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Rogue Angel (The Rourkes, Book 10)

Page 11

by Kylie Gilmore

  “Drink more champagne.”

  I shake my head, laughing. We both take a drink. She grabs my purse off the side of my chair and hands it to me. “Invite him here. I want to meet him.”

  My heart kicks into overdrive. “How’s that going to help anything?”

  “I’ll see you together and then I’ll know if he’s worth the risk.”

  “Of losing my job? No man is worth that risk, especially if it closes teaching to me forever. And you know my parents. They’d disown me and they’d never accept him. The shame would be too much to bear.”


  “What?” I ask miserably, lost in my conflicting emotions and inconvenient morals.

  “You deserve to be happy. That’s all I care about. Now invite him over.”

  I exhale sharply. “All you’ll see is that we have chemistry. I need to think clearly when he’s not around so I can figure this thing out. This needs to be a rational decision completely separate from whatever happens to me when I’m in his vicinity. I lose my good sense, Simone.”

  She holds out her palm. “Phone, por favor.”

  She knows how much I appreciate good manners in any language, but I stay strong. “You’re not calling him.”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun. He’ll like getting a call from Simone Rivera. Everyone does.”

  I slowly shake my head. “Ah, hello! Remember when you told me to let you know when you’re getting too caught up in the hype?” I put my hand on her arm. “Huge fandom, suck-up staff. The hype is all over you right now.”

  “Which is why I asked you to join my people as business manager. Plus your mad skillz.”

  She fired her business manager last month after a huge sexual harassment scandal broke about him with another very young client. I’d already secured my teaching position at the time with high hopes of a new career, or I would’ve given her job offer serious thought. After my burnout, I’ll admit the idea of moving to LA and traveling with her when she needed me to was more than I could handle, but I’m in a better place now.

  She gets serious, speaking in an urgent tone. “I’m incorporating, you know. And the truth is, I need you, Bec. Will you please at least think about it? I trust you like no one else.”

  I take a deep breath. I want to be there for her. It could be an incredible opportunity, a lucrative one too, but I’d have to give up my life here. That means seeing my family a lot less. We’re close. And I’d have to say goodbye to Connor. No way he’d leave his family business. But that’s planning on a hypothetical. I don’t know for sure I have a future with Connor; things are still so new between us. I can’t completely close the door on this opportunity.

  I give her arm a squeeze. “I need to finish out my semester, but I’ll give it serious consideration.”

  “Yay!” She throws her arms around me and kisses my cheek. “Now, please call Connor. I’ve got to meet this guy to see if he’s worth all the angst.”

  “You know, if I worked for you, I probably wouldn’t see him anymore. Long distance never works.”

  She holds up her new jangly bracelet and points to the gold band. “That’s the future. You and me, we’re living in the present. Besides, you’ve still got the rest of the semester. So, at the moment, you’re into a guy who’s got you breaking all the rules. I think this is the first time you ever broke your five-date rule, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I admit.

  “I’m only in town for a week, and it’s important I meet him. You can’t expect me to give you good advice without seeing you together.”

  Living in the moment. Didn’t I just tell her how important that was? I set my small purse on the table and stare at it. Should I call him? Maybe it would help if Simone met him. My pulse jumps, nerves skittering over my skin. “I’m not calling him.”

  “At least show me his picture. Please tell me you got a picture of your prince.”

  I smile, pulling out my phone and showing her the picture of Connor in a tux with his brothers on Villroy Island for Dylan’s wedding. She snags the phone out of my hand and turns her back to me.

  “Simone! Give that back!”

  “I just want to see. Rourke. Oh, hey, small world. I met Princess Emma and her husband, Jackson, at a party in London. Super nice and so talented. Both of them. Hello, this is Simone Rivera. I was wondering if you’d like to join me and Becca at my birthday party?”

  “Simone!” I lunge for my phone, and she leaps up and backs away, holding me off with one hand.

  “Yes, it really is Simone Rivera the singer.” She launches into one of her hits. “I’m on fire for your love…what? I’m on Becca’s phone because she’s here with me—ah!” She yanks her arm out of my grip. “Sorry, your girlfriend is really strong.”

  I cover my face with my hands. I never said I was his girlfriend. We haven’t put a label on whatever this thing is. This is so freaking embarrassing.

  Simone pulls one of my hands away from my face and gives me my phone back. “He wants to talk to you.”

  “Hello,” I say into the phone, glaring at her. “Sorry about that.”

  Connor’s deep voice warms me immediately. “Your best friend is Simone Rivera? How did that happen?”

  “We grew up together.” I add loudly, “Which is why she thinks she can just butt into my life.”

  She grins and takes a seat, sucking her champagne through a licorice straw. She’s immediately surrounded by a group of people wishing her happy birthday and exclaiming over her. They were probably just waiting for me to step away. Life of a diva. I’m happy for her—no one deserves it more than she does after all her hard work—even though I’m irritated by her tricky tactics.

  I step farther away for privacy. “Were you busy?”

  “Just watching the Yanks. It’s a tie game.”

  “Oh, well, I’ll let you get back to the game.”

  “Bec, it’s a little strange that your famous friend called to invite me to her birthday party. What’s going on?”

  I sigh. “She wants to meet you.”


  “Because I told her about us.”

  “Yeah, what did you say?” He sounds eager to know.

  “I’d rather not share. Girl talk.”

  “That sounds ominous.”

  “I’m having an ethical dilemma.”

  “I hate when that happens. Give me the address and I’m there.”

  My pulse thrums through my veins. This could be a disaster—him, me, Simone. The situation is too far out of my control. “I’m at a club in the city. So not your scene.”

  “Address, please.”

  I give it to him since he was so polite. Dammit. The please gets me every time.

  “See ya soon,” he says and disconnects.

  I walk over and pretend strangle Simone.

  She laughs. “You’re welcome!”



  My heart thunders as Connor strides toward me and Simone at our private table in the corner. I knew the moment he arrived because security sent the message to Simone. She immediately sent everyone else away from the table. I’ve been practically vibrating in anticipation ever since.

  She speaks under her breath. “He hauls his ass all the way from Brooklyn, leaving the Yanks in a tie game. Girl, he’s into you. And fi-i-ine. Mmm-hmm.”

  I leap from my seat, fueled by the adrenaline of anticipating him for the last hour.

  I meet him halfway, my breath quickening as our gazes lock. He’s here. All of my angst over him vanishes. My brain seems to take a hike when I’m close to him, a welcome relief. “Thank you for coming.”

  He dips his head, kissing my cheek. “Good to see ya. Think I’ll pass best-friend inspection?” He holds his arms out, inviting me to check him out. He’s gorgeous, sexy, intoxicating. I want him so freaking bad.

  “Your blue shirt brings out your eyes,” I say by way of covering up my intense lust. He’s wearing a long-sleeved button-down shirt open at the collar, exposi
ng the notch between his collarbones that I’ve tasted. A low ache of desire builds as I take in his slim waist in belted dark gray trousers with black dress shoes. Such a gorgeous man.

  He tips my chin up. “Thank you.”

  “Everything brings out your eyes. They’re this incredible blue,” I blurt.

  He smiles, his eyes lighting up, those tiny crinkles forming around them. “I like your dress. You look beautiful.”

  “Thanks. How old are you?”

  He drops an arm over my shoulders and kisses my temple. “Google didn’t tell you?”

  I’d like to put some righteous indignation into my voice, but can’t manage it. The truth is, I tried to do thorough research on him only to get caught up in how handsome he looked in his tux. “I’m asking you.”

  He shifts us, walking with me toward Simone. He recognized her, as just about everyone does nowadays. She gives me a big smile and a double thumbs-up. My cheeks flame. Could she be more obvious? And it’s a little early to give the thumbs-up. He just got here. She hasn’t even spoken to him yet.

  “I’m twenty-eight,” he says.

  “That’s good.”

  “Is it? How old did you think I was?”

  “Around my age, but I just wanted to be sure. I like knowing all the facts. Simone asked.” I’m babbling because I’m basically about to put the whole teacher-student situation up for Simone’s inspection. I know it looks bad, and I know it’s risky. It’s my job on the line with tremendous potential fallout both personally and professionally.

  Simone rushes over to us, giving him her full-wattage pop-star smile. “Hi! I’m Simone. So great to meet you.”

  He takes his arm off me to shake her hand. “You too. I’m Connor.”

  “I know.” She smiles, looking from me to Connor. “Come, have a seat.” She gestures to the table. We follow her there. She tells us to sit in the two close-together seats, where she and I were sitting, and then pulls a third seat over next to my other side. Now all three of us are sitting on one side of the table—me in the middle. So cozy and comfortable. Not.

  An awkward silence settles in. Except for the loud club music.

  Simone picks up her phone. “What can I get you, Connor? We’re having champagne, but there’s a full bar if you want something else.”

  He politely requests a Brooklyn IPA, and I feel all mushy inside. Surely, Simone will notice his fine manners and see that’s a point in his favor for more than just the fact that he’s probably the sexiest guy I’ve ever been with. I really want her approval of him. Maybe I’m just trying to rationalize my desire to be with him.

  After she puts in the order by text, she smiles brightly at him. “So, Becca tells me you’re a princely builder.”

  “Just a builder,” he says. “Not princely.”

  “He’s royal by blood,” I put in. “He just likes to keep it more of a secret thing.”

  Simone hides a smile as she lifts her glass of champagne. “I like secret things.” She sips her drink, her eyes sparkling playfully at me. She did tell me to keep this thing with Connor secret.

  “Secrets can be a double-edged sword,” Connor says.

  “Agreed,” I say.

  Three guys approach the table, trying to get Simone on the dance floor. She smiles at them. “I’ll get there, I promise! Right now I’m catching up with my girl and her new guy.”

  One of the guys snaps a birthday selfie with her and they walk away.

  Simone doesn’t miss a beat, leaning toward Connor to ask, “What other secrets are you keeping?”

  I lean back, away from the close middle between them.

  “Nothing,” Connor says.

  I push Simone back. “Chill.”

  “I just think it’s an interesting thing to say,” Simone says. “Like he has personal experience with secrets.”

  I turn to Connor in question. Is there something I should know?

  He gives my hand a squeeze. “My dad kept his relationship with my mom a secret because she was a commoner and he already had a marriage arranged for him. Then when his dad was on his death bed and it was time for my dad to step up as king, marry his queen, and carry on for the kingdom, he finally admitted he’d been secretly seeing my mom and wanted her for his bride. Some say the shock of that is what got him exiled with nothing but the shirt on his back.”

  Simone’s eyes are huge, her jaw gaping. She turns to me for my reaction. I’m just as surprised to hear it was all a secret. That didn’t come up in my research.

  “That’s so romantic!” Simone gushes, squeezing his arm.

  He lifts one shoulder. “My dad always says he did it to marry the best woman in the world.”

  “Oh wow,” she says on a sigh.

  “That’s beautiful,” I murmur.

  His beer arrives and he takes a long swallow, the Adam’s apple in his thick neck moving up and down. I subtly lean closer, breathing him in—ocean, sunshine, and male sex appeal. He’s like sex on the beach. The cocktail and the real deal. Delicious.

  Simone smiles at him. “I love your parents’ story. How about you, though? Any bad breakups in the past?”

  Connor glances sideways at me before saying, “No.”

  “Expand,” Simone says, a note of steel in her voice.

  “No bad breakups,” he says evenly.

  “Did you dump them, or they dumped you?” she asks.

  “Simone!” I protest. “You’re getting too personal.”

  “Personal is asking how he feels about you,” she says with a devilish smile. “See how I didn’t do that?”

  Connor opens his mouth, shuts it, and takes a drink of beer.

  “You’re making him uncomfortable,” I say. “Enough with the questions.”

  “Sorry, you’re right,” Simone says. “Come on, it’s my birthday. Let’s dance.” She pulls me out of my chair. “Please, Bec, I want to have some fun and I want you to be part of it. You too, Connor.”

  I turn to him in question.

  He stands. “Sure.”

  We head over to the dance floor. Simone throws her hands in the air, dancing her way to the center. She’s immediately surrounded by a circle of admirers. These people have all been vetted, so I don’t worry about her safety. The song is another thumping bass beat, and, this close to the speakers, I feel it like a heartbeat pressing in on my body.

  I start to dance and Con snakes an arm around my waist, holding me loosely but close enough that we’re touching as I move. He matches my rhythm, and desire unfurls through me, my limbs heavy and loose. My mind clears. There’s nothing but the primal satisfaction of my body close to his. Time ceases to exist. His hands skate up and down my sides. It’s electric. I wrap my arms around his neck, and we’re dancing, barely, pressed up against each other. It’s like foreplay, his eyes smoldering into mine, and we just keep going and going, dancing our way closer and closer to the flame.

  Soon, his body says, naked time soon.

  And mine says, yes, yes, yes.

  A long while later, Simone grabs my arm. “Quick thing, twin.”

  “Huh? What is it?”

  She pulls me off the dance floor, saying to Connor over her shoulder, “We’ll meet you at our table.”

  He lifts a hand and heads back to the table. I watch him go with his confident stride, his big shoulders and broad back retreating from me when I want nothing more than to feel them under my palms. We should go back to my place soon. I can’t even believe how much I want this man. It’s insane, out of control, a craving I can’t deny.

  Simone stops a distance from the dance floor, close to the stairs, and points downstairs over the glass rail. “It’s Clint Owens. I invited him for you and didn’t think he was coming. He never responded, and I heard he was away on a shoot. I’ll introduce you, and then you go back to Connor. Whatever you do, don’t let Connor see you drooling over Clint.”

  “What! Clint Owens is here! For me!” I’m hyperventilating. He’s my idol, my fantasy man from my favorite home r
enovation show, Reno Magic. We’ve had many orgasm-filled nights together over the years. Solo orgasms, but still, he played an important imaginary role.

  “Yes.” She grips me by the shoulders. “Breathe. Celebrities don’t like when people lose their shit over them at a private party. Just be your polite self.”

  I nod vigorously and then turn to stare at the familiar tousled brown hair and granite jaw on the sexy builder I’ve been fantasizing about for, oh, forever as he heads upstairs, closer and closer.


  My breath quickens, my heart racing, jaw gaping. I can’t believe he’s really here. Clint Owens in person! My fantasy come to life.

  As he gets closer, I realize his handsome face is impossibly more handsome in person. I’m frozen in place, in total awe. He’s dressed in a black suit, no tie, his white shirt open to mid-chest, exposing his defined pecs and tribal tattoo. My mind flashes to my go-to fantasy where I magically step into the Reno Magic show, and Clint Owens and I are hammering something together and then suddenly we’re hammering each other up against the wall. Oh God, I’m throbbing.

  “Clint!” Simone exclaims. “I didn’t think you could make it. What a nice surprise!”

  He smiles his million-dollar smile, his teeth glowing white in the dim light of the club. “How could I resist you, Simone? And when you told me your friend was such a fan of the show, I had to make the trip. Besides, we wrapped up early on a house in South Carolina. Short flight and here I am.”

  “Yay!” she says.

  “Happy birthday,” he says, giving her an air kiss. His gaze lands on me. “Is this her?”

  I blink a few times and lick my dry lips. Was I standing here with my mouth hanging open the whole time?

  Simone nudges me. “This is her, my best friend from way, way back, Becca. And, Becca, you know Clint, of course, from your fave show, but here he is in person.”

  I take in his brown eyes with thick lashes, sparkling knowingly at me. It’s almost like he knows me the way I know him. My knees go weak, my hands trembling.

  Clint. Owens. Here.

  Simone nudges me again.

  “Big fan,” I blurt. It’s all the words I can manage.


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