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Teaching Cayden (The Sutter Family Book 4)

Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I don’t know if that’s a bad thing,” she teased as she leaned into him. Her eyes remained on my arm where Serena was still attached, and I could feel her fingertips burning my skin. It felt wrong that I was letting her touch me, but she knew I wasn’t into her.

  “Nope, not bad at all.” Josh wagged his brows as he shoved the final piece of pizza in his mouth. “Hey, Sutter,” he turned his attention in my direction as the girls tossed the pizza box in the trash, “think you can drop me off at the girls’ place? I don’t really feel like going home with a boner tonight.”

  “Whatever, man. Don’t make this awkward though. We have to work with them for the beach party. I have to go to several more meetings. I don’t want to hear about what a pig you were, or have to explain your fuck ‘em chuck ‘em mentality when you don’t call her back or take her out again.” I blew out a deep breath as I tried to calm myself. I knew that after this beach party happened, Josh and Grace would be no more. He’d lose interest, and she’d pine away for a few weeks, but in the end they wouldn’t be more than a fling.

  “You’re awesome.” He clapped me on the shoulder before standing and wrapping his arm around Grace. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”

  “I’m game. Where do you want to go?” She batted her eyes up at him.

  “I was thinking your place.” He grinned before leaning down next to her ear. I don’t know what he whispered, and I really didn’t want to know. Grace’s face began to turn a dark red as she blushed profusely.

  “Ok.” She coughed. “Can you take us home, Cayden?”

  “Sure.” I nodded as I dug for my keys. The quicker this fake date ended, the better. I had nothing against Serena, but she wasn’t who I wanted to be spending time with. Addison was who I wanted to be with, and Addison was the one who I needed to talk to tonight. After spending days convincing her that I needed to go on this fake date, I now had to explain why I was taking the same girl to the beach party, especially after I’d agreed to go stag. All of this was getting way too complicated for me, and I needed to simplify it real quick before someone got hurt.

  Chapter 14


  After dropping Josh and the girls off, I made my way to Addison’s place. I hadn’t promised her that I’d come over, but I knew she wasn’t happy with my ‘fake date’ tonight. I was a smart guy. I knew I needed to go smooth things over, especially if I was going to drop this beach party thing on her. She’d mentioned harassing her brother for an invite so we could at least hang out. Now, I wasn’t so sure that was the best idea.

  When I got to her apartment, she was cuddled up on her couch with a glass of wine and a book. She didn’t even hear me knock at first because it took her forever to let me in. I’d seen the remnants of her evening as she’d waved her arm at the rumpled blanket behind her. One look at her face, and I knew she was hurt by what I’d done. I was so torn with whether to let this charade continue, or tell her that we just needed to be upfront with everyone.

  “I’m sorry,” was all I was able to get out before she flung her arms around my neck and jumped into my arms.

  She hung onto me for dear life as her lips made a beeline for my mouth. “Remind me why we’re doing this again?” she whispered as I turned to carry her down the hall.

  “Because you’re worth it.” I groaned before turning and dropping us onto the bed. Before I could even tell her how much I thought about her, or how much I missed her, she was shoving her hand down the front of my pants. As soon as her fingers wrapped around me, my world stopped. It was as if we were in our own little bubble. Nothing around us mattered, and being there for one another was the only thing of importance at the moment.

  We spent the rest of the evening pleasuring one another as I whispered reassurances of my feelings, and tried to remember why we were torturing ourselves. Reality came crashing back though in the form of a text.

  “What are you thinking about right now?” I murmured in her ear as Addison and I lay spooned together in the dark on her bed. We’d been in this position since we’d come down from our orgasmic high, and I hadn’t found a reason to change it.

  “That I only have three more weeks until I’m finished with your class.” She sounded defeated and I wondered if it was regret that I was hearing.

  “I’ll tell Will as soon as the semester ends. I promise.” I squeezed her tighter as I pulled her body flush to mine. There was no space between us, and I wondered if she could feel where my heart was beating out of my chest.

  “I know.” She nodded.

  “Then what is it? I know something’s bothering you?” I shook her lightly.

  “Am I worth it?” She turned her head to look over her shoulder. “I know you say you want to be with me, but am I?”

  “What do I need to tell you to make you believe me?” I nuzzled against her neck. “I think about you all the time. You’re the one person I need to see every day.” This was what made telling her about the beach party so hard. How do you tell the girl you think you’re falling for that you’re ‘fake dating’ someone else? Just as I was about to tell her about Serena her phone buzzed, breaking our little bubble.

  “Who’s that?” I released her as she grabbed her cell off the bedside table.

  “My brother.” Her scowl quickly turned into a devious grin as she showed me the text he sent.

  Will: You can come to the beach party. We decided you count since you’re the President’s sister.

  My stomach knotted as reality smacked me in the face. “We’ll have to find a dark corner somewhere to meet up at. After a few rounds of drinks my brother and his goons won’t even care enough to worry about who I’m making out with.”

  “I need to tell you something.” I groaned as I rolled onto my back and rubbed my palms down my face.

  “What?” She pushed up so her back was resting against the headboard. The covers began to slip down, and she tugged at them to cover her breasts.

  “That girl I took out tonight,” I swallowed, “I’m taking her to the beach party too.” I watched as hurt marred Addison’s face. Her arms crossed over her chest as she turned away from me slightly.

  “I see.” She scoffed.

  “No, you don’t.” I pulled at her shoulder. “Do you think I want to be out with her? She kinda sprung it on me, and I didn’t have a reason to tell her no.” I swallowed as I pulled at her again, this time getting her to turn to me. It just about broke me when I saw the tears pooling in her eyes.

  “Did you kiss her?” she whispered.

  “What? No!” I jerked my head back.

  “Most guys kiss the girl goodnight after the date,” she mumbled as her head tipped down so she was staring at her lap.

  “I’m not most guys, or haven’t you found that out yet?” I offered a half smile as I pulled her against my chest. “She knows I have a girlfriend. She knows I don’t like her like that.” I hugged her as I tried to reassure her that she was the one I wanted. “I’m just ready for all of this to be over. I want to stand out in the quad and tell everyone that I’m with you. You have to know that. I’m crazy about you, Addison.”

  “I’m kinda crazy about you too.” She sniffed as she looked up at me.

  “Are we gonna be ok?” I let my head dip, causing my forehead to rest against hers.

  “I hope so,” she whispered as she just sat there.

  It was the point of no return for us, and a moment of stark realization for me. Hiding like this was just as hard for her as it was for me, and the sooner we could put it all behind us, the better.


  We were in the home stretch. Finally! I’d been so busy preparing for my own graduation that I hadn’t thought about the fact that I only had a few days before Cayden and I could walk hand in hand through campus. I had been offered a full-time teaching position with the university, and Cayden would be a senior. I don’t really know what his future with the fraternity looked like, but I’d hoped his future with me was bright.

  I had
n’t really talked to him much the last few days. He’d been busy with finals and the beach party planning. My brother has been over scheduling him, and I kinda backed off. Will had asked me one night why I was spending so much time at the house. I didn’t have an answer that I could tell him, so Cayden and I haven’t seen each other much.

  I decided to torture myself by going to the beach party, and now I’m standing in a dressing room staring at two different bikinis and trying to decide which to buy. One is dark purple. It really looks good against my tan. It barely covers my ass and pushes my breasts up, making them look bigger than they are. I know if I wear this one, Cayden along with the other guys at the party won’t be able to not look at me. I also know that my brother will have a fit. Then, there’s this blue one. It’s an aqua color. It’s more of a subtle sexy. I could wear it, and probably blend into the crowd. I wouldn’t attract attention, but I also wouldn’t command it. The longer I stand here staring, the harder the decision seems to get until I hear voices in room next to me.

  “Which one do you like?” a girl questions someone.

  “I like the green. He won’t be able to keep his hands off you.” The second girl giggles.

  “I like the green too, but I think this one would be more comfortable,” the first girl laments.

  “Do you want to be comfortable?” the second chimes in. “I mean, if I was going to a party with Cayden Sutter, I’d want him to have his hands all over me. Have you ever seen him with his shirt off? The guy is delicious.”

  Red. All I saw was red at that moment as jealousy coursed through me. I reached up, my decision made, as I grabbed the purple suit. “Game on bitch,” I muttered as I exited the dressing room. I plastered a smile on my face as I strode to the checkout. I could have texted Cayden to tell him what I heard, but showing up in this was going to be so much more fun.

  As I pulled my wallet out of my purse, I heard clicking coming from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see the two girls coming up behind me. You could tell by the Greek letters that were plastered across their chests that they were Omegas. I watched as they giggled to one another and showed off their suits. The sales lady handed me my card back, and as I turned to leave the girl holding a black suit stepped in toward me, causing me to knock shoulders with her.

  “Sorry.” She laughed. When I didn’t respond, I heard her complain to the other girl. “Well, that was rude.”

  She had no idea who she was messing with. When I showed up wearing my purchase, Cayden’s attention would be solely on me. He’d be hard pressed to give her anything, let alone want to touch her the way he touches me. Was I being a jealous bitch? Yep. I knew it, but I was so angry at the moment that I didn’t care. I was Cayden Sutter’s girlfriend, and all of the hiding we’d been doing was finally making me snap.

  Chapter 15


  It was finally the day of the party, and I couldn’t be more ready. I’d finished up everything I needed to do for the semester and couldn’t wait to spend the evening teasing my man. He’d been messaging me all week asking what I was going to wear. Of course, I hadn’t told him. Why would I want to ruin the surprise?

  As the sun slowly fell below the trees, I locked myself in the bathroom to get ready. I buffed, shaved, and lotioned every part of my body. My skin was smooth and soft, and I let my hair air dry so it would have that beachy wave look. I slipped into my new suit, and then put on an oversized t-shirt to cover myself. After grabbing a beach bag with my towel and a change of clothes for if it got chilly, I slipped into a pair of flip-flops and made my way out to my car.

  The ride to the party wasn’t too long. It was right down the coastal highway, past the pier, and at the end of a secluded area. Cayden had said that his parents lived on a private section of the beach, and they’d agreed to let the fraternity use it. I can’t imagine listening to loud music and drunk college kids all night, but according to Cayden it was normal. His parents hosted some of the wildest ragers back in their day, and they’d rather have their kids do the same in a controlled environment. I guess this way, they don’t have to worry about someone calling the cops.

  When I reached the end of the street, it was lined with cars. I didn’t see Cayden’s, but I wasn’t worried. I hopped out, grabbed my things, and then made my way to the stairs that led over the dunes. The closer I got to the party, the louder the music got and the more I began to second guess my decision on the new suit. All of that was cleared up though when I crested the dunes, and saw Cayden with his arm around the girl from the store in the black suit. He was holding a red Solo cup in one hand and laughing with his other hand draped over her shoulders. To the right of him sat my brother, and Josh with some blonde. None of them saw me, and I wondered how long I could watch from afar without being noticed.

  The crowd wasn’t large yet, but the roaring fire was. Stereo speakers were set up on a nearby deck of a house right on the beach. I assumed it was Cayden’s parents’ home. A few girls were dancing in the sand, and some of the guys were tossing a football in the shallow surf. There was a table off to the side that had food set up on it, and on the ground near the end was a keg. I rolled my eyes as I thought about what I had to do to get an invite to this. This wasn’t anything special. It was a bonfire on the beach. Leave it to my brother to take the easy way out. It was his frat’s turn to plan this thing, and I could tell this was his way of not wearing a suit.

  “Hey, Adds!” My brother spotted me and waved his arm in the air. I guess that was the last of blending in.

  I smiled as I headed in his direction, swinging my beach bag beside me. “What’s up?” I tossed it beside a chair across from Cayden. I wanted him to have to face me as he did whatever he was doing with his ‘fake date’.

  “Wondered when you’d get here.” He grinned drunkenly. “I’ve already told the guys that you’re off limits, so don’t try anything.”

  “Are you drunk, Will?” I tapped my foot on the sand and stared at him.

  “No!” he scoffed before he chuckled, “well, maybe a little.” He held his finger and thumb up with a small space between them.

  “Unbelievable.” I groaned. “Didn’t this party just start?”

  “I got a head start.” He shrugged. “Want one?”

  “I’ll get it,” Cayden chimed in as he quickly stood, almost knocking over his date in the process.

  “It’s fine.” I waved my hand as I turned to head towards the table. Right when I reached the keg, Cayden caught up to me. “I said I’d get it.” I reached for a cup at the same time he did, but he didn’t give in like he usually does.

  “It’s not what you think,” he hissed as he pumped the keg and started pouring a beer.

  “It doesn’t matter what I think, right?” I snapped. I was mad, but I didn’t really know at who yet.

  “It always matters,” he mumbled as he handed me the beer. “Do you think I like this? Sitting there with her while you’re here like that?” He waved at my t-shirt covered body. “Every part of me hurts when I see that look on your face. It’s killing me to be here, and not be here with you.”

  “Yeah. It looked real painful when I walked up and saw you two all snuggled together nice and cozy. I’m sure being her date requires you to hang all over her,” I growled before turning to walk away.

  This was a bad idea. How was I supposed to get through an entire night of this? I couldn’t even spend five minutes with him.

  “Your brother is sitting right beside me. Serena told him we really hit it off. I have to act like I really like her. Someone who really likes her wouldn’t put space between them.” He reached for my shoulder to stop me.

  “Well, I hope you enjoy your evening. Thanks for the beer.” I held it up, pulled out of his grasp, and made my way back to my chair. Time to lose the shirt. Game on, Cayden.


  I couldn’t win. No matter what I said, I knew how it looked. When I showed up at the Omega house to pick up Serena, she’d rushed me ou
t the door. On the drive to the beach, she told me that our date needed to look real. She’d told Will that we were closer than ever, and we really liked each other. I’ve been meaning to ask her why, but I haven’t had a chance. We’ve been surrounded by people since we got to the beach.

  I parked in my parents’ driveway instead of the street, so I could get out easier if I decided to leave, or if I needed an escape. When we stepped over the dunes, Serena practically launched herself at me, and has been stuck to my side the whole time. She almost came with me to get Addison’s beer. After the encounter I just had at the keg, I’m beginning to wonder if I should have just made up an excuse to not come tonight. Faked an illness or something?

  When I sat back down in my seat, I slid over slightly so there would be some space between Serena and myself. I watched through the flames of the fire as Addison moved toward the chair where she’d left her stuff. She set her cup down beside the chair, and then reached for the hem of her t-shirt. As she slowly pulled it up her body, I stared as more of her golden skin came into view. The fire made it difficult to see much, but I heard the whistles as she slipped the shirt over her head and tossed it in her bag.

  “Damn girl!” Dylan hooted as she turned to face my direction. It was then that I really got a good look at her, and holy shit was I in trouble. The bottom, if you could even call it that, was no more than a tiny scrap of fabric that barely covered her ass, and the top? Don’t even get me started. If she leaned a certain way, her tits were going to fall right out.

  A small smirk tugged at her lips as she aimed her eyes at Dylan. “Thanks.” She winked before bending down to grab her cup. “Wanna dance?”

  “Better watch out for Will,” I chimed in remembering what Will had said about brothers hitting on his sister.

  “He’s drunk enough he won’t care.” She waved her hand in the air as she started swaying to the music. “I don’t bite,” she teased.


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