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Mistress Under Contract

Page 11

by Natalie Anderson

  ‘OK.’ She nodded. ‘Someone to sleep with.’ That was all he would be. Her bedmate.

  He kissed her. ‘I have to go to work. Be here tonight.’

  Who was she kidding? When he kissed her like that fantasies of night after night leading to for ever skipped through her head. She frowned. ‘After the club?’

  He nodded. ‘My bed.’

  She looked down. She was afraid that, now he’d seen into her once, he’d see all there was to see all the time. That she was turning all female and falling for him. What had happened to her bluffing skills?

  He took her chin again and tilted her face back to him. ‘No regrets.’

  Once more he kissed her—thoroughly, deeply, teasingly. And it was so unfair because now she was left in bed warm and wet and wanting all over once more and he was gone for the day. She should be gone for good. Instead she rolled over and snuggled in the scent of him, in his sheets. So she couldn’t say no, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t come up with a strategy. She’d challenge him right back.


  You find it difficult to switch off from your job

  WHEN Lucy got home in the early hours Daniel was lying on the sofa reading, waiting.

  ‘Have you eaten?’

  She shook her head and glanced at the spotless kitchen. ‘Nor have you.’

  ‘Let’s get pizza.’ Instead of reaching for the phone, he reached for her instead. He tipped her head back and she opened her mouth and welcomed him with her tongue, her arms, the press of her pelvis against his.

  He lifted away fractionally. ‘What do you want? Really want. And I don’t mean on your pizza.’

  ‘I want to come. I want you to make me come. I want you to come with me.’ She’d turned into a nymphomaniac just like that. She’d always craved freedom—rebelled against her family, her school, any form of authority. It was why she loved dancing. But that freedom was nothing on the freedom she’d found in his arms. The way she could be held but made to feel as if she were flying. It was a freedom that kept her chained to him. She needed to combat it—by seeing how far she could push him. ‘You phone the pizza. I’ll be back in a minute.’

  His gaze hit on her cowboy hat the minute she came back into the room twirling it. His smile grew. ‘You want me to dress up as a cowboy?’

  ‘Oh, no. You’ve got it all wrong.’ She donned the hat at a rakish angle and pouted. ‘I’m the one who does the riding.’

  He put on an appalling western accent. ‘Well, jump on, darlin’. This stallion is more than a little frisky—care to break him in?’

  ‘Actually, no, I was hoping for a wild ride.’

  His brows shot up.

  She walked towards him, letting her hips sway. ‘Ever done that, Daniel? Ever totally given up control? Ever just done what you wanted regardless of how crazy just because it felt too good not to?’

  ‘I thought I did that last night.’

  ‘I think you can do better.’

  ‘Do you now?’

  ‘Maybe. Can you, Daniel? Forget everything but how you feel? Can you not think? That enough of a challenge for you?’

  ‘Not think? Trouble, if I was thinking, I wouldn’t be here right now.’

  Her mouth softened in appreciation. If she were thinking she’d be out of here too. Instead the feeling was too good to ignore. ‘Dance with me.’

  He took her in waltz hold and expertly span her around the room. She pushed him away, waggling her finger at him as if he were a naughty schoolboy. ‘You’re still in control, Daniel. I want you to lose it.’

  He pulled her closer. ‘You know, you’re not that great at letting go either, Lucy. You’re too busy coming up with cutting comments and being all prickly.’

  She stared up at him. There were reasons for the prickles. Good ones. Protective ones.

  His eyes accused her. ‘You don’t want anyone to get too close.’

  Well, he was as guilty of that as she was. And, yeah, she found it hard to trust people. Now the person she trusted least was herself. She wanted Daniel beyond belief but he couldn’t give her anything more than his body—and even that was only on short-term loan, so she had to do the protective thing more than ever.

  ‘Ever let go, Lucy? Ever not think?’ This wasn’t right—he wasn’t supposed to turn the tables.

  ‘On the dance floor.’

  ‘OK.’ Wicked light flared in his eyes. ‘Dance for me.’

  She stepped back from him, her smile of delight wide as she figured the way to rule him again. ‘You want me to strip too?’


  The key to success—she’d just rendered him speechless. Out of control was fast approaching, for both of them. She shimmied towards him. ‘I’m dancing to country, you know, in my head.’

  ‘As I can’t hear it, that’s just fine.’

  She spent the night in his arms. Sleeping with him. All night. Relaxed. Secure. Everything she’d wanted, from the wrong man—the emotional vacuum that was Daniel Graydon. Fate was nasty.

  He rose early. From his bed she watched through the open door as he shaved and showered. He walked back through. Silent. She could see he was miles away, no doubt already mentally slugging it out in the courtroom. He dressed. Dark suit, white shirt, dark tie. Her passionate, playful lover disappeared under the guise, turned into a frowning figure. Austere. She hated it.

  Then he surprised her by turning to her with a smile that made her forget his clothing. ‘Walk with me. Come and see where I work.’

  She didn’t want to. She really didn’t want to. ‘Why?’

  He shrugged. ‘Why not? A walk in the early-morning sun will do you some good.’

  She slipped from the bed and pretended to ignore the growing glitter in his eyes as she stepped into her jeans.

  ‘Do you always go commando?’

  She grinned and shook her head.

  ‘I’m not sure I believe you. Every time I tell you to get dressed you don’t bother with underwear.’

  ‘It’s the rebel in me. I’m doing as asked but not all the way. My little act of defiance.’

  He chuckled. ‘Yeah. That figures.’

  Daniel had left all the files at the office to be brought over by his team so, other than his briefcase, he was unburdened on the walk. They called into the café and got coffee to go.

  ‘You don’t want food?’ Lucy asked.

  ‘Maybe later,’ he answered distractedly.

  She swiped a banana from the bowl on the counter and added it to her purchase.

  As they headed into lawyerville Lucy’s feeling of intimidation grew. Insecure, threatened, she thought she saw everyone looking her way. Conscious of her ancient jeans and less-than-fresh top, she had a needy moment. ‘They probably think I’m one of your clients.’

  ‘Probably,’ Daniel answered carelessly.

  He stopped walking and turned to her, briefcase in one hand while the other lifted to her face. Then he combed his fingers through her hair, cupping the back of her head and pulling her close. The kiss was sweltering. Hot, hungry, open. No restraint. His briefcase hit the ground as his other hand slipped beneath the waistband of her jeans and curved around her bare buttock, squeezing gently. Just as suddenly it was over.

  She snaked in a breath and wished they were miles away from here. Together, alone and naked.

  Daniel grinned at her. ‘Now they don’t.’

  She glanced around the group of lawyers. Saw them swapping stunned looks.

  ‘You’re a bad influence on me, Lucy.’

  ‘Why’s that?’

  ‘You have me liking to shock people.’

  She handed him the banana. ‘To keep your energy up.’

  He took it with a smile and went to join his team.

  Not liking the way he fitted in so perfectly with them she turned and walked—fast, almost smacking straight into Sarah.

  ‘Hello, Lucy.’ She had a frozen smile pinned to her face and icicles in her eyes. Lucy knew she wasn’t cutting th
e mustard as far as Sarah was concerned. She knew Sarah had seen that shattering kiss. She’d looked shocked, though not half as shocked as Lucy.

  The day passed in a haze. Lucy went to work in the early afternoon and did some more on her proposal—the one she’d give to Lara on her return. She had some ideas about taking the club to the next level and ached to be given the chance to do it. She liked nothing more than hanging out there. It was second only to the time in Daniel’s bed. She was filled with desires she’d never expected to experience. Wanting to work. Wanting to love.

  Late afternoon and punters arrived. Isabel clocked on to help with the post-work rush. Lucy smiled at the regulars she was getting to know well. She was actually content.

  Daniel appeared late in the evening. She’d been wondering how he’d got on, and worrying about the hours he worked. Hell. She was turning into his mother. He sat at the end of the bar—his usual seat—and ordered a whiskey. She felt his eyes on her, watching her every move as she poured the drink. She set it in front of him but said nothing, sensing his need for space. So she moved about the bar, serving patrons, chatting with Isabel, clearing glasses and all the while intensely aware of him as he sat and sipped and stared after her.

  He looked wired. He should be home asleep. She wondered what was going on in that brain of his. She knew the trouble he had in shutting it down. Eventually she could take it no longer. Telling Isabel she was taking a break, she went to the end of the bar, took hold of his hand and pulled. He stood and let her lead him behind the bar to the back office. She closed and locked the door.

  He went ahead and sat on the sofa, watching as she moved towards him, purpose explicit. His lips curled in anticipation. She slipped her panties off, leaving her skirt on, and unbuttoned her black satin blouse so her bra was revealed. She said nothing. Didn’t need to.

  She straddled him, stroked his face with her fingertips, easing the hard planes of his jaw. He sat rapt. She leant forward to tease his lips with the tips of her nipples. Her breathing and pulse accelerated as his tongue darted.

  His hand slid beneath her skirt. ‘I love it when you’re like this.’ His fingers teased her. ‘Can I…?’

  ‘You can do anything you want.’

  Licence to thrill—her. And he soon had her spiralling out of control. She shook her head, breathless, close to climax. ‘I wasn’t meaning for this…’

  His grin was lazy. ‘I like making you come. Watching you. Tasting you. Hearing you.’

  But she wasn’t going to let it all be her. She pulled at his clothing—enough to get to him. Grasping, her hand rubbed in time to her own rhythm. Faster and harder as her body contracted.

  ‘Let me in.’ He groaned. ‘I need to be in now.’

  His jaw was stubbled; his troubled eyes burnt into her. She slipped on the protection and slid him home, then set the pace. Slow to start, she watched him, waiting for the moment when his eyes went glassy and sensation took over, switching off his mind, making his body his master—only interested in and able to feel. Then she began to stoke the heat, pumping him harder, faster. Knew she was succeeding when every single one of those hundred or so muscles beneath her tautened and his breath came harsh. His arms came about her tighter. One hand twisting in her hair, the other at her waist, pulling her closer.

  ‘Lucy…’He groaned her name as his hips jerked up towards her, faster and faster, and her head fell back as he pulled on her hair. He kissed her neck, nipping at it as he worked the pressure out in a frantic rhythm. And she delighted in it—satisfaction pouring through as they broke free of the tension together.

  Finally she felt him relax. She whispered, ‘You should go home and sleep.’


  ‘You have a big day tomorrow.’

  ‘I’m not leaving here without you.’

  They said nothing on the late walk home. He led her into the shower and then to his bed where they tumbled together in the cool cotton sheets. She lay beside him in the pre-dawn hours—awake but not unhappy. She studied his face in repose. It was a relief in a way not to have those penetrating eyes focused on her—trying to search out all her secrets while guarding his own.

  His arm tightened around her, his brow furrowed. He jerked awake.

  ‘Hell.’ He stared at her, then stared at the digital clock. He swore more sharply. Casting her an amazed look, he slid from the bed. ‘I slept in!’

  She glanced at the clock—ten past seven didn’t seem like that much of a sleep-in, but knowing Daniel he’d have been at the pool powering it out for an hour by now.

  Daniel strode to work, breathing deeply to blow the webs out of his sleep-mussed head. The case was to resume at ten. Crazily, despite the fact he’d had more sleep than usual, he was tired. But he’d been tired before and knew adrenalin would get him through the day. It would make his mind crystal-clear.

  What wasn’t at all clear was what was happening with him and that crazy woman. He thought of the other night. She’d been the one teasing off her clothes but he was the one who’d been stripped. She’d seized control and made him lose his. Pushing him, exposing him, until he’d reached out with both hands and taken her like a man possessed. Inner demons and deepest desires unleashed. Wanting her utterly. Holding her tight to him. And she had revelled in it, leading him to repeat the indulgence.

  Time and time she welcomed him in with hot, sweet fervour. The way her core contracted around him, the way she gazed at him with such intense honesty until she could bear it no longer, the way her fingers curled into his hair, an instinctive reflex as her body shook in pleasure…

  He wanted her. And the more he had of her, the more he wanted.

  It wasn’t supposed to work that way. It was supposed to have the opposite effect. He should be getting cured, not more highly infected with the Lucy bug.

  He looked at his schedule. He was double-booked again. How was he supposed to give a talk at the law school at the same time the Judge was due to sum up? He checked his emails. The Law Society wanted him to prepare a paper. He glanced at his in-tray—neat, orderly, but still overflowing. Time. He didn’t have time to do all of this and he wanted to. And now he felt as if there was more he wanted. She’d done something to him, made him feel as if he was missing out. He pulled paper towards him in irritation. Missing out on what? He didn’t want or need someone warming his bed at night. He would not, could not, become dependent on anyone—least of all her.

  She’d told him from the start she didn’t stick around any place for long and he knew too well the bitter taste of abandonment. He’d witnessed his father’s descent into an insular, workaholic world once his mother had walked out. Daniel too had been lacerated by her lack of interest—her lack of love for a son who’d been stupid enough to believe in the whole ‘happy family’ thing. He’d never risk being that vulnerable again, certainly never make the same mistake as his father and rely on another like that.

  He was having a fly-by fling with Lucy. That was all. Not a relationship. Relationships always ended.

  But her presence in his home threatened his peace. His carefully built life was starting to crumble—there were gaps where there should be walls. And Lucy was the one holding the sledgehammer.

  He was going to have to get rid of her.


  You believe justice is more important than mercy

  LUCY read the article again and again. As she sat in the café the pleasantness of the warm sunny morning passed her by. She stared at that morning’s paper—at the photo of Daniel looking every inch the aggressive lawyer in black and white. She marched back to his apartment, watched the television, surfed the Internet and even put on the radio for the national news station. Her blood began to boil as Daniel’s questions were quoted. Footage showed him striding out of the courthouse, stopping to address the media briefly on behalf of his client. Hotshot lawyer in defence mode shredding the complainant’s argument. It hit every mutinous button within her. She knew she shouldn’t have got involved wit
h a guy like him.

  Daniel climbed the stairs of the club with a feeling of extreme relief, completely forgetting his resolve to end it with her, he was so exhausted. All he knew was that in a few moments he’d be able to leave the case behind—just sit on his stool at the bar and watch her and relax in a way he’d never been able to before. He could hardly wait. Her eyes met his the minute he walked in and he knew she’d been waiting for him. But he didn’t get that wide, devilish smile. Instead she looked away again—fast. Something was up. He took his seat under the light. The one that was always empty because everyone knew it was his.

  She banged the glass down in front of him, grabbed the whiskey and poured it in with a heavy hand, some of it sloshing over the rim to the bar below.

  ‘Actually I didn’t fancy a whiskey tonight.’

  ‘Really? Fine.’

  To his utter amazement she picked up the glass and downed the contents in one gulp.

  She hissed fire.

  ‘Call me astute, but I’m guessing something’s bothering you.’

  ‘You think?’ She banged the glass down. ‘What gives you that idea?’

  He moved the glass out of her reach. ‘I don’t think we need any more accidents.’

  ‘No. We don’t. We don’t need anything more of anything.’

  Daniel sighed inwardly. She was clearly spoiling for a fight, clearly choosing him as the opponent and, frankly, he couldn’t be bothered. ‘Look, Trouble, I’m not in the mood for figuring out what’s going on in your convoluted mind this evening, so if you have a problem just spit it out.’

  ‘My problem, Counsellor, is your case.’

  ‘You sound like you’re in a bad American legal drama. What do you mean, my case?’

  ‘What are you doing defending that creep?’

  Daniel’s attention focused. OK. So this wasn’t personal. It was professional. Interesting. She wanted to argue about the case?



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