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Gifted: The Winterwood Academy Book 1: A Young Adult Witch Novel

Page 14

by Kate A. Fox

  "Merry meet." I said in a voice that sounded way stronger than I had expected it to.

  "Take a seat, Brianna." Merrin suggested and as she did I noticed the guy sat at the very back of the room.

  I was way more relieved than I should have been to see him. And even more confused when I suddenly thought, what is he doing in a first year class?

  I wandered to the back of the class, trying to make it less obvious that I knew exactly where I was headed.

  A part of me wished there was another seat but when I glanced around I saw that there was only one and it just so happened to be right next to James bloody Booth.

  "Hey new girl." He smiled at me as he patted the seat next to him, "Looks like you're stuck with me."

  I struggled to hold in a groan as I slipped into the seat beside him.

  "I wasn't expecting to meet you here." He whispered even as his mother instructed the class to take out their latin books from beneath the desks.

  "You're only fifteen, right?" Booth asked me as he pulled out a book.

  When I reached under my desk I found that mine was severely lacking.

  "Don't worry. You can share mine." He smirked at me.

  Great. Just what I needed, to lean in and share a book with a guy who smelled so good I wanted to drink in the scent of him all day long.

  "Yeah, I'm fifteen." I shrugged my shoulders as though it wasn't a big deal. Sure I was younger than everyone else at the academy but what did that matter? It wasn't that much of a big deal. At least that's what I told myself.

  "This is a third year class, new girl." Booth whispered into my ear and I suddenly realised he was so close I could feel his breath grazing my earlobe.

  A tingling shiver stroked down my spine as though he had touched me and I flinched back.

  "Am I in the wrong class?" I asked, aloud and the amusement on his face made me suddenly want to slap him.

  "Lecturers don't usually show their students to the wrong class." He shrugged, "Have you studied Latin before?"


  I blushed like a cherry red tomato.

  "Hmm...seems like the new girl has caught the eye of the powers that be." Booth mused and he examined me closely as if trying to figure it out.

  Great. I'm a freak. It won't take long for the other students to twig on either.

  I felt the marks down my spine beginning to tingle and warmth spread throughout my body.

  You are special, my daughter. The Goddess seemed to whisper in my head.

  "Booth! Brianna!" Merrin's voice caused me to jump but Booth seemed to lean back in his chair as though he had been expecting it, "Do I need to separate the two of you?"

  My tomato face turned beetroot red as everyone else in class turned to look at us. Whispers began to pass around the room and I could almost imagine what they were saying.

  They were probably all wondering what I was doing here, in their territory, with the hottest guy in school.

  Some of the girls scowled at me and I was almost sure I saw green eyed jealousy in their gazes. Some of the guys winked at Booth as though they were trying to egg him on or something.

  Please, earth swallow me up now. I cringed back into my seat and was sure I heard Booth chuckling.

  "Please, go on." He told his mother, "I promise you we will be quiet."

  Merrin looked at her son with obvious distaste before turning her attention back to the class.

  "Eyes front students!" She called and everyone began to swivel in their seats.

  Only a couple of the students continued to glance over their shoulders at me.

  I'd just been marked as the school freak and I hadn't even made it through my first hour of class. Was this ever going to get better?


  By the end of class I was even more lost than before we started. Everyone was talking in Latin the entire hour and I kept feeling Booth watching me out of the corner of his eye. The amusement dripping off him at my expense made me wish I had the guts to smack him but the last thing I needed was to be known as the girl who'd had a mental breakdown during first period.

  Instead I sat quietly and tried to act as though I had any idea what was being said. Booth redeemed himself by whispering the answers to me whenever a question was addressed to me.

  When the bell finally rang to signal the end of class I was more than a little relieved.

  That was until Merrin looked up from where she'd taken a seat at the lecturer's desk.

  "Brianna, Booth, remain here a moment." She told us and several other students who were walking out ahead of us paused to whisper among themselves.

  Couldn't Merrin have waited to talk to us? Why did she have to announce it to the whole class?

  The lecturer waited until we were alone in the room before speaking up again. At least that was something.

  "Seeing as the two of you already appear close," Merrin scowled at us both, "Booth will be your tutor for Latin and help you catch up to the rest of the class."

  My heart sunk at her words. So things could get worse. It was one thing to accept an invitation to have coffee with Booth but quite another to be forced into basically being his student.

  Booth smirked as though he was pleased by the turn of events.

  "She'll be the best student you've ever had." He promised his mother and she offered him a look that said she doubted it.

  "This is my punishment for your talking in my class." She hissed at him, "It is not a reward for your lousy behaviour."

  "I understand." Booth nodded and for once he actually looked as though he had been scolded. He was even cute when he was scowling.

  I forced my attention away from him and found Merrin looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Had she noticed the way that I was looking at her son?

  If she had she didn't mention it.

  "Booth, show Brianna to her next class. I believe it is in the library." Merrin dismissed us with a wave of her hand.


  I WAS RELIEVED THAT BOOTH REMAINED SILENT ON THE way to the library but the moment I found myself stood outside the double doors I began to wish that he had spoken to me.

  I was just about to thank him for walking me to my next class when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the shadow of the staircase.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I gasped, snatching my wrist away from him. Shocked by the warmth that spread throughout my body at the merest of touches.

  “I need to talk to you.” He said, glancing up and down the hallway as though he thought someone might be listening in on us.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Not here.” he shook his head and when he looked at me I saw what I thought was hope in his eyes, “Can you meet me at lunchtime?”

  He was suddenly so fidgety that I couldn’t help but wonder what had made him change so quickly.

  “Why?” I scowled at him. Why should I meet him if he couldn’t even be bothered to tell me the reason?

  “It's not safe to talk about here.” Booth shook his head and lowered his voice as he whispered into my ear, “Meet me at the back of the temple at the beginning of lunch.”

  He lifted his hand then and caressed my cheek. When he spoke again I felt as though I might melt into his arms.

  “There’s something special about you, Brianna.” he sighed and I trembled with the realisation that it was the first time he had ever said my name, “You are the only one I can trust.”

  For just a moment I thought he might kiss me. Then disappointment overwhelmed me when he stepped back and lowered his hand from my face.

  I watched with astonishment as he removed himself from the shadows and looked over his shoulder, “You had better get to class, New Girl.”

  There was the Booth I knew and he knew it too. I could see it in the way his lips twitched upwards in a smile before he began to make his way back up the stairs to his next class.

  My heart was still in my throat as I slipped out from beneath the staircase and began to m
ake my way towards the double doors of the library.

  As though they sensed my presence the doors suddenly swung open to allow me to enter.

  Stepping through those doors was like stepping into another world. Every corner of the room was lit by oil lamps just as the rest of the academy was but walking into the library was like walking into the past. Row upon row of old, antique book shelves created an aisle that ran down the middle of the room. Down the very centre were two rows of tables, each lit by an oil lamp and accompanied by six chairs. At the far end of the room was a roaring fire. Although it was the middle of summer the room was chilly save for the heat that the flames cast out into the air.

  This time I seemed to be the first student to appear for class and I quickly found a seat closest to the fire. It felt strange to feel like I needed to be close to it. I had been sweating like a pig all morning but the moment I stepped into this room I was bone cold.

  Standing between me and the fireplace was an ornate looking wooden podium. Atop it, in a glass case sat a book, (perhaps a better word to use was tome) its leather bound cover was old and worn. Burned into the front cover was a large ‘W’ along with the four elemental symbols. A large iron clasp lock bound the book together and looked as though there would only be a single key to open it.

  I was drawn to the tome, shifting back out of my seat to stand before the podium. As my fingers brushed the glass above the book I could almost imagine that it was alive. The book’s pages seemed to pulse with energy.

  “Miss? Are you alright?” a voice behind me caused me to jump and I spun around to see a striking man stood in the entrance of the library. Behind him were students who all looked as though they were waiting to be let in for class but it was him who instantly caught my eye.

  His black suit marked him out as one of the lecturers and just like Merrin and Celestria were beautiful, he was devastatingly handsome. He had a thick mop of glossy brown hair and emerald green eyes that examined me closely. The purple wind symbol emblazoned on his forehead drew my attention and caused my breath to catch in my throat.

  “I...umm…” I began but I had no idea what to say.

  What exactly had I been doing? I didn’t rightly know. What I did know was that the book had been calling to me and it still was now. The urge to turn back and listen to it was almost undeniable.

  “Class, take your seats.” the man ordered and the other students flocked around him, quickly moving to sit at the tables between us.

  Still the man seemed to stare at me as they did so. His eyes connected with mine as though he was searching for something deep inside of me.

  Then he blinked and began to walk towards me, his movements calculated.

  “You were admiring the Winterwood book of shadows.” he said as he came to stand beside me. His eyes fell upon the book and a smile spread across his face as though the book brought him joy, “It is one of the academy’s most prized possessions.”

  “Book of shadows?” I echoed, unable to take my eyes off the book.

  “A tome of spells and potions passed down from one generation to another through the ages.” the lecturer explained, “Though this book of shadows was never passed down to the next generation because the Winterwoods’ seemed to disappear from the face of the earth.”

  Those words caused me to lift my eyes to gaze at him, shocked.

  “You mean they all died?” I gasped, unable to stop myself.

  He chuckled as though he found my statement funny.

  “I suppose you could say that. Nobody knows what happened to the last Winterwood, just that one day she was a Fifth year student here and the next she was gone.” he explained and I’m not sure why but his words caused me to shiver, “They say that only a Winterwood can open the book because a spell has been placed upon the lock so that it may only open when touched by one of Winterwood blood.”

  Were my fingertips itching to touch the book? I glanced down and saw that my fingers were stone still, outstretched towards the podium.

  “That is enough history for one day.” the lecturer told me and I quickly shoved my hands behind my green and black plaid skirt, “Please take your seat.”

  I could barely breathe as I turned from the book and wandered back to my chair. Even as I sat down the girl beside me looked up and said, “Merry Meet. I’m Diana. You must be the new girl.”

  I cringed at that. When would people get tired of referring to me as the new girl?

  “My name is Brianna.” I told her.

  Before she could say another word the lecturer’s voice began to boom, “Merry Meet class! For those of you who do not know me I am Lecturer Tomas Taunton but you may call me Tomas.”

  Tomas? Was that French? Now that I thought about it he did have a slight French elegance to his voice. But even as I thought about it my mind returned to the book and I was almost sure I could feel it still pulsing with energy as I sat only a few feet away from the podium.

  “During my class you may study whichever topic suits you.” Tomas explained and I struggled to keep my eyes off the Winterwood book, “We pride ourselves upon knowledge here at the Winterwood Academy. Choose your books wisely because they will teach you many things.”

  Even as he told us that we could pick up any book we chose I found there was only one I wanted to get my hands on. Yet it was the only one that was protected by a thick layer of glass that seemed impossible to break.


  “Are you alright?” Zoe asked as we sat on the front steps of the main building at first break. I was absentmindedly nibbling on the skin of an apple she’d picked up for me.

  Her words barely got through to me. I felt as though I was sitting in a thick fog and all I could seem to think about was that stupid book. My fingers were still itching to get my hands on it.

  “ you know anything about the Winterwood Book of Shadows?” I asked, ignoring her question.

  When I looked up she was staring back at me with a raised eyebrow as though she thought it was the strangest of questions.

  “Everyone knows about the Winterwood Book of Shadows.” she shrugged and took a large bite of her own apple. Juice dripped down her chin and onto the lapel of her green silk blouse.

  “Do you know anything about the last Winterwood?” I questioned and Zoe’s expression darkened with suspicion.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “My last class was in the library.” I shrugged, “The book seemed interesting.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Nobody has been able to open it for the last sixteen years.” Zoe sighed, “I’d love to know what’s inside just like everybody else.”

  "So nobody at the school has seen inside it?" I gaped at her, unable to believe what I was hearing. No wonder the book was so precious. It probably held all sorts of secrets.

  "They say there is one person who has seen inside it." Zoe said and her words piqued my interest.

  "Who?" I pleaded to her with my eyes to tell me everything she knew. I'd never been very good at the big puppy dog eyes as Polly was but I tried my damned hardest and it seemed to do the job.

  "Lecturer Stevenson." Zoe shrugged, "They say she was the best friend of the last Winterwood who ever went here."

  "Who is Lecturer Stevenson?"

  I shivered. I had no idea why because it was boiling outside but I openly shivered. Maybe it was because I somehow believed I could solve the mystery of the Winterwood Book of Shadows.

  Here I was, a new kid at a new school I had never even known existed with marks nobody could understand and an itch to get inside a book that hadn't been opened in sixteen years.

  I really am a freak. I thought.

  "She teaches spellcraft." Zoe told me, "Show me your schedule. I think you should have her for fourth period."

  Great. So I was going to have to wait two more hours until I could ask Lecturer Stevenson about the owner of the Winterwood book. What was I supposed to tell her? Hi, my name is Brianna Winters and I get this weird sensation when I'm around the
Winterwood Book of Shadows. Please could you tell me more about it?

  She would probably think I was as insane as I felt.

  I reached into my small book bag that was pretty much useless when it came to carrying books. It had been brought from my flat and was just about the only thing I had that came even close to being big enough to carry the huge, heavy books everyone seemed to use here. It was impossible to close it but just so long as I didn't tip it up, I was good.

  I pulled out my schedule and handed it to Zoe.

  Her eyes widened as soon as she saw it.

  "I don't believe it." She gaped at the paper in front of her and I looked over her shoulder half expecting to see some weird, freaky magic going on.

  Instead, all I saw was my schedule.

  "What?" I scowled back at her.

  When she turned her gaze up to look at me there was slight annoyance in her eyes, "These are all third year classes."

  Not for the first time that day I began to blush.

  "So it’s true?" Keeya's voice caused me to jump and I looked up to see her and Luci stood in front of us.

  "What's true?" Zoe asked.

  "I heard rumours that Bri was put in all third year classes." Luci shrugged.

  "I didn't believe her when she told me." Keeya scowled and grabbed the schedule from Zoe's hand, "Let me see."

  She examined the paper closely for a moment.

  "It is true." She said as she handed the paper to Luci to take a look, "Those are definitely all third year classes."

  "It must be something to do with your marks." Zoe's voice was filled with excitement, "You've skipped all the boring classes and gone straight to the good stuff."

  So far Latin had been confusing and Library studies had been distracting. I wasn't entirely sure that either of them screamed 'good stuff'.

  "Why would they bump me up to third year classes?" I scowled at my friends and they eyed me closely with mirroring expressions that said, 'you must know the answer to that'.

  "Do you think it has something to do with my marks?" I said under my breath, all too aware of other students milling about the courtyard.


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