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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

Page 11

by Gigi Birtie

  We stand up and Asher pulls me to him and both of his hands are on my ass pressing me to him, “Well there’s no problem in me feeling that sweet ass of yours and damn, it’s pretty fuckin’ amazing.” I smile and wrap Asher into a tight hug.

  Though I’m far from being completely okay, I’m at least back on track to healing the right way. If there is a right way.

  Leaning up on my tiptoes I pucker my lips to give Asher a kiss. When my lips touch his, they taste of mint.

  It’s delicious.

  We don’t stand there making out, we simply break free, while holding onto each other’s hand as we make our way to my bike and Ashers’ truck. It’s weird how I didn’t see or hear him pull up, but the sound of the waves from the bay along with the sea birds chirping away easily drowned all of that out.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When Dane had called and told me Sloane had finally come to him for information, I was relived more than I was angry. Sloane has been so distant with no spark of life in her, I was getting worried if she’d ever snap out of it. It had been almost a month of us not seeing her. Granted half of that was with her family and taking care of Reese’s funeral.

  Mona and Tala kept telling me to give her time. That she will be done being lost in this pit of sorrow. All I can be right now is grateful that her girls were right. She’s not close to being the same hell, I don’t really think she ever will be the girl when we first met. When I heard her scream why out at the strip, it made my heart stop. I felt all her emotions in that one simple word. It was so hard for me not to want to wrap her in my arms and let her cry, but I felt she needed the time to herself to get everything she’s been bottling up; out. When I saw her in the dark, I could see she was a mess but she was still so beautiful in her pain. This is my woman to protect and watch over. That was my promise to Reese when I had to say my own goodbye. I promised him to make Sloane’s life filled with happiness, for her to feel loved and protected every damn day for the rest of her life. For now, I have to work on getting her through all this one day at a time so she can experience that love first hand.

  Sloane has been at my house every day since the night at the strip. That was over a month ago now. With her father already away on business and Reese’s things still untouched, I’ve noticed it’s healthier for her to be here. That and I love coming home to her. She doesn’t always make me dinner or welcome me at the door, but she’s here and she’s always happy to see me. Especially when I sneak up on her when she’s editing photographs. I even made her a dark room so when she works on film she doesn’t have to go to the schools editing room to wait to get in. The expression on her face when I showed her was worth all the hassle of keeping it a surprise.

  Tonight we’re having Mona, Riv, and Lux over for dinner since school is starting on Monday. This is our last weekend before our traveling starts for football. Lux has been so wonderful to Sloane and they still treat each other like they are sisters. It’s a sad realization that one day they might have been, since Reese loved Lux so much.

  The doorbell rings and the sounds of Mona and Lux already laughing at something outside, probably at something Riv did carry through the house.

  “Hey babe can you get that while I finish making this charcuterie board?” That’s right I’ve got mad skills in how to put together a damn good board of meat and cheese. As I examine my work, I realize yes, I do know how to make a damn good board. I laugh to myself at how domestic I’m being right now.

  “Is that all for dinner or are we having something with all that meat and cheese?” Sloane laughs as she walks to the front door. Even in her casual yoga pants and flowing tank top she looks amazing. That ass is something I’ll be taking a bite of later. It’s been a long time since we’ve had each other. I don’t want to pressure her, but tonight I’ll try.

  I watch as Sloane opens the front door and Riv comes running in like he’s on fire.

  “What the fuck man?” I ask while I raise an eyebrow to his crazy.

  “Those girls are crazy I need a break before Sloane joins in with them on harassing me.” he comes behind me for protection.

  “Dude are you seriously hiding from your own girlfriend and the little sweet Lux?” I turn examining Rivs’ face trying to figure out if he’s joking or not. His face looks like a mixture of scared and frustration from being picked on.

  I start to laugh as Mona and Lux stroll in with Sloane. Mona’s face looks as if she’s up to no good and her target is Riv.

  “Alright Mona, leave Riv alone.” I couldn’t say that with a straight face which made Mona and Lux start to laugh. I turn in Sloanes direction to check if she’s laughing at the scene before us like I am, but she’s only smiling and watching everyone’s interactions. I think she needed a night with all of her friends. I can’t wait until my surprise shows up to make tonight perfect, and as if on cue the doorbell rings again.

  Sloane looks to me and I only shrug playing off as I wonder who could be at the door.

  “Can you get that babe? I’m afraid to leave Riv here alone unattended.” She rolls her eyes and smiles as Sloane goes to the door swinging it wide open.

  There stood Tala.

  They both scream as girls do and hug each other. It’s been a month or maybe it’s only been three weeks since Tala and Rylan moves to LA. I flew her up for the night to spend some time with her girls.

  Mona and Lux look over to see why Sloane is screaming and they both rush over to join the excitement of having Tala back in town.

  After they stop all hugging each other Sloane walks over to me with a big grin on her face.

  “Did you do this?” She simply asks as she wraps her arms around my waist with her head tilted back to stare up to me. I give her a wink and a quick peck on the lips before turning her around gently nudging her back to her friends. I make sure to smack her ass though, I am still a man.

  “Come on Riv, help me set up the table.” My hands are full of the two boards I made of salty meats, cheese, olives, pickles and some crackers.

  “Dude I never knew you could entertain like this.” He laughs thinking it is funny that I can throw a meat plate together.

  “Like it’s hard to put cold cuts on a wooden board?” Sarcasm oozing in my voice. “Besides for dinner I’m throwing steaks on the barbecue. Sloane is recruiting the girls to help her make a side dish while we stand outside drinking beer being manly men.” Riv simply laughs as I grab my nuts showing how male I can be.

  “I swear to fuck, you better wash your hands after that nut grab.” I roll my eyes and walk over to the sink and wash my hands, not because Riv said so, but to be not a complete pig.

  Looking over to Sloane I watch as she pours everyone including herself a glass of white wine.

  “Alright girls, I need help to make a salad and a couple of sides while the guys cue it up on the grill.”

  They all eagerly nod and start talking about how happy they are that Tala is here.

  I go to the fridge and grab my plate of steaks, a fresh beer and make my way outside. Riv grabs a beer as well and follows me out.

  Riv lifts the lid to the grill, “My work here is done.” Riv plops down in one of our Adirondack chairs that’s on the deck while cracking open his beer.

  “Thanks man.”

  “Dude why do girls always assume grilling up some steaks is so hard?” Riv mocks with a girl tone as he asked me that question.

  “I think they prefer us out of the house so they can gossip and talk about us.” Looking over at Sloane she and her girls are looking in my direction only confirming that I am right.

  “At least we get a break from the giggles and gossip.” I add.

  Not that I don’t mind hearing Sloane do either, but I’m not going to tell Riv that.

  “Yeah gives us a chance to do the same thing.”

  I’ve turned on the grill and added wood chips, looking over to Riv I ask, “What gossip could we possibly have to discuss?” I genuinely have nothing to gossi
p about and I can’t think of anything Riv could tell me that would be any good.

  “Well I heard Reese’s shooter died this morning, there’s that. That guy really hung on for dear life, but I’m damn glad he’s gone.”

  I nod my head. I had gotten the call a few minutes after it happened. Of course, I have already told Sloane so she wouldn’t get that information from anyone else. Her plan is to tell her family when they all come for a visit next weekend to check in on her.

  “Did you get that email from Coach about the first game? How we’re dedicating our season to Reese?”

  “No, I actually didn’t go online today, so I missed that. What exactly does that entail?” I’ve been so busy with only going to practice that I’ve been skipping out on our team meetings after so I can get home to Sloane.

  “Well they’re making a video of Reese with pictures and videos of him and will show it at the first home game. A portion of the funds from each home game will be donated to Sloane’s family or if they decline, it will be given to a charity of their choosing.” That’s so generous, I get a little choked up thinking about it, “Is Sloane aware of what the team is up to?”

  “I’m not sure, I do know they called her dad to let him in on what’s going on, but knowing him he’ll leave it to Sloane to deal with.” Riv shakes his head in knowing what Sloane will have to deal with…


  I’ll make sure to be there to support her. There’s no doubt someone will need to be present when they do the dedication.

  I look to Sloane again, for once she looks happy as she can be these days and I’m not going to take that from her tonight.

  “Let’s not mention the dedication tonight, I haven’t seen her with her spirits this high since I gave her the darkroom.” Riv was there to help me with the room, so he knows what I’m talking about.

  “Yeah man no problem. So, are you going to put those steaks on or are you hoping the moon will cook them?” Riv says to snap me out of my thoughts.

  “Yeah you fucking dick, damn,” I smile a crooked grin at Riv as I throw the first steak on and the sizzle takes up the silence. “There! Are you happy?”

  “Damn right I am, I’m starving. Mona wouldn’t let me stop and grab any snacks for the drive up.” Riv whined.

  “You’re only fifteen minutes from here.” I cock my head to the side.

  “You sound like Mona.” He rolls his eyes while I laugh, Mona is one tough broad I don’t mind sounding like her one bit.

  “What do you mean Asher sounds like me?” Mona has come from inside the house to join us.

  “He was busting my balls about grabbing snacks is all.”

  “Well luckily I made you a plate from Asher’s board in there so you won’t wither away out here or only be fueled by beer.” Riv pops up from the chair grabbing the plate Mona has held out for him and pops an olive in his mouth.

  “Shit, this is good.” Riv has clean the whole plate in record time.

  “Woman I need more!” Riv holds the plate out for her to take but she only stares at it.

  “Is there something you’d like to add to the end of that sentence?” Mona’s face is serious and controlled.

  “Please, dammit.”

  I glance between Riv and Mona wondering if she’s going to smack him but she doesn’t, not that I have seen her do that before. Although, if I was her I would have at least twisted his nipples for his tone.

  Damn what is wrong with me? I’ve been hanging out with girls too much. I chuckle under my breath as Mona looks at me hard and walks back inside.

  “Grab me a beer too woman.” Riv shouts back at her.

  Oh shit now he’s pushing it.

  Mona comes back out with another plate of food and two beers with a smirk on her face, but she doesn’t hand it over to Riv. No, she hands me a beer and sits on the stool by the grill where I’m standing. Mona cracks open the beer, takes a swig and starts to eat the food off the plate.

  Riv stares at her with his mouth wide open.

  He mutters a “you suck Mona” as he walks into the house to fend for himself.

  “Good work Mona.” I laugh as I give her a fist bump.

  “Thanks Asher, he deserved that one.” She laughs.

  “I’m honestly surprised how calm you were, I thought for sure he was going to be wearing that beer and that plate of food.”

  “Yeah well don’t think that didn’t cross my mind five times before I came back out,” Mona laughs again. “I’m trying to act a bit more civilized these days, and that means keeping my Puerto Rican side in check.”

  Mona has never been physical, just playful, but she can be fiery like any woman can be. That’s why I love that Mona is Sloane’s best friend. Mona never minds standing up for her when she needs her most, in any situation.

  “You need to keep all your sides in check not just your Puerto Rican side.” Riv says from behind her, and right as he said it Mona moves quicker to smack his abs in a playful gesture.

  Riv lets out a grunt as he almost drops his plate, but makes a quick save.

  “Thanks for that Mona.” Is all he says with a smile that is spread wide as he walks wide around her back to his seat. I laugh at these two and go to flip the steaks.

  Chapter Seventeen


  After death there is still life. It may be a life that you may not recognize, but it’s still a life worth living.

  I’m thankful that Asher has been showing me this every day.

  As I sit here with my friends, I realize my life must go on. That I want to be present everyday, to make an impact in a ways that I love. To me that is being a part of my friends’ lives, achieve honors in college, become a successful photographer, and being the best partner to Asher.

  Watching my friends laugh and joke around puts life into perspective.

  “So, Sloane have you given much thought of what type of photography you’ll be majoring in?” Tala’s voice breaks my thoughts and I turn to her and smile.

  “Yes I have,” Everyone looks somewhat surprised except Mona who I roll my eyes at. “I’ve decided that I’ll be focusing my major in photojournalism and minoring in creative writing. Most magazines want their photographers to write articles along with the pictures they submit. So, I want to make sure I can deliver without cutting myself out of any future opportunities.”

  Everyone is looking at me with an awe expression, which I don’t understand why since school starts on Monday.

  “What?” I ask truly baffled by their expressions. “Haven’t you all figured out what you’re majoring in?” Am the only one here with a clue?

  “No, I personally am surprised that you have it all figured out is all,” Tala states. “I mean all of us are aware of your love of photography, but most people don’t have a clue what area they want to specialize in.”

  Now it all makes sense, not their lack of faith in what I want to do but more what area specifically.

  “By the way, I haven’t figured it out yet.” Tala cringes as soon as she admits her uncertainty.

  “There’s nothing wrong in waiting to figure out what you want to do at college Tala, hell I’m still trying to figure it out.” Riv rubs her knee reassuring her.

  “You better figure something out Riv, I’m not marrying you for your body.” Mona says.

  “Whoa what?” Half the room says in unison.

  “Married? You two have something to tell us here?” I ask. When did they get engaged?

  “Well after Reese passed away Riv and I were talking about how life is short,” She looks to me and Lux with a sad apologetic smile. “Sorry, but we were talking and we’ve been together for how long now?” Mona turns to Riv for the answer.

  “Well, dating since freshman year, but we started holding hands since we were nine.” Riv beams a blinding smile at us all as Mona smiles only at Riv.

  It seems right for them to be engaged even though they’re so young. Who’s saying they have to wait when they already feel it’s right for

  “So...” Mona goes into her pocket and pulls out a beautiful and very large turquoise ring and put it on her wedding finger. “Riv asked me about two weeks ago.”

  “Holy shit Mona!” Tala screams. “How did he ask?”

  All of us are focused on them wanting to hear more.

  “Well I took Mona out to dinner at the Stinking Rose up in North Beach. We had some drinks, laughed and casually I suggested we go up to Twin Peaks to take in the sights of the whole bay and make out.” Riv looks to Mona and grabs her hand. They smile at each other like none of us are in the room.

  Asher clears his throat grabbing their attention which gets Mona finishing the story.

  “So yeah, Riv got me nice and liquored up so I was easy when he asked to go up to Twin Peaks to make out. I had no idea he was going to ask either. Once we get up there, he parks to where we can take in the whole Bay Area, it was so clear that we could see every city light sparkling,” Mona gets up and wraps an arm around Rivs’ shoulder and she looks once more in his eyes as she continues. “Riv pulled out a blanket and spread it out in the back of his El Camino. We must have sat there for maybe ten minutes. He seemed so nervous and that’s when he said...” Before she could tell us Riv cuts in saying what he said.

  “I said Mona,” He wraps his arms tighter around where he is holding her. “I can’t go through this life not having you by my side. I want to give you everything that we’ve been dreaming of since we were kids. Please don’t make me ever wonder what my days could be like without you in it.” They stare into each other’s eyes and there are tears forming in Mona’s eyes in what I imagined was how she looked when Riv asked her the first time.

  “So, next he pulled out my dream ring that we looked at when we were walking through Telegraph while looking at all the vendors. That’s when I began to cry and couldn’t stop saying yes.” Mona smiles as she turns to face all of us.

  “I would say you all are too young and aren’t thinking this through, but I’ve grown up with you both and if you’re certain this is right, well fuck… Congratulations you two!” I say with excitement.


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