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My place in the life

Page 3

by Quelli di ZEd

the little heart from that idiot of Mark! I promise you that I will investigate better, but surely I have misunderstood his/her words. And then there macaws about ten boys that make you the thread. Have to not care you of it of these young boys that makes us suffer and they doesn't even acknowledge our existence! We are still of the children and we have time for these things.»

  I was full of sadness and anguish; I was disappointed but Laura was right. We were only fourteen years old and our time would have come.

  «We go in the house to see if there is still a slice of cake!» I howled, and taking Laura by the hand I realized me than our friendship was strong and above all important quant'è a friend in the moment of the need.

  Two weeks had passed by the party of my birthday; I was to table with my parents: dad to capotavola, mother and me to the opposite sides of the table. I had just ended to eat the spinaches to the butter when dad asked me:

  «Soon it will end the school and I hope for you has already decided near what institute you will want to enroll you. We have often spoken of this matter without reaching nothing of concrete, therefore it is now that decides you.»

  There was a long silence, during which I quickly thought to as to answer to my father and above all to the question.

  My mother me precedette:

  «I thought about a commercial technical institute, so if he/she didn't want anymore subsequently to enroll himself/herself/themselves in the university it will have a good title of study with which you/he/she can surely insert him in the world of the job however.»

  «A today's day, if you don't have at least a degree you are not anybody, you don't find any employment and above all you will never arrive from any part!»

  «Some exaggerator seems me but you doesn't have all the blames. I also want that it Feels happy goes to the university but it is well also that has something in hand since the beginning. I know people that have also made career with a simple secretary diploma of firm!»

  «But treasure! Times were other.»

  Was maddish! My parents were discussing as not never on a decision that was up to me, only to me. I was happy for their interest but they decidedly exaggerated. They dreamt the best for me, they wanted me to build me the bases for a sure and concrete future; in short they were waited for great things by their only daughter. I believe that they wanted to reach the point to be able to say one day" That is our daughter! We are fierce of her."

  I didn't fully share their ideas; certain, I didn't exclude from my life a bright career, to see me affirmed and above all respected in the immense world of the job, but I believed that also the simplest employment could give great satisfactions. For example, when I was smaller I spent times and times to comb my dolls thinking about being a parrucchiera and, every whenever my toys were" satisfied" of the hair style that I did them, I felt me realized and satisfied. I was happy for the simple fact what I imagined me a true job and not a game, for which I gave all myself and my potential clients they were satisfied of mine operated.

  I am not me, however, ever felt realized as when I played to the doctor; I always assumed a very professional air when me immedesimavo in the work and sometimes I was also assisted by Laura. We took care of influences, colds, broken legs and also illnesses of our invention that were able however to cause the death. As always my dolls were the sick and I felt a lot of joy when their imaginary parents congratulated him me and my assistant when we developed" a good job."

  During the childhood we satisfied there of few but with so much imagination and did we find us to a deadlock of our life in which it was necessary to take a decision instead now,: thing I would have done in my future into that he was turning more and more present?

  It was the principal matter of the evening, but I didn't succeed in giving me an answer. My mother had had a good idea, so I thought about granting me with his/her proposal. I had however to swear to my father that I would also have gone to the university.

  The examinations he was approaching; Laura and I passed by now every afternoon to study even if the beautiful days invited us to go out. Every afternoon we took a walk along the path of the brushwood that was found on the hill behind house; it was not an isolated place and there was often a lot of people that risked him on the hill. It was very warm but along that path that pleasant natural coolness could be found again. The tall chestnut trees contributed with their branches to create the coolness that was sought during the walks and it was really in a warm afternoon that happened me to meet Mark with some friends.

  I was walking to the center of the path, absorbed in the thoughts on the study and it sues to reflect on the program that I had to follow with Laura, when some masculine voices made me jolt and they brought me to quickly move me toward right. I detached a leap and I practically found me in the lawn studded of daisy wheel. I stayed me to leave to pass that boys in bicycle, when I recognized among them a known face and more and more bright: it was Mark. I remained to admire him/it while it was transiting me before. He immediately didn't see me because you/he/she was talking to the boy that was found to his/her left, then he stopped, with a long braked, pronouncing my name.

  I drew near me and I asked him as it was.

  «Well and you? Are you preparing the examination? Not do worry you, will go very well. And then it is not so difficult as it seems.»

  I was intensely staring at him/it because to the sudden one you/he/she had returned me in mind the day of the birthday party and the bitterness that you/he/she had made me try that individual. Surely he was asking because I stared at him/it so but I succeeded in disenchanting me and to utter word.

  «It is as that we don't see us. I thought I/you had departed for the vacations.»

  «No, not yet. We have to still make some training for the summer championship, then I will see whether to do. It is indeed so much time that I don't see both you and my cousin. Is it still long live?»

  «Oh he, studies together always.»

  It was stronger than me, I didn't succeed in detaching me from that stupendous eyes.

  «You hardly end the examination we can see us and even we organize a party. I immediately can talk to my friends of it. Does thing think of it? Do you want to talk to Laura of it?»

  «Of accord! It will also go very well for her!»

  «Then feel there and good luck for the examination! Also to Laura.» And a kiss cracked me on the left cheek.

  I remained imbambolata and I hardly had the strength to lift the hand to greet him/it.

  Despite the disappointment that I had tried, I was making me account that that boy had bewitched me. I had to hate him/it and instead my heart was galloping only because I had talked to him two minutes, after so much time that I didn't see him/it. When I succeeded in taking back I started me to skip about homeward whistling a passage of the cassette that had given me really him to the birthday but I had to stop me just before to reach destination.

  I felt in head as a hammer that beat, immediately on the right side of the forehead, then the whole nape started to ache me. It was an instant, but I feared to end long and stretched on the lawn behind house. I warned only then a small sharp pain to the temple and nothing more. What had happened? Probably it was the warm one or the too tension for the examination.

  I didn't feel anything, therefore I set out homeward me where Laura that waited me to study was already.

  I didn't tell to anybody what had happened me that day but I could not hide the meeting with Mark and I blabbed everything to Laura that same afternoon.

  «Indeed you/he/she has told you that we will see us after the examination? I knew him/it me that there was no anything between that Marta and he.»

  «I hope gladly because I believe to be. you know as it is.»

  «You are cooked!»

  «I am afraid of yes! The fact is that your cousin is so beautiful, you/he/she is so nice, you/he/she is so and enough. I like to die!»

  «I see really well you as cousin! However you are care
ful: too much the beautiful types make you suffer.»

  «I/you/they are prepared to risk!»

  That afternoon we didn't study a lot of but we had a good time as two crazy persons joking and to imagine a romantic meeting between me and Mark. More he went on and more I wondered me how much I cared for Laura and how much strong pits the bond that united us.

  They also arrived the days of the examination; Laura made conjurations and staged propitiatory rites anti. sfiga while all of our companions followed her/it amused risollevandosi I know the moral one.

  Just when it was my turn to face the oral one, I felt again that light hammer that beat me next to the right temple. I made a light pressure with the fingers and the bother it disappeared. I entered the classroom and I took the examination.

  The summer starts. My preferred season had opened wide the doors and he/she invited us to the liberty and the thoughtlessness.

  I spent the days in garden: I observed the butterflies that moved him from a flower to the other, I listened abducted the frinire of the crickets, I drank a sip of cold tea, I tried to make to absorb to my skin the most greater number of rays solariums to assume some complexion. I didn't do anything, in substance but my parents you/they had allowed me of" spassarmela" considering that it was the last summer before going to the superior school.

  Both me that Laura we had

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