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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

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by Gigi Birtie

  There’s no doubt that Mona, and I would figure this all out before our names were even called to accept our diplomas.

  It didn’t take long to get to Mona’s house. As I pulled into her driveway, I saw Tala’s car parked off to the side.

  The garage door was already open, so I pulled my motorcycle in and parked next to Mona’s bike. As I cut the engine and leaned my bike on its kickstand to park it. I pull off my helmet and put it on my handle bar. Once I have my gloves off both Mona and Tala come bounding out and are wrapping me up in a hug.

  They’re both squealing in my ear. I know they’re as excited as I am about today and as equally excited to be done with this chapter of our lives.

  There are big things in our futures that all three of us can’t wait to embrace. I’m certain that my two best friends are going to become nothing less than exceptional in what they pursue in life.

  “It’s about time you came up for air girl!" Mona laughs while Tala and I laugh as well.

  “Now Mona you can’t blame the girl for getting her some lovin’ after freaking out as long as she did." Tala said with the upmost sincerity.

  “Sorry girls, I didn’t mean to be holed up as long as I was but damn if Asher didn’t make it hard to break free." I say.

  “I bet YOU made it hard, don’t lie." Oh that Mona, I can’t help but laugh again at what she said. She can be so crude and I love it. Every group of girls needs that one friend that keeps it a bit too honest and pushes your comfort levels.

  Tala grabs our hands and drags us into the house.

  “Alright you two we need to start getting ready or we’re going to miss our own graduation. Plus, we have parties after to hit up to celebrate." Tala informs us.

  “Parties?” I ask.

  “Yeah just two, we can’t hit them all. Besides be thankful neither are at your house Sloane." Mona says with a wink.

  I couldn’t be more relieved that Reese didn’t plan a house party, but with my whole family in town. Our house parties are known for being larger than one can even comprehend I wouldn’t have expected him to, anyway.

  “Okay sounds like a plan. Are the guys coming too?” I ask.

  “Yes of course! The only people who aren’t are Reese and Lux, but they’ll be at the second house party up by Cal at Roland’s house.” Tala tells me.

  “Shit, Roland is having a party?” I can’t believe he’d open up his home. He lives in one of the biggest houses out of all of us combined. It has a view of a double bridge, and it’s high up in the Berkeley hills. Plus, Roland’s connections are insane. His family knows anyone who’s anyone and there will be no doubt that those people will be there too. The thought of what classic cars that will be there sends chills through my body. It will be like a high-end car show that only the elite get to see.

  Roland is known for his lowrider style paint jobs which consist of many layers of pearl and flake upon a flake. I’m glad I have my new Leica camera in my purse so I can photograph all the cars tonight. Classic car photography is by far in my top three things I love to shoot.

  “Okay, stop daydreaming and throw your stank ass in the shower.” Mona yells.

  I sniff my pits and sure enough I’m in desperate need to wash up.

  Two and a half hours later we all have washed up, done our makeup and got dressed. We all had decided to wear dresses for the occasion, which can all be considered borderline indecent. Mona and Tala were both in black wrap dresses that varied in style and I wasn’t wanting to be that exposed. I opted for a peach skater dress that if it was any shorter Reese and Asher would kill me for showing so much skin.

  All three of us were now in Mona’s lowrider making our way to the football field where graduation was being held.

  We pull into the parking lot with some old school rap by Ice Cube blaring from Mona’s sound system.

  Talk about making an entrance.

  Many parents turn toward us along with our classmates all in the standard cap and gowns.

  Climbing out of Mona’s lowrider proves to be a challenge of not flashing everyone the goods, but we all made it out safely. We make our way to our field since there’s no time to find our families before the ceremony. Since we’re sitting alphabetically, I’m nowhere near Mona or Tala. Although, the guys I’m surrounded by are some that I’ve seen at the house parties that Reese and I have thrown. They have always been hilarious to be around.

  Drea to my left thought it would be funny to inflate a blow-up doll instead of your typical beach ball to bounce around.

  I’m dying laughing at how fast he’s trying to blow up the doll. Which he then tells me that she is known as Fatty Patty. Once the principal takes the stage to deliver his commencement speech Fatty Patty skyrockets up in the air and gets bounced around by our graduating class of fifteen hundred kids, give or take a few. This is the Bay Area, so classes are never small unless you attend a private school.

  The crowd erupts in laughter as the faculty tries to take Patty away but they aren’t having much luck.

  After seven minutes, Patty finally lands in the arms of one of my favorite teachers. There is no humor across his face but then he loses all control and laughs along with the rest of us. We can’t make out what the principal is saying but suddenly Patty is quickly deflated, rolled up and put under the podium.

  “Alright shows over let’s just get this over with." The principal says into the microphone.

  The principal calls on our class valedictorian to deliver her speech and she looks terrified to be up there. It wasn’t memorable or moving as one would expect for a final speech about our class, so it moves along quickly since it’s short.

  The principal and vice principal take their position on opposite ends of the stage ready to present everyone with their diplomas. If they went one by one that would take forever, lucky for us they are calling the names of each kid two at a time to make this ceremony quick. It’s a grab and dash situation by far. As my name is called, I scan through the sea of people to see my family along with Asher and Lux in the mix. My eyes move over to Asher. He stands out amongst them all with being as tall and muscular as he is. My heart is pounding against my chest and my mouth waters the longer I stare.

  “Close your mouth Sloane.” Mona says as she elbows me in the ribs.

  Where did she come from?

  I close my mouth and make my way back to my seat feeling the blush that has settled across my cheeks. There’s nothing worse than being caught eye fucking your boyfriend, but Mona knows me better than anyone so I doubt anyone else caught on besides Asher.

  Once everyone received their diplomas, the ceremony concludes and the next thing I know I was throwing my cap in the air and ripping off my gown ready to get out of here.

  Mona, Tala and I find each other first and hug each other.

  We did it! We survived high school with minimal emotional trauma.

  “We’re free of teenage hell!” Tala says as she bounces up and down. Mona and I both smile at her while all three of us hook arms and make our way to our waiting families.

  The first to hug me is Reese. He picks me up off the ground and swings me in a circle. The smile I have reaches into my soul. I love moments when I make Reese proud. Not my parents, but Reese.

  “Now we get to go to college together, but don’t even think of being a stage five clinger when you don’t know where your classes are." Reese says with a laugh.

  “I think I can manage to read a campus map Reese.” I grin at him with excitement knowing I’ll be just fine. The Cal campus was one of our favorite places to hang out after dark so I already know the halls pretty well.

  My grandparents give me hugs and congratulate me and next my mom follows suit. She tries talking to me, but my dad nudges her out of the way to give me a hug.

  They never got along well after the divorce so I’m not surprised by my dad’s behavior. I look over and see Asher waiting for me and I give him a smile as my parents quietly argue about what I’m not sure of since I find my
self getting lost in the depths of Asher’s eyes. I walk away from the family and wrap my arms around his neck.

  “How was it?” I ask.

  “You were right, your family is nuts." he laughs out. I smile not having to say a word in how I was right.

  “So, can we get out of here and start this celebration?” I ask Reese, Asher and make sure Mona and Tala and Riv can hear me as well. The girls turn and nod. All of us are having a parent overload in the short time we stood there chatting. We all start saying our goodbyes and let the parents know not to wait up.

  Once we all hit the parking lot people randomly start cheering and being obnoxious for any number of reasons.

  Asher picks me up and throws me over his shoulder since I’ve slowed down to see the commotion. I let out a squeal and smack his ass.

  “Let me down Ash, you’re showing everyone my cooter.” I yell laughing.

  Asher covers my butt and private area with his massive hand instead of putting me down. I keep swatting at his backside not really too sure where my hand keeps landing since my hair is in my face.

  We reach the cars and Asher starts to slide me down his chest but doesn’t put me all the way down, I can feel how hard he is and it makes me wish we weren’t going to any parties. I could easily spend the rest of the night naked with Asher.

  “I know that look babe, don’t worry later you’re all mine.” Asher says as he tucks one of my curls behind my ear.

  “Those days alone with you weren’t enough.” I say as I lean into his lips and kiss him softly.

  Asher growls and deepens our kiss.

  It’s so easy to get lost in this man. Everything around us falls away and all I feel is Asher.

  His hand tangles in my hair as he moves my head to where he has easier access.

  “Hey you two cool it or I may puke.” Reese says while gagging.

  Asher places me gently on the ground and gives me a quick peck before he launches himself at Reese. Asher puts Reese in a headlock as I start to laugh at how they horse around.

  I look at them and couldn’t be more thankful that they get along so well and are what seems to be good friends.

  “Okay guy’s break it up!” I say loudly as I pull Asher from Reese.

  “You’re lucky my sister came and broke this up as I was about to turn the table on you so quick.” Reese laughs.

  Asher joins Reese by laughing and just shakes his head.

  “So, Ash did you want to go with Reese and Lux up to Roland’s and us girls and Riv will meet you there?” I ask Asher.

  “No way babe I’m not leaving your side tonight, besides if Riv is going then hell yeah I’m going too.” Asher fist bumps Riv.

  “Okay.” Is all I can say since my shit-eating grin was making it hard to say anything else

  “Alright kids see you all up at Roland’s, don’t be too long that’s the party you won’t want to miss.” Reese says as he turns and grabs Lux’s hand to lead her back to his car.

  “See you later Sloane and congratulations!” Lux says as she’s being pulled away.

  “Thanks Lux! Yeah see you in a bit” I respond and kiss my fingers to throw her a kiss.

  “Alright let’s get this party started! Everyone pile in and let’s roll out!” Mona calls to us as we all make our way into her lowrider.

  Chapter Five


  It’s been twenty minutes at this first party. As soon as Riv and I walked in to the house a couple of fans recognized us for playing football at Cal and have had us cornered while asking us questions.

  Riv leans into me so only I can hear,

  “If they ask us one more time “So what’s it like when” I’m going to tackle one of them and show them what it’s like." Riv whines.

  I just laugh, these guys aren’t bothering me as much as they are Riv, what is bothering me is my girl went to get us some beers and I haven’t seen her for over 20 minutes.

  “Hey kid,” I say to no one in particular “Go grab us some beers.” Simple as that three of them took off running to do as I asked. Being recognizable has its perks at times. The expression on Rivs’ face is pure gratitude. I think the moment of having a break is all he needed.

  “Is this our chance to ditch on this crowd?” Riv says.

  “No man we have to wait for our girls. Where the fuck are they anyway?” Riv starts to laugh.

  “Man have you not been paying attention?” He points to the sunken living room that’s more like a small club. Mona and Sloane dance against each other like every guy dreams about.

  “Fuck me.” I whisper.

  “Yeah, I’ve had a hard-on since they hit the floor.”

  “Dude TMI, what are they doing?”

  It looks a bit friendly for Sloane and Mona so I’m a bit confused, jealous and turned on.

  “Hey man they dance like that all the time, if you watch closely it’s actually all choreographed. They’ve been dancing together since they were six if I remember right… or was it five. Anyway, don’t worry they won’t be scissoring later or ever for that matter," Riv laughs. “Though I personally wouldn’t mind it if they did." His lazy grin stretches from ear to ear and I turn back to the girls.

  Now I’m not about to rip her off the floor but I wouldn’t mind punching most of these dicks leering at my girl. The dress she’s wearing probably has half the guys in this room sporting some serious wood, myself included.

  Those kids we sent to grab us some beers are back in time to keep my thoughts from going deeper into lust. I grab a bottle and slam it back while I keep my eyes on Sloane.

  “Those chicks are hot want me to introduce you to one? They both went to my school.”

  I turn and give the kid my empty beer bottle and beeline straight to Sloane. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around to face me with a big smile.

  “We’re going to Roland’s.” I say loud enough over the music that’s blaring through the house.

  Sloane looks up to me and smiles even bigger “Okay.”

  Damn that was easy.

  I grab her hand and lead her out with Riv and Mona in tow.

  Tala and her boyfriend Rylan had to go have dinner with Tala’s family at the last minute, so they’re skipping this party and going straight to Roland’s. Her family insisted we all joined them, but Mona and Sloane said we couldn’t. They looked a bit relieved to be honest when Mona declined for us all.

  Mona will still be driving since she’s the designated driver. Then we’re all crashing at Roland’s pad since there’s more than enough room.

  Rolands house is the place you always want to be invited to for the views alone, inside his garage and from his deck.

  It will be interesting who will be there tonight.

  After driving through the Oakland hills we pull into Roland’s compound. Cars are everywhere. Only show cars are allowed to park inside the gates. Mona’s lowrider is already grabbing people’s attention. Of course, how could it not with its badass rumble of the engine.

  We all make our way out of the car and head inside.

  Riv and I were here earlier with all of our bags so we didn’t have to tote them in now.

  Once we make our way in the living room, we see Reese and Lux hanging out with the rest of our football team and Roland.

  Sloane let’s go of my hand and runs to her brother and jumps into his arms for a big hug.

  “I’m a free woman.” she says to Reese. He just laughs and hugs his sister.

  They have a great bond. One that is refreshing to be around. You can tell they really watch out for one another and they’re always proud of each other’s accomplishments.

  Reese slings his arm around Sloanes’ shoulder and announces to no one in particular.

  “My baby sister will be joining us this fall so make sure if you see her around to be nice but not too nice.” He looks down to her smiling face and mirrors the same expression. I can’t help but smile too, along with everyone else surrounding these two.

  Every o
ne cheers with a couple that yell out “oh yeah” and “time to celebrate bitches.”

  I take a swig of my beer and relax knowing Sloane is being looked after by Reese and I turn to talk with Roland who’s borderline wasted.

  “So, are you working on any new projects worth looking at Roland?" he lights up like a Christmas tree in Times Square.

  “Yeah man I got commissioned to paint an elaborate 1965 Buick Riviera. That shit has so much flake running through it there’s no way anyone could miss it!”

  “What colors are you doing?” I’m genuinely interested as it’s some of my favorite paint jobs to take in and enjoy the artistry of it all.

  “Well, my client gave me creative control so I’m doing it all in shades of neon. It’s mainly hot pink, magenta, purples, lavenders, blues, and black with gold pinstripes. It’s going to be so in your face people won’t be able to stop talking about it for years!” Roland’s excitement is contagious. I look forward in seeing his work on this one.

  “Hey man have you gone to any side shows lately?” Roland asks breaking my thought of what he’s working on.

  “No dude been busy with school and football. Have you?” I ask

  “Man the scene has changed over night. It’s only for the worst too. I suggest you keep Sloane out of it till it calms down. The police are making examples out of those they arrest and if it doesn’t get broken up people end up getting shot. It’s a shame it’s changing like it is.” Roland advises.

  I shake my head and take his advice seriously.

  “Yeah, Sloane said she checked one out when she got back and mentioned she won’t be going any time soon.” When she says she going to do something like stay away from the new shit shows I’m certain she’ll stick to her word.

  “With the girls having motorcycles now along with us guys besides Riv with that killer El Camino we all should cruise down to the Desert Moon run. It’s next week.” Roland informs me

  “Hey that’s actually a great idea. The team has a couple of weeks off before training starts back up full swing. I’ll ask everyone but for sure count me and Sloane in." I know Sloane would love to go for a long ride on her bike ever since she’s gotten it.


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