Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2) Page 13

by Gigi Birtie

  “Fuck me Asher.” and that’s what I was waiting for. I don’t pump hard into her, I just go at a slow steady pace in and out of her as I reach around to play with her clit.

  The more she moans the faster I play with her and the faster I thrust inside her.

  There was no holding on anymore though, I came so quick I am, almost embarrassed but I’m not.

  Three times in an hour is pretty good for any man at any age.

  I lay on top of her and rest my sweaty body on top of hers. I made sure to pull out so she can have some relief of my duck from a hole that wasn’t use to having any kind of intruders.

  “I’m sorry babe.” I still have to apologize to Sloane. I wanted to show her the stars, but I may have been barely lucky to have shown her a single star.

  “Sorry for what?”

  “For not making you come like I wanted to make you.” I say softly into her hair.

  “Asher I was coming that whole time,” she giggles. “There was no way of articulating that besides a moan. It had to be the most intense sensation I’ve ever had during sex.”

  I flip us to our sides so I can stop crushing her and to where I can see her beautiful face beaming at me.

  “Really?” I ask in wonderment. Is this even possible?

  “Um yeah, it’s true. Now don’t be getting a big head from all this, I hear it’s very rare to orgasm from anal the first time, but apparently you know my body better than I thought. You had my senses humming.”

  “This body is the only one I care about so I should know it better than you realize. I stare and study it more than you know. Which by the way I see you’ve been losing weight babe.” I don’t want her to get self-conscious about this, but she is losing too much and I love her the way she is if not more.

  “I’ve noticed too... I think it’s just been all the stress, but I’ll put back on so don’t worry, you’ll have me back to fat soon.” Sloane giggles while crashing her naked body to mine for a half hug since her other arm is sandwiched between us.

  “Babe, you’ve never been fat. You’ve always been perfect and I don’t care if you were fat, I’d still love every inch of you. It’s your personality that attracted me to you.” I reassured her and I would too. Bodies change and do weird shit that we can’t control. I’m one of the smarter men on this planet who adores the woman; not the body.

  Sloane leans in and gives me a sloppy wet kiss.

  “I love you Asher, more than I ever could express in words, but I’ll spend my days and nights trying to show you.” She can sound like such a guy sometimes with lines like that, but it doesn’t stop me from smiling at her.

  “I look forward to that every day and seeing how you’ll do that,” How can I not want that? “Alright we have school tomorrow, so let’s get to bed.”

  I get up not even bothering to get dressed, I lean down and pick my lazy girl up, taking her off to our room.

  We cuddled right up in our expansive bed with our arms and legs wrapped around each other. I want to spend all my days laying here listening to Sloane, as her breathes slow down into an even pace as she falls to sleep. It’s so soothing to hear her that I soon follow her into a deep sleep myself.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Last night was amazing, any time that Asher and I engage in sex, I become a wild woman who can’t get enough. I find I actually enjoy our alone time more than being surrounded by all our friends. Though I don’t mind their company, I prefer more time getting that one on one time to devour Asher, but enough daydreaming of him. Though it’s hard when he’s sitting right next to me in my first class of the day at Cal.

  It seems when we checked our schedules last night we signed up for a lot of the same classes, except for the two of my photography classes we almost had the same schedule.

  I also realize that I signed up for too many classes the first semester. With six in total I hope I don’t drown myself by the time midterms happen, but staying busy is my ultimate goal.

  “Psst, psst...” I turn to Asher who’s trying to get my attention while three other girls in our class turn to him as well.

  Our eyes lock and I become the typical girl who turns into that puddle of want and need.

  Asher smiles only for me as he asks, “You got an extra pen?”

  I giggle gaining the attention of our professor.

  “This is our first day, so I’ll let us all get settled here but if any of you think this is like high-school, you’re about to have a rude awakening, so please let’s contain ourselves from here on out.” She turns back to her lecture notes to continue going over the class syllabus.

  As I grab a pen from my bag while gaining my composer I turn to Asher to hand it over. I smirk at him as he gives me a cocky grin.

  I can only hope we can make it through this semester without anymore unwanted attention.

  Class went on rather quickly and it didn’t last the full hour.

  Asher informs me that on the first day most classes don’t since it’s more of a meet and greet with the semester run down. Which I didn’t mind one bit, but now there’s too much time to kill before my first photojournalism class and Asher is off to his afternoon practice.

  “We have our last class together, but I have a full practice after. I didn’t think it through in how you would get home since we carpooled.” Asher scratches his beard as he contemplates a plan, but I relieve him of any worry.

  “Well after our last class I have lab for photography so I’ll be in there till six pm, what time is your practice over?”

  We could possibly end around the same time.

  “I won’t be done till seven if I’m lucky. You can wait in the library until I’m finished or I can get you a ride?”

  I shake my head adamantly no, “I’ll be fine and I can make my own way home.” I smile as I step into his space and wrap my arms around his waist.

  Asher’s face looks alarmed as he asks, “Wait a minute, which home?”

  I realize I called Ashers house my home. Though we aren’t officially living together, I don’t go to my house since Reese passed away. It’s far too sad being there, though now that some time has passed, I might be able to handle going back.


  “Well I can go home to my house, it’s not a big deal.” I didn’t want to look stupid and have him feel he has a permanent live-in girlfriend when he hasn’t asked for one.

  “No, no, no I want you at our house. I want you there as long as you want to stay. It might be time to think about having you with your own key, so you feel like it’s your place too.” He looks at me hopeful and I can’t help but be happy with what he’s wanting for our living situation

  I put my head down with a sudden shyness washing over me, “I would like that Asher.”

  “Good take my key and I’ll grab a spare later. I love having you in the house.” Asher kisses the top of my head and releases me as he pulls out his house key, taking it off his key ring and hands it over to me.

  I’ve never gone this far in a relationship and to be honest it’s terrifying, yet with Asher it also feels so right.

  “Thanks Ash.” I say quietly but Asher picks me up by the waist and holds me to him.

  “You’re welcome Sloane, this weekend let’s grab some more of your things to keep at our house.” He stresses our. Asher kisses my lips this time stealing my breath away. I get lost in every kiss he gives me and there can never be enough of our lips entwined together.

  Ashers erection is pressing into my stomach so I wrap my legs around his waist forgetting where we are as I deepen our kiss.

  Asher wraps a hand in my hair as the other holds onto my ass. I moan in appreciation.

  “Fuck I want you...” Asher says on my lips.

  “Then have me.” I reply.

  Just when I’m certain we’re about to sneak off to a dark corner of campus or find a lecture hall not in use, someone from behind us clears their throat.

  I lean my forehead to Ashers and s

  Why must we be interrupted?

  “Excuse me, do you two have any clue where you are?” Comes a sassy uptight squeaky voice.

  I slide down Ashers firm body as he helps set me on my feet. Straightening my hair and wiping my mouth I turn to see who is talking to us.

  It’s a short blond girl that’s all of five feet tall. She’s very pretty with the biggest blue eyes I’ve ever seen and the brightest ruby red lips any girl could rock. She’s dressed in a sexy conservative way that makes me think she’s prelaw. Her grey pencil skirt that hits right below her knees is paired with a beautiful emerald green silk blouse with a black form fitting sweater over top. She has a pair of black chunky classic 1920s heels on to complete her outfit. Modern yet classic. Her hair is perfectly curled too that hangs long past her shoulders. I’m in awe of her and yet I look like one of the gutter punks on Telegraph standing next to her.

  “Yes, we’re aware Lottie.” Asher rolls his eyes as his body becomes ridged and his grasp on me tightens.

  I stiffen beside him not knowing who this Lottie is to Asher.

  “Well it seems you don’t since you’re acting desperate to get into this homeless girls’ pants." Lottie sneers.

  “Homeless? What the fuck?” Asher tightens his arm around my waist pulling me to him as I’m about to strike this girl for her ignorant comment.

  I’m far from appearing homeless though I was comparing myself to that. I may not be dressed to impress anyone, but I’m still looking decent. With my black pants, black biker shirt that says “No Muff is too Tough” that’s cut up showing my black lacy bra with a blue buffalo flannel over top. It’s not horrible, but my biker boots have seen some better days.

  “Just cool it Lottie.” Asher says with a warning.

  Lottie looks me up and down again and her eyes land on Ashers’ arm that’s wrapped possessively around me. She rolls her eyes, “Honey, you go to a university that is ahead of Ivy League schools. You should start dressing the part,” She looks me up and down one more time and adds, “Unless you wandered up from Telegraph for some spare change, then my bad.” She laughs as if she hurt my feelings with that snotty remark.

  “If you haven’t noticed this is Berkeley, and it accepts all kinds of people to attend this school, so if you think for one minute that I don’t appear like I belong here, you better check yourself before I put my boot up your ass.” I say as I step forward ready to prove my point.

  Lottie steps back as she digs in her purse brandishing a canister of pepper spray.

  “Really?” I ask if she’s seriously going to spray me.

  “Take one step closer and I’ll take it as a threat and spray your ass.” She looked serious, I don’t have time for whoever this girl thinks she is. Besides, she came up to us causing this whole exchange.

  “I’m going to give you some advice... Dottie, right?” I continue not caring that I purposely said her name wrong or if she answers “Stay away from me, stay away from Asher and mind your own fucking business because,” I take a step closer as my face hardens. “I don’t care what you try to do to me, you see I’m a bit of a loose canon these days and there is so much pent up rage coursing through me that I won’t mind pounding it into your face.”

  Lottie goes sheet white and swallows hard at my words as they sink in.

  “Just go Lottie.” Is all that Asher says to her. She turns on her heel almost sprinting away from us. Once she’s gained some distance, she turns to take one last look at us. She turns again and picks up her pace leaving us behind.

  “What the fuck was that!?” I ask turning to Asher, seeing red.

  “She’s an ex-girlfriend who thinks she has a say in what and who I do.” Asher sounds agitated by all this and rightfully so. I calm down a little after hearing him explain who this bitch was.

  “Great another ex of yours. Though I can’t say it’s any worse than mine,” I laugh at the comparison. “We sure did pick some winners, huh?” I elbow Asher playfully in the ribs to lighten the mood.

  “Yeah, but at least now we’re with whom we should have been with all along.” He leans down to kiss my cheek making a trail down my neck.

  My heart melts at his sweet comment, but he’s right. If only we didn’t get separated after meeting at camp when we were kids, life could be so different than now.

  Hell, a lot of things could be different, but that’s not how it worked out for us.

  I pull my phone out to see the time and realize I need to be at my next class. As I put my phone back in my pocket, I gaze back at Asher and reach up to touch his cheek.

  This beautiful man is mine.

  Damn I get lost in his kind, sparkling eyes every time.

  “Alright babe, you need to get to class and I’m late for afternoon practice,” Asher leans down and plants a quick kiss on my lips. “Do you know where you need to go for class?” He asks to make sure I don’t get myself lost.

  “Yes, I’m all the way on the west side of campus.” I beam being proud knowing where I’m going.

  “Do you want me to walk you to class?” Asher asked as her tucks my hair behind my ear.

  It’s almost like he’s having a hard time letting me go off by myself but I can’t let him keep worrying about me, I need to prove I’m still the strong women he met and can be fine.

  “No I’ll be fine, have a good practice and I’ll see you in our last class of the day.” I wink and turn to leave.

  “Sloane?” Asher calls after me as I’m now a few feet away from him.

  “Yeah Ash?”

  “I love you.” He says louder than necessary causing me to blush but I say it right back to him

  “I love you too Ash, ” I smile and add. “Now go to practice!”

  I watch him walk backwards as he stares at me before he has to turn and fully walk away.

  I love watching him come to me but I certainly don’t mind watching him leave. His broad shoulders that taper down into a sculpted back that connects to the hottest ass is my reward every time.


  Once he’s no longer in sight, I turn to make my way to one of my more exciting classes of the day.

  The rest of the day was uneventful. Photojournalism class was nothing like my previous classes of the old meet and greet. No, we dived right into our curriculum. I already have a photo assignment that needs to be presented by my next class. The subject is rather easy but finding it might be where it could prove challenging.

  Find a subject that represents chaos.

  Luckily there’s time since our next class isn’t for two more days.

  My next class is again with Asher all the way across campus. I’m not sure yet if I’ll make it on time. If this is a strict class, I might need to drop it and take it next semester. I won’t be able to live with myself if I fail a class because I can’t make it on time.

  As I suspected I was twenty minutes late.

  When I walk into the lecture hall, I spot Asher right away but I also notice Lottie sitting to his left.

  A frown takes over my face since they appear cozy and there is no saved seat near him.

  I search the back and see the last row of seats empty and that’s where I beeline my ass to.

  Asher still hasn’t noticed I came in as he talks to Lottie, but she sees me and gives me a smirk that only makes me roll my eyes.

  I could be insecure about this but I’m not. I tell myself Asher is not like the others, he would never hurt me.

  We had a serious miscommunication before, we’re certainly not having it again. So I push down my insecurities and make my way to the back.

  Taking my seat I gain a few stares, but I turn my focus back on Lottie and Asher.

  They’re no longer talking since, who I assume is our teacher is talking about our class now.

  This is an advanced debate class. One that was recommended by my counselor to sharpen my skills that, what she says would “benefit me in the real world.”

  “Now, this class will be set in te
ams of four that I’ve already made. When you hear your team go to them and sit together. That will also be where you’ll sit for the remaining semester.”

  She starts calling off the teams while I zone out and stare at the back of Ashers head. I’m not sure what’s worse sitting next to him or behind him.

  “Cates, Easton, Bryd, and Kyd you’re the last set of four so raise your hands so you can find each other.” The professor says.

  Ashers’ hand goes up as he looks around for the others I assume.

  A guy who looks similar to the height of a giant stands up, he looks like he plays football too, he notices Asher and walks over to him and Lottie.

  Fuck I hope Lottie isn’t in our group.

  I grab my things and walk down to them along with the big guy.

  He sees me approach and smiles at me and I return the gesture.

  “I’m Sloane Cates.”

  “Nash Byrd.”

  We shake hands and I hear Asher stand, moving a seat next to him to where I can sit down. I look over to Lottie and give her an evil eye as a warning not to fuck with me.

  She quickly turns to her laptop and starts typing.

  “Nash, have you met everyone else?” I ask not wanting to be rude.

  “Yeah Asher and I play football together and I’ve seen Lottie around here and there. Do you know everyone as well?” Nash has such a gentle tone it’s hard to imagine he plays football.

  “Yes.” Is all I say as I take my seat.

  “This is my girl I’ve been telling you about Byrd.” Asher proudly announces.

  Nash smiles in response but says nothing. Asher and Nash talk about practice and the rest of us wait for instructions, but when they come, I’ve already started to daydream about my photography assignment, Chaos.

  In the end, I miss my current class and I leave unsure of what our assignment is. This isn't good, but luckily Asher took extensive notes that I can borrow later.

  I say goodbye to everyone including bitch face Lottie and make for a sprint to my lab. If you’re not on time, they won’t let you in the room and that’s the last thing I want since this is a class I really look forward to be in.


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