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Page 6

by KJ Dahlen

  Boone snorted and Cobra chuckled under his breath.

  Boone smiled and said. “Number one, some men hate to be ignored and I have a feeling your Tank is one of those men.”

  “That bastard is not my anything, except maybe a bug up my ass I’d like removed as soon as possible.”

  “Number two,” Boone ignored her interruption even though a smile popped through, “I don’t think he’d let us run him off, a bad penny like him will just come back.” He shook his head. “And number three, we can’t just shoot him. The cops frown on that sort of thing, unless he shoots first.”

  “Well damn, you’re a downer aren’t you?” She scowled.

  “Just keeping it real sweetheart, just keeping it real,” Boone assured her as Winona handed him a cup of coffee and stole a kiss.

  Dani crossed her arms, turned her back to all of them and stared out the window at the man sitting on his bike on the other side of the gate. “But the world would be a hell of a better place without him in it,” she spoke the words softly and to no one in particular.

  Thor walked up and stood next to Cobra, he wasn’t the only one to hear her softly spoken words.

  Gunner walked over to where Rigger was sitting and spoke to him for a moment then he returned to where Cobra and Thor were standing. “I told Rigger to turn on all the cameras and keep track of our boundaries. I don’t really trust Hellspawn to just ride away. Not after he waited seventeen years for the stones.”

  “You think he went back for the rest of his boys?” Boone wanted to know.

  Gunner nodded. “That’s exactly what I think he’s doing, but I bet he is calling them rather than riding back. I could be wrong, as maybe there’s something back home he needs to collect before he gets his hands on the stones but he knows if he goes back, he’ll have to face his men and he might not want to do that.”

  Cobra stared at him and then at everyone else. “Then we better get ready huh? If or when he comes back, he’ll come at us from every direction all at once. That’s what I would do if I wanted to overpower someone.” He glared at Dani for a moment before he told her, “And you are his number one target. No matter what... he’ll come for you.”

  Dani whipped her head around and looked horrified. “Those fucking stones aren’t worth another life. They’ve already taken too many lives.” Then she looked down at the floor. “And I know. I’m as good as dead any way you slice it. His men will think I knew what Bonecrusher took from them, from day one. We didn’t know I swear, but they will never believe it.”

  Gunner shook his head. “Honey, you can’t stop it from happening. Hellspawn and his boys aren’t going to let that happen. They don’t give a damn about the blood those stones carry. Their greed is too powerful for them to just let it go.”

  Dani looked at the faces of the men standing there with her. Thor, Boone, Cobra and Gunner. Then she looked beyond them to the faces of the rest of the men. She couldn’t let anything happen here. No more bloodshed could happen over those stones. She might not know these men or what they were all about but she knew one thing, Hellspawn and his men wouldn’t hesitate to kill them all to get their hands on the jewels. There was only one way to stop this type of madness. She couldn’t let Hellspawn come here and ruin them.

  She looked over at Thor and wondered what it would be like to really know him. When she got on the back of his bike and being that close to him sparked something deep inside her. She trusted her life to him on a whim and the moment she wrapped her arms around him and they took off, she felt she was right where she needed to be.

  But one thing her mother taught her was not to settle for just any kind of man, but rather to fight for what she knew she wanted in a man. She would take the stones and drive off a bridge with them. Now she just had to figure out how to get away with the stones and do it, so Hellspawn knew she had them and they wouldn’t look here at the Savaged Souls anymore.

  Thor came over to where she was standing and cupped her chin bringing her face up. He looked into her eyes it was as if he could read her thoughts. “Oh hell, no sweetheart.”

  “What?” she whispered.

  “What you’re thinking doesn’t work for me.” He glared as he shook his head.

  “You a mind reader now?” she gritted her teeth.

  “I don’t need to be a mind reader to know what you’re thinking of doing and that just ain’t happening.” He made it clear.

  She tore herself away from his hold. “But don’t you see? If the stones are gone, he won’t hurt anyone else to get his hands on them!”

  Gunner laughed out loud. “Honey, his MC knows about them now, he can’t hide his reasons for keeping them secret anymore. They know and they’re pissed off that he was going to disappear with them while leaving the rest of them high and dry. He’s going to have a riot on his hands when the others find out he played them the whole time.”

  “But don’t you see? Even if they throw him out of the club, they will still come for the stones. I don’t want anyone to have those stones, or to die for them either!” She cried out. “Hellspawn might not have a club anymore but he’ll still come back and demand to get them back. He’s got nothing left to lose now.”

  “Dani...” Cobra shook his head. “My guess is he’ll catch a bullet in the back before he can even get out the door and to his bike to come back here. Some clubs don’t react well to betrayal. Some might consider it treason and treason is punishable by death.”

  She nodded. “And you’re saying those men would be one of those clubs.”

  “Being a president is tough sometimes,” Gunner told her. “It isn’t just the power you hold, you’re expected to be their leader, to put the club first and foremost, whatever you do has to be good for the club, you have to protect each and every member under your watch because you are the one they look to. The men follow orders you give them because they believe in you and when you break their trust, there’s no getting that back.”

  Cobra took up the explanation, “His men just found out Hellspawn broke their trust and he did so years ago. For money, he wasn’t going to share with them. Don’t feel too sorry for the man.”

  Dani snorted. “I don't feel sorry for him at all. He deserves whatever his men decide to do to him. Somebody should have put a bullet in his head years ago. The real trick will be who comes next. Expo wouldn’t be too bad of a leader. I think he could rein in the rest of them.” She shrugged. “He’s as honest a man as he wants to be I guess. But if Digger uses this opportunity to take his uncle's place, his men will just shoot everyone and when the smoke clears... a new Satan’s Fury will be born and become a shit storm no one wants or needs. Digger thinks he can control the men he is choosing, but he can’t. They won’t be shut out by fences, they’ll just break them down. They will grow in size because they will be lawless and no one will be able to stand up to them without getting shot.” Shaking her head, she warned them, “Digger is a dead man walking, he just doesn’t know it yet.”

  “How do you know all this?” Thor wanted to know.

  “I can read people. And they have been dragging me to the club this past couple of months now. I hear a lot. I’ve seen Digger with a few of these men at different times and they are holding back at the moment, waiting for him to make the first move, but their eyes tell a very different story. They’ll bide their time for now, but as soon as Digger is in a position of power, they’ll take it away from him. If they hear about the stones, they won’t wait even that long.”

  “Well, if and when they come back, we’ll know about it,” Gunner told her. “The men are on alert and know what they need to do to protect their home.”

  “You all consider this place your home?” she asked with a whisper.

  “We all live here, we work here and our families live here as well,” Gunner explained. “We run a bounty hunting company and we know how to hunt down the worst type of criminals, so yeah we consider this our home.”

  Dani was surprised. She’d never known a club like
this one. All she ever knew was the Fury and they weren’t exactly the best sort to be forming an opinion of what was a good MC.

  “We also know a few tricks we use to protect what’s ours,” Boone told her. “We’ll know when they come back and if they come here to attack us, they won’t find it so easy to do.”

  Dani looked over at Thor and found him looking back and something in his eyes gave her a shiver. So caught up in his look she took a small step toward him, staring at his lips. She didn’t realize what she was doing and for a moment... she forgot herself.

  Taking a deep breath, she lowered her head. There was a growing hunger in her belly to explore him but she knew she couldn’t. She wanted to feel the touch of his lips on hers so bad, she forgot there were other men in the room. She remembered the feel of his body against hers from the ride here. The look in his eyes promised her something and she wanted to find out soon, but she knew it couldn’t happen.

  Thor caught the look in her eyes and he could read what was there too. She had the same look in her eyes as he did. He glanced over at Cobra and saw the other man give a slight nod.

  Gunner and Boone had wandered away to get things set up for later when the Fury came back.

  Thor knew he didn’t have a lot of time but he would use what time he did have to his advantage. He needed to have a talk with this girl and get some things straight.

  Stepping up to her, he grabbed her hand, then turned to go down the hall, dragging her behind him. When she didn’t protest he knew she was on the same page. When he got to his bedroom, he opened the door and pulled her in behind him. Shutting the door he didn’t even give her time to think before his mouth crushed down on hers.

  Dani felt his lips cover hers and she gasped. He took advantage of that and pushed his tongue into the recess of her mouth. Her arms went around his neck, as he wrapped his arms around her ass and picked her up, pushing her against the door.

  He deepened the kiss and soon they were both out of breath. When the kiss broke, they were mindless with passion.

  Suddenly, Dani’s fingers wrapped themselves in his hair and she pulled back as hard as she could.

  His eyes widened with pain as her fingers pulled and twisted his hair as he growled. “What the hell?”

  “I will not become your punching bag.” She snarled. “I will not become your slave. If I’m with you, it's because I want to be with you but if you mess up, I’ll walk away. I need you to understand that.”

  “Let go of my hair woman.” He growled. “I’m not like your dad or any of the Fury you’ve met. I’m never going to hurt you like that. I may get rough with you but I will never hurt you. I’m looking for a woman to love, not a slave and you won’t walk away from me because I mistreated you that is just not going to happen. Once I take you, you’ll belong to me and I will never take that for granted.”

  She let go of his hair. “Do you promise?”

  “I swear on my honor,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Then show me the kind of man you really are,” she whispered then licked his ear.

  Thor groaned and felt a shiver down his spine. He turned to carry her over to his bed and tossed her down on the mattress. Following her down, he ground his hard cock onto her warm, damp core. He could feel her heat through her jeans and his mouth watered. “I hope you’re ready for a real man, Dani Girl.”

  “How did you know?” She smiled up at him. “That is just what I wanted.”

  Chapter Eight

  Thor groaned and ground his cock in her core. Even through their jeans, he could feel her heat. He grabbed her tank top, pulling it up and over her head, he gazed at her chest. Her breasts were over spilling her plain white cotton bra and he licked his lips as he wondered what her skin would taste like.

  He leaned down and licked the edge of her nipple. Her scent reminded him of wildflowers and her flesh was like sweet cream to his tongue. He groaned and pulled down the cups so her breasts were fully exposed to him. He moaned as he suckled her nipple into his mouth. Her skin was smooth and supple and she tasted like ambrosia. Thor couldn’t get enough of her. He switched to her other breast and his hands dropped down to her waist. He unsnapped her jeans button then his hand disappeared under the band of her underwear. As he delved further to her folds, he could feel how wet she was. He groaned as his fingers pushed deep inside her. Her arousal was driving him crazy, so crazy he wanted to taste her but he knew that he would have to wait because right now he wanted to be inside her but soon he would be tasting her deliciousness.

  Dani couldn’t breathe and her mind was whirling. Her blood rushed through her body and she gasped, “More, oh Thor please, I need more....”

  Thor stepped back, tore her jeans down her legs and separated from her long enough to rip his own clothing off his body. Then they were skin to skin and Dani moaned as she rubbed her body against him.

  Then his cock was right where he wanted it to be but he wasn’t inside her yet, instead he was rubbing her folds with his cock. Her cream was coating him and the scent of her aroma was driving him crazy. He couldn't wait anymore as he drove deep into her. While she wasn’t a virgin she was tight, very tight, but as wet as she was, he had no problem sliding inside her.

  He paused so she could adjust to his size but she wanted him to move. With how tight as she was and as big, as he was Thor knew he had to move slowly. The only problem was Dani didn’t want slow. She ground her hips into him wrapping her legs around his buttocks, she squeezed him to move he groaned then began the dance rhythm that men and women have danced since the beginning of time.

  Each stroke went deeper and was harder than the one before and soon Dani forgot to even breathe, she was mindless with a passion she never felt before. She never even dreamed this kind of passion existed. Wrapping her legs up around his waist, she lifted her hips allowing him to go that much deeper and soon he was bottoming out inside her.

  Her fingernails dug deep into his shoulders as she went higher and higher and then, she was crying out his name as she flew over the edge into the abyss. One, two, three more strokes and Thor followed her over the edge; he roared her name as he emptied himself inside her.

  A bead of sweat slipped off his forehead and splashed on her chest and Dani giggled. Then she laughed out loud and flipped him over on his back. She moved over the top of him and without dislodging him from her, she looked down at his face. His hair was messy and his beard was all over the place but he looked beautiful to her.

  “So that’s what passion feels like huh?” she whispered. “I could get used to this.”

  Thor smiled. “Me too honey, me too.” He grabbed the back of her neck to pull her mouth down and ravished hers. When he broke the kiss, they were both breathless and she laid her head on his chest. Her hand was tracing the tats on his chest and arms while almost petting the swatch of hair on his chest. When she brushed against his nipples, Thor hissed. After a moment she said, “I suppose we have to go back huh?”

  “We should join the others, yeah. We need to keep track of what’s going on outside. But I’d sure rather stay right here.”

  “Me too, but I guess this is partly my fault, so I have to see this through.” She sighed hard.

  Thor cupped each side of her face and looking into her eyes he told her, “This is not your fault. It’s not my fault either. If any are to blame for this, it is my dad’s fault and Hellspawn’s fault. Hellspawn sold out his club and my dad stole his prize.”

  “And now you and I are left holding the bag for their fuck ups.” She shook her head. Turning her face, she kissed his palm. She rubbed her cheek against his hand and whispered, “I wished to Christ I never had those stones.”

  “You told us your dad was a biker, was he one of Hellspawn’s men?” Thor wanted to know.

  She shook her head. “No he wasn’t one of the Fury. I think he was one of yours, actually.”

  Thor froze. “One of ours? What does that mean?”

  “I think he was a Soldier of Hades.” She s
hrugged. “I don’t remember him all that well as I think I was like maybe two when my mom left him. She wasn’t one to talk too much about the past but she had a tattoo on her wrist that said Soldiers on it. The tat itself wasn’t all that big but I know it said Soldiers and it had the word Hondo on it. I guess I assumed it was your MC from that. It could have been a different club altogether though I suppose.”

  “Holy shit. Cobra needs to know about this.” He growled.

  “Why?” she asked. “It was over twenty some years ago.”

  “Doesn’t matter if you were born into the club,” Thor insisted. “You belong to us.”

  Dani shook her head. “No I don’t. Remember my mom walked away and my dad turned his back on both of us. Plus, I don’t think they were ever married, so I have no legal claim to anything. I’m not even sure he’s listed on my birth certificate.” She shrugged again. “I’m not sure I would know his name, like I said, when she walked away she didn’t ever talk about him.”

  He cupped her chin and raised her head to his. “Doesn’t matter. If he was one of us, you are one of us and I’m going to claim you.”

  “Whoa there big guy, this is going way too fast for me.” She put her hands down on his chest and pushed away. “Let’s get through this mess first then we’ll talk about claiming or not.”

  He stared at her face for a long moment then said, “Ok, let's get dressed. We have to talk to Cobra about this.”

  Wordlessly, they both got up and got dressed. Thor grabbed her by the hand and together, they went back out to the main room. Cobra was sitting at a table with Ivy Blue and Thor walked Dani over there. He looked at his president and asked, “Can we join you?”

  Cobra took note of the look in the other man’s eyes and nodded. Then he looked at Dani. He waited until they were both seated before he asked, “What is this all about? And why does she look pissed?”

  “Do you remember her telling us about her old man?” Thor asked.


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