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Dark Tide

Page 14

by Ben Boswell

As I turned back toward the cashier, I nearly ran into a roulette table. What the hell. I took the stack of chips out of my pocket and put it all on black, amusing myself with the innuendo. I’d bet on black on the yacht and I’d lost.

  Only this time, I didn’t. The wheel spun, and the small metal ball bounced, bounced. It came up 13. Inauspicious, normally, and a reminder of Jennifer. We were in our thirteenth year of marriage. Still a winner is a winner. $5000. I reached out for the stack and then paused. Fuck it, let it ride.

  Another spin of the wheel. Click, clack, the ball zagged wildly and then settled down into 31. Another winner for me.

  I laughed at my growing stack of chips. $10000. An elderly couple at the table, playing some sort of idiotically complicated system that had them readjusting their chips every spin gave me the evil eye. Some passersby slowed to see what I would do.

  Let it ride, I decided.

  The croupier called out to the pit boss. “Ten thousand on black.”

  He was just informing his supervisor, but it caused a small murmur. I could feel people beginning to press in on me from behind.

  The wheel spun. He dropped the ball. It seemed to take forever to slide from its grove onto the wheel itself. A few random bounces, and bam, it settled into the slot marked 6. Black again. $20000.

  I shook my head in disbelief. A guy clapped me on the shoulder from behind in congratulation. I looked back to see a security guard edge the guy away and form a small cordon behind me.

  I’d already decided to let it ride, but I enjoyed toying with the crowd by hesitating over my stack. When I pulled away my hand, leaving the chips on the table, there was gasp and then a small cheer. I loved the rush of it.

  The wheel spun. Everything faster this time. Not like in the movies when the larger the stack the more everything slows down. No, this felt like the blink of an eye, as if fate were rushing to snatch back my winnings before I could react. But not this time. 35. Black again.

  I heard cheers behind me. “Let. It. Ride.” The voices echoing my own thoughts. 35. My wife’s age. Surely auspicious. And then suddenly it struck me.

  I reached out for my chips and felt the energy behind me deflate. Mutters of disappointment. But fuck them. It made sense to me now.

  The pit boss handed me a chit. They were not going to let me walk around with $40,000 in chips. He congratulated me on my good luck as I walked away.

  I wished Jennifer had been with me. Not to see me win the money, but so I could tell her I got it. I got what she was doing and why she was punishing me. I’d gotten lucky with her. We’d gotten lucky in playing with Reg. And I’d kept pushing her to let it ride, let it ride. And while our luck might hold, sooner or later it wouldn’t. And I’d been heedless about that. Just as I had our entire lives, banking our future on one wacky scheme after another. And yes, it had worked out. But there also need for balance, something held back, kept in reserve, and I got it now.

  And I also realized it was unfair for me to place my emotions so completely in her hands, to give her a blank check to hurt me, to force her to be the grownup. She’d tried to warn me, with the conditions, with her comments about risk, and I’d missed it all. I’d been selfish even while I was congratulating myself on being selfless.

  I just wished she were there with me so I could share my epiphany. But it was okay. I… we were still winners, still ahead of the game, and I could share it with her tomorrow when she returned.


  I took a cab back to the Hyatt and eschewed the temptation for a nightcap in the bar. If I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t sleep. Not the end of the world.

  I stepped out the elevator and fumbled with my keycard. I noticed the lights were dimmed in the room, the sound of the Jacuzzi running. I spotted a room service cart with an open bottle of champagne and two glasses.

  And I knew. Even after another morning of it, Jennifer still hadn’t had enough. And when the service crew came out to prepare the yacht for the next sail, she still wanted more.

  Come on, Captain Wallace, at least accompany me to my hotel. I just don’t feel safe in a taxi all on my own.

  And while I’d been roaming the town, reaching my understanding, they’d been in the room, fucking like animals. Were they still at it? When I turned the corner would I find my wife riding his huge prick up and down in the Jacuzzi? Or would I find them just sitting side-by-side, enjoying a brief cool down, while working themselves up for yet another round.

  I turned to leave. Fuck it. Let her have her fun. I’d started it. I’d pushed it too far. I sort of deserved what was happening.

  Then I stopped. No. I needed to at least tell her I got it.

  I strode into the main part of the room and looked over at the Jacuzzi. There was Jennifer and she was… alone.

  “Hey, honey…. Um, you okay?” she asked as I stood there quizzically.

  “Where is he?”

  She stood up, water dripping off her gorgeous, naked body. She took her time before stepping out and wrapping herself in a towel.

  “Where is who?”

  “You know.”

  “I don’t. You mean Denny? Thom? Reg? I’ve been with so many men in the last few day.”

  “Any of them? All of them?”

  She approached me slowly.

  “Would you like them to be here?”

  “Of course not,” I snapped.

  “Of course not? And what is that supposed to mean?”

  I shook my head. “What happened on the boat this morning?”

  “What did you want to happen?” she teased. “Tell me, Jeremy, when you left, were you angry with me? Or have you spent all day fantasizing about them fucking me silly, again?”

  “I just want to know.”

  She gave me a smirk. “No.”


  “No, you don’t get to know.”

  I sighed. She was right. I’d been using her as a sex doll for my fantasies. It wasn’t fair.

  “Fair enough.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  I nodded. “I get it, baby. I finally understand.”

  “Yeah?” my wife asked as she began to unbutton my shirt. “What do you understand?”

  “What you were telling me. About risk. About taking things for granted. About assuming too much.”

  “I knew you’d get it,” she replied. “Just a matter of getting a little perspective.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I groaned.

  “Do I seem upset?” she asked.

  “No, but you should be.”

  She laughed. “No. Now you’re going too far. Again. I like playing with fire as much as you do.”

  “But we need to share the responsibility to avoid burns.”

  She nodded. “Finish taking off your clothes and join me in the tub.”

  I stripped down and she poured us two glasses of champagne. I climbed into the bubbling water. She shrugged off her towel and handed me a glass, settling in beside me.

  For a while we just enjoyed the peace of it being just the two of us again. She finished her glass and she leaned over and kissed me. It was a delicious sensation, her tongue cold and fizzy even as the rest of our bodies were bathed with hot water. She climbed into my lap and pressed herself against me. Her full breasts mashed against my chest, her arms wrapped around my neck. I reached down and massaged her perfect, round ass.

  We stayed there like that a long time, just kissing, reconnecting with each other’s bodies. The familiarity of hers was reassuring. She was still the same woman as before. I knew she would be, and yet, there was that nagging sense that she wouldn’t be. Maybe that’s part of what made it hot. That weird latent fear that once you go black, you never go back. And yet, here she was.

  We climbed out of the tub. Swaddled in towels we stumbled over to the bed. I unwrapped her like a Christmas present, in love as always with her beauty. I rested my head gently on her flat stomach and traced the shape of her bared, shaved pussy. So smooth.


u touched it up today,” I noted.


  Without looking back, I asked, “for me or for Reg?”

  I knew she was rolling her eyes at me.

  “For him, of course,” she teased. “I always want it to be perfect for him.”

  I gently ran my hand over her mound and down between her legs. I traced further, tickling her anus.

  “You’re going to want to try that, aren’t you?” she said.

  I flashed back to that moment on the deck when Thom had first pressed his fat prick into her ass, to Denny taking her anally on her hands and knees, to her ass stretched around Reg’s fat cock as he threw her up and down. So hot. So depraved.

  And then I had a wicked thought. “No, I don’t think so.”

  She chuckled as if reading my mind. “You’re right, honey. We should reserve that. For black cock only.”

  I groaned as I felt a surge of excitement rush through me.

  “This, on the other hand, is mine,” I said.

  I pressed my middle finger into her hot, tight snatch even as I sucked her clit into my mouth. She bucked against me as I fingered her faster, ate her until her juices covered my face.

  She growled and yanked me off her, pushing me onto my back. She kicked a leg over my waist and dropped down on me hard.

  “Fuck, you’re a sexy bitch,” I moaned.

  She leaned forward and licked my cheek, tasting herself on my face.

  “And don’t you forget it,” she growled in my ear as she expertly worked my cock up and down, up and down.


  We lay, side-by-side, breathing hard. I couldn’t resist.

  “So, what did happen on the boat today?”

  Jennifer looked at me. An enigmatic smile. A shrug.

  “Nothing,” I replied for her. “I think you were just trying to teach me a lesson.”

  She shook her head. “No, not a lesson. I just wanted to make you think.”

  She hadn’t answered the question, not directly. Then I realized it didn’t really matter if she’d screwed them all again. Would I have rather she’d fucked Reg again or not? Truth is, I didn’t know. And that was okay. Thinking about it was what I needed to do.

  I’d like to say that all of this was a tremendous opportunity for personal growth. That I’m a better man for the experience and the lessons I learned. But truth is, I’m a simple guy. Not dumb, but simple in a way. And yeah, I realize, I supposed, how dangerous the whole damn thing was, how much I risked, but frankly, given the chance to do it all again, would I? In a heartbeat. Except this time, I think I might let it ride on black just one more time.

  About the Author

  I am your typical family man with a wife and kids and an overactive imagination. I am a longtime reader and author of erotic fiction. I write in genres that I find exciting and arousing. Most of my stories are in the naughty wife, wife-watching genre, though occasionally I venture into other subject matter.

  Reader feedback is what keeps me going. Please feel free to contact me at or visit my blog at You can follow me on Twitter @BenBoswellAut.

  I have written four other pieces of longer-form fictions.

  Two Sides of Terri

  Bill has just about the perfect life. Good paying job. Lovely home. Perfect children. And most of all, he has his wife Terri—smart, funny, great with the kids. Thing is, she’s a good girl trapped in a bad girl’s body. Blonde, busty, and devastatingly beautiful, she makes him want to do dirty things—things you don’t admit to wanting from the girl-next-door.

  Or so he thought.

  It starts with a revelation about Chucky, a past boyfriend, and everything he thought he knew about his sweet wife unravels. He becomes obsessed with learning more about this other side of Terri—and everything he learns points back to Chucky, a man she couldn’t say no to. Does he dare invite her past back into their present? And if he did, would she now be able to say no?

  Available at Amazon:

  Whatever it Takes

  Daniel and Kris are as white bread as they come. Together since junior high, they have two kids, a house in the suburbs, and no excitements in their lives. Things change when Kris’ little sister Jessi moves in. Jessi is everything Kris isn’t, reckless, promiscuous, and mixed up with very bad people. As their two orbits intersect, Daniel and Kris get dragged into Jessi’s world of drug dealers, strip clubs, and prostitution. Can they survive the dangers? And even if they do, will their marriage?

  Fueled by their love for each other, and drawing on a strength and resourcefulness they never realized they had, Daniel and Kris are desperate to recover their old lives. To do so, they will do whatever it takes!

  Available at Amazon:

  Honeymoon Hazards

  After being together for seven years, John and Claire marry and jet off to beautiful Hawaii for their honeymoon. It is a paradise of hard bodies in tiny bikinis, mixed drinks consumed in the hot sun, and a resort built for private encounters.

  But when John is struck down with a stomach flu, he can do nothing but sit on his balcony and watch others have fun. Discovering his inner voyeur, he finds that spying on a resort full of sexy and adventurous guests is an enjoyable distraction.

  That is, until he spots his new bride flirting with an oh-so-handsome stranger by the pool. Things really heat up when Claire disappears from view, and he can’t find the stranger, either. As John’s imagination runs wild, the line between fantasy and lust blurs until he can no longer tell where his worst fears end and his fondest desires begin.

  The Surrogate Master

  Would you trust a stranger you met online to repair your marriage? Would you be comfortable with him knowing your wife’s most intimate secrets? Would you let him come into your home, your bedroom?

  When his wife Rachel returns to work after being a stay-at-home mom for five years, Max knows they will have to make some adjustments. What he hasn’t counted on is Rachel’s new boss. Handsome, aggressive, and domineering, he awakens long dormant desires within Rachel.

  As Max watches, helpless, the transformation in his wife, he has to deal with his own insecurities and fears. As their marriage faces its ultimate challenge, both Rachel and Max have to confront their pasts, their fears, and their fantasies… but they aren’t alone.

  They meet a stranger online, a man who has an uncanny ability to see both Max and Rachel for who they really are. But what is his game? Is he just an unconventional marriage therapist? Or does he represent an even greater danger than they can even imagine?

  Cuckolding Shorts

  There are a number of short stories that I’ve written over the years that I am particularly fond of. I am in the process of editing and preparing them for publication. The first one is out.


  Rich has always had fond memories of his parents’ old lake cottage. When they decide to sell it, he invites some old friends to join him and his wife Becky for a weekend of beer and nostalgia. But Rich’s plans are upset by the presence of Robby, who is boorish, aggressive, and makes no secret of his lust for Becky.

  When Robby badgers Rich into a foolish bet, he learns that his wife is willing to go to any lengths to make sure he pays his debts.

  Available at Amazon:


  Bill and Jessie are celebrating their tenth anniversary when they run into Bill’s college roommate. Chad is so handsome and charming that Jessie knows she needs to have him. Saying no should be easy for Bill, but he and Chad have a long and twisted past and this is not the first time Bill has had to deal with Chad’s intoxicatin
g effect on even the most sober-minded of women.

  Available at Amazon:

  May/December Romances


  Dan is fifty-four, married, semi-retired, and an empty nester. Ashley is eighteen, blond, beautiful and the daughter of Dan’s best friend. She’s in town pursuing an internship. They have nothing in common except a sudden, burning attraction that risks destroying everything around them if they give in to temptation.

  When a family emergency sends Dan’s wife half-way across the country, he is left to grapple with his lust for his inappropriately young houseguest. But Ashley has her own needs and desires, and in the end, attraction can’t always be contained.

  Available at Amazon:

  For more information on future projects, visit





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