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Rowdy of the Cross L

Page 7

by B. M. Bower

  CHAPTER 7. Rowdy in a Tough Place.

  Rowdy, with nice calculation, met Miss Conroy just as she had leftthe school-house, and noted with much satisfaction that she was ridingalone. Miss Conroy, if she had been at all observant, must have seen thelight of some fixed purpose shining in his eyes; for Rowdy was resolvedto make her a partner in his dreams of matters domestic. And, of atruth, his easy assurance was the thinnest of cloaks to hide his inneragitation.

  "The round-up just got in yesterday afternoon," he told her, as he swunginto the trail beside her. "We're going to start out again to-morrow, sothis is about the only chance I'll have to see you for a while."

  "I knew the round-up must be in," said Miss Conroy calmly. "I heard thatyou were in Camas a night or two ago."

  Inwardly, Rowdy dodged. "We camped close to Camas," he concededguardedly. "A lot of us fellows rode into town."

  "Yes, so Harry told me," she said. "He came over to see me yesterday.He is going to leave--has already, in fact. He has had a fine positionoffered him by the Indian agent at Belknap. The agent used to bea friend of father's." She looked at Rowdy sidelong, and then wentstraight at what was in the minds of both.

  "I'm sorry to hear, Mr. Vaughan, that you are on bad terms with Harry.What was the trouble?" She turned her head and smiled at him--but thesmile did not bring his lips to answer; it was unpleasantly like the wayHarry smiled when he had some deviltry in mind.

  Rowdy scented trouble and parried. "Men can't always get along agreeablytogether."

  "And you disagree with a man rather emphatically, I should judge. Harrysaid you knocked him down." Politeness ruled her voice, but cheeks andeyes were aflame.

  "I did. And of course he told you how he took a shot at me from a darkcorner, outside." Rowdy's eyes, it would seem, had kindled from the firein hers.

  "No, he didn't--but I--you struck him first."

  "Hitting a man with your fist is one thing," said Rowdy with decision."Shooting at him from ambush is another."

  "Harry shouldn't have done that," she admitted with dignity. "But whywouldn't you take a drink with him? Not that I approve of drinking--Iwish Harry wouldn't do such things--but he said it was an insult the wayyou refused."


  "Miss Conroy, please."

  "Jessie"--he repeated the name stubbornly--"I think we'd better dropthat subject. You don't understand the case; and, anyway, I didn't comehere to discuss Harry. Our trouble is long standing, and if I insultedhim you ought to know I had a reason. I never came whining to you abouthim, and it don't speak well for him that he hot-footed over to you withhis version. I suppose he'd heard about me--er--going to see you, andwanted to queer me. I hope you'll take my word for it, Jessie, that I'venever harmed him; all the trouble he's made for himself, one way andanother.

  "But what I came over for to-day concerns just you and me. I wantedto tell you that--to ask you if you'll marry me. I might put it moreartistic, Jessie, but that's what I mean, and--I mean all the thingsI'd like to say and can't." He stopped and smiled at her, wistfullywhimsical. "I've been three weeks getting my feelings into proper words,little girl, and coming over here I had a speech thought out thatsure done justice to my subject. But all I can remember of it is justthat--that I want you for always."

  Miss Conroy looked away from him, but he could see a deeper tint of redin her cheek. It seemed a long time before she said anything. Then:"But you've forgotten about Harry. He's my brother, and he'd be--er--youwouldn't want him related--to you."

  "Harry! Well, I pass him up. I've got a pretty long account against him;but I'll cross it off. It won't be hard to do--for you. I've thought ofall that; and a man can forgive a whole lot in the brother of the womanhe loves." He leaned toward her and added honestly: "I can't promise youI'll ever get to like him, Jessie; but I'll keep my hands off him, andI'll treat him civil; and when you consider all he's done, that's quitea large-sized contract."

  Miss Conroy became much interested in the ears of her horse.

  "The only thing to decide is whether you like me enough. If you do,we'll sure be happy. Never mind Harry."

  "You're very generous," she flared, "telling me to never mind Harry.And Harry's my own brother, and the only near relative I've got. I knowhe's--impulsive, and quick-tempered, perhaps. But he needs me all themore. Do you think I'll turn against him, even for you?"

  That "even" may have been a slip, but it heartened Rowdy immensely."I don't ask you to," he told her gently. "I only want you to not turnagainst me."

  "I do wish you two would be sensible, and stop quarreling." She glancedat him briefly.

  "I'm willing to cut it out--I told you that. I can't answer for him,though." Rowdy sighed, wishing Harry Conroy in Australia, or some placeequally remote.

  Miss Conroy suddenly resolved to be strictly just; and when a youngwoman sets about being deliberately just, the Lord pity him whom shejudges!

  "Before I answer you, I must know just what all this is about," she saidfirmly. "I want to hear both sides; I'm sure Harry wouldn't do anythingmean. Do you think he would?"

  Rowdy was dissentingly silent.

  "Do you really, in your heart, believe that Harry would--knowingly--beguilty of anything mean?" Her eyes plainly told the answer she wanted tohear.

  Rowdy looked into them, hesitated, and clung tenaciously to hisconvictions. "Yes, I do; and I know Harry pretty well, Jessie." His faceshowed how much he hated to say it.

  "I'm afraid you are very prejudiced," she sighed. "But go on; tell mejust what you have against Harry. I'm sure it can all be explained away,only I must hear what it is."

  Rowdy regarded her, puzzled. How he was to comply he did not know. Itwould be simply brutal to tell her. He would feel like a hangman. Andshe believed so in Harry, she wouldn't listen; even if she did, hethought bitterly, she would hate him for destroying her faith. A woman'sjustice--ah, me!

  "Don't you see you're putting me in a mighty hard position, girlie?" heprotested. "You're a heap better off not to know. He's your brother. Iwish you'd take my word that I'll drop the whole thing right where itis. Harry's had all the best of it, so far; let it stand that way."

  Her eyes met his coldly. "Are you afraid to let me judge between you?What did he do? Daren't you tell?"

  Rowdy's lids drooped ominously. "If you call that a dare," he saidgrimly, "I'll tell you, fast enough. I was a friend to him when heneeded one mighty bad. I helped him when he was dead broke and out uhwork. I kept him going all winter--and to show his gratitude, he gaveme the doublecross, in more ways than one. I won't go into details." Hedecided that he simply could not tell her bluntly that Harry had workedoff stolen horses on him, and worse.

  "Oh--you won't go into details!" Scorn filled eyes and voice. "Arethey so trivial, then? You tell me what you did for Harry--playing GoodSamaritan. Harry, let me tell you, has property of his own; I can't seewhy he should ever be in need of charity. You're like all the rest; youhint things against him--but I believe it's just jealousy. You can'tcome out honestly and tell me a single instance where he has harmed you,or done anything worse than other high-spirited young men."

  "It wouldn't do any good to tell you," he retorted. "You think he's justlacking wings to be an angel. I hope to God you'll always be able tothink so! I'm sure I don't want to jar your faith."

  "I must say your actions don't bear out your words. You've just beentrying to turn me against him."

  "I haven't. I've been trying to convince you that I want you, anyway,and Harry needn't come between us."

  "In other words, you're willing to overlook my being Harry's sister. Iappreciate your generosity, I'm sure." She did not look, however, as ifshe meant that.

  "I didn't mean that."

  "Then you won't overlook it? How very unfortunate! Because I can't helpthe relationship."

  "Would you, if you could?" he asked rashly.

  "Certainly not!"

  "I'm afraid we're getting off the trail," he amended tactfully. "I askedyou, a while back, if you'd
marry me."

  "And I said I must hear both sides of your trouble with Harry, before Icould answer."

  "What's the use? You'd take his part, anyway."

  "Not if I found he was guilty of all you--insinuate. I should beperfectly just." She really believed that.

  "Can't you tell me yes or no, anyway? Don't let him come between us."

  "I can't help it. We'd never agree, or be happy. He'd keep on comingbetween us, whether we meant him to or not," she said dispiritedly.

  "That's a cinch," Rowdy muttered, thinking of Harry's trouble-breedingtalents.

  "Then there's no more to be said. Until you and Harry settle yourdifficulties amicably, or I am convinced that he's in the wrong, we'lljust be friends, Mr. Vaughan. Good afternoon." She rode into the Rodwayyard, feeling very just and virtuous, no doubt. But she left Rowdywith some rather unpleasant thoughts, and with a sentiment toward herprecious brother which was not far from manslaughter.


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