Book Read Free

Everything Girl

Page 15

by Emily Mayer

  "It smells so good in here. What do you recommend?" I said, looking over the menu.

  "Joan's is famous for its burgers. Well, famous around here."

  I hmmed, pretty much already settled on the grilled cheese sandwich. I almost never passed up a grilled cheese sandwich when it wasn't listed on the kid's menu.

  Two glasses of water clinked on the table, and I looked up. A pretty redhead wearing a tight white shirt and an equally tight black skirt was smiling at Jack. A red apron tied loosely around her waist was embroidered with Joan's.

  "Hey, Jack. We missed you last night," she pouted in a sugary voice that had just the slightest twang to it.

  My eyes pivoted from her face to Jack's, trying to catch his reaction.

  "How's it going, Shelly?' Jack asked, shooting her a familiar grin that instantly made me not like Shelly at all.

  I darted my eyes back to Shelly, since I was apparently just a spectator at this point. I was surprised she’d even brought me a glass of water.

  "I’d be a lot better if I didn't have to dance with Sam Evans last night. You know he’s all left feet. You really left us girls hanging." She made a little pouty face.

  Jack chuckled, clearly more amused by that little display than I was.

  "I said I might be there. Shelly, this is Evelyn. Evelyn, this is Shelly. Shelly is Joan's niece."

  Shelly turned to look at me, wearing a forced smile. "Well hi, Evelyn, it's nice to meet you."

  I didn’t actually believe Shelly was happy to meet me at all, but I returned her smile and offered a “Nice to meet you” in reply.

  "I don't think I’ve seen you around here before." Shelly's voiced oozed with fake friendliness. I knew she really wanted to ask who I was to Jack and what I was doing with him.

  "I’m here with Ben. I mean I work for him at Sterling. I’m his new executive assistant." I stumbled my way through the explanation in spectacular fashion. I really needed to work on my introduction skills.

  "Really?" Shelly said, sounding doubtful and blatantly giving me a once-over. "You're certainly a change. Is Ben going to be joining you?"

  Shelly had obviously decided I was no threat to her claim on Jack, whatever that was. A gross feeling settled into my stomach as I watched Shelly turn back to Jack, dismissing me. Was this who Jack had spent the night with? It seemed like they knew each other pretty well, and she was not happy he was here with another woman. I swallowed down the lump forming in my throat—stupid, stupid jealousy I had no right to feel.

  "No, it's just us today. Evie needed to get a better pair of boots to wear around the ranch."

  God, why did hearing him call me Evie in front of her make my heart flop around inside my chest? My heart had no loyalty. No loyalty at all.

  "Around the ranch? Goodness, it sounds like you’re settling in to stay a bit."

  I shrugged a shoulder casually, not willing to offer any explanation that might ease her worry.

  "Cole and Gabe have been giving her riding lessons. She needs something besides tennis shoes,” Jack said on my behalf. He shot me a smile that did not go unnoticed.

  "I’m surprised one of Ben's girls would be interested in learning to ride. Wonders never cease." Shelly's smile was turning straight Mean Girls and I bristled at the accusation lacing her words. Did she not have other tables?

  Jack cleared his throat, finally seeming to sense the tension brewing at the table. Shelly and I tore our gazes away from each other and I looked at the man sitting across from me, who I thought looked a little smug.

  "We should probably order. I don't want to be unloading the truck in the dark,” Jack said, that easy grin sliding across his face.

  "Of course. I know how dark it gets out your way." She really couldn’t resist getting one last jab in. "Do you want your usual?"

  Well, I guess she had one more in her.

  "Yep. Thanks, Shelly." Jack handed her his menu.

  "And what about you, Evelyn? We don't have those fancy salads I’m sure you’re used to, but I’d be happy to suggest something."

  Lord, give me strength.

  "Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll go with the grilled cheese,” I said, just barely managing to not throw the menu at her.

  I watched Shelly saunter off with what I imagined was a little extra sway of her hips. I barely contained my eyeroll.

  "Grilled cheese?" Jack's question snapped my attention from Shelly's retreating backside.

  "Grilled cheese is my favorite. You almost never find it off the kids’ menu so I couldn't pass it up. It's a totally underrated sandwich. I don't think it gets the respect it deserves from the culinary world, you know?"

  Jack chuckled, making those brown eyes crinkle at the corner. "Sure, I can respect a good grilled cheese. I guess I just think of it as a sick food."

  "A sick food?" I asked.

  "Yeah, my mom always used to make it for us with tomato soup when we were sick. It's still my go-to whenever I feel rough."

  I smiled at the image of Jack eating tomato soup and grilled cheese.

  "I bet your mom makes awesome grilled cheese. Mine was a grilled cheese purist. White bread and a slice of American cheese. It's still the ultimate comfort food."

  Quiet settled over the table, and I looked away from Jack and watched the condensation slide down my glass. It was a comfortable silence, but everything felt like too much all of a sudden and I didn't understand any of it. Sitting here talking to Jack like we were friends when I didn’t have a clue if he even liked me as a human being suddenly felt stifling. My sisters' words came back to me. I took a deep breath, determined to get out of my own way and just enjoy this moment.

  Thankfully, Jack excused himself to use the restroom, giving me a second to regroup. I watched him walk toward the door with the same ease he did everything. When he disappeared around the corner, I reached into my bag to retrieve my cellphone. I smiled, feeling the happiness I always associated with my sisters when I saw I had a bunch of texts from them waiting for me.

  Elise: So… how's it going? Did you find a pair of boots?

  Corinne: Or did you knock boots ;o)

  Elise: Hahaha! I see what you did there…

  Corinne: Did you like that? I’m pretty proud of myself for that one.

  Elise: You should be. Maybe the quiet is a good sign? It's hard to respond to a text if your hands are busy.

  Corinne: Yes! Is it too much to hope for pictures? God, I need to have this kid soon. Even I think I’m a total creep.

  Elise: I think the word you were looking for there was pervert but yes.

  I laughed quietly to myself, reading their messages and debating how to respond. I pulled up the pictures on my phone and scrolled through the ones Jack had taken earlier. I could feel my heart fluttering wildly in my chest as I looked at them. I’d been there when they were taken, but I felt like I was looking at someone else's photos. Jack was smiling that dazzling smile that made me dizzy, and his eyes had a shine that looked a lot like happiness. I was tucked into his side with an equally wide smile that was totally out of sync with how I’d felt when the picture was taken. I didn’t look shocked or confused; I looked like it was an everyday occurrence to be standing so close to Jack with his arm wrapped around me.

  I took a startled breath when I got to the first couple of pictures he had taken before I was ready. Jack was grinning into the camera and I was smiling up at him. It looked like a couple's picture. We looked like a happy couple taking a picture together. The next few were worse—so much worse. I was laughing up at him with a look that couldn't be mistaken for anything other than adoration, and he was looking down at me with humor etched across every feature of his face. My thumb swept across the screen before I made my decision.

  Me: So this happened…

  I attached the picture of my feet wearing my new boots.

  Elise responded almost immediately.

  Elise: Those are gorgeous! Corinne would be proud. You are so legit now!

  Me: S
o legit. Also this happened…

  And I attached one of the pictures of Jack and me smiling at the camera.

  Elise: Whaaaaattt?!!

  Me: And also this…

  I attached one of the shots that could have been a couple's picture posted all over social media to make everyone jealous.

  Elise: HOLY SHIT!

  Corinne: How did this happen? I feel like I missed something again. Did I miss something? Why does this look like a cheesy couple's picture I would judge on Facebook?

  Me: I don't know what’s going on! I think I just had an out-of-body experience or was possessed. Yep, possessed. I was possessed by the not-awkward-or-shy Evelyn who asks gorgeous men who might actually hate her to take a selfie together. I never take selfies! I hate them! And he took the pictures.

  Elise: Yeah, unless he’s a crazy good actor, I think it’s safe to say he does NOT hate you.

  Corinne: He is gazing at you, Evie. And what a gaze it is. The man is beyond gorgeous.

  Elise: I honestly might crop you out of those.

  Corinne: No judgment.

  Me: I feel like these pictures don't accurately reflect what’s happening in real life. Does that make sense?

  Corinne: Why? Is he still being a grumpy ass?

  Elise: I would probably still forgive him if he looked at me like that, but I don't understand why you look so happy if he’s still being an ass.

  Me: No, that's the thing! I’m not happy. I mean I was happy, but I was too surprised to feel anything else. Like my brain wasn't even able to process what was happening when he suddenly wrapped his arm around me and started snapping away. He's not being an ass at all, which is just adding to the confusion pile.

  Elise: I hate to say it, but do you think maybe when your brain stopped overanalyzing every little thing you were able to just let yourself enjoy the moment? Let your real feelings shine through?

  Corinne: I love you, Evie, but I think Elise may have a point. You do tend to get in your own way.

  "Everything okay?"

  My head snapped up from my phone as Jack slid back into the booth, a concerned expression on his face. I slipped my phone into my bag and gave him a reassuring smile.

  "Yeah, just catching up with my sisters."

  Shelly appeared with our food before Jack could ask a follow-up question. I suspected this might be the only time I would ever be grateful for her presence.

  "One heart attack on a plate, or your usual," she said, placing a plate with a huge burger in front of Jack before placing my plate in front of me. "And one grilled cheese. Do you need anything else?"

  I shook my head, and Jack offered a ‘no.’ Shelly promised to be back to check on us, leaving us alone with our food. I picked at a fry, suddenly self-conscious about the amount of carbs piled on my plate.

  "You're pretty close to your sisters?"

  I watched as Jack took a bite of his cheeseburger. I was momentarily distracted watching his jaw chew and the bob of his throat as he swallowed. This could be a very, very long lunch. I cleared my throat.

  "We are really close. Annoyingly close sometimes." I tilted my head to the side, slightly studying his face. "How about you and Ben? I didn't really get the impression you two are very close."

  "Why do you say that?" Jack asked, sounding more curious than offended.

  I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I never heard him talk about you. And you just seem so… different, I guess?"

  "We're actually not that different. We both needed to chase that rush. We just chose different ways to do it."

  "Needed? Past tense?" I hoped I wasn't poking a wound that could still be raw, but Jack didn't seem upset by the question.

  "Past tense, at least for me. And we both got all that Danvers charm."

  I rolled my eyes playfully before adding, "Sure, and all that Danvers humility. So humble."

  Jack laughed. "Yeah, I don't think anyone has ever accused either of us of being humble."

  There were so many questions I wanted to ask him, but I decided to quit while I was ahead. Finally turning my attention to my food, I took a bite of the greasy, cheesy sandwich that smelled the way I imagined heaven would. I groaned, closing my eyes as the buttery goodness hit my tongue. Cheese, real butter, and carbs are truly the ingredients to happiness. I opened my eyes to find Jack watching me, a muscle twitching in his clenched jaw.

  "Are you okay?" I asked.

  He gave his head a tight nod. "Fine."


  I took another bite of my sandwich, the butter melting away whatever carb-related nerves I’d had earlier. I hummed, savoring the flavors. Jack paused with his hamburger halfway to his mouth.

  "Are you going to eat that entire sandwich like that?" Jack asked, his voice almost hoarse.

  I studied his face, trying to discern the emotion in his voice.

  "Like what?"

  He let out a low groan in response, before shaking his head and taking a large bite of his burger.

  "What? It's so good. Nobody uses real butter anymore, and this is definitely real butter."

  "You're killing me, Evelyn. Just eat the sandwich so we can get out of here, please."


  We finished the rest of the meal in silence, interrupted only by a very persistent Shelly, who was ridiculously attentive to two people just eating sandwiches. Jack insisted on paying for my meal to celebrate my first pair of boots. As we wandered out of the store, Jack directed our steps toward the promised land—a.k.a. the latte-serving bakery.

  "Ugh, I don't know if I have room for dessert. I think that milkshake was a bad idea." I screwed up my face, regretting the sheer amount of food taking up valuable pastry room in my stomach.

  "Do you want to skip the latte then?"

  "Uh, that's just crazy talk."

  "You just said you had no room!" Jack fired back, a laugh softening his accusation.

  "There's always room for a warm, caffeinated beverage. It's a scientific fact." I nodded my head for extra emphasis.

  "I must have missed that day in biology class,” Jack responded, his voice laced with good-natured sarcasm.

  I shrugged casually. "Probably. But hey, at least you can say you learned something today." I nudged him with my shoulder, trying to keep a serious expression on my face.

  He returned my nudge with one of his own. "Oh, I would say I learned a lot today."

  I lost the battle against smiling. We came to a stop in front of a cute blue storefront with a neon pink sign announcing Sweetheart's Bakery hanging in the window. My mouth started watering just reading the sign. Jack opened the door, motioning for me to step inside.

  I walked past Jack, smiling up at him as I passed, my shoulder accidentally brushing against his chest as I went. I stopped just inside to inhale the familiar smell of espresso and baked goods. God, I missed that smell. If a smell could be a happy place, that combination would be mine.

  "Hello!" A blond head popped up from behind the counter. "Oh, hey, Jack!"

  "Hey, Tessa." I felt Jack's hand land on the small of my back, gently propelling me forward with him. I almost stumbled over my feet in surprise at the contact. "How's it going?"

  Tessa's eyes darted quickly between Jack and me before she responded, "Good—just making a mess back here as usual."

  "I can see that. You've got a little flour here," Jack said, pointing to a spot on his cheek at about the same place where a large streak of flour was smeared on Tessa's face.

  "Oh great." Her hand shot up to scrub at the spot, and I immediately took note of the two rings on her finger. A sigh of relief escaped against my will. "I was trying a new cupcake recipe this afternoon and things got a little out of hand."

  I couldn't help but laugh at the look of frustration that crossed her face.

  "Who did you bring with you?" Tessa asked, eyes moving to me while still rubbing at the spot on her cheek.

  "Hi, I'm Evelyn." I gave a small wave. "I'm staying at Pinehaven."

  "She came
from Chicago with Ben, for work,” Jack clarified. "She’s going through latte withdrawal."

  I nodded my head in agreement. "It's true. It's the only thing I really miss about Chicago."

  I felt Jack turn his stare toward me.

  "I can totally relate! I grew up here, but I went to school in Boston. I got hooked on designer beverages while I was working at a coffee shop there. Pine Hollow was a coffee wasteland before I moved back. I mean, not to brag or anything, but the only place to get a decent cup of coffee before I took over this place was Joan's."

  "Then I’m really glad you’re here, because I’m desperate for a latte." I know my voice conveyed the amount of excitement I was feeling about how close I was to steamed milk in a cup.

  "Do you want anything else? Jack?" Tessa asked.

  "I'll have a black coffee to go and a pecan roll."

  My head swiveled around in Jack's direction. "A pecan roll? You're getting a pecan roll?"

  Jack shot me a questioning look while his hand snaked around to the back pocket of his jeans. He turned his attention to his wallet.

  "What? You said you didn't have any room left. I still have plenty of room."

  "Ugh, how? How do you still have room left? It's so unfair.” I reached inside my tote, digging around for my wallet. “Speaking of fair, let me pay for this. You got lunch."

  Jack shook his head.

  "Nope, we're still celebrating your first pair of cowboy boots."


  "No buts,” Jack interrupted before I could finish. His eyes found mine and whatever fight I had in me died instantly.

  "Well, thank you, then."

  I tore my eyes away from his to watch Tessa making our drinks behind the counter.

  "How long will you be in Pine Hollow, Evelyn?" Tessa asked over the hiss of the steamer.

  "Oh, um, I’m not actually sure. Ben had some… work he needed to do at Pinehaven. He wasn't sure how long it would take." I hoped Jack wouldn't judge me for the half-truths that filled my answer.

  "I hope you've been able to explore a little. Pine Hollow is small and big at the same time, and it’s pretty great. It really grows on you." Tessa snapped lids on two to-go cups and grabbed a pecan roll from display case.


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