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Ready For The Rancher (Sin City Secrets Book 2)

Page 17

by Zuri Day

  He crossed over to where a profusion of colors burst from the aspen trees he’d had planted for that very reason—because of how their leaves changed in fall. Shades of red and orange and yellow were highlighted, backlit by the sun. The leaves actually looked happy and free, the way that he felt since admitting his struggles with dyslexia to a business blogger. The article went viral. Adam became an inspiration for others who struggled, proof that the challenge could be overcome. Owning that truth allowed him to fit fully and comfortably inside his own skin and realize that others knowing about his disability made him no less of the person he’d been before that truth came out. This realization and newfound appreciation for authenticity would have never happened except for Ryan. Meeting that woman had changed his life in so many ways. He hoped to return the favor.

  Adam heard the sound of a car. He turned to see the executive SUV he’d sent to pick up Ryan coming down the drive. He strolled over to where he’d left his luggage and, after making sure the door had been locked, headed toward the drive. Once the car had pulled in and parked, the driver quickly exited the car.

  Adam waved him away. “Thanks, Elvis, but I’ve got it.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. Hey,” he quickly continued, motioning for Elvis to come toward him. “You didn’t tell her, did you?”

  “She doesn’t know a thing,” Elvis replied with a wink.

  Adam placed his luggage in the back, then opened the door and climbed inside. Ryan sat cross-legged, her back against the door, looking as fit as a fiddle. Not at all like someone with only one kidney.

  “I thought we were just going to hang out” was her good morning.

  “We are.”

  “Then why are you getting in the car?”

  “To take us to where we’re hanging out.” Adam stretched his body over the seat for a quick kiss. “Good morning, gorgeous!”

  “You woke me out of a deep sleep and had me picked up before breakfast, even coffee. We’ll see how good it is.”

  Adam took in her black skinny jeans, sweater and faux leather jacket. Her face was devoid of makeup, and the hair that often had a mind of its own was held away from her face with a band. She looked adorable.

  “I didn’t bring a change of clothes.”

  “You look fine.”

  “But you brought a suitcase. Where are we going?”

  “Just relax, Ryan. Since you’re a business owner, I know you are keen on the details and like to be in control. For today, let taking care of you be my job. Okay?”

  He kissed her once, and again, and watched the pout she’d worn slip away. “Okay.” She looked out the window. “I can’t get over the beauty of this estate. It’s like being in a whole other world.”

  “In many ways, it is. Mom wanted to create a type of fantasyland for family, guests and clientele. With every renovation or new edition, she outdoes herself.”

  Ryan looked over at him. “What were some of the changes?”

  The car stopped. “I’ll answer that question after we get on the plane.”

  “Plane? Adam, where are we going?”

  “Not far. I’ll get your door.” Long strides made quick work of covering the distance. “Come on, babe.”

  “No.” Ryan crossed her arms. “I refuse to go where I don’t know where I’m going!”

  “Ha!” He held out his hand. “Do you trust me? Well, do you?”

  She gave him the side-eye but placed her hand in his and allowed herself to be pulled out of the car. In the meantime Elvis had retrieved Adam’s luggage. Still holding Ryan’s hand, Adam grabbed the luggage handle and led them toward the plane.

  “Thanks, Elvis!”

  They reached the airstairs of a private plane. Ryan looked up. “We’re going in that?”

  “Yes, isn’t it a beauty? Come on.”

  Adam entered the plane and stopped near the cockpit, where the pilot and flight attendant were standing. He introduced Ryan.

  “Nice meeting you, young lady,” the pilot said. “Check’s all done, Adam. We can take off anytime.”

  Adam gave him a thumbs-up. “Let’s go!”

  He stopped at the first set of seats. “Aisle or window?”

  “Window.” He stepped back so Ryan could pass him, watched her eyes scan the plane’s interior, which even after all the times he’d flown in it was still impressive.

  “Buckle up, babe.”

  Ryan reached for the belt, still looking around. Her eyes landed on a shiny plaque. “Christian Breedlove, President, CANN International.” She looked at Adam. “Ah, so this is the company’s plane?”

  Adam shook his head. “It belongs to Christian, a birthday gift from our parents.”

  “Wow. Mom and Dad gave Dennis a toy plane one Christmas but...oops, sorry.”

  Adam laughed. “Don’t worry about it. He’s still your brother.”

  He pulled Ryan into his arms as the plane barreled down the runway and began its ascent. There was a companionable silence as the two looked out the window, first at clouds and blue sky and then at mountains bathed in different hues once the plane leveled out. Angie, the attendant, walked out carrying an ornate silver tray holding two flutes, a basket of miniature rolls, a covered dish and a small bouquet of perfectly formed roses.

  “It’s only an hour flight but this will get you started,” Angie said.

  “Can I help you?” Adam asked.

  “Oh, no. I’ve got it.” She pulled down a tabletop from the wall in front of them and put down the tray. “I’ve got coffee on as well and there is hot chocolate available, along with champagne if you’d like to turn that juice into a mimosa. What else can I bring you?” She looked from Adam to Ryan.

  “Hot chocolate sounds good,” Ryan said.

  Adam nodded. “Make that two.”

  Ryan leaned forward and pulled one of the roses from the bouquet. She touched it to her nose and deeply inhaled. “This smells amazing. I’ve never smelled a rose this fragrant, or seen one this big. These are huge! I also don’t think I’ve ever seen an orange rose.”

  She placed the flower to her nose again, looking at Adam with love in her eyes. “Were these brought on board just for me?”

  “Absolutely.” Adam reached for the two flutes. He gave one to Ryan. “To celebrate the woman who’s touched my life and captivated my heart. This day is for you.”

  “That’s so sweet, babe.” Ryan gave Adam a quick kiss on the lips before they clinked glasses and took sips. “Thank you. What’s under the dome?”

  Adam raised the silver top to reveal two beautifully plated servings of eggs Florentine.


  He reached for one of the small plates and handed it to Ryan, then picked up the other and began eating.

  “How’s Joe doing?” he asked, and was immediately rewarded with one of her life-giving smiles.

  “Dad’s recovery is amazing. The first couple weeks were scary. We didn’t know whether or not his body would accept my kidney. With the time that’s passed the doctors are increasingly optimistic. They’ve even made plans to visit...”


  “Never mind.”

  “Is it about Dennis? Baby, I’ve made my peace with what he did. I lost all of the trust and respect I had for him, and he’ll never again work in the meatpacking industry, or any part of the service industry, most likely. But I don’t hate your brother.”

  “I appreciate that,” Ryan said. “The way he was treated in Bakersfield after the press conference was worse than being in jail. A month ago he got engaged to the neighbor and moved to Texas with her and her kids. My parents will visit him soon.”

  “And you?”

  Ryan shook her head. “I’m still working on forgiving him for the pain he’s caused me. Not just what he did to you but from the time I was adopted. I don’t hat
e Dennis, either, but I honestly can’t say I like him much right now.”

  “Then have Brooklyn do some of that woo-woo stuff to help you heal. Unforgiveness hurts only you.”

  “Woo-woo stuff?” Ryan laughed. “Listen to you! But you’re right. I tell my clients that all the time and need to take your advice.”

  They chatted about the past week’s events and raved about the food. Angie returned with their hot chocolate, and to refill their flutes. Shortly after they’d finished eating, she returned for their dishes and picked up the tray.

  “We’ll be landing shortly,” she said. “Time to buckle up.”

  Ryan looked out the window. “This isn’t Los Angeles,” she said, stretching her neck this way and that. “Are we going to Phoenix?”

  “A few more minutes and the destination will be revealed.”

  The plane landed and the captain announced, “Welcome to Sedona.”

  “Babe! I love Sedona!” As she turned and threw her arms around his neck, the brightness of Ryan’s eyes and smile were enough to add years to his life.

  “We’d better get out of these seats and get to it, then.”

  Ryan released the belt and stood. “How did you know?”

  “I talked to Brooklyn. She told me this was one of your favorite spots.”

  They said goodbye to the crew and walked down the stairs to a waiting car. Once inside, Ryan reached for his arm. “This is really special. Thanks again.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  “Did Brooklyn tell you anything about Sedona? There’s lots to do here depending on what you’re in the mood for, and places where we can eat later on. Ooh, babe, had I known we were coming here I would have worn different clothes!”

  “Don’t worry, gorgeous,” he replied. “You’re the most beautiful woman in town. Now—” he pulled her into a gentle embrace “—tell me about Sedona and why you love it.”

  “It’s beautiful, for one thing,” Ryan said, resting her head against his arm and sounding dreamy. “It feels good and when I come here, no matter what my mood is beforehand, I soon feel good, too. It’s because of the vortexes, these pockets of energy that can heal and transform. People come from all over the world to experience them. It’s pretty cool.”

  They chatted a bit more, him asking questions, Ryan answering them, until they pulled into an über-luxurious hotel and spa called, appropriately, Vortex.

  “Unbelievable,” Ryan whispered with an almost childlike wonder. “This place has been on my bucket list for years!”

  “Brooklyn said I’d score points by bringing you here.”

  “My bestie was right. You. Are. Winning!”

  Adam had grown up in luxury, but from the lobby to their penthouse suite, he was impressed. Ryan was overwhelmed. He’d wanted her to feel like Cinderella and had pulled out all the stops. They toured the town, attended a festival and took a ride in a hot air balloon. When they returned to the car, Ryan nestled against him. “I’m so deliriously happy right now.”

  Adam kissed her temple as he placed an arm around her. “Have I worn you out yet?”

  “I’m strangely invigorated,” she murmured, placing a hand on his thigh while looking at him coyly, a clear message in her eyes.

  He gently gripped her hand, stopping its movement toward his crotch. “I’ve had that on my mind since we got on the plane,” he admitted. “But later, after dinner, when I can take my time and—” he ran a finger down her face, neck and the top of her breast “—do things right.”

  “After dinner, huh?” Adam nodded. “Can we make it quick, like go through a drive-through?”


  When they arrived back at the hotel, Ryan was shocked to see a closet filled with shoeboxes and clothes, courtesy of a designer Victoria had recommended. He’d had every clothing item delivered that a woman needed, from lingerie to Louboutins.

  “Baby, you’ve thought of everything. You’ve turned me into a big crybaby with all of these gifts!”

  “I don’t mind. I’m just happy you like them.”

  “I love them,” Ryan responded. “I love you.”

  They showered—separately, amid Ryan’s protestations—and went to dinner dressed to the nines. Adam’s tailored umber-colored suit shot through with gold thread made him look dashing and complemented Ryan’s shimmery, one-shoulder silk delight that hugged her curves the way Adam planned to later. The menu was a symphony of vegetables, grains, starches and legumes that created gastronomic melodies over olfactory harmonies so good that Ryan requested the chef be brought to their table and thanked in person.

  Ryan reached over for Adam’s hand. “You know, babe, I think this might be the best day in my entire life.”


  “Definitely. You’re an amazing man, Adam Breedlove. It’s seems such an inadequate statement given all you’ve done, but thank you, for everything.”

  “You’re welcome, babe, but the night’s not over.”

  “Oh, I know that,” she said, her voice flirty and low.

  Adam chuckled. “Are you ready?”


  They walked out of the restaurant. She headed toward the elevator. He caught her arm and began walking toward the exit.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My last treat of the day.”

  “What else is left to do?”

  “You’ll see.”

  The same car that had driven them around all day idled in the circular drive. The driver stood by the opened car door and nodded slightly as they entered. Adam immediately pushed a button to raise the privacy screen and pulled a more-than-willing Ryan into his arms. He slid his tongue along the crease of her mouth as a finger tickled her nipple. She gasped, providing the opening he wanted. His tongue darted inside her mouth, touching the tip of hers, which eagerly awaited to touch, taste, dance together.

  When Ryan’s hand once again crept toward Adam’s burgeoning erection, he put on the brakes.

  “Babe, if you let the snake out of the cage we won’t reach our destination.”

  “Releasing that snake is my destination,” she whispered against his mouth. “But I’ll behave.”

  The car turned off the highway onto a dirt road that ran along the edge of a mountain. It was a cool, clear evening, almost dark, and the higher the car climbed the brighter the stars shone.

  “It’s so beautiful out here,” Ryan whispered, almost reverently. “I can’t imagine where you’re taking me, though.”

  “To heaven, I hope,” Adam replied.

  The car pulled over. Adam instructed the driver to open the trunk. “Wait here,” he said to Ryan. He retrieved items from the trunk and returned to the car. Once inside he handed Ryan a large cashmere shawl. “It’s bit chilly out,” he told her.

  “You’ve thought of everything,” she said.

  “I try.” He reached into a large canvas bag in the trunk and pulled out a pair of slip-on sneakers. “I love those stilettos but these will work better on the mountain.”

  “I love being out here in all of this beauty, but, babe, I’m not exactly dressed for a hike.”

  “What I’d like to show you isn’t far and won’t take long.” He removed his suit jacket and donned a pullover sweater. “You ready?”


  Adam stepped out of the car, hoisted the bag on his shoulder and reached back in for Ryan. There was a blanket of stars across a clear, dark sky; some seemed almost low enough to touch. Adam held Ryan securely as they followed the rocky trail going up the mountain until the path opened up onto a wide plateau. From here they couldn’t see the car or the road. Rock formations isolated them from everything, created a world with Ryan and Adam only, no one else. Ryan stepped away from Adam, dropped her head back and spun around. Her eyes landed on an object a short distance away. She walked over a
nd squealed.

  “A telescope!”

  Hurriedly, she put her eye to the lens. “Wow, this is amazing. There’s the Big Dipper,” she said, while swiveling the machine in different directions. “And there’s the North Star. Babe, you’ve got to see this. It’s like I really am in heaven and can catch these stars in the palm of my hand.”

  Adam took a turn to look in the telescope. After a while he turned to her. “Ryan, I think you’re right.”


  “The stars. They’re so close. I believe we can catch them, too.” He walked over to Ryan. “Hold out your hand.”

  Ryan cocked her head. “It was a figure of speech, Adam. Even if a star fell, which they really don’t, having it land in my hand would be a long shot, even for a Breedlove.”

  “Everything is possible,” he responded. “That’s what the woman at the festival who worked with crystals said.” He paused, stepped closer and looked deeply into her eyes. “Do you believe that’s true?”


  “Good. Hold out your hand and close your eyes.”

  Ryan’s eyes slowly closed as her hand lifted.

  “Now, make a wish upon a star and ask it to come to where you are.” He waited. “Abracadabra,” he slowly said, releasing what he’d pulled from his pocket and letting it fall.

  Ryan jumped as she felt an object hit her hand. She opened her eyes and saw something sparkling, a ring with so many carats that it shone brighter than Polaris or any of the other stars. Her eyes slowly raised from the ring to Adam’s face, glimmering with unshed tears.

  “What’s this?” she whispered.

  He picked up the dazzling princess-cut rock set in platinum and held it between his fingers. “It’s not a falling star,” he said, “but it represents my wish for us. My world hasn’t been the same since you entered it. Everything’s brighter. I’m a better person, a better man. I might not be able to give you the world or even a planet, but I can give you my heart.”


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