Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2) Page 14

by Gigi Birtie

  Chapter Twenty


  The expression on Sloane’s face when we were in class was strange. I could tell she was irritated with me since I didn’t notice when she came into our class. I tried to save her a seat, but it was useless since she was so late.

  Lottie kept talking about her summer internship at some law firm over on the Marina. I couldn’t care less but I didn’t need to be rude either.

  When our teacher announces our groups, and I relieved that Sloane was in mine. I was also relived I wasn’t stuck with Lottie alone. I can only hope Lottie doesn’t push Sloane too much. It’s only a matter of time until Sloane could crack and end up hurting Lottie if she isn’t careful. Which is why I’m talking to Lottie now, since Sloane darted off to her lab?

  “Listen Lottie, we ended things on good terms and I really don’t appreciate you being up in my business or agitating my girlfriend. She’s kind of sensitive right now. So, if I were you I would tread lightly.” I stare at her hoping she will agree, but the smirk on her face says otherwise.

  “Asher, I don’t understand you and your wanting in having me be nice,” She does air quotes around nice. “I’m always nice, your girlfriend is just a hag that needs to be brought down a peg or two.” She huffs.

  I roll my eyes and add, “You remember Reese Cates, don’t you?” She knows him, she actually cheated on me with Reese and that’s how we came to an end.

  “Why did you have to bring him up? Yes I removed him, thanks for reminding me of the biggest mistake I made last year.”

  “Wow…were you not told what happened to him?” If she knew she wouldn’t be talking like she was.

  “No what? Did he already get drafted to the NFL?” Damn I hate being the one to tell people when someone has passed away.

  “No, he wasn’t drafted. He’s Sloanes’ brother, and he was killed at a side show about a month ago.”

  I let the information sink in as she just stands there staring at me with her big blue eyes that are filling with tears, but refuse to spill over.

  “What?” She whispered.

  “Yeah he’s gone and Sloane hasn’t been taking it well. So, I’d lay off of her if I were you or she will snap and to be on the receiving end of someone’s grief can be nothing but blind rage.” Lottie nods her head adamantly as tears now slide down her cheeks.

  “I had no idea.”

  “Yeah well, you didn’t need an idea Lottie. You can work on being generally nice to people without having to be all up in their business,” I sigh and take a glance at my phone. I need to get to practice or I’ll be doing sprints till I puke. “I’ve got to run, you going to be alright?” I can’t just leave her crying.

  “Yeah I’ll be fine,” She wipes away her tears. “You know I didn’t hate Reese, I just hated that he used me and didn’t want me like I wanted him.”

  “Yeah I understand, maybe it was the fact how you went about trying to land him is what turned him off. Something to think about the next time you’re in a relationship and find someone more to your liking.” With that I turn and jog to the stadium.

  Before I get too far, I notice Sloane standing staring at me where I was talking to Lottie. Her face is pale, but her cheeks are bright red. She turns and runs away from me as I take a step towards her.


  I can’t let her think anything else than what was going on, sprints be damned.

  I chase after her all the way to lab and miss her as she slips into the building.

  I contemplate standing there for a moment before I decide to go in after her and talk to her in class.

  As I make my way in, the class is full but there is a seat right next to my beautiful girl. Even with the look of anger that takes up her whole face, she’s beautiful. I sit right next to her and she startles at my presence.

  “Listen babe, that did not appear to be anything like what you may be thinking.” I say low enough for only Sloanes ears.

  “Get out of here.” she hisses as she pushes at my arm.

  “No not until you hear what I have to say.” I grab her hand but she tries to pull it away but I won’t let her.

  “Babe, I was just asking her to stop being a dick to you and she also didn’t know what had happened to Reese,” Sloanes full attention turns to me so I continue. “Lottie and Reese hooked up when her and I were dating. She had it bad for him and when he found out that her and I were together he told her to fuck off. It wasn’t what she was expecting,” I rub Sloanes hand in soothing circles. “That’s all there was to what you saw and I’m sorry if it looked anything different.”

  I watch her as she softens, and she squeezes my hand.

  “Okay thank you... now leave, my class is starting.” she smiles. I have an inkling that this conversation isn’t over but I see Sloane looking around uncomfortable at everyone that is looking at us.

  “Say you’re not mad or I’ll make a scene.” I warn her. I’ll start singing and dancing if I have too, whatever it takes too prove I’m hers.

  “No no I believe you. We’ll talk later but thanks for coming to make sure I didn’t spend the rest of my day having to wonder what the hell I just witnessed out there.” Her face is heartbreaking. Sloane’s eyes are lost yet focused.

  “Mr. Easton, I know you’re not in this class, so it’s time for you to leave this poor girl alone and take your exit.” I recognize the professor as he likes to talk football in passing.

  I simply nod and turn back to Sloane and give her a quick kiss, “I’ll see you when I get home and we’ll finish this.” I say reluctantly not wanting to leave her. There’s nothing more I want than to than make sure she feels this is completely resolved.

  Sloane half smiles as she looks around as everyone stares at us. So I grab my backpack and get up to leave.

  She quickly grabs my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

  There’s my girl.

  That small gesture signifies everything will all be fine and I’ll make sure to show her later just how much. I will show her that it’s only her that I want to be balls deep in and no one else.

  I nod to the professor and exit Sloane’s class.

  Football practice was rough. I called it earlier that if I was late, I would be doing sprints all practice. That’s exactly what I did. Coach had me going until I puked.

  “Hit the showers Easton and remember next practice be on time or I’ll run you harder than I did today.” Coach says as lay on the field trying not to throw up any more. I lay there trying to steady my heart rate.

  “Dude are you going to make it?” Riv asks as he stands over my limp body.

  I just grunt in response.

  “Man, I’m surprised you didn’t puke more than you did out here, that shit was gnarly to watch.” Dane adds.

  When I had talked to Reese to ease up on Dane, it was a nice turn around in attitudes. Even though it was a reluctant change, it was a change none the less.

  Dane finally looked rested, gained some weight and wasn’t such a douche to be around. He’s also been pretty cool since Reese passed away.

  We all fuck up at some point in life and I couldn’t be happier that he did what he did with Moxie. If he hadn’t, I don’t know if I would have my chance with Sloane now. Though at times it’s as if being together was inevitable.

  “Yeah thanks guys.” I groan as I pick myself off the ground.

  “Let’s hit the showers, I’ve got Mona and Lux waiting for me for dinner. Hey you guys want to join us? Don’t make me have another girls’ night with those two.” Riv says in mock horror

  We’re all aware he loves it though. Hell, the night I got to spend with Sloane, Mona and Tala were pretty rad.

  “I can’t. I’ve got to smooth some things over with Sloane.” I tell them.

  “What happened?” Asked Dane.,

  “Lottie is what happened.” Both their eyes widen but I quickly tell them the situation.

  “Damn that sucks. Good luck with that,” Riv says. “So, do you want to c
ome Dane?” I look over to Dane and watch him contemplating whether to go.

  “You should go, Lux is a nice girl and you can use one of those again in your life.” I say.

  It’s true the guy needs some help and Lux is a sweetheart. I just wonder if it would be weird for them since Lux used to be best friends with Moxie.

  “It’s just hanging out Dane, it’s not a date.” Riv reassures him.

  “Alright fuck it. I don’t need to go home to an empty house, anyway.” Dane finally relents on going.

  We walk our way to the locker rooms where all the guys are pretty quiet. Practice wasn’t just rough on me alone.

  Guys were showering and getting out of here pretty quick and I was right there with them.

  The sooner I got home the quicker I can relax with my girl by my side, naked and in my bed.

  Once I’m showered and dressed I grab my things so I can head out the door to the parking lot.

  I check my phone to see if I have any messages. There is only one.


  Dinner is in the oven when you get home I’m beat so I’ll probably be passed out when you get here. Please don’t wake me.

  I stare at her text wishing practice didn’t run so long but I doubt Sloane will stay asleep once I’m there. She always wakes up when I come home.

  I move a little quicker to my van so that I can make my way home. My house isn’t far from campus so I get to my house in no time.

  Once I walk through the side door that leads straight to the kitchen the aroma of something delicious lingers in the house that makes my stomach rumble.

  I have to eat or I’ll fall over dead if I don’t. Workouts like today can only hurt you if you don’t nourish the body. I peek in the oven to see a plate of chicken, broccoli, and a baked potato.

  Damn it looks good. I make my way over to the table and set my plate down so it can cool as I grab a glass of milk.

  Once I take a seat dinner is quickly wolfed down, I take my dishes to the sink then turn to make my way upstairs. I stop when I see that Sloane is standing right there staring at me.

  I take three easy stride to swoop her up in my arm. I kiss all over her face until she giggles from my attention.

  “Please tell me I’m forgiven?” I ask with sincerity.

  “Yeah there’s no need to be upset when there’s nothing to be upset about.”

  I sigh with relief. Sloane has come a long way since the last time we had a misunderstanding. I couldn’t be happier with what a beautiful level-headed woman she is.

  “I’m sorry for all that happened today babe. I was asking Lottie to be cool since I don’t want you to have to deal with anymore bullshit than you have to.”

  “I have my brat moments and they aren’t fair to you, but I’m trying and I realized while taking the city bus home today that I need to act more like an adult and think things through before I react like a child,” She gives me an apologetic smile before continuing. “Thank you for being so wonderful with me. I really don’t know how I got so lucky by having you love me the way you do, but always know I appreciate you for it.”

  Sloane leans up on her tip toe to give me a kiss, I bend to meet her halfway. Her lips taste of her classic cherry chap stick and that is my undoing. I wrap her up in my arms and haul her off to our bedroom.

  I plan to follow through with worshipping her body and making her feel the love that I have for her.

  This won’t be quick this will be slow and each moment better than the next. Every square inch of Sloane’s body will have my lips kissing her silky flesh.

  I place her on her feet and we begin to undress each other as I trail kisses down her neck sending goosebumps in my wake.

  Once we’re both fully naked standing before each other I step back with my hands on her hips. Sloane’s tits are full with her nipples hard, I lean back in to take one in my mouth.

  Sloane moans my name “Asher” and it spurs me to want more. I break our contact and pick her up to place her on our bed. I crawl over top of her and I’m at her feet. I start to suck on her toes and she giggles.

  “Asher that such weird sensation, stop before I end up kicking you in the face.” Her and I both laugh and I do as she says and move on my assault of kissing her body. I make my way from her ankle, trailing up to her knee, to her inner thighs. I make sure to drag my tongue up from there to her pussy. I stop just before getting to her center and I spread her lips to see that she’s wet and waiting.

  I need to lick her juices, they’re just too irresistible not too. Once I latch on to her clit, she moans low as her hips try to buck me off. I hold her in place as I get my fill.

  As much as I want to camp out there and eat her pussy all night my cock has other plans. I continue up her body as Sloane sighs missing my mouth from where it was just located on her body. I smile against her stomach knowing she enjoys me as much as I enjoy her.

  I’m at Sloane’s beautiful tits again and I take one in each hand pushing them together so I can hop from one to the other. I suck on both nipples as Sloane’s hip thrust up wanting me to slide in her. I blow on her nipples to watch them pebble further for me as I spread her legs wider so I can ease myself into her tight wet pussy.

  My head is at her entrance as I come up to her lips and kiss her softly.

  “I love you,” Sloane says to me and that’s my undoing every time. Those words make me want to give her anything she wants. “Now put that cock of yours in my pussy before I get mad.” And just like that I do as she says, but of course I do it my way. I continue to go slow inside my girl. I slide in, inch by inch, until she’s completely full. I wait as she accommodates my size. I never thought I was that big until I met Sloane and damn if that doesn’t boost a man’s ego.

  Once she’s ready, I start my slow pace while kissing her.

  We move together as if we are one, taking each other where we want to go with us both chasing the release we want from each other.

  I lay next to her wrapping her in my arms as I bury my face in Sloanes’ neck.

  “I love you Sloane.” I say as I kiss her.

  “I love you Asher.” She sighs as she curls into my warm body.

  We fall fast asleep wrapped in each other’s arms only having thoughts of how good it is to be right here with each other.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  My time at school has been the perfect distraction. With my assignments becoming increasingly hard and more frequent, I haven’t had much time to get lost in thought of Reese. Although I do still cry when I shower. There’s just something about being bare and exposed in the shower that causes me to easily lose my control. It’s where I can grieve without judgement, without people asking questions or gaining unnecessary concern. At least I’m able to stay strong when I’m out and around people.

  Asher has been away for football games and though I’m able to stay at his house while he’s gone, I’ve been staying at my own house as well.

  Reese’s room remains untouched, but I do go in on occasion just so I can be in the presence of what was Reese; to smell him, to be able to be surrounded by his things, and to just be in his element.

  This is where I am now, I just got home from school and wanted to be near his presence.

  Mona is coming over later for us to study together. She’s been missing Riv more this season and tells me she doesn’t like being alone, but I’m suspicious that she’s keeping an eye on me as well.

  Matter of fact I’m rarely ever alone for long.

  I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.

  I glance at the clock by Reese’s bed as I sit at his desk and notice that Mona will be here any minute, so I get up from the chair, take one last look around before turning, and walk out into the living room.

  Just as I take a seat on the couch and spread my textbooks on our huge coffee table, Mona walks in already talking.

  “Girl, I swear this semester may kill me.” She states in a huff. “With classes and dance on top o
f all the studying, I’m already behind.” Mona plops down next to me to give me a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Don’t worry Mona, I won’t let you fail. Now what do you need help with so that you’re caught up and not slipping from greatness?” I ask genuinely. Mona blows out another huff and grabs her backpack pulling out her books.

  “Where do I start? Also why does math need to be a prerequisite? Why?” I laugh at her dramatics as I watch her set up her notebooks and pen.

  “Well luckily you only have to do two classes of it so it won’t be that bad and once you get it down, it will help you in the long run. I suggest you take the next math right away so this semester of everything you learn carries right over to the next one.” I already did the requirements and did fine so there’s no doubt I’ll be able to put things in perspective for Mona.

  “Yeah I don’t want to, but that definitely makes sense.” Her light sarcasm makes me laugh as she continues. “Thanks for helping me with this by the way. I really didn’t want to sit in the library with a tutor when I can be chilling with my girl learning in the comforts of home.” My house has always been her house, so I don’t blame her for not wanting to stay on campus longer than she has to.

  “I totally get it Mona. Let’s get started, what are you working on and where are you having trouble?” I ask as Mona flips to the chapter of her book where her class is currently studying.

  We go over the formulas that are tripping her up and I show her how to break it all down.

  Now that it’s approaching eight pm, Mona has been trying to solve a question with the techniques that I showed her. She successfully has mastered her lessons after a few hours of trying.

  “Well Mona, it looks like you figured it out!” I say with excitement and relief. We’ve been going over it for two hours now. I haven’t even touched my homework yet.

  “Thanks babe I seriously couldn’t do it without you!”

  “Great! Now while you finish up your work, I’m going to start writing my speech for debate class that’s due tomorrow.” I moan as I don’t want to write about a current topic of what’s happening in today’s current society. I watched the news for thirty minutes and it was so depressing that I decided that I would write on something more of the entertainment value than political.


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