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Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute

Page 22

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  "Hector," said Mr. Crabb, nervously, "I am going to leave the instituteat the end of the week."

  "Have you secured another situation, Mr. Crabb?" asked Hector,hopefully.

  "No," answered the usher, shaking his head. "I have been discharged."

  "For what reason?"

  "For interfering with Mr. Smith's nephew when he was brutally abusingWilkins."

  "Did Mr. Smith fully understand the circumstances?"

  "Yes; but he stands by his nephew right or wrong. He blamed me forchecking his nephew's brutality."

  "This is shameful!" said Hector, warmly. "May I ask, Mr. Crabb, if youhave formed any plans?"

  "No, except to seek a new position!" answered Crabb. "I fear," headded, despondently, "that it may be some time before I am so fortunate.Roscoe, I don't know what to do when I leave the school. I shall barelyhave five dollars, and you know I have not only myself, but another tosupport."

  "Keep up your courage, Mr. Crabb! It is nearly time for me to hear fromthe friend in New York to whom I wrote is your behalf. If you can securethe position of his private tutor--"

  "If I can, I will hail it as providential. It will relieve me at oncefrom all anxiety."

  "I don't think I shall long remain here myself, Mr. Crabb," saidHector. "I came here with the full intention of making the most of thefacilities the institute affords for education, but I find the principalincompetent, and disposed to connive at injustice and brutality. Theonly good I have got here has been derived from your instructions."

  "Thank you, Roscoe. Such a tribute is, indeed, welcome," said the usher,warmly.

  "It is quite sincere, Mr. Crabb, and I hope my good wishes may bring youthe advantage which I have in view."

  "Thank you, Roscoe. I don't blame you for being disgusted with themanagement of the school. You have yourself suffered injustice."

  "Yes; in writing home, and charging me with theft, before he hadinvestigated the circumstances, Mr. Smith did me a great injustice. Idoubt whether he has since written to correct the false charge, asI required him to do. If not, I shall owe it to myself to leave theschool."

  "You will be justified in doing so." The next day brought Hector twoletters. One was from Allan Roscoe, and read as follows:

  "HECTOR: I have received from your worthy teacher a letter which hasfilled me with grief and displeasure. I knew you had great faults, butI did not dream that you would stoop so low as to purloin money, as itseems you have done. Mr. Smith writes me that there is no room to doubtyour guilt. He himself discovered in the pocket of your pantaloons awallet containing a large sum of money, which he had missed only a shorttime before. He learned that you had entered his chamber, and taken themoney, being tempted by your own dishonest and depraved heart.

  "I cannot express the shame I feel at this revelation of baseness. Iam truly glad that you are not connected with me by blood. Yet I cannotforget that my poor brother treated you as a son; and took pains totrain you up in right ideas. It would give him deep pain could he knowhow the boy whom he so heaped with benefits has turned out! I may saythat Guy is as much shocked as I am, but he, it seems, had a betterknowledge of you than I; for he tells me he is not surprised to hear it.I confess I am, for I thought better of you.

  "Under the circumstances I shall not feel justified in doing for you asmuch as I intended. I proposed to keep you at school for two years more,but I have now to announce that this is your last term, and I advise youto make the most of it. I will try, when the term closes, to find somesituation for you, where your employer's money will not pass throughyour hands. ALLAN ROSCOE."

  Hector read the letter with conflicting feelings, the most prominentbeing indignation and contempt for the man who so easily allowed himselfto think evil of him.

  The other letter he found more satisfactory.

  It was from his young friend in New York, Walter Boss. As it is short, Isubjoin it:

  "DEAR HECTOR: I am ever so glad to hear from you, but I should like muchbetter to see you. I read to papa what you said of Mr. Crabb, and hesays it is very apropos, as he had made up his mind to get me a tutor.I am rather backward, you see, not having your taste for study, and papathinks I need special attention. He says that your recommendation issufficient, and he will engage Mr. Crabb without any further inquiry;and he says he can come at once. He will give him sixty dollars a monthand board, and he will have considerable time for himself, if he wantsto study law or any other profession. I don't know but a cousin may joinme in my studies, in which case he will pay a hundred dollars per month,if that will be sastisfactory.

  "Why can't you come and make me a visit? We'll have jolly fun. Comeand stay a month, old chap. There is no one I should like better. Yourfriend, WALTER Boss."

  Hector read this letter with genuine delight. It offered a way ofescape, both for the unfortunate usher and himself. Nothing could bemore "apropos" to quote Walter's expression.

  Our hero lost no time in seeking out Mr. Crabb.

  "You seem in good spirits, Roscoe," said the usher, his careworn facecontrasting with the beaming countenance of his pupil.

  "Yes, Mr. Crabb, I have reason to be, and so have you."

  "Have you heard from your friend?" asked the usher, hopefully.

  "Yes, and it's all right."

  Mr. Crabb looked ten years younger.

  "Is it really true?" he asked.

  "It is true that you are engaged as private tutor to my friend, Walter.You'll find him a splendid fellow, but I don't know if the pay issufficient," continued Hector, gravely.

  "I am willing to take less pay than I get here," said the usher, "forthe sake of getting away."

  "How much do you receive here?"

  "Twenty dollar a month and board. I might, perhaps, get along on alittle less," he added doubtfully.

  "You won't have to, Mr. Crabb. You are offered sixty dollars a month anda home."

  "You are not in earnest, Roscoe?" asked the usher, who could not believein his good fortune.

  "I will read you the letter, Mr. Crabb."

  When it was read the usher looked radiant. "Roscoe," he said, "you cometo me like an angel from heaven. Just now I was sad and depressed; nowit seems to me that the whole future is radiant. Sixty dollars a month!Why, it will make me a rich man."

  "Mr. Crabb," said Hector, with a lurking spirit of fun, "can you reallymake up your mind to leave Smith Institute, and its kind and benevolentprincipal?"

  "I don't think any prisoner ever welcomed his release with deeperthankfulness," said the usher. "To be in the employ of a man whom youdespise, yet to feel yourself a helpless and hopeless dependent on himis, I assure you, Roscoe, a position by no means to be envied. For twoyears that has been my lot."

  "But it will soon be over."

  "Yes, thanks to you. Why can't you accompany me, Hector? I ought not,perhaps, to draw you away, but--"

  "But listen to the letter I have received from my kind and considerateguardian, as he styles himself," said Hector.

  He read Allan Roscoe's letter to the usher.

  "He seems in a great hurry to condemn you," said Mr. Crabb.

  "Yes, and to get me off his hands," said Hector, proudly. "Well, heshall be gratified in the last. I shall accept Walter's invitation, andwe will go up to New York together."

  "That will, indeed, please me. Of course, you will undeceive yourguardian."

  "Yes. I will get Wilkins and Platt to prepare a statement of the factsin the case, and accompany it by a note releasing Mr. Roscoe from anyfurther care or expense for me."

  "But, Hector, can you afford to do this?"

  "I cannot afford to do otherwise, Mr. Crabb. I shall find friends, and Iam willing to work for my living, if need be."

  At this point one of the boys came to Mr. Crabb with a message fromSocrates, desiring the usher to wait upon him at once.



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