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Page 12

by Skye McDonald

  I expected derision, a taunting reply, but Will stroked my hair and nuzzled me right back. “No, Olivia. We don’t.”

  “But… but there’s always been this wall between us.” I lifted my head to try and see him in the dark.

  Will’s shoulders stiffened. “Uh-huh.”

  “What changed?”

  I heard his smile. “I guess we found a door.”


  He petted my hair gently until I snuggled into his chest again. Falling asleep in his arms was the last thing I was going to let happen, even if my eyes got heavy while I pictured a door in a wall.

  Will gently released me. “Go to bed.”

  I groaned and kicked my foot into the mattress. “Kiss my ass.”

  He palmed my backside and slapped hard. I emitted a weird hybrid of a laugh and a moan as I flexed my hips into his thigh.

  “If you bend over, Liv, I will do anything you like to your ass,” he breathed in my ear.

  His offer had me aching despite our long night, and there was no question of how he felt with those boxer shorts as the only barrier between us. With one breathless kiss, I managed to get out of bed before clothes came off.

  “Maybe next time,” were my parting words.

  That bastard laughed at me all over again as I shut the door.

  Will excused himself from Sunday dinner the next day. That let me spend the afternoon with my family without any weird tension. He made himself scarce when we got home that evening, too, and for that, I almost texted him a thank-you.

  Work on Monday was the usual routine. For the first time, I felt like I’d outgrown such a mindless gig. Not only did I itch for something more meaningful, the ability to space out and daydream suddenly became too much time to ponder all these weird changes.

  I replayed the weekend as I made the rounds delivering the first mail of the day. How had Will gone from being a non-factor in my world to taking center stage in every hot fantasy my brain could dream up? Why had that “door in the wall” materialized out of nowhere in this upside-down summer? For that matter, when would the spin cycle settle down? Nick and I weren’t speaking, the daycare thing was its own bag of uncertainty, and now Will was in the mix. When would life go back to normal?

  And how would I feel when it did?

  I didn’t want to look at those last two questions, didn’t want to admit to myself that I knew exactly how I’d feel. Instead of brooding, I put my mind on my teacher training for the rest of the day. At home, I set up Maddie’s gated play space so she could toddle relatively unmonitored while I caught up on coursework.

  Will came home to find me on the couch—the couch we’d severely abused just two days ago—with my laptop between my legs. I glanced up, but then refocused on my quiz. He knelt by Maddie and spoke to her. Neither of them registered very deeply because I had two questions left and I was pretty sure…

  “A-plus! Woo! I am a legend.” I flung my arms in the air when my results posted.

  They both stared at me, so I slapped the laptop shut and rolled my eyes. “Sorry, guys.”

  Will lifted Maddie over the plastic gate. “Maddie, your Aunt Livi did a good job. Can you give her a high-five?”

  She ran to me. I slapped both her little palms and hugged her tight before she went back to her play yard.

  Will stood and shrugged out of his suit coat. He jerked his head toward the kitchen. I went to Maddie and pointed to where he had disappeared. “Livi and Will are right there, okay Mads? What do you do if you need me?”

  “Just shout.” She didn’t even look up from her dolls as she parroted the instruction I’d taught her.

  I kissed her head and went to find Will leaning on the counter, arms crossed, grin wide.

  “You decided to be a teacher.”

  I hovered by the table and shook my head. “No, I’m just, um, doing a little… well, I’m getting certified, but that doesn’t mean…” I bit my lip. “Maybe.”

  “Fantastic, Olivia. Really.”

  The admiration in his voice made me swell with pride. I drifted from the table to stand in front of him. “I got a perfect score on my quiz just now.”

  God, he really is beautiful when he smiles like that. Will uncrossed his arms and held up both palms, just as Maddie had done. I laughed and slapped his hands, but he splayed his fingers and caught mine. In a breath’s time, I’d been spun around, the counter against my back.

  “You deserve a gold star,” he whispered.

  “I’d take a kiss.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Our lips met with a crack of energy. He slid one hand to the back of my neck. With my shoulders supported, he encouraged me to lean until my spine arched and my head touched the counter. I pulled his shirt out of his slacks to skim his abs while he licked and nipped my exposed throat from neck to shirt. He began to open buttons to bare more of me for his mouth.

  “Your breath all ragged like that, those little gasps that tell me what this does to you… do you have any idea how hot you make me, how your sounds stay in my ears after we’re done?”

  “Oh, god, I know,” I panted when he sucked hard. I reached for his shoulders and lifted up to press my mouth and body against him in one wild motion.

  “Shh, wait.” Abruptly, Will stepped back and cocked his head to the window.

  At the same time, the baby monitor on the counter came to life with Maddie’s excited shout. “Daddy’s home!”

  Will took another step away and raked his hair. “Go upstairs and fix yourself. I’ve got Maddie.”

  Already he’d shoved shirt into his pants and straightened his collar. I ran for the stairs and took them two at a time to the bathroom. Hair brushed, clothes straightened, I floated downstairs, trying hard to replicate what Liv looked like when she wasn’t giddy with pheromones. The guys were in the kitchen. I must’ve looked fairly normal because Tom greeted me with a grin.

  He has no idea. What would he say if he knew? I glanced at Will, but he only met my gaze briefly.

  Tom pulled me away from my thoughts. “Hey, sis. Glad you’re here so I can remind you both that Friday night is Mom’s birthday thing.”

  I nodded and settled in a chair. “I remember. She wants to go to some Asian fusion place across town. I made a reservation.”

  “Awesome, thanks.”

  Tom and I chatted about what to get Mom for her birthday. Will sat quietly across from me until Tom turned to ask about his day.

  While the guys talked, I debated with myself. Maybe we should tell Tom… Tell him what, exactly? He’d probably like knowing… What? That you’re fucking his best friend? It’s more than that… You think so, huh? How many times have you told yourself that, only to be on your own a few days later?

  “You okay, Livi?”

  I blinked at Tom’s question.

  “That was a big sigh,” he said, brows drawn.

  I twisted my lips into a smile and shoved all those too-deep thoughts into a corner. Just go with it. Let it be whatever it is. Don’t make drama.

  “Great as always, Tommy.”



  “Don’t hate me, okay?”

  I looked up with one leg in my workout pants.

  Megan tied her ponytail and wrinkled her nose. “I’m ditching you tonight. Adam switched schedules last minute, and he called and asked if I wanted to go out.”

  “You’re dumping me for sexy waiter boy?” I laid a hand on my heart, secretly relieved since I was about to blow her off for Will.

  “Yeah, well, hate to break it to you, but you’re lacking a little in the penis department. I feel extra bad since you clearly dressed up for me.” She nodded to the outfit in my locker.

  “Just trying to keep you interested,” I said as we strolled to the gym.

  “You don’t really mind, do you?”

  “Not at all. Actually, I—”

  Megan sucked in a breath as our gazes landed halfway across the room. “Christ, Liv.”

/>   “What?”

  “You know exactly what. That man has stripped you and laid you out on this mat with his eyes. Damn, girl, I thought that wasn’t a thing, hmm?”

  My face warmed as I tore my attention from Will and looked over at Megan. “Well,” I muttered, which was all it took to get her grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  “What did I say? Megan Riley knows all, sees all. Her powers of insight astound. Cheers, love. You’ve made mama proud.”

  “Shut up, let’s go work out.” I gave her a shove, and we headed to the group.

  Five rounds of running, kettlebell swings, and pull-ups equaled shredded Liv. I dropped out of my last pull-up and tumbled to the mat, clapping clumsily when the rest of the class finished at their stations. Will dropped beside me and draped his arms on bent knees, winded from the last sprint. The sound of his breath was unnervingly hot, but before my fantasies could get too carried away, Megan stood over me, hands on hips.

  “Come on, chick, it’s time for a nice, cold shower.”

  “I’ll meet you out front,” Will said, helping me to my feet.

  “What was that?” Megs hissed when we were out of hearing range. I nearly toppled over when she shoved me into the locker room.

  “Um, he’s taking me to dinner.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You’re dating?”

  I shook my head and stepped into the shower. “No, it’s just whatever. You know.”

  With my eyes closed under the spray, I wondered if even I believed that.

  We chatted about the workout while we primped. She dressed in a crimson sundress that went perfectly with her loose, dark blonde hair and showed just the right amount of skin to be fiery hot. I suddenly wished I’d brought a dress, but packing one in my gym bag had felt silly, like I was trying too hard. I snapped an elastic around my hair and looked at my denim skirt and high-collared black tank with a frown.

  Megs bumped my hip with hers. “You’re perfect. Go get him, tiger.”

  Even with the distracting little smile that ghosted Will’s lips when I appeared, I noticed the thorough assessment Megan gave him. Clearly, my best friend was reevaluating her initial impression. Part of me wanted to drag her to the side and tell her to stop, tell her it wasn’t like that. The other part of me knew she wouldn’t buy it, and again all I could do was go with it.

  Mercifully, Megan didn’t break stride on her way out the door. Will and I faced each other. That awkward, we-don’t-do-this vibe sparked again.

  “I thought we could go to Sambuca. Sound good?” he asked.

  “I’ve never been there, but sure. I’ll follow you.”

  We drove a short distance to the Gulch and found side-street parking just off the main road. While I checked my lipstick, Will got out of his car and opened my door for me.

  “Are we on a date, William?” The question was saucy but not sarcastic. I stepped out and cocked my head.


  The fact that we’d already slept together didn’t stop the warm thrill that tickled through me. Still, I kept up the tease. “Keep your friends close and your nemesis closer, right?”

  His eyes sparked as he pinned me against the car. “Like that, maybe?”


  But Will stepped back without a kiss. “Take my hand, since we’re on a date.”

  I slipped my fingers between his, and we strolled down the sidewalk. “Sambuca is swanky, isn’t it?”

  Will chuckled. “It’s a good date spot, I’ll say that.”

  “Your go-to for a first date, huh?”

  “I go pretty regularly for client meetings. Sometimes just to sit and have a drink.” He nodded across the street as we slowed in front of the restaurant. “That’s home.”

  I turned to gaze at a massive building made of brick and glass. It sprawled out on both sides with a tower of units climbing into the sky in the center. My eyes bugged out. “Holy shit, you live there?”

  He chuckled. “Usually.”

  It had never occurred to me to wonder where Will lived. But as I let him turn me away from that impressive building and into the dark, elegant lounge of Sambuca, my clothes suddenly felt shabby. I glanced over at his charcoal trousers and white linen button-down, cuffed at the sleeves and open at the neck. Trendy-as-hell shoes completed the stylish but casual look and made him hotter than ever.

  Will paused as I dropped his hand and crossed my arms over my chest. “What’s wrong?”

  “I didn’t know it was going to be this fancy. I should’ve dressed up better.”

  He rolled his dark eyes and bent to put his lips to my ear. “What did I tell you? You don’t need anything to enhance how beautiful you are. You could be in those jean shorts from Saturday and you’d still be the only woman I wanted to walk in here with. Now, stop being self-conscious. It’s not a good look for you, Milani.”

  I reached for his hand as I nearly swooned. My face heated. So did all my sexy parts. Don’t get too giddy, girl. Be cool. Go with it. “Damn, Langer, watch it with those smooth lines.”

  Will pressed a kiss on my ear and squeezed my hand. He gave his name to the hostess, who smiled and asked that we wait a moment. I was reaching for a menu to peruse when—


  Will startled as adrenaline clenched my gut. I turned to find Ben Addison grinning at me.

  “Well, hey, Ben. What are you doing here? Where’s Celeste?”

  “At work. I’m meeting James for a drink up on the roof to discuss the app.”

  “Are y’all still talking about that?” I had to laugh. Ben and his brother James had been scheming to get rich designing an app for forever.

  He did, too. “Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s years in the making, but I think we’re finally getting something going. Who knows what will happen?”

  “Hopefully all good things.”

  “Thanks.” Ben flashed a curious smile as he glanced at my hand laced with Will’s.

  We are so not ready for this on a first date.

  “Oh, uh, I finished a workout and… dinner. Um, meet Will. Will, this is my friend, Ben.”

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Ben used that tone guys have when they’re deciding whether they’re going to be dicks to each other and haven’t quite made up their mind. His gray eyes remained steady, assessing and a little protective, like he always was with me.

  “No problem.” Will’s voice was smooth but not warm.

  God, I so have a type. Both men were both so self-possessed that it seemed like nothing could shake their poker faces.

  Ben’s eyes narrowed. “Do we know each other?”

  “Couldn’t say,” Will replied at the moment I realized they might’ve met when Ben and I dated. I bit my tongue hard to fight the panic at this weird situation.

  Ben considered a moment longer, then shrugged. “Maybe we met through work. Anyway, nice to meet you. Liv, great to see you. Sorry to interrupt.”

  “You’re never a bother. Tell James hello. I’ll see you both soon.”

  I hugged him. He nodded to Will and headed to the stairs just as the hostess appeared to guide us to a table.

  Will slid into the cozy booth opposite me. His guarded look was in place. “I remember him. Not from work, though.”

  “He was my boyfriend almost two years ago. We’re still friends.”

  The server approached for a drink order, so he shook his head and said, “Do you have a favorite wine?”

  “Not especially. Something refreshing would be nice.” That sounds like I know what I’m talking about, right?

  “A bottle of Sancerre, please. And we’ll start with the beignets.”

  As soon as the water was poured, he lasered in on me again. “Do you really think you can be friends with someone you used to sleep with?”

  “Jealous?” I lifted a brow and toed his foot.

  Will glared, although he returned the footsie gently. “Answer the question.”

  Well, well, he is jealous. I wanted to gloat, but I didn’t push. �
�Possible and done. Ben’s a good guy,”


  The beignets arrived with a bottle of the most crisp, delicious white wine I’d ever tasted. I stabbed one of the fritters and dipped it in the glaze. A girl could get used to this.

  Will wasn’t done with the conversation, though. “Why did you break up if he’s such a swell guy?”

  “We just fizzled out.”

  I paused mid-chew, thinking. That had always been my answer about Ben, but suddenly I could see the truth.

  “I wasn’t right for him. I’d just given up on college and didn’t know what I wanted to do. He was already into his career. We were good together, but I think in the end we were just at really different places in our lives.” I winced and looked warily at Will.

  “That’s an impressively honest assessment. Did you love him?”

  I bit my lip and shrugged.

  “Do you miss him?”

  “I mean, he was probably the most real relationship I’ve had. Sometimes I miss that, but I have no regrets. He’s engaged, and we really are friends. So, no, I don’t miss him, especially not with you and I—I mean, especially not since you’ve been annoying me so much lately.”

  Warmth blossomed in my chest. The line of concentration between his brows lifted into a sardonic smile.

  “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” he murmured, and I had to laugh at the use of my own phrase. He smiled back at me and reached for a beignet.

  We chatted about music and CrossFit as we took our time with the appetizer, then ordered entrees. I got the linguini; he went with the snapper. When we were done, Will poured the last of the wine into our glasses, and we sat back in the plush booth, perfectly sated.

  “This is some, date, Langer. Delicious food, stimulating conversation, you all jealous over my ex—”

  “How ridiculous. I wasn’t jealous.”

  I took a quick breath but kept my smile. “Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself. But maybe it’s time for you to give me a straight answer to a question I’ve asked about a hundred times: what are we doing, Will? Running into Ben was awkward, and we had a close call on Monday. I don’t want to end up in some kind of rom-com situation where I’m hiding you in my closet or trunk or some bullshit like that.”


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