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Page 15

by Skye McDonald

  With a palm on his cheek to angle him down to me, I sank my teeth into his neck so hard he groaned. “My fucking sweetheart,” I murmured, then bit him again.

  “Oh, you bastard,” I gasped when he fisted my hair. My head bent back when he pulled, but pleasure hardened my nipples through the burn.

  Will kissed my chin and stripped the shirt off my shoulders. “Not nearly as sweet as you.”

  My back hit the mattress. Will crawled over me as he unbuckled his trousers, but I was the one who shoved them down his hips. He stripped me too, and teasing gave way to kisses fast.

  The wet sounds of our mouths filled the silence and drove us higher. Will’s kisses were rough and sweet all at once. One hand drifted to my inner thigh to stroke between my legs.

  “I love how your breath stops when I—uh-huh, like that,” he breathed when he buried two fingers inside me. “And I love how you clench around me.”

  I clamped on my bottom lip and threw my head back against the bed. He pulsed harder as his thumb teased my clit. Every sound tickled my ears, every detail sexy in its own way: the mattress creaking under us, the rustle of his sleeve as he moved his hand, my broken breath, his short, shallow breath.

  “Will… Will, I…”

  “You’re there. Let go.”

  I tightened around his fingers as the first fissures of pleasure bubbled up. Just as I blinked to look at him, my orgasm hit hard. I thrashed, eyes falling shut again, and he pulsed steadily until I went limp.

  “Oh, god, Liv,” he muttered under the sound of foil tearing.

  “Will.” There were no words for the pleasure he gave me. All I knew, all I wanted to know, were our bodies and this bed.

  I was still dopey when he put me on my back, closed my hands around the bars of my headboard, and thrust inside of me. My senses returned, first the scent of his skin and our sex, and then the sight of his dark head bent to watch our bodies. My knees pinned his hips, and I wrapped my ankles around his back to angle him deeper.

  Will clearly didn’t see that coming. It sent him over the edge fast. He pitched forward with a shout, hips flexed hard into me as his whole body shuddered.

  Afterward, I lay with my head on his chest, drowsy beyond belief but reluctant to sleep.

  “Say something sweet.” I yawned.

  “Olivia Milani and I are a thing,” he whispered. “And that is incredible.”

  I hid my cheesy grin in his shoulder.

  “Your turn. Be sweet.”

  “When you hold me, my heart bursts,” I blurted.

  He tensed.

  I hid again. “Shit, that was corny.”

  Will cupped my chin, forcing me up. His voice was ragged, cheeks flushed a deep pink, eyes searching. “Olivia, when I hold you, I forget that there’s anything else. Liv, I’m,” he broke off, lips bitten into a line. “I’m crazy about you.”

  All the air left my lungs as I melted into the mattress

  “Talk about corny,” he muttered when I didn’t reply.

  I could feel his heart pounding as I lay on his chest. I lifted my head and traced his forehead. If he noticed the tremor in my touch, he didn’t let it show. “That is so sweet, Will.”

  His playful glare had me swallowing a laugh. “Watch it,” he growled, and I couldn’t hold the giggle anymore. He smiled back as he touched my cheek.

  I pressed a kiss on his temple and made myself tell him the truth. “I’m crazy about you, too, Langer.”

  The words were barely out before he turned for another long, sweet kiss.

  When he pulled back and yawned, I snuggled him again as he murmured, “I’m going to hold you for a while longer, okay?”

  “Very okay,” I said, my blood singing with what I could only call total happiness.



  I made myself disentangle from her arms once she was sound asleep. For a man who considered himself willing to meet any challenge, that simple action damn near broke me.

  The next morning, I sequestered in my room to pack. My ears were tuned to hear when Liv’s door opened and she ambled downstairs. Only after her car started out front did I venture out for coffee.

  After a quick breakfast, I hit the road on my bike. It was a later start than I liked for summertime, but I needed to think. I made myself go over the workweek before letting thoughts turn to Liv. By then I was sweaty, my muscles a satisfying level of fatigued. The exercise gave me clarity.

  We’re a thing. No mistakes, no fluke, no late-night haze of hormones and alcohol like so long ago. This is right.

  I squeezed the brakes and planted my feet on the ground before I pitched over the handlebars. According to my watch, my pulse had surged. It had nothing to do with cycling.

  We were more than mind-blowing hate sex. Liv and I were a thing.

  “Holy shit.” I laughed to use her phrase as I pedaled on.

  I got back to the house, showered, and resumed packing with a sense of peace altogether new to me. When Tom woke, we opened some beers and sat on the back porch with Maddie. Liv shouted hello when she returned, but she didn’t join us.

  For a moment, I considered saying something to Tom. No big announcement, but something like I was thinking of asking Liv to grab a drink after CrossFit. Before I could open my mouth, a memory shut me up.

  Friends for life, but don’t go near his sister. My background and subsequent emotional junk are too intense for her.

  Besides, I don’t think Tom even knows about CrossFit.

  I kept my damn mouth shut.

  We’d just gone in for dinner when she appeared in jeans and a sexy top, full makeup on. “I’m going out. Jack and some of the band wanted to check out a new venue, so I said it sounded like fun.”

  The look she cut me was loaded with a message, but I had no idea how to interpret it.

  “Cool, have fun,” Tom said with a wave.

  “How can you keep up with all her friends’ names?” I asked once she’d gone.

  He laughed. “That’s impossible.”

  “So, you have no idea what any of that meant?” I wanted to shout my real question at him. Who the fuck is Jack??

  Another laugh. “Inference tells me she’s talking about Jack Spencer and his band, Cellar Door. She got me into their music when they put out an album last year.”

  “Another pop star? Jesus.”

  He shook his head. “Nah, this is one of her close friends. I’ll share the album with you. You’d like it.”

  “Yeah, would you?” It couldn’t hurt to know what kind of music Liv loved best.

  You were telling me it wasn’t a date.

  The thought came to me out of nowhere, and another piece of “Liv and me” slotted into place. Yet again that dizzy urge to grin like a fool gripped me, but I drowned it in iced tea and put my focus on asking Maddie about My Little Ponies instead.

  By Sunday afternoon, all of my belongings had been moved back into my condo. I strolled around, inspecting the new appliances and freshly painted walls, and then went out to watch the sunset on the terrace.

  “Fuck,” I sighed. Being home wasn’t supposed to put me in a sulk.

  My phone chimed, and my pulse kicked up at the message on the screen.

  Liv: What r u doing?

  Me: Settling in. You?

  Liv: Watching Yellow Submarine w/ Tom & Mads

  I toyed with a few replies: “come over,” “I wish I was with you,” and “how was last night?” None of them worked, so I went with logistics.

  Me: Come to Xfit tomorrow

  She didn’t reply. I could picture her brow furrowed, trying to be subtle as she stared at her phone. What did you expect? Dick pics? I laughed and typed again.

  Me: Call me when you’re in bed.

  Tom must’ve found some extended version of that film. It seemed like forever before my ringtone pulled me away from organizing my closet.

  “Are you in bed?” No sense in starting with small talk.

  “Uh-huh,” she breathed. �
��Are you?”

  I threw myself on the mattress and opened my jeans. “Yes. Get your headphones.”

  “Already done.”

  I hummed, blood pounding. “Then take off all your clothes, use both hands, and tell me about it.”

  Liv improved at CrossFit every time. I loved the intensity and variation of the workouts. It didn’t surprise me that she was hooked, too. I’d started to notice more muscle definition in her thighs and arms as she hammered through the WODs. Her endurance had improved, too. She’d never admit it, but I was right to push her to sign up.

  That said, I think both of us expended a lot of energy staying focused during Monday’s class. Liv took every opportunity available to tease me with a covert touch, and I’ll admit I returned the favor energetically. By the time the final whistle blew, she and I were staring fire at each other, twin sly grins on our faces.

  “Meet me out front,” I said before we parted at the locker rooms.

  I showered quickly and was waiting at the front when she emerged. Her sweet dress and sandals said she was expecting this to be a date.

  I winced.

  “Wow, that’s the face every girl wants to see.” She toyed with the strap of her gym bag.

  I lifted it from her hands and splayed one palm on her back to pull her near. “That’s the face of a man who wants what he sees very, very much, and knows he can’t have it.”

  I breathed a laugh, realizing I needed to amend that a bit. “Well, that’s one version of that face.”

  She glanced up as I guided her outside. “What’s the other version?”

  The one I’ve given you for eight years. The only way I knew how to keep the wall between us. Except now there’s a door, and I don’t have to anymore.

  I looked away and forced muscle memory to wipe away my smile. When I met her eyes again, my expression was fixed in the flat stare that I’d used on her forever.

  My face relaxed, but Liv stumbled over her feet, one hand on her mouth.

  “Bullshit. Bullshit, Will Langer. That look does not mean you want me.”

  I set our bags beside my car and backed her against it. My lips skimmed her jaw. “You think? Then you’ve got so much to learn about me.”

  She trembled when I grazed her mouth, and I forgot that we were in a parking lot. My arms went around her. Her tongue found mine until I pulled back with a groan.

  “I don’t—”

  “Kiss in public. Yeah, yeah.” She tugged my hair to summon me for another kiss. “But maybe you’ve got a little to learn about you, too.”

  Maybe so. “Dear god, then teach me, Olivia.”

  Her passion morphed into a joyful smile as my request sank in. She hugged me tight. “Yeah, Will, I’ll happily teach you. But why not right now? I thought you wanted to see me.”

  I sighed and took half a step back, my arms still firmly around her. “I have a ten pm flight to Chicago. I’m headed straight to the airport from here, and I won’t be home until Friday. I wanted you to know.”

  She’d asked for me not to vanish. As if I ever could. I would never ghost someone. There was nothing, nothing, that would make me disappear on Olivia Milani.

  “Oh. Thank you for telling me. So, I guess I’ll hear from you sometime?”

  Is it too soon? What’s the risk here? Ah, fuck it. I scratched the back of my head. “About that.”

  Her eyes widened, the color draining from her cheeks. “About that?”

  My brows went up as I tried to pull her closer. Liv resisted, her shoulders tense.

  “You look terrified. What’s wrong?”

  She closed her eyes. Her jaw flexed. “Just finish your thought.”

  Do you think that “about that” means I’m about to dump you in this parking lot? What kind of assholes have you been dating?

  I waited until she looked at me again. Fear still shimmered in her gaze, but I nodded. “What if you stayed with me next weekend while Tom’s gone? Come to my place Friday night. We could have the whole weekend together.”

  That fear drained away, replaced by the sweetest look of hopeful surprise I’d ever seen. God, for someone so strong and bold, Liv’s soft side melted me.

  A shiver ran through her body, but her tone was deliberately cool. “I could be into that.”

  “Into that? You could be? Is that the best answer I can get?”

  She bit her lip. “Guess that depends on how many times you intend to make me scream, now doesn’t it?”

  She tried to run for her car, but before she took a step, I had her in my arms. She groaned every damn time I held her tight like this, and I couldn’t fucking get enough.

  “Six pm Friday. Do not be late,” I said with one more quick kiss.

  “Not a chance,” she promised.

  Sweet mercy, what a long week. We didn’t talk much, but I did get a text on Wednesday saying her raw score on the exam essentially guaranteed she’d passed. I sent her a screen full of confetti and the silliest celebration gif I could find. She replied with laughing emojis and told me she would be starting full-time at the daycare on Monday, training to take over a class in September.

  Then she said she’d missed me at CrossFit. Reading that message gave me that weird dizziness all over again. Liv missed me. How the hell I’d stumbled into this new reality, I could hardly say. For once, it was a question I chose not to over-analyze.

  I texted her Friday morning with my address. No sentiment beyond that. I wanted to save everything for when I saw her that night. A thumbs-up bubble appeared, and I went back to packing.

  The midday flight was on time, but before we landed, I got an email summoning me to the office to sign off on some final copy. Please, please don’t rope me into the goddam Friday wrap-up.

  No such luck. The meeting was on my schedule, even after a week out of town. My phone vibrated while they droned on.

  Liv: I’m here.

  I stepped out of the conference room and phoned her. “I’m running late. Go inside, give your name to Gerry at the desk, and he’ll unlock for you.”

  “You’re late? How late?”

  “I’ll be there soon, I swear.” I hung up and went back to my seat. Just as I sat, my phone buzzed again.

  Liv: I’m not going into that building w/o you. Will be at Sambuca’s bar. xoxo



  I gazed at the dregs of a whiskey sour, my phone stubbornly dark beside me. The bartender set down another cocktail.

  “Here you go,” he said with a wink. “It’s paid for.”

  I smiled and looked around, but still no—

  “It’s my lucky night. Good to see you, Liv.”

  The unfamiliar voice behind me made me turn. “Oh. Hi, uh, Cam?”

  “At least I’m a little more memorable this time. Cheers.” He held up his beer.

  “Cheers. Thank you.” I nudged the glass to his, realizing the drink was from him.

  “My pleasure.” He took the seat beside me and propped his temple on his fist.

  My gaze fixed on his arm while he eyed me up and down. His sleeve hung loosely around the pale skin on his barely-there bicep. It was a douchey thing to think, but I couldn’t stop comparing how slim he was to how strong Will was, how tight he could hold me, how no shirt ever dangled from his arms.

  Cam caught me staring and smirked. “How are you, Liv? You look fantastic, but that’s nothing new.”

  “I’m fine.” I crooked a little smile, then glanced at my phone. Ugh, dude, catch a hint. I’m busy. Thanks for the drink. Now, bye-bye.

  “How are your students? You’re back in school, right? A new year?”

  “Oh. Yeah. New year this week. They’re good. You know, first day jitters and… stuff.” No point explaining that I was a daycare teacher to someone I barely knew. Kind of weird he even remembered that. I took one more sip and put the glass down. A buzz was the last thing I needed.

  “You’re good, yeah?” I asked since he was still posted up on that stool.

hazel eyes lit up. “I was better once I walked in and saw those pink curls of yours.”

  He smiled, but I looked away, no worthwhile response in mind. When an uncomfortable minute had passed, Cam cleared his throat and tried again. “You’re much quieter than my first impression of you. I thought you were more outgoing by the way we, well, first got to know each other.”

  I winced. Yes, I kind of made out with him the night we’d met, but that was so six weeks ago. “Sorry to disappoint.”

  It’s not my fault your kiss left zero impression.

  “Oh, it doesn’t disappoint. You’re cute when you’re shy.”

  Cam’s fingers trailed down my arm, and my muscles tensed. He leaned closer and reached to touch my hair. “How about we go get a booth?”

  I jerked away and glared at the cherry in my glass with a brisk headshake. Why couldn’t I look at him? Why did he creep me out?

  Cam laid that wandering hand on my arm, and again I recoiled. The memory of the last time I’d seen him flared up, when he’d grabbed me as I left the concert. It was an answer to my unspoken questions.

  “Aw, come on. You don’t have to be that shy. We got along so well at that party. Let me buy us another round and get to know each other a little more. It’s not a school night.”

  “No. Thank. You. I’m not shy, I’m waiting for someone.”

  His fingers grazed me again, this time with a little more pressure. “Cancel.”

  “She told you no, asshole.”

  That Girl can handle her own blow-offs, but I literally sagged with relief at Will’s voice behind me.

  Cam’s face darkened. “Not your problem, asshole. Mind your business.”

  Will wrapped one arm around me, and I leaned into his chest. “Even if Olivia wasn’t my girlfriend, I’d make it my business. A lady tells you no, the answer is no, get it?”

  I turned my gaze to steel and fixed it on Cam. “Like I said.” I shook my head with slow deliberation.


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