
Home > Other > Revelation > Page 11
Revelation Page 11

by Kealohilani

  Justin threw a few more telekinetic waves at her to try to tempt her to come back out— but all he succeeded in doing was moving her around the pool a bit in her little bubble.

  “Come on! We were just getting started!”

  “I have been running for my life through a forest, over a lake, through a meadow, through this gigantic mountain pass, and— most recently— through a never-ending cave for who knows how long. Now I’m through! I’m entitled to a small break where I have nothing to do but be lazy and stare at the clouds!”


  Justin threw one last wave over her shield that pushed her bubble a little further away. He frowned as it registered that the water fight was actually over.

  Defeated, Justin realized that he needed a new way to entertain himself. His smile quickly reappeared as a thought came to him. He redirected his efforts.

  “Cool!” he shouted to no one in particular.

  He had just created a giant water sculpture of a sphere with rings orbiting around it, much like Saturn.

  “This gift is never gonna get old!” Justin exclaimed with a loud laugh.

  “Is it just me, or is Justin mastering his gift faster than any of us?” Raoul asked.

  “It’s definitely not just you.”

  “Maybe it’s because he’s not taking it seriously. He’s just playing. You know— like beginner’s luck?”

  “Justin’s always been a natural at anything he really wanted to do. Maybe being a natural is another one of his gifts.”

  “That would explain a lot, actually,” Raoul commented with a laugh. “Like how he got through school, ha ha!”

  “He’s smart too.”

  “I know but still— it would explain a lot.”

  Lani laughed.

  “This feels so good!” Lani exclaimed as she relaxed into the water.

  The warmth and the feeling of weightlessness did wonders for her sore body. She loved water anytime and anywhere— but especially now. It was all the way up to her neck, which somehow helped her feel stronger and helped her breathe easier.

  Slowly, she found that she was able to stand on her own. She took a few steps away from Raoul just to be sure and smiled as she realized that he wouldn’t have to be stuck taking care of her the whole time.

  She turned back and saw the worried lines on Raoul’s forehead, the intense look in his eyes, and his nervous stance— ready to jump to her side at a moment’s notice. She smiled gently and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “I’m okay now. You don’t have to stay here with me. Go have fun. I promise I’ll be fine.”

  Raoul looked out on the vast expanse of the pool and back to her, the concern still etched deeply in his face.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m just going to relax and float around.”

  “Alright. But I’ll be close! Just call me if you need me.”

  “I will.”

  She smiled at him sweetly again and motioned for him to go. With one last scrutinizing look at her, he smiled back and took off like a joyful sea otter. She laughed and felt a wave of gratitude wash over her— for both his friendship and his overprotective nature.

  She dove under the water’s surface and opened her eyes. She was surprised by the fact that she could actually see the heat waves rising in the water— much like the visible heat from sweltering hot asphalt or in the air over a grill at a cookout.

  Lani flipped over so that she could look up at the sky through the water. The way the light moved across the surface filled her with wonder and solace. Moving her fingers gently through her hair, she undid her braid and let it all float freely around her.

  Slowly moving her arms in just the right way, she postponed her ascent to the surface— prolonging her stay in the peaceful underwater sanctuary.

  Quiet and serene— devoid of all the problems that awaited her on land. Here she was safe and happy and warm.

  Alas, she could not breathe underwater. That was always the saddest part of being beneath the surface— the moment she realized she couldn’t stay forever.

  One of her dreams had been to get certified in scuba so that she could just lie on the ocean floor and blow bubble rings for as long as her oxygen tank held out. She had always fantasized about being a mermaid since she was a little girl and she figured scuba was the closest she would ever get to having that kind of freedom.

  Lani allowed herself to float toward the surface. She stretched her neck and moved her head back and forth slowly to release the pressure she felt there. Her hair swirled around her face and shoulders as she did so. When she could stay under no longer, she surfaced and took a deep breath of much needed air.

  What I wouldn’t give to be able to breathe underwater! She submerged herself again and resurfaced quickly— this time to let the water pull her hair smoothly away from her face.

  When she stood up and opened her eyes again, she saw Jharate— staring straight at her from six feet away, waist deep in the water.

  Sometimes Life Just Refuses to Act Like A Chick Flick

  Lani jumped back a little. Jharate always popped up out of nowhere. His ability to appear and disappear had to be superhuman.

  He continued to stare at her.

  He said nothing.

  He did nothing.

  Lani pulled all of her hair to one side and twisted it nervously, trying to decide if she was supposed to look back at him or avoid his gaze. Her indecision led to something oddly in the middle that felt even stranger than picking one option would have.

  But she didn’t have a clue as to what to do. No one had ever acted like this toward her. Well, perhaps Josiah had— but Jharate was taking it to a whole new level.

  She continued to fret over which action to take— making eye contact with Jharate, every now and then. Each time, he would blink back. He didn’t try to move away or even to look elsewhere. He just remained where he was with his eyes fixed on her.

  What was he doing? Why didn’t he just come over to her and forgive her for what she had done to him? He needed to get over it, already.

  It hadn’t been on purpose. And it hadn’t been completely her fault either. If it weren’t for that stupid spell Drakne had placed on her…

  I’m tired of waiting. Lani felt a rush of determination sweep over her and she swam directly toward Jharate— ignoring her better judgement and the fact that he suddenly looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

  She stopped right next to him and leaned her back against the naturally smooth lava-rock wall of the pool— just one foot from where he was doing the same. A moment of uncomfortable silence passed while Lani decided what she was going to say to try to break the ice. She mustered her most cheerful tone and began.

  “This pool is so beautiful! I feel so good now that we are out of that dark cave and in the warm sunshine. What do you think?”

  Jharate did not reply.

  “Sooo, are you having fun here, Jharate? I mean, is it as fun as you remembered it being when you were here with Arante before?”


  “That’s good.”

  Jharate said nothing further and Lani had exhausted everything she could think of at the moment in the realm of small talk. The two of them just stood there next to each other, staring out at the others.

  Lani giggled as she saw Justin signaling Raoul with military hand signals for whatever mischievous covert op they were planning. Both had wide impish grins on their faces.

  Raoul carefully snuck up behind Kendra, who was still floating on her back, eyes closed, with a blissful look on her face. As soon as he came within inches of her shield, he yelled loudly.


  Kendra frantically bolted upright and accidentally let go of her shield. In this brief moment of vulnerability, Justin deluged her with an enormous wall of water.

  Kendra screamed— trembling with rage. Raoul and Justin scrambled awkwardly to get out of her war path as she rushed after both of them— propelling wate
r at them with her shield. The two pranksters laughed hysterically as they got out of the pool and ran to avoid her.

  Lani found herself laughing with them as she watched the aftermath of their coordinated prank and hasty retreat. Finally, even Kendra started laughing too— although she didn’t stop seeking retribution for a while.

  Justin suddenly stopped running and looked at Kendra with a wide smile. She squealed in surprise as she found herself lifted about ten feet above the water— unable to concentrate enough to think of a way to use her shield to retaliate further.

  “Truce!” she called, not wanting to keep floating in the cool air when she could be in the warm water.

  “You want me to put you down slowly or drop you?” Justin asked good-naturedly.

  Kendra looked down at the water below and grinned.

  “Drop me!”

  “As you wish!”

  Kendra pulled herself into a cannonball shape and screamed excitedly as Justin let her go and she fell into the pool with a giant splash.

  “I want to try!” Raoul exclaimed.

  “Can do!” Justin replied— ecstatic over his newfound game.

  “Wahoo!” Raoul shouted as he fell through the air into the water below. “Higher next time!”

  Erik, Arante, and a few of the other rebels all lined up for a turn as well. But Raoul kept coming— again, and again, and again.

  During all of this, Lani kept glancing at Jharate, hoping to catch his eye, but she had no such luck. She sighed heavily. The man was an impenetrable fortress! His expression remained flat and his lips remained sealed.

  “Jharate, I’m sorry for what happened at the sanctuary. I guess the spell amplified my fears and I— I thought you didn’t love me. I am so sorry I ever hurt you and—”

  Jharate abruptly waded away before she could finish. A single silent tear fell down the side of her cheek. She didn’t want anyone to see it. She plunged her face down into the water and floated like a drowning victim, so that her grief would remain between her and whatever fish might pass by.

  She stayed there, floating— floating and waiting for the water to repair the trauma. She focused on the light that danced around her shadow on the rocky bottom and tried to wish her pain away.

  Her body jolted as two hands grasped her shoulders, flipping her over. She took a deep breath in and pulled her hair away from her face. She didn’t know how long she had been under— but it had been enough to regain her composure.

  After carefully wiping the water from her eyes, she saw Raoul— frantic and stern— glaring at her with an almost fierce intensity.

  “Don’t scare me like that!”

  “I’m sorry. I was just floating. I didn’t mean to scare anybody.”

  “I wouldn’t usually be so freaked out ‘cuz I know you’re a good swimmer— because you swim in the ocean and pools and stuff— and you know me and I’m a lifeguard. It’s just with the siren… and you being so weak and…”

  “I really am sorry I worried you, Raoul. Thanks for checking on me. I appreciate you.”

  Lani gave Raoul a kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him as she turned on her back, this time to float away. Raoul watched her go without protestation— glad that she couldn’t see the blush he could feel burning on his face. Once he felt sure she was alright, he returned to the levitating-cannonball line— still keeping her in his peripheral vision at all times.

  Lani watched the sky and the clouds as they rolled by— trying to clear her mind of every uncomfortable thought. The water was warm. The air cool and clean. And floating still felt delightful. There was really so much to be grateful for, if only she could focus on it.

  Inhale. Exhale. Just breathe. Breathe and relax.

  Her spirits started to rise as she suppressed the dull ache in her heart. No matter what was going on— right here, right now, she was safe, happy, warm, and comfortable.

  Water had always been her bliss spot— the place where everything felt like it would be okay. Where her heart felt calmed and energized— her lungs revitalized and tranquil.

  Tomorrow she could worry about Jharate, and the fact that she had made a mistake approaching him instead of waiting for him to approach her, and the perils of their journey, and everything else. Tonight was a luxury meant to be enjoyed.

  She stayed in the water with everyone else until the clouds changed from white, to pink, to purple— and a little bit past. Raoul returned and swam over to the edge with her as everyone else began to climb out to lie on the tiers of flat rocks around the pool.

  The rocks were very smooth, pitch black, and had absorbed much of the heat from the sun— perfect to lie on in the cooler temperature of evening. Torches set at intervals around them reflected in the glassy water— as did each of the three campfires that suddenly roared to life.

  Justin walked along the edge of the main pool until he met up with Raoul and Lani— who were still in the water— and looked down at them with a grin.

  “You know, sugar bunny, this would be a lot easier if you just let me levitate you out of the pool and up here.”

  “Whatever is less work for you is fine with me.”

  “Cool! Raoul, hold her in your arms like you’re going to carry her across the threshold or something so I can picture what I’m doing better.”

  “Like this?” Raoul asked as he scooped Lani up.

  “Perfect. Ready, Lani?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Lani answered with a laugh.

  Lani floated out of the water and then out of Raoul’s arms. She let out a quiet squeal of surprise again. It was definitely a strange feeling to be floating through the air— and holding a specific pose, with nothing actually holding you, was strange in and of itself.

  It was also very fun— even a bit of a rush as she drifted through the air and into Justin’s arms. He caught her and laughed.

  “Brings back memories, huh?” Justin asked with a self-satisfied smile.

  “Maybe,” Lani replied with a playful but slightly nervous grin.

  Lani remembered well the many times she had been in Justin’s arms before. He had always loved picking her up. At the beach. Just to hold her and spin her around— in or out of the water. For several of their prom pictures— both years, actually. Come to think of it, he hadn’t ever really needed an excuse to pick her up when they had been together.

  She felt a slight rush as he joked with her— but at the same time things were different now. Her heart belonged to Jharate. No amount of history or flirts could make her forget him even temporarily— regardless of the fact that he wasn’t actually hers at the moment.

  “Don’t worry, Lani. I know that time is long gone. It’s just nice to remember every once in a while.”

  “Yeah, sooo much fun to remember,” Raoul grumbled with a sarcastic twitch as he pulled himself out of the pool. “You know what else is fun?”

  “What?” Justin asked with an irritated scoff.


  Raoul put his fists in front of Justin’s face and extended his right thumb and left pinky to face the same direction, and then switched to his left thumb and right pinky— faster and faster and faster— and then suddenly laced his fingers together and started doing the wave with his arms in a bizarre combo of spastic coordination. Lani and Justin cracked up. Raoul stopped his show and laughed too.

  “Hey that rock looks like a good one for her,” Raoul stated, pointing about ten feet away from them.

  “Looks nice to me,” Lani agreed.

  “Let’s get you over there then, sugar bunny,” Justin smiled.

  Justin walked toward the rock Raoul had pointed to and slowly set her down. Now that she was out of the water, gravity took its toll again and she still could not sit up without help. Luckily, the rock was slanted up at the perfect angle so that she didn’t have to sit up to see what was going on around her.

  “It’s so warm! I love it!”

  She didn’t even feel cold being out of the water thanks to this rock. Raou
l brought a blanket for her anyway and set it on top of her. It felt much better than a blanket normally could. She settled in and smiled at her two friends.

  “Thanks guys! This will be perfect! Now go get yourselves comfortable. I’m fine.”

  “You sure?” Raoul asked.

  “ ‘Cuz we can wait,” Justin added.

  “Yes, I’m sure. You guys deserve a break too. I’ll call you if I need you.”

  “Promise?” Justin asked.

  “Yes, I promise.”

  “We’ll bring you some dinner once it’s made. Might be a bit since everyone is soaking wet.”

  “Thank you. Maybe I’ll feel like I can actually eat something by the time it’s ready.”

  “Hopefully. Okay, you’re sure you’re okay?” Raoul asked.

  “Whoa! Déjà vu!” Lani exclaimed.

  “What?! What is it?!”

  “It feels like you guys asked me that same question like forty-five seconds ago!” Lani joked with a playful smile and a cheerful tone.

  “Good one!” Raoul laughed. “She’s definitely starting to feel better.”

  “She’s never been a good patient though, has she?” Justin remarked, also laughing.

  “Nope— and she’s still right here,” Lani added, smiling brightly.

  “Okay, okay— we’ll see you in a bit, sugar bunny.”

  “Still call us if you need us,” Raoul insisted.

  “I promise— again,” she affirmed, smiling once more at them. “Now go— without guilt— and take care of yourselves for a few minutes!”

  Justin and Raoul looked from her, to each other, and then set off to find their own rocks to dry out on. Lani laughed. They were super cute and gentlemanly— a fact that she had always more-than appreciated. But she was also glad that they had taken her not-so-subtle hint that she wanted to feel normal for a few minutes— and so they needed to treat her like she was normal for a few minutes.

  Kendra noticed the guys leave and walked over to Lani to sit next to her. Kendra flattened her lips tightly— like her older brother who played the trumpet had taught her to do— and blew out softly to make a high-pitched squeaky noise. She continued to make this strange noise until she ran out of air. Her lips popped as they released.


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