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Side Show Rumble (Lust and Chrome duet Book 2)

Page 19

by Gigi Birtie

  Mona and I situate ourselves and each of us pull out a gun before entering.

  I go first not wanting anything to happen to Mona, just in case this is a trap.

  We’re in the cab and there’s a warm glow of light coming from down low.

  That has to be where he has Sloane.

  I ease myself down the opening and that’s where I see her. Sloane is tied to a pipe in the middle of the room. Taze is sitting in front of her with his head down. Sloanes’ eyes are wide and alert, there is puke down the front of her shirt and blood trickling down the side of her beautiful swollen face. I raise my finger to my mouth to indicate for Sloane to remain quite as I turn and help Mona down to where I stand.

  Mona’s face turns murderous once she sees the situation before us. She takes off before me going right up to Taze taking his head and twists it in a sharp quick motion.

  The sound of his neck breaking fills the silence of the boat.

  Sloanes’ eyes widen in utter shock as do my own, what the fuck just happened?

  Taze never heard Mona coming, he never even had a chance to react. We never got the chance to pump him full of bullets, but it’s over now.

  His lifeless body slumps to the side and hits the floor as I go over to make sure he’s dead. I have to have confirmation that this is finally over.

  There is no pulse, no breathing, and no signs of life. He actually feels cold to the touch. Which makes me cock an eyebrow.

  I turn to Mona who’s trying to untie Sloane, but seems to be having trouble.

  I walk over to Sloane and I run my hand over her wet cheek.

  “Is there anyone else here or on their way?” I ask making sure we’re safe.

  “No, he planned on taking me to some drop off tomorrow so no one knew we were here.” Sloane gets chocked up on the last word and starts to shake and cry.

  “Don’t cry baby, you’re safe now.” I touch her cheek, “Mona what’s going on?”

  “I can’t get her chains loose and it’s locked. We need a key.” Mona informs me.

  “Fuck! Sloane is the key in Tazes’ pocket?” She shakes her head no as tears continue to flow down her cheeks as she silently cries.

  “They’re hanging over there.” Sloane points her chin in the direction of the key that’s hanging on the wall.

  I walk to the keys that’s hang on an old rusty nail and grab it right as the guys come bounding in. One right after the other with guns drawn.

  They take the scene in before them and Riv let out a low whistle.

  “Shit who got to him first?” Roland asks as he walks over checking Tazes’ pulse. I don’t say a word since I’m not sure Mona wants to let them know or not, but she chimes in instantly.

  “I did!” She announces proudly.

  Riv and the other guys just stare at her as I walk over with the key to where Sloane and Mona are. Mona is cleaning Sloane up the best she could with a shop rag that she had in on her back pocket as I unlock my girl.

  She falls into Mona’s arms, but she can barely support her since Sloane is dead weight.

  “I’m sorry my arms and legs have no circulation.” She says and I come over to wrap her up in my arms.

  “I got you babe don’t worry.” I whisper in her ear as I smooth down her hair.

  “We’re not done here guys.” Mona states and springs into action. She walks over to an old barrel that’s off in the corner and asks the guys to put Taze in it. There are holes in the bottom so it should fill quickly and sink straight to the ocean floor. It’s a bit too convenient that it makes me wonder who it was actually meant for. Either way I have my girl back safe and I vow right here and now that I will never let this girl go through anything that will hurt her ever again.

  Chapter Twenty-Six



  As I wander to Ashers’ car, I put in some ear buds to listen to my latest playlist. My Canon camera in hand, ready to take some street graffiti pictures along the way.

  After walking a bit and taking a few pictures of random things that inspire me, I stop and see that there stands, almost three feet away is Taze.

  Almost as if instinct kicks in, knowing I can’t outrun him, I start taking his picture. Today I know, I’ll lose the struggle against Taze, but I’ll be damn if no one knows who I lost too. I hold my finger on the shutter button and continuously keep taking pictures until he snatches me up in his arms.

  I struggle the best I can and yell for help. No one was anywhere near us to come to my rescue. I get out of his grip only for a second to drop my camera before he tackles me and slams my head into the pavement knocking me out.

  I’m not aware how long I was unconscious for, but when I came to, I couldn’t move. I was strapped to some pipe that was bigger than me in the middle of some dark, dank room. My stomach instantly starts to get upset like it did this morning. Or I think it was this morning? I’m still unsure how long I’ve been like this.

  Suddenly my stomach heaves and empty’s its contents all down the front of my body. I made sure to be as disgusting as possible to keep Taze from wanting to touch me. I also pee my pants for good measure.

  “What the fuck?” Taze yells as he comes back in to the room. I watch his every move not saying a word but another wave of nausea over comes me and I throw up again.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Taze shouts.

  He walks over to the corner of the room and I see him pick up a hose. He points it right to me and sprays me with icy cold water.

  “I knew this was going to be nothing but a hassle. How am I supposed to hand you over if you’re as disgusting as you are now?” He yells again. I can tell he’s getting upset, and that he is becoming a loose cannon.

  He strides to me after hosing down most of the mess I made away and smacks me in the face with the spray nozzle of the hose. I scream out as the sensitive flesh above my eye splits and warm blood trickles down the side of my face.

  My eyes prickle with tears but I refuse to shed a single one for this piece of shit. If he thinks he’s worth any emotion other than hatred, he’s mistaken.

  Taze walks over to a broken chair, moves it so its directly in front of me and sits down.

  I watch as he wipes his hands down the front of his jeans and goes to pull out a foil packet almost the size of a cigarette pack. He unfolds it carefully and slowly being sure that he doesn’t spill its contents. He looks at me and then back to the white powder that I can now see.

  “You see this Sloane?” He asks as he gets up and puts it right under my nose, “This is the strongest heroin you can do. I’m supposed to drug you up with this,” He pulls the powder away from my face. “But this is hard to come by and why should you have any fun when I can have it all to myself?”

  A wave of relief washes over me. Tazes’ drug habit seems to have evolved from smoking weed to harder drugs since the last we were together.

  “You want in on a secret Sloane?” He doesn’t wait for my response and continues talking, “That Rodder guy wasn’t the one who shot your brother.” A sinister grin spreads across his face as dread fills my body. The mention of Reese out of Tazes’ mouth makes me want to bash his head against the barrel sitting in the corner.

  “I was there that night. My plan was to find you and take you with me, but that wasn’t an option. Being as frustrated as I was, I started shooting in your direction hoping my aim would get you.” He starts to laugh as he recalls the night, “Imagine to my surprise learning later that I killed Reese. It was almost better watching you suffer these last few months than killing you.” He laughs again. Tears spring from my eyes and I struggle to break free wanting to kill him myself. How could he do this? What the fuck did I do wrong in my life to deserve this?

  He walks back over to the chair he was sitting in and pulls out a one-hundred dollar bill and starts to roll it up. He gives me one last smug look as I continue to cry, he then sticks the bill right in the foil and starts to snort the white powder up his no

  Taze instantly grabs his nose as blood seeps its way down his hand and his eyes begin to bulge and his mouth has a green foam coming from it.

  “Oh shit, I hope you die you lousy shit.” I whisper as I watch him apparently overdosing. Never in all my life have I wished that I could see this happen. If anything can go my way, let it be now. Let this piece of shit die.

  I watch as his hand drops away from his nose and he slumps forward in his chair while making a gurgling sound. His breathing becomes shallow and slowed almost to an unnatural pace.

  All I can do is stare, I can’t look away. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my whole life.

  Suddenly dread fills me as I think about how no one knows we’re here. I start to scream for help but my voice is scratchy and raw. There’s no way anyone can hear my cries for help. I slump in the chains that are holding me up and begin to cry harder. There’s so much I have left to accomplish in my life. I have so many days in my life that I want to spend loving Asher, but it seems that I will die in this rust bucket along with this asshole that’s no longer breathing. I think..?

  A new wave of tears wash over me as dread seems to be tightening my throat up. I hang my head and close my eyes.

  I’m not sure how long I was asleep, but the movement of the boat is what wakes me up.

  I glance to Taze to see he’s still in the same position as when I passed out. Now he appears extremely pale and the blood from his nose has dried.

  Suddenly, there are footsteps up above me as it sounds like someone is walking towards the hatch to enter the bow of the boat. Out of nowhere Asher drops down with Mona right behind him.

  My mouth drops in dismay that they’re here.

  Am I dreaming?

  In the blink of an eye, Mona comes rushing behind Taze, grabs his head, and snaps his neck causing the puke in his mouth to spray the room. Mona’s look of triumph and pride makes me not want to tell her he was already dead.

  Asher checks Taze’s pulse before walking briskly over to me as my eyes widen.

  “Is there anyone else here or on their way?” He asks me.

  “No, he planned on taking me to some drop off tomorrow so no one knew we were here.” My voice trembles as I sputter my response and begin to cry again.

  “Don’t cry baby, you’re safe now.” It’s then that I realize I am. Asher and Mona have saved me. I have a chance to live without having this dread constantly nagging at me, that Taze was still out there, hunting me.

  The two work quickly to untie me with the chain left wrapped around my body that’s holding me to this pipe, I inform them where the key is. Once I’m free of the chains that held me to the pipe I crumble onto Mona, Asher makes a quick move to pick me up since Mona was struggling to support my dead weight.

  My whole body sparkles the same as if your foot has fallen asleep. I can’t move a limb, but I’m wrapped in Ashers’ arms to where I don’t have to. I rest my head to his chest and sigh with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

  I don’t remember much after being in Ashers arms. There’s a commotion of Riv, Dane and Roland joining us and movement of something heavy behind me. I don’t dare turn to see though. I have had my fill of fucked up to last me a lifetime.

  “Dane, I need you to go to the top of the hatch so I can hand you Sloane so we can get out of here.” Asher says to Dane.

  “Alright.” He breezes by us so he can hop up through the hatch.

  “Don’t worry baby, I’m just going to hand you up to Dane and I’ll take you from there.” I nod and let them move me so we can leave this hell hole. The sensation of my body being hoisted up to Dane was awkward at best, he wraps his arms around me and kisses my temple and I couldn’t be more grateful for his caring response.

  “I’m so sorry Sloane. I never in all my life wanted this to happen to you. I want you to know if you ever need a friend, I’m around for you and I promise to be better in our friendship than I ever was as a boyfriend.” Sadness was heavy in his words making me believe he meant what he said.

  “Thank you Dane, I’d like that.” I say weakly, but mean every word.

  “Here. I’ve got her," Asher says as I’m now back in his arms. “Dane, they need help with the barrel I’m going to take Sloane to my house. All of you come there once you’re done and if there are any problems, call me and I’ll come racing back.”

  “Alright man I’ll see you in a few.” We start moving and the clean crisp air hits my skin. The cool bay breeze causes my wet clothes to send a chill through my body.

  “Baby, I need to prop you up on the edge of the boat so I can drop down. It’s not far, but I can’t do it while holding you. You’ll just need to lean forward when I say.” I bob my head up and down to say my okay. “Can you do that? Are you gaining any feeling in your body yet?”

  “I’m starting to regain circulation.” I rasp. Asher props me on the edge of the boat and does exactly what he said he was going to do.

  “Alright baby just lean forward and I’ll catch you.” Instantly my stomach drops as I fall forward and land into Ashers’ waiting arms.

  “I’ve got you.” He says as I’m re-adjusted in Ashers’ arms and he walks us over to what I see is his van. The door opens and Asher is placing me on the bed in the back as he covers me up with some blankets.

  “I just need you to relax and I’ll have us home so I can bathe you and get you cleaned up, unless you need me to take you to the hospital. I can get you checked out.”

  “No, I’m fine.” All I want is to clean up and lay in bed with Asher wrapped all around me.

  It didn’t take us long to get to Asher’s house. He had carried me into his house and drew me a warm bath. He gently starts to remove my soiled clothes and discards them to the trash can in the corner of the room. I was lowered in the steaming water that goes up to my neck.

  The warm water is slowly bringing back my normal fluidity through my body. Right now, I never realized how much I appreciated a bath until I really needed one.

  Asher stepped away leaving me to wash up when the sound of everyone comes into the house. I can’t hear what everyone is saying but there’s no doubt they’re all staying the night here. There’s no doubt that everyone is a bit traumatized from this whole experience and being alone right now might not be what they want either.

  It’s not long before Asher rejoins me stripping his clothes off and he settles right behind me in his massive tub.

  He grabs a wash cloth and begins to run it across my body making sure I’m clean.

  “There was something Taze said before he overdosed.” I say cautiously.

  “Yeah?” His tone is guarded, but I continue on because I can’t keep this to myself.

  “He said he was the one who shot Reese, not that Rodder guy.” I choke out. Ashers’ body tenses behind me as his hands run down each side of my arms before they tighten me into a loving embrace.

  “That prick deserved a more torturous death. Are you okay?” He asks me while still holding me to him.

  I take in a cleansing breath.

  “Sadly, I don’t ever think I’ll be the same again, but I’ll work past this mess. I have to, I refuse to let that horrible excuse of a human win,” I cry. “Thanks for not giving up on me by the way and coming to my rescue.”

  “Baby, there isn’t a day I wouldn’t stop making sure you are safe. If you need help to process all this, I’m here for you.” He sighs and kisses my bare shoulder. “You have no idea how happy I am that you’re home and safe.”

  “It feels good to be home.” I respond as I wipe my tears away snuggling myself between Asher legs.

  “I don’t want you to leave, I want my home to be your home too.” There is no surprise when Asher says this to me. I’ve been aware of him wanting me to move in for some time now. With his subtle hints since Reese died, I knew one day he would ask. I always told myself when he does, I would say no, but there is no reason for me to live in the house my dad just bought me by myself.

/>   Having been stuck with Taze and not knowing what my fate would have been I realized that I want to live my life day to day with the ones I love. So my answer was easy to give.

  “Okay.” I said simply with a squeeze of his knee.

  “Did you say yes?” He sounds surprised.

  “Yes, I’m saying yes. I’ll live with you.” I smile softly as Asher leans forward and kisses my neck and whispers,

  “I’m glad you said yes, because I was prepared to move in with you.” He quietly laughs.

  “Why on earth would you want to do that when you have the better garage?” I reply.

  “That’s true,” He kisses my neck again. “Now let’s get out of this tub and go to bed you need some rest.” His voice was suddenly serious.

  Since I’m ready to go to sleep I rise up out of the warm water as Asher stands with me. He wraps me up in a towel and swoops me up in his arms and takes me to his closest.

  He pulls a T-shirt out and puts it on me. Then pulls on a pair of boxers for himself. I turn from him and walk gingerly to the bed and crawl in the middle. Asher slides in facing me and wraps his arms around my body.

  “I love you Asher, more than you know.”

  “I love you more.” He says into my wet hair.

  I fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes, resting easy knowing this whole nightmare is over and the healing from the ordeal can begin.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  A week has gone by and with bringing all my things into Asher’s house, I find that I’m still getting sick on and off. I sit now in the campus clinic with Mona, as I wait for the physician to come back and tell me it’s stress or some kind of stomach bug that’s making me ill.

  “I bet anything it’s stress. With all that’s taken place this last month, what else would it be?” Mona says with conviction.

  In the back of my head, there is a voice saying she might be wrong. I wasn’t too stressed the morning of my kidnapping. I hope it’s not the other possibility...


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