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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

Page 15

by Gigi Birtie

  That’s why I’m writing about the Kardashian’s in how impressive it is with that many children in one household, can be that successful. It’s almost unheard of, but if you examine how they support one another it shows that, that is the key to success. When one rise’s they lift each other up with them, now that’s good business right there.

  Once I present this debate in class, there will be many opposing views and this is exactly why I chose the topic to create conflict.

  Love them or hate them you can’t argue that they didn’t do this thing called life right.

  A few more hours pass and my paper is written and I’m ready to present for class tomorrow, but I’m done for the night. I turn to Mona who’s texting on her phone.

  “Who are you texting with?” She looks at me startled as I pull her out of what appears to be a deep conversation.

  “Oh,” She pauses for a moment just staring at me as she thinks of what to say. “Just um, Riv is all.” She stumbles through her response which makes me suspicious.

  “Are you sure about that? Cause Mona you are aware that I know when you’re lying.” I squint my eyes giving her my knowing look of what the fuck.

  “Okay shit, I was texting with Asher.” My jaw drops not that I care that they are friends, but what could they possibly be talking about?


  “He wanted to know how you were doing since you aren’t texting him back in what is two days now.” Mona cocks an eyebrow at me like I should have known why.

  “I’ve been busy and me having unnecessary conversations when I can be getting work done seems more beneficial.” I say with a shrug.

  “Fuck Sloane, that sounds like such an asshole thing to say.”

  I’m taken aback by her words. Am I being an asshole? I was certain I was being wise with my time and Asher’s.

  “I’m not trying to sound like an asshole.” My face goes soft and my eyes suddenly glisten with tears. “I just assumed Asher didn’t need the distraction of idle chit chat, I was trying to do him a favor along with doing one for myself. I signed up for more classes than I should have Mona, so it’s hard for me to want to sit and text.” My eyes go to my hands feeling like the jerk that I am.

  I really didn’t think Asher would care that much. He knows I’ve never been one to sit on my phone. Besides why wouldn’t he just say he wanted to talk instead of just text, “Hey” or “What’s poppin?”

  I swear the learning of maintaining a relationship is exhausting.

  “Well a word to the wise Sloane, if a guy texts you it’s smart to text back.” Mona grins at me making me smile back.

  “I’ll keep that in mind from now on.” I turn back to my paper and Mona kicks me. “Damn now what?” I ask jokingly.

  “Text him so I can stop answering his questions.” She laughs.

  “Alright, alright!” I feel for my phone in my pile of papers and there are four texts waiting for me to respond to.

  Three from Asher and one from my dad. I open the one from my dad first.

  Hey kid, I’ll be home this weekend for the game honoring Reese. I want a chance to talk with you, so make yourself available.

  I stare at my dad’s text for a minute before replying

  Sounds great dad, I’ll see you when you get home.

  “My dad just text saying he wants to talk and that he’ll be at the football game that’s honoring Reese.” I inform Mona and show her the text.

  “Well he better not be a dick like he was at the hospital. The shit he said still pisses me off.”

  I had told Mona one day when we were alone what had happened and she wasn’t too happy... to say the least.

  “You can’t be too mad Mona, people say things when they’re upset that sometimes they just don’t mean. Besides occasionally I ponder about what he said that day and I wonder if he was right. If only I said I wouldn’t do the side show Reese would still be here.” My voice grows quite at the end. It’s true though if only I did say no, I wouldn’t be living this hell that I am now.

  “You can’t think that way Sloane. You didn’t shoot your brother and you sure as hell didn’t know that shit was going to happen.” Mona sounds angry. I take a deep breath and sigh long and slowly, there’s no good talking about this. People don’t see it the way I do so it’s better to shut up now than keep this going.

  Picking up my phone I pop off a quick text to Asher to let him know I’m thinking of him and apologize for not texting more.

  Instantly I get a response.

  I’ll be home tomorrow evening, please be there so I can see you. I miss you.

  My heart melts at his words and I don’t know for the life of me now, why I don’t text him more. I enjoy all of his love directed at me.

  I’ll be there! I’ve missed you!

  Is what I text back with a mess of emojis and a few gifs. I laugh to myself in how funny they are.

  “See talking to your boyfriend makes you smile, which by the way you need to start doing more of.” Mona breaks my concentration and I look at her with my ridiculous grin.

  “Yeah, you may be on to something here Mona.”

  “Damn right I’m onto something. Stick with me and you’ll be smooth sailing from here on out. Now let’s get out of here and go hit up that taco truck up on High street.” Mona gets up and gathers her purse but I remain seated.

  “I’m not sure if I want to go out...” I haven’t really been going to places that Reese and I used to go to and that was where we ate at almost three times a week.

  “Come on you need to get out and besides I just texted Lux and she’s meeting us there in twenty.” Mona has a stern expression and I can tell she is not taking no for an answer.

  I get up from the floor and check out my outfit. I’m wearing black leggings, a white wife beater tank and a cut up sloppy navy sweat shirt that hangs off one shoulder.

  “You’re fine, now slap on some Vans and Let’s go!” Mona barks at me.She must be hungry she never sounds this demanding unless she wants to eat, but I do as she asks and I grab my purse.

  We walk outside and I ask, “What car are we taking?” I don’t notice her lowrider or motorcycle in the drive way.

  “Oh girl, we’re taking my new ride.” Mona points to an all turquoise 1967 Pontiac GTO!

  My mouth drops open and I run over to her car. I see she has the roof top painted with flake and pearl in colors of gold, silver, and electric blue. Which made it all pop with ribbons of a deep orange lace paint design that’s weaved through it in an intricate way, something like you see on most lowriders. It’s absolutely beautiful!

  “No way! Is this yours?!” I ask in complete astonishment.

  “Damn right it’s mine, I just picked it up yesterday and I’ve been dying to show you.” Mona beams as she skips around to the driver side.

  “Oh fuck! Wait did you sell your lowrider for this?” I ask. Mona starts to laugh like I asked the stupidest question ever to be asked

  “Damn girl no! This was my graduation present from my mom and dad. It apparently took longer than they anticipated to be finished but they gave it to me yesterday!” She squeals. “Now get in before I eat your arm I’m starving.” Mona hops in the driver seat as I climb into the passenger side.

  The all new black leather interior smell is my favorite, so I take a deep breath having a chance to appreciate it.

  “Well I’m glad we’re friends cause this car is fucking tits!” I exclaim. “Have you had a chance to test out what she can really do?” I ask hoping that we’ll go for a ride after we eat.

  “A little, but not really. If you’re up for it you, me and Lux can go out to the strip and really open her up?” Mona asks.

  I haven’t been out there since Asher found me crying my eyes out.

  “I don’t know Mona...” I trail off contemplating if I can handle being out there again. I really don’t want to be a Debbie downer or lose it when we get there.

  “Well think about it. We can figure it out as we stuff o
ur faces with burritos.” Mona smiles as we back out of my driveway.

  As we make our way to the taco truck, we can’t go fast due to the city street traffic, this GTO sounds mean as fuck though and that’s what matters. Heads turn towards the car every few feet we move.

  I’m getting that rush I used to get going to the strip to race or acting the fool at side shows. My smile quickly fades, knowing my love for classic cars and motorcycles are what brought this cloud of sadness to my life and those days of loving the excitement are long over.

  I sink down in my seat losing my appetite and get lost in thought, luckily the music is playing loud and Mona hasn’t noticed my somber mood.

  What a great time I am, I roll my eyes to myself sarcastically.

  Just when I try to snap myself out of my dark thoughts, we pull into the parking lot of one of the best taco trucks in Oakland. Of course, everyone has their favorites, but this is where I met Asher so of course this is mine.

  Right when we park a swarm of guys surround Mona’s GTO, all with their tongues wagging.

  Mona and I get out as Lux is exiting some SUV.

  “Sweet you made it.” Mona yells to Lux as she runs over to her for a hug.

  I didn’t realize how close they’ve become. It doesn’t make me bitter, just mad at myself for not being observant or around enough to be close as well.

  “Yeah my Uber driver was mad crazy fast. I’m suspicious that he used to be a New York City cab driver.” Lux and Mona’s laugh gained them a few stares but they go back to looking at the car.

  As I turn back to them Mona and Lux linked arms and are walking to the taco truck leaving me behind.

  “Thanks assholes...” I mutter under my breath and start heading that way myself.

  Lux and Mona chatter the whole time while we ordered. We got our food and while we ate it curbside. They didn’t even notice I was there. Which, whatever, I’m fine with it but it sucks being a third wheel.

  I pull out my phone and open my Uber app to get a ride.

  It says that my wait will be five minutes, which is the perfect timing. I would rather sit quite at home rather than dealing with this bullshit.

  “So, I was thinking we can cruise up to the hills if you all want instead of the strip to get the GTO running as it should? What are you up for Sloane?” Mona asks me just as my Uber pulls up.

  How convenient.

  “Nah I’m good, you girls have a good time.” I get up from sitting on the curb, throw my garbage away in the can nearby, and leave them sitting there with their mouths open while I get into my Uber and go to Asher’s house.

  I wanted to go home, but I longed more to be at Asher’s and grab my favorite sweatshirt of his and pull it over my soon to be naked body.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I was lucky that we got to come home early. We were supposed to be in tomorrow night, but instead I’m walking through my front door. I put my things down at the foot of my stairs as I turn to go into the kitchen for a drink.

  If Sloane was here, I would go straight to bed to join her, but she’s out with Mona and more than likely going to her house after.

  As I pop open my fridge for something to drink, I go grab a bottle of water; I noticed the kitchen window was open and the light on the stove was on. I wonder if Sloane forgot to close the house up before she left last. Walking over I close the window but I leave the stove light on, Sloane always likes a night light.

  I sigh thinking of her and wishing she was here.

  I could go to her house, but it’s eleven at night and she doesn’t stay up late anymore. She’s always in bed by nine pm even if she’s not sleeping. It’s almost as if she’s a little old lady and needs copious amounts of rest. Or maybe that’s what being depressed does to the body.

  Whatever it is I would rather be by her side wrapped all around her any night.

  If only I could get her to move in permanently, I could worry less of where she is and who she is hanging around with.

  There’s no question about it though, I’ll get her here one way or another. I just have to be patience and when the opportunity presents itself, that’s when I’ll strike.

  For now, I’ll make my way upstairs shower and crawl into bed. After a long week of being away, hotel room after hotel room, and endless workouts along with playing other teams I’m certainly beat.

  I make my way into my bathroom strip off all my clothes and climb right in my nice hot shower. The warm water feels incredible.

  Lather, rinse, repeat.

  As I stand here, I can’t help but think of Sloane. Her luscious tits and that firm ass.

  Great, my cock is hard and in my hand.

  Damn that woman makes me want her all the time. It’s almost as if I can smell her right now as I stroke myself to her.

  The water continues to steam down my hard-rigid body as I seek my release.

  “Fuck...” I moan as I come imagining being balls deep in my girl.

  I stand there as I catch my breath and do a final rinse.

  Turning off the water I grab a towel and dry off making my way to my dresser by my bed.

  I stop short as the sight of Sloanes’ bare ass is peeking out from under my sweatshirt that she always seems to like to wear.

  How could I have not seen her?

  I walk over, drop my towel and curl around her naked.

  Sloane wiggles her ass against my already hardening cock. She smells of strawberries and sugar, which invaded my senses.

  I kiss her neck, happy that she’s here in my bed and I’m not having to wait until tomorrow to enjoy her.

  “Mmm, Asher.” She moans lazily.

  “Baby, when did you get here?” I ask in a whisper in her hair as I push my cock harder against her ass seeking my way into her tight sleek pussy.

  “Earlier tonight, I wanted to be in your space, so I can smell you.” She giggles groggily.

  “Damn I missed you.” I say as I spread her cheeks gently for an easier entrance to her pussy.

  My cock teases her with just the tip, Sloane moans in appreciation.

  Fuck this is so much better than my damn hand.

  I start to slide slowly in and out, going deeper each time enjoying her body as my hand glides up to her firm breast. I gently squeeze her flesh as I push my cock forward.

  “Fuck me Asher.” She moans. “Show me how much you missed me.” She pants out as I do what she asks.

  Our breathing becomes more labored as our skin starts to glisten with sweat.

  Suddenly Sloane stops me, moves forward, and turns around losing our connection as she rips my sweatshirt from her body. She’s now completely naked and straddling my body as she aligns herself over my cock. Sloane slowly slides down each hard-throbbing inch until she’s situated.

  My eyes greedily take her in as she tilts her head back and begins to ride me with her tits starting to bounce. All my blood rush further to my head, gritting my teeth as I try to hold on while Sloane reaches the pleasure she wants.

  It’s taking all my strength not to lose all control with her.

  Her pace quickens as she rides me harder, up and down, moaning my name over and over.

  “Oh fuck.” She screams as she slumps forward onto my chest, but I don’t let her stop there. I start to thrust up giving her more waves to ride as I take over. Sloane’s body shakes all around me. She’s coming with a death grip on my dick.

  Not being able to hold on any longer I find my release as well, filling her center with my immense pleasure.

  Our sweaty bodies remain connected as our hearts come back to a steady pace.

  My hands continue to explore her body as she lies on top of me.

  “I assumed you’d still be out with Mona?” I roll Sloane to her side to where we lay face to face.

  “I just...” Sloane pauses searching for the words to say.

  “You what?” I ask trying to help her finish what she hesitantly wants to say.

  Sloane sighs but
continues on, “I wasn’t into the whole going out and racing in Mona’s new GTO... besides it was like I wasn’t even there, the way Lux and Mona carried on, so I grabbed an Uber here.”

  My forehead crinkles at her statement.

  “What do you mean?” It’s not like Mona to leave Sloane out on anything they do.

  “It’s not a big deal and I wasn’t being a brat about the situation, I just wasn’t being brought into their conversation. So, I ate my burrito and decided I’d be better off here by myself,” Sloane pauses. “But this is much better than being alone.” Sloane smiles at me as her hand comes up and plays with my beard.

  I grab her by the wrist and hold it in place, she looks to my eyes questioning my move.

  I want to see it in her face to make sure she indeed is okay. Her eyes are soft and filled with love and I couldn’t ask for more. There’s no cause of alarm with the look she’s giving me now. This expression that she makes has me always wanting to protect her and have her be mine as long as she’ll have me.

  “You’re never alone Sloane, everyone loves you and wants to be here for you. Just because two of your friends are catching up doesn’t mean they didn’t want you there. Try to remember that Lux is hurting too. She lost someone she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life getting to know Reese. Mona lost a brother figure too, she hurts at his loss as well. We all feel the loss of Reese, Sloane.” My tone was gentle, but Sloane is scrambling to get up.

  She seems upset so I sit up watching her as she grabs her panties and roughly yanks them on.

  “Sloane I wasn’t trying to upset you.”

  Slowly she turns to me only wearing her panties as her tits hang free with her hands on her hips.

  “I realize you weren’t trying to hurt me, but one thing you don’t realize he was MY brother. My pain is very different from everyone else’s and at the end of the day the thought of Reese will slip from everyone’s memory while I will live with this pain every day for the rest of my life. There won’t be a day I won’t think of him and there will be days for you all where he won’t even be a thought at all. So even though I may not be alone now, I will be soon.” She turns from me and puts on her T-shirt with no bra on and yanks up her pants.


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