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Page 10

by Skye McDonald

  At home, I threw on cutoffs, a graphic tee, a purple plaid button-down, and black ankle boots for the beer festival. With an application of MAC’s “Pink Nouveau” for a daytime look, it was time to go. I scuttled downstairs.

  “Bout time, sis.” Tom smiled when I appeared in the kitchen.

  I blew him a kiss and pushed my aviators on, following them to Tom’s car.

  “You two in the back,” Tom instructed. We were going to pick up Erin; Tom was our driver since he wouldn’t drink before an overnight shift.

  “I feel that if I ride shotgun, it sends an important message about my role in this family,” I teased. Tom rolled his eyes, and I grinned. “On the other hand, I’d hate to stick her next to Will, so I guess I’ll sacrifice.”

  “What a hero,” Will said.

  “Now kids,” Tom drawled as he started the engine. “Seriously though, Liv, can you take it easy on her? I like this girl, so can you try not to intimidate the hell out of her?”

  “Intimidate? Me?” I laid a hand on my heart, and both men laughed. “I’ll be nice, Tommy. Just for you.”

  At Erin’s, Tom parked and went to the door, which left Will and me alone in silence. He gazed out the window. Try as I might to focus on my phone, I couldn’t resist sneaking looks at him. He wore a fitted gray Henley shirt and dark jeans. Even seated, his clothes accentuated his body in a way that made it impossible to forget that I knew what was underneath.

  “Erin is really sweet. Try not to bowl her over.”

  I startled at the break in silence, then scowled. “Oh, so we’re back to smartass remarks about what a ‘brat’ I am, are we?”

  He didn’t look at me. “I thought that was what you wanted.”

  An old hurt twisted my heart in a way I didn’t see coming. I bit down on my cheek to will it away. “It was never what I wanted. You don’t have to be so goddam cold to me.”

  That finally turned his head. I braced for that impassive expression. I didn’t expect to see anguish instead.

  “Yes, I do. I don’t know how else to stay away from you, Liv. And you said just the other day that we had to stop what had started. So, here we are.”

  “Did you want to stop?”

  He didn’t reply.

  I punched the seat. “Dammit, Will, answer me. Did you?”

  The muscle in his jaw bulged. “Dammit, Liv, you still aren’t hearing me. I want you to know what you want.”

  The hurt throbbed in my chest, and suddenly the car was too small. Torn between bursting into tears and ripping his clothes off, I yanked open the door and stepped out. The humidity of August in Nashville was never so refreshing as when I sucked in a breath of air that wasn’t saturated with the tension between us. Not a moment too soon, the front door opened, and Tom and Erin walked out.



  Several hours and quite a few beer tastings later, Erin and I were shout-singing “Wrecking Ball” on the ride home, laughing as we drowned out Miley Cyrus on the stereo.

  She reached into the backseat to high-five me as the song ended. “Oh my gosh, this has been amazing. I’m so glad we finally met, Liv.”

  I gave her another high-five. “Definitely. Nothing like beer and shenanigans on a Saturday afternoon to become instant friends.”

  Erin had been quiet at first. After a few samples of beer, we’d started to laugh and chat. She was indeed sweet, and we got along great. Mostly I was happy for Tom, whose gaze followed her while I coaxed her from one adventure to the other all afternoon.

  Tom parked in the driveway and turned to the group. “I’ve got about two hours before work. Erin, do you want to grab some food before I take you home?” She agreed. “Great. I’ll get changed and we’ll take off. Liv, you have plans tonight?”

  “I’m sure I can find some trouble to get into. You two have fun.” The beer and sun were catching up with me already. Inside, I flopped on the couch, and Tom made his way upstairs to change. Erin and Will chatted softly while I dozed.

  “I’m out, sis.” My eyes opened again when Tom put his hand on my head. I sat up with a yawn. Erin waved at me from the door; Will sat in the recliner.

  “Okay. See you tomorrow. Erin, hope to see you soon.”

  The door closed. Neither Will nor I moved.

  All alone. So, what next? Are you going to be responsible and go upstairs, or are you going to sit here and fantasize about your nemesis on his knees in front of you?

  I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, but every passing moment wound me up more. No amount of good judgment could stop me from wondering if he was thinking anything close to the recklessly hot thoughts I was.

  Okay, hoping he was thinking them.

  The angel on my shoulder threw up her hands. Fine, sit here and fantasize. Since when did you know how to be responsible anyway?

  That thought made me frown. I was responsible. I was responsible enough to care for Maddie, to help out at the daycare, to hold a steady job and pursue any number of hobbies I liked. I had no problem dressing myself or eating right, and dammit I was one of the most loyal friends someone could have. Why didn’t That Girl deserve a little more credit?

  Was it really irresponsible to admit how drawn I was to him suddenly? And not just the physical part. Will had been dropping lines all summer that had boosted my confidence. What was wrong with wanting more of that energy in my life and to be hit with lightning bolts of passion every time he touched me?

  “Are you asleep?” Will’s question softly sliced the silence.

  I shook my head and stared up at the ceiling. When he didn’t say more, it occurred to me that he wasn’t struggling like I was. He said he wanted me to know what I wanted. Did that mean he was cool either way, that this was just a fun fling that he could take or leave?

  Confirmation was necessary, even if I didn’t want it. I kept my tone sleepy and disinterested as I asked, “Did you have fun today?”

  “I did,” he replied in a similar voice. “A lot of fun.”

  “Erin is great. Good match you made. Tom couldn’t keep his eyes off her.”


  “So, what exactly was fun for you? I mean, you don’t really do fun.”

  “I don’t do fun? What does that even mean?” His tone was still soft, but the challenge was there.

  “You’re Mr. Serious. You sneer at fun.”

  “Forgive me for acting my age.”

  “Eighty, right?” I tried to keep my smile at bay. This was fun.

  He sighed loudly, and I dared to glance at him. He gazed back at me, brows drawn but a hint of a smile in his expression. “You think you know so much, don’t you?”

  I nodded, and his eyes rolled.

  “Eighty. I guess that’d make you about eighteen, right?”

  “Are you suggesting I’m barely legal?”

  His eyes widened. “Dammit, you win,” he grumbled.

  “It’s all I do, baby.”

  Will recovered fast with a mischievous glare. “So, how long have octogenarians been a fetish for you?”

  “You ass.” I chuckled, pleased when he laughed, too.

  Before I could tell him how absurdly much I liked making him smile, Will’s next words dissolved all my mirth. “I’m not always serious, you know. Just like you’re not always temperamental.”

  I, and all my defenses, leapt up. “This is exactly why I don’t like being around you. We’re just chatting, and out of nowhere, you insult me. I’m not stupid.” I bit my lip and wished I’d kept that last part to myself.

  Will sat forward, elbows on knees, eyes narrowed. “I never said you were.”

  “You just called me an airhead.”

  “I did not.”

  “Temperamental. Flighty. Airhead.”

  “No, Liv. Temperamental: changing before something gets tough or too real.”

  My brows knitted together while I considered his interpretation.

  “But, like I said, not always.”

  The sexy rumble in h
is voice made my heart skip two beats. I cocked my head. “What do you mean?”

  His lips parted, then snagged in a half-smile. “Hula-hooping. You learned how to do that, right?”

  Hula-hooping was one of the many activities I’d dragged Erin to that day. “Uh, yeah. I mean, I learned when I was a kid. So what?”

  “Right. And now you’re good at it.” Will’s voice was low and daring when he continued. “Watching you move today was very, very fun.”

  Sweet relief and white-hot desire gipped me. I hid my fists inside the sleeves of my plaid button-down to keep from throwing myself at him. “What was fun about that?”

  Oh, god, he might as well have been holding candy out to a baby. Will kicked back the recliner and shut his eyes with a shrug. “Since when do you care?”

  “You bastard,” I whispered.

  “You coward.”


  Will didn’t flinch at my screech. “Did I say coward? I meant rational, clear-thinking person. You’re the one who said it was a mistake, that we should stop. What difference does it make why watching you roll your body made me fantasize about how you’d move over my lap?”

  The room spun. “I said we should stop. But I didn’t say I wanted to, did I?”

  That opened his eyes.

  Will put his feet back on the floor and crooked his finger. “Then come over here and let me show you just what I thought about. Unless, of course, you’re still trying to be good.”

  I lifted my chin. “Oh, honey, I’ll be good. I’ll be fucking great.”

  He grinned. “No doubt.”

  But it was a long walk, those five steps from the couch to the chair. Every second built the anticipation, the desire, and the dark thrill of knowing that this was a point of no return, that Will Langer and I were about to—

  I shivered when he rested his hands on my waist and lifted his gaze. One of my knees settled on the chair’s arm. Will sat back and stroked my inner thigh, his breath short and tight, eyes lust-drunk.

  “Wait.” His hand covered my knee and eased me back to stand so he could tug my shorts to the ground and push my plaid off. Will kissed my leg just below the hem of my tee and exhaled hard. “These legs, goddam. Come here, Liv.”

  He tugged at my t-shirt, but I needed no help to straddle his lap, cup his jaw, and seal our mouths.

  Will’s fingers clamped on my hips, but his kiss was gentle and restrained. Without words, his lips and tongue soothed the jittery adrenaline in my blood and turned it into a fire instead. Soon I was rocking my hips over the ridge in his jeans, lost in the kiss I craved like an addict by then.

  Will pushed my shirt to my chin. I whipped it off as he cupped my breasts, dropped his head, and sank his mouth onto the swell of my cleavage. He pulled my skin between his teeth, then lapped his tongue across both breasts while one hand unclasped and flung the bra away. I didn’t even try to keep silent when his lips closed around my nipple, first a hard suck and then a sweet tickle, while his fingers teased the other one.

  He worked slowly, switched between sharp sensations and gentle licks. I watched, fascinated by the reverence he radiated. Dark hair spilled over his forehead, eyes closed, mouth worshipping my body—holy hell, it was beautiful. My skin was splotchy, red and white and even purple in a couple of places. His scratchy stubble gave a delicious contrast to the wet glide of his mouth.

  My ache for him grew heavy and hot. I rhythmically rolled my hips and clawed at his shoulders, cursing the fact that he was so clothed.

  Will grunted an acknowledgement to my ramblings, but he didn’t so much as pause. Fingers pulled at me, tongue circled the pink peaks of my nipples, and the edges of my vision began to darken. He blew a gentle stream of air across my hot skin, then kissed me again, thumbed me again, blissed me over and over again. I panted, knees spread as far as the chair would allow so I could grind against his cock.

  “Oh god, oh, fuck, oh Will, Will, yes.” I screamed, shocked when an orgasm ripped through me. Will pinched hard, his face buried against my skin, and I moaned again before I fell forward against his shoulder.

  That was a first.

  I sighed and sat up once I’d caught my breath. “Wow.”

  Will hooked my chin, but his jaw was set hard, expression dark. My smile faltered as I moved to cover myself, but he batted my hands away and stroked my collarbone.

  “You’re glaring at me,” I muttered.

  His eyes narrowed further. “I’m so fucking hard my teeth hurt. That smile you’re giving me isn’t helping.”

  I swallowed a laugh and curled my lips into a sweet smile. “Will? I’m thirsty.”

  His eyes were midnight, voice a matching rumble. “Thirsty? How thirsty?”

  “Parched.” I trailed my nails down his chest and lowered my lashes. Sitting on his lap almost completely naked should’ve felt weird. Sitting on his lap tingling from an orgasm should’ve felt like lunacy. None of it did.

  He growled again. “You should probably take care of that.”

  “You’re right.” I hopped off his lap and grinned at his stunned expression. Tossing my plaid shirt on, I spun for the kitchen.

  He groaned when I sauntered back in, a glass of ice water at my lips. “Really, Liv? Does that quench your thirst?”

  “Mm-hm. Want some?”

  “Olivia, maybe you didn’t pick up on the sarcasm, but I give zero fucks about beverages at this moment.”

  “Come on, you give a fuck. Just one at least.”

  He groaned again, and I giggled.

  “Look at you all frustrated. It sucks, doesn’t it?” I chomped the ice.

  “Don’t give me your smart mouth, dammit. Get over here.”

  Oh, boy, this was fun, even better than I’d hoped. He stood when I approached, so I wrapped one arm around his neck.

  I licked my lips and winked at his scowl. “Aw, come on Will. Admit that you like my smart mouth.”


  “Yes, you do. And you’re about to like it a lot more. Take off your clothes.”

  What a show. I stepped back and watched as he reached behind his head to tug off his shirt. Dark hair shadowed his chest and trailed down those sculpted abs; his biceps flexed as he undid his jeans and dropped them to the floor. God bless burpees.

  My gaze landed on his cock, even more beautiful in the light of day, and suddenly I was very glad I’d gotten that glass of water. With another sip, I gently pushed him back down to sit on the chair. My heart pumped hard while I kissed the curve of his neck and shoulder, then ducked my head and traveled down. On my knees, I licked him from hipbone to hipbone, tongue following the deep V-cuts on each side. Will cursed when I drew back for more water, but I shushed him and tipped the last ice cubes into my mouth.

  “Chewing ice is horrid for your teeth,” he whispered.

  “Hush and learn.” I palmed his hot, smooth skin and spoke around the frozen crystals. My lips closed around the tip and slid to his base quickly for best effect.

  “Oh, fuck, I love the ice.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” My mouth was frigid compared to his heat, and I began to tease him with my tongue pressed flat to his shaft, delighted when he hissed and groaned.

  Playing was fun, but when the hot/cool contrast faded, he wrapped a hand around my ponytail and pulled the elastic out, fingers on my scalp. I took the cue and found a rhythm that made him mutter steadily in broken thoughts and slurred words. His hands in my hair and the thickness of his voice were perfect. Even better was the way his whole body responded to me.

  And, wow, he tasted good.

  Will’s spine arched just before he exploded deep into my throat. “Liv.”

  I sat back on my heels, and he slumped forward on his elbows to catch his breath. In the silence, I hugged my shirt around my body.

  “Do not run away. I just need a minute.”

  “I don’t want to run away,” I whispered.

  Will lifted his head just enough to meet my eyes. His were lit with a warm fire a
s he slowly dropped to sit on his knees in front of me. “What do you want, Olivia?”

  “Did you really watch me today? Did you… think about me?” I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes to let him know that, despite the stupidly soft, hopeful, tone of my voice, the question was purely to mess with him.

  He didn’t buy it, dammit. He inched forward on his knees and kissed my neck. “What do you smell like?”


  He inhaled deeply. “Bullshit. Sunflowers don’t smell.”

  He licked me, then laughed when I shivered. “I watched you all day, Liv. And I think about you all the time. You probably don’t believe that.”

  I’d have believed anything with his lips on me.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and shifted to lie back, pulling him over me. “What do you think about?”

  “This. More than this. Everything.” He snuck into my shirt, his warm touch making me squirm.

  “That’s what I want. Everything. Fuck foreplay.” My words were rough, thick with desire. Will was right with me. He lowered himself down, and I wrapped my legs around his back.

  “I definitely think about that,” he groaned when my ankles locked and my hips lifted.

  Will’s kisses left me helpless and moaning. We teased against each other, wet and slick with need, but he suddenly pushed away and stood up. “Liv, wait. Condoms. I’ll be right back.”

  “No, don’t go,” I cried, irrationally panicked. “You’ll think too hard—we’ll say…”

  “Shh, it’ll be less than thirty seconds.” He disappeared.

  Less than thirty seconds later, he jumped off the last stair, threw himself over me, and kissed me deep. Less than a minute after that, my legs were around his back again.

  But time was completely irrelevant when he pressed inside of me.

  It was just a tease at first, maddening fractions of inches that made me whine and squirm. Will stared down at me intently, then wet his lips and thrust to the hilt until I groaned.

  No. I screamed, dammit.

  Everything about Will Langer was a challenge. Taking his cock was no different. He wasn’t just blessed. He was perfect. Perfect fit, perfect angle, perfect everything. He knew what I needed, how to keep me on a razor’s edge of unreal pleasure, how to make me love and hate that edge all at once.


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