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Page 31

by Jason Webster

  Denia, taifa kingdom 130

  Los desastres de la guerra (Goya) 285

  desde los moros (‘since the Moors’) 50–1

  Despeñaperros gorge 21

  Díaz, Jimena 141

  Díaz, Rodrigo (El Cid) 140–4

  Dioscorides 114, 115, 166

  The Disaster (El Desastre 1898) 87, 316–18

  dissection of humans 110

  DNA 27, 28–9, 30

  Don Quixote (Cervantes) 249–53, 285–6

  Doñana National Park 42

  Drake, Francis (el pirata Drake) 237

  Durruti, Buenaventura 358

  Dutch Revolt (1568—1648) 237


  Ebro river 22

  economic crash (2008) 391–2

  El Algar culture 26–7

  El Cid (Rodrigo Díaz) 140–4

  elections (1936) 339–40, 342

  electoral system 384–5

  Emir al-Mu’minin (Miramamolín) 250

  ‘Emperor of the two religions’ (Alfonso VI) 167

  empires 199

  encyclopedias 72–3

  England 236, 270, 272

  Enrique IV 181, 184–5

  ensaladilla nacional 218

  ensaladilla rusa 218

  Entremeses (Cervantes) 210

  Ephorus of Cyme 42

  epidural anaesthetics 111

  El Escorial royal monastery 241–2

  Eslava Galán, Juan 386

  ‘España’ 51

  Estoria de España 170

  Estrella, Max 321

  ETA 377, 379, 396n5, 397

  Etymologiae (Isidore of Seville) 72–5

  Eulogius 104, 106

  European Protestant states 236

  European religious wars 229–30

  European Union 382

  excommunication 59n1

  executions 203–4, 367–8


  Falangist party 339, 342, 350

  falcata swords 52

  Falconer, Hugh 25

  ‘false’ conversos 189–90

  al-faris (knight) 138

  FC Barcelona 395

  federalism 307

  Felipe VI 385, 388, 389

  Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile (Ferdinand and Isabella)

  ‘Alhambra Decree’ (1492) 190–1

  heirs to single monarchy 225–7

  los Reyes Católicos 198

  making Spain possible 197

  marriage 184–7, 197–8

  Ferdinand King of León 73

  Fernando III of Castile 179, 205

  Fernando VII 282, 286, 290–4, 299

  Ferrer, Francisco 320

  Ferrer, ‘Saint’ Vicente 189

  ‘fifth column’ 255

  First Carlist War 296, 297–8

  First World War 320

  Fitna civil wars (1008—1031) 118–19, 123

  Fitna civil wars (1808—1874) 278–9

  Five Kingdoms (los cinco reinos) 50, 180

  Flint, Edmund 25

  food 100, 212–19

  Forbes’ Quarry 25

  forced conversions 254–5

  Fraga, Manuel 376n3

  France 280–1, 293, 347, 351

  Francisco, Duke of Cadiz (‘Doña Paquita’) 300

  Francisco Franco Foundation 393

  Franco, Francisco

  Army of Africa 94n1, 352

  ‘Caudillo’ 367

  craftiness as dictator 368–9

  death (1975) 379

  descendants’ wealth 393–4

  as El Cid 373

  Generalísimo 362–3

  ideology 373

  mausoleum 382–3, 394

  meeting Hitler 369, 370–1

  October Revolution (1934) 338

  as an opportunist 374

  rebellion (1936) 342–3, 348

  scripting La Raza (film) 375

  as ‘Sentinel of the West’ 372

  Spanish Foreign Legion 325, 339

  successor 379–80

  ties with royal family 373

  verifying death sentences 367–8

  Francoism 373

  Francoists 362

  freedom of worship 288

  Freemasons 374

  French Revolution 280–1

  futuwwa (horsemanship and chivalry) 138


  Gabirol, Ben 247

  Galicians 368

  Gallaecia (Galicia) 50

  Garcia, Benito 190

  García Lorca, Federico 336, 341–2

  Gárgoris (mythological king of Tartessos) 41, 43

  garrotting 368

  garum (fish sauce) 212

  Generación del ‘98 317–18, 321

  Generalísimo see Franco, Francisco

  generals as ‘saviours of the nation’ 387

  geography 19–23

  Georgia 40

  Gerard of Cremona 168–9, 170

  Gerion (mythological king of Tartessos) 43

  Germana de Foix 227

  Germanías movement 228

  Gibraltar (Calpe) 24–5, 44, 93–4

  Gil-Robles, José María (el jefe) 336–7, 339

  Gilson, Etienne 161

  Gnosticism 59

  Godoy, Manuel 281–2

  Gómez de Sandoval, Francisco, Duke of Lerma 261

  Gothic DNA 29

  Goya, Francisco de 285–6, 321

  gramatica de la lengua castellana (Antonio of Lebrija) 198–200

  el Gran Memorial (1624) 262

  Granada 50

  conquest (1492) 125–6, 182, 186–7

  independent state 183

  kingdom of 180

  massacre of Jews (1066) 205

  as a taifa 130–1

  grapes 212

  Gratian, emperor 60

  Great Mosque, Cordoba 115, 117, 150

  Guadalquivir river 22, 53, 213

  Guadix 158

  Guernica 357

  Guernica (Picasso) 286

  guerrilla wars 284, 285, 286

  guiri 297n1

  Guzmán, Gaspar de, Count–Duke of Olivares 263

  Gypsies 30


  Hábis (mythological king of Tartessos) 41, 43

  Habsburgs 227–8, 229, 264, 269, 270

  haemophilia 109

  Al-Hakam 99

  Al-Hakam II 112, 117

  Hallstatt peoples (Celts) 27

  hand paintings 37

  Hannibal 52

  Hayy bin Yaqzan (Ibn Tufayl) 159–60, 246

  healthcare programmes 110

  Hebrew culture 130–1 see also Jews

  hedonism 132

  Henri of Navarre 236

  Heracles/Hercules 43–4, 45, 96

  Heredia, Basque Country 297

  hereditary monarchy 306

  heresy 58–9, 60, 61

  Las heridas abiertas de la Guerra Civil (‘The Open Wounds of the Civil War’) 391

  Hernando de Talavera 199

  Hessel, Stéphane 392

  Hisham II 117

  Hisham III 119

  Hispania 49–51 see also Romans

  Hispania baetica (Andalusia) 50

  Hispania lusitania (Portugal) 50

  Hispania tarraconensis (Tarragona) 49–50

  ‘historical memory’ movement 390–1

  Hitler 351, 359–60, 368–9

  Holland 237, 270, 272

  Homage to Catalonia (Orwell) 123n1, 356

  hominids 33–4

  Homo antecessor 34

  Homo Calpicus 25

  Homo heidelbergensis 34–5

  Homo Neanderthalis 25

  House of Hercules (Toledo) 78

  House of Wisdom (Baghdad) 114

  Huerta 214


  ‘Iberia’ 28

  Ibn Arabi (Sheikh al-Akbar) 246–7

  Ibn Hazm 140

  Ibn Juljul 114

  Ibn Masarra 245–6

  Ibn Naghrela, Samuel 130–1

  Ibn Rushd, Abu al-Walid Muhammad see Averroes (Ibn Rus

  Ibn Saba’in of Ceuta 163

  Ibn Shaprut, Hasday 114

  Ibn Tufayl, Abu Bakr Muhammad (‘Abentofail’) 158–9, 246

  Ibn Tumart 155

  Ibn Zuhr, Abu Marwan 109–10

  Al-Idrisi (geographer) 86, 194

  Ikhwan al-Safa (Brethren of Sincerity) 163

  illiteracy 210

  ills of Spain 368

  Illuminado mystics 208

  independence movements 292

  Indignez-vous (Hessel) 392

  industrialisation 302

  Infanta Cristina (Cristina de Borbón) 389

  Instantius, bishop 60, 61

  intellectual foundations of the West 172

  International Brigades 352

  Interpreter of Desires (Ibn Arabi) 246

  Iran 124

  ‘Iraq’ 91

  irrigation 213

  Irving, Washington 87

  Isaac (Martyr) 103–4, 106, 107

  Isabel de Valois 241

  Isabeline prisoners 297

  Isabella I of Castile see Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile (Ferdinand and Isabella)

  Isabella II of Spain 293–4, 295, 299–303, 305

  Isidore of Seville 72–5


  assimilation of Spain 88

  Christians and Jews adopting customs 105–6

  integration and conversion 124–5

  military expansion 89–90

  naming conquests 90–2

  ‘island of goats’ 194

  Ithacius of Ossonuba 60–1


  Jabal Tariq (Gibraltar) 94

  Jaime I of Aragon 179

  Jardí Botànic 110

  Jenner, Edward 110

  ‘Jesús’ as a first name 218n2

  Jewish ‘problem’ 192


  Al-Andalus 102–3, 105

  Almoravid persecutions 154, 205

  Belmonte, Portugal 206n1

  conversos (‘new Christians’) 189

  cultural collaboration 171

  DNA 30

  doctors 101

  El Cid borrowing from 143–4

  expulsion (1492) 188, 190–2

  financing Columbus’ voyages 195

  financing Ferdinand and Isabella’s wedding 184

  Golden Age of culture 130–1

  hostility in Europe 188–9

  and the Inquisition 203–4

  massacre in Granada (1066) 205

  migration to Spain 29

  mystical school 247

  pogroms 188–9, 205

  Sephardim 29, 191

  translators 172

  Visigothic kingdom collapse 76

  Visigothic persecution 67–8, 70–1, 204–5

  jinete (horseman) 138n1

  jizya (tax) 103

  John of the Cross 247

  jornaleros (day workers) 302, 332

  José I (Joseph Bonaparte) 282, 286, 289

  Juan Carlos el Breve 380

  Juan Carlos I 380, 381–2, 385–7, 388–9, 398

  Juan II of Aragon 185

  Juan, Infante, Count of Barcelona 373–4, 380

  Juan of Austria 255

  Juan, Prince of Asturias 225

  Juana of Castile (Juana la Loca) 226

  Julian, governor of Ceuta 78–9


  Kabbala movement 247

  Kalila and Dimna (Panchatantra) 172

  Khashkhash (sailor) 193

  Al-Khwarizmi (mathematician) 170

  King Solomon’s Table 94–5

  Kitab al-Tasrif (al-Zahrawi) 108–9


  La Guardia, Toledo 190

  La Mancha 249

  ‘Ladino’ 191

  lamb 217

  Land without Bread (Buñuel) 332–3

  landalauhts (Al-Andalus) 91

  Lapidario 172

  Largo Caballero, Francisco 321

  Las Casas, Bartolomé de 231–3

  Latin American colonies 292

  Latin-based languages 50

  Latin Rite 147–8

  ‘leftovers’(al-baqiyya) 215

  Lennon, John 376n2

  León 50, 180

  Lerma, Duke of (Francisco Gómez de Sandoval) 261

  Letitia, Queen 389

  ‘liberal’ 284, 288

  liberals 293, 295, 301

  libertarians 356

  libraries 115, 118

  Life is a Dream (de la Barca) 251

  longevity rates 213

  Los Millares city and culture 26

  lower classes 207, 302–3

  Lubna of Cordoba 115

  Luna, Miguel de 257

  luso (Portuguese) 50

  Lytta vesicatoria (Spanish Fly) 227


  Madariaga, Salvador de 67, 68


  as capital city 235, 239–43

  direct rule of Catalonia 396

  rebellion (1808) 284

  republican 350

  Spanish Civil War 357–8, 360

  supplying 242

  ‘Al-Maghreb’ (Morocco) 90

  Magnus Maximus (governor of Britain) 60–1

  Maimonides (Jewish philosopher) 205

  Al-Majisti (Almagest) (Ptolemy) 169

  Manichaeism 59, 60

  Al-Mansur (‘Almanzor’) 117, 145

  Margaret of Austria 225, 226n1

  María Antonia of Naples 290

  María Cristina of Austria 316

  Maria Cristina of the Two Sicilies 299

  María Josefa Amalia of Saxony 293

  Martínez Campos, Arsenio 309

  Maryam of Seville 115

  mass aerial bombardment 357

  mass graves 390

  mass rapes 361

  massacres 361

  Al-Masudi (historian) 193

  Mathematika Syntaxis (Ptolemy) 169

  Mauretania 85

  medicine 108–11

  Medina Azahara, Cordoba 116

  Medinat al-Zahira 117

  Mediterranean diet 213

  Melilla (African exclave) 31

  ‘Men from the East’

  Abd al-Rahman 96–7

  Bronze Age cultures 27

  Carlos III 276

  Dioscorides 114

  House of Hercules (Toledo) 78

  James the Apostle 12, 402

  mythological founders 39–45

  Romans 29

  Ziryab 98

  Menendez Pidal, Ramón 67

  Las Meninas (Velázquez) 251–3

  Mérida 51

  merino wool 171

  La Mesta (Royal Council) 171

  metalworking 40

  migrations 24, 29, 30–1

  Mihrab (Great Mosque, Cordoba) 150

  military coups see coups (pronunciamientos)

  military ranks 137

  ‘military rebellions’ 367

  militia groups 350–1

  Miramamolín (Emir al-Mu’minin) 250

  mirrors 321–2

  moderate Republicans 355

  molino (‘mill’) 250

  ‘Moorish’ (mauri) 85–6

  Moorish Spain see also Al-Andalus

  after 1492 254

  awareness of period 86–7

  crop cultivation 213

  cultural make-up 85–6

  DNA 30

  ‘Golden Age’ 112–13

  non-persecuting society 104

  reaction to 87–8

  taifas 128–9, 148


  attitudes towards Christians 135–6

  conquest of Spain 95

  as ‘foreign’ 88, 124

  invasion (711) 76

  meaning 30

  sailing technology 195

  Spanish Civil War 368


  culture under attack 254–5

  expelling (1609) 30, 257–9, 261

  revolt (1568) 255–6

  Moroccan Regulares 361


  Berbers 153

  massacre at Annual (1921) 321

  rebellion 1920—1927 (Rif War) 319–20, 324–5

  ‘Tragic Week’ (1909) 320

  Morris Dancing 181n1

  Moses ben Joshua of Narbonne 160

  Moses of León 247

  mountains 20–1

  el Movimiento (‘the Movement’) 362

  Mozarabic Rite 147

  ‘Mozarabs’ 104–5

  Muhammad V 184

  municipal elections (1931) 326–7, 331

  murabits (Berber monasteries) 153

  Al-Murabitun (warrior monks) see Almoravids

  murders (sacas) 350, 354

  Musa bin Nusayr 94–5

  musicians 99

  Muslims 29–30, 171

  Mussolini 351, 359–60

  Al-Mu’taman (ruler of Zaragoza) 142

  Al-Mu’tamid (poet and king of Seville) 131–2, 153–4

  mutilations 361

  al-Muwahhidun see ‘Almohads’

  ‘mystic idealism’ 245

  mysticism 244–9

  mythological foundations 39–45


  Napoleon Bonaparte 281–2

  Nasrid Kingdom of Granada 180, 183–4, 183

  national anthem 275

  national flag (Rojigualda) 274

  national identity 329

  national story 253

  ‘Nationalists’ (rebels) 350, 357, 359, 361–2

  see also Spanish Civil War

  NATO 382

  Navarre 50, 146–7, 180, 186, 296–7

  Nazi Germany 336, 347–8, 370

  Nazi–Soviet Pact (1936) 348

  Neanderthals 24–5, 34

  Neolithic period 25–6

  neurosurgical methods 109

  new myths 400

  New World 30, 196, 231–3

  nineteenth century civil wars 278–9

  Normans 146n1, 149, 168

  Nueva Planta (1716) 272

  Numantia (Numancia) 54–7

  numerical mysticism 59


  ‘Occidentalist’ theory 27

  Occupy movements 392, 400

  Ockley, Simon 160

  October Revolution (1934) 337–8

  O’Donnell, Leopoldo, Duke of Tetuán 300, 301

  Olite, Navarre 69

  Olivares, Count–Duke of (Gaspar de Guzmán) 262

  olives 212, 216

  Olózaga, Salustiano 300

  Opus Dei 375

  Order of Santiago 149

  organised persecutions 167–8

  ‘Orientalists’ theory 27

  Ortega y Gasset, José 209

  Orwell, George 123n1, 356

  Ottoman Empire 191

  Out of Africa I migrations 34

  Oviedo 106


  ‘pact of forgetting’ 3, 4, 57, 86–7, 390

  paella 214–16

  la paella valenciana 214–15

  Pagés, Fidel 111

  Palacios, Jesús 386

  Palaeolithic cave paintings 36–7

  Pavía, Manuel 308

  peasants 332–3

  Pedro ‘the Cruel’ 180–1, 184

  Pellicer de Ossau, Juan 42

  Peninsular War (War of Independence) 280, 283–7

  La Pepa (Constitution of Cádiz 1812) 287–9, 291, 293

  per-capita income 376

  persecuting movements 204

  personal hygiene 101

  Philip II 234–6, 240–1

  Philip III 260–1


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