’s been locked up in treatment for weeks now. I imagine being back in the real world after being so isolated would be intimidating for someone as fragile as her. The treatment center gave her a day pass for good behavior.

  While I don’t understand it or have the ability to fully help her, Carson’s here, and no one is better with Evie than Carson. Landon would be pissed if he heard me say that, but Evie trusts Carson in a way she doesn’t even trust her brother. Don’t know why, but they just share a bond.

  “Yes,” I say curtly.

  “He’s off today,” Carson reminds Evie in a soft voice he only seems to use with her.

  “If you’re in my way, you’re getting run over,” a brash voice yells from the other hall. I know that voice. I know it too well. A growl builds in my chest.

  Fuckin’ Ray. That damn nurse. Why is she always so Goddamn loud?

  Every time I come to this hospital, all I can hear is her.

  “Okay, you go in first. I'm the surprise.” Evie grins.

  “Carson, wait with Evie.”

  “I remember the plan, Kyle,” Carson says in that even-keeled voice of his, but I pissed him off.

  With a nod, I enter the room. I expect to see Landon talking to Essie while she rambles on about animals or math or something. Or, the odds are good that she will be ignoring him altogether. Or, as of lately, maybe him with his arm around her and her pulled close while she rages about something nonsensical, but clearly metaphorical.

  I'm met with none of those things. My best friend is in the chair by Essie’s bedside, knocked out cold, head back, mouth open, the whole thing. That’s not even what alarms me. That’s to be expected. He’s only human, even if sometimes he and I don’t like to think so, and he’s been by her bedside every spare moment he can find.

  No, it’s Essie that has my attention.

  Her bright green eyes are open and staring right at him, almost angrily. Like she hates him. But because I'm good at reading people—Landon is as well—I know there’s confusion there as well. Behind all the anger.

  When she sees me, a wall drops down over her eyes and whatever brief moment of reality she was rooted in vanishes. She’s gone again.

  But she was here. Landon’s gonna flip. Although he’d never say it aloud, he’s been terrified this latest trauma broke her beyond repair. Whether it has is yet to be seen, but there’s hope for her. And for that, I'm happy.

  “Landon,” I clip out.

  He shoots to his feet, hand flying to his gun. Side effects of the job.

  “It’s just me.”

  “Oh, right.” He rubs his sleepy eyes. I almost laugh at his fucked-up curly hair, but I have a job to do here.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “What are you doing here?” I counter.

  He levels me with a glare that says, “as if I’d be anywhere else.” Landon’s a good soul.

  “We’re going to the gym and getting food. Then you’re gonna shower and take a long nap in a real bed.”

  He barks out a laugh. “Like hell.”

  “I didn’t ask.”

  “Oh, you’re my father now? Fuck off.”

  I'm gonna need to try a softer approach. Not my specialty.

  “Dude, you’re a mess. When was the last time you ate a decent meal?”

  He’s uncomfortable. Landon lost his parents young, so he hates when I have his back in this way, but he needs it. He’ll extend himself in a million different directions for people, sending everyone never-ending positivity and jokes, all while forgetting his own needs. Side effect of raising your kid sister as a teenager alone.

  “Kyle, leave it. When we get Essie—”

  “That’ll take time.”

  Now is not the time to tell him what I saw or he absolutely will not come with me.

  “I'm not sure…” He trails off. He knows I'm right, but feels guilty leaving. Now’s the time.

  “Come on out,” I call.

  Landon’s head snaps up and his hand drops from his hair.

  “Landon!” Evie smiles, running over to him and wrapping him in a hug. His jaw is fully open. “You look like shit.”

  Again, I almost laugh at how confused he looks. He’s so fucking tired. If he had to go out in the field, he’d be shot in two seconds flat right now, and that pisses me off. I cross my arms over my chest and watch Evie handle him like no one else can.

  “Uh, thanks, sis. What are you… what are you doing here?”

  “I'm free for the day, and I was told that my brother looks like a retired, dirty—”

  “Evie…” Landon warns, knowing she’s probably about to unintentionally offend a whole group of people. Especially in this day and age. But that’s Evie. She means nothing by it, but her sense of humor will get her in t
rouble one day.

  “Sorry,” she giggles, but her face quickly falls. “You look so tired. I don’t like it. Carson and I will watch Essie. I promise. We’ll take good care of her. Landon, you won’t have anything left to give if you wear yourself out. And me. Don’t forget about me. I need you, too. Please.”

  She flashes those big blue eyes of hers. Landon can’t say no to her. Three, two, one…

  “Evie,” he groans.

  She keeps blinking up at him, all sweet and innocent looking.

  “Fuck,” he mutters. “Just the afternoon. And you stay here with her. Keep her…” Landon waves his hand around Essie’s curled up body. “Keep her company.”

  Evie hugs him. “I swear.”

  Landon hugs her back with one arm and looks at me.

  “Guess we’re leaving.”

  I nod. “I’ll give you all a minute. I’ll be right outside.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” Asshole. That’s the word he didn’t say but wants to. I grin at him, knowing he’s thinking it. He flips me off from behind Evie’s back. Even Carson laughs.

  I head out into the hall. I lean against the wall, pull out my phone, and start catching up on the news. I need to know what’s going on in the world. It’s a compulsion I have. I don’t like to be made unaware, not about work and certainly not about my country.

  I don’t realize I click on a news title that’s a video ‘til my phone, currently on full volume, starts blaring through the hospital. I curse internally and scramble to get the hell out of the video.

  “Turn that off!” a harsh female voice snaps from a few steps in front of me.

  I glance up and, sure enough, in front of me is five feet of red hair and angry amber eyes.

  “You,” she groans. “Do me a favor, agent, don’t disturb my patients in the critical care unit.”

  “It was an accident. I apologize, nurse.”

  “It’s Ray.”

  I put a hand on my chest. “Kyle.”

  She huffs. “Keep it down. That’s all I ask.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I dip my head, but she knows I'm mocking her. She storms up the hall, always in a hurry, but pauses when she gets about two doors up from me. It’s right when Landon walks out, of course.“Oh, and Kyle.” She looks me up and down. “Aloe.”


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