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Collecting Favors

Page 4

by Charley Case

  “You saved the life of a Naga, stranger,” Christine declared behind him, but Finn was not interested in what she had to say at the moment.

  “Penny, do you think you could fly home and back with a potion quick enough?”

  Penny shook her head sadly, smoke falling from her nostrils in drips.

  “Maybe I can get up to the market and buy one. It’s not far if I run.”

  A hand gripped his shoulder, and he turned to see the smiling face of Christine.

  “You have saved the life of a Naga,” she repeated, as if that should mean something to him.

  “Yes, but it cost me a friend. How is that fair?” Finn demanded.

  Suddenly, Penny lifted her head, her eyes wide. “Squeak. Squeak!”

  Finn furrowed his brow. “A wish? What are you talking about?”

  Penny flew into a series of squeaks and shooting flames. Finn’s expression changed from confusion to shock.

  He turned to Christine. “You can grant a wish?”

  She smiled. “Only if one saves my life out of the goodness of their heart. You have done so. You may ask one thing of me.”

  “Anything? You can just grant a wish?” Finn’s mind raced, he had never heard of such power.

  “I may grant anything within my ability.”

  A smile spread on his face, and he opened his mouth. Remmy put a weak hand over it, keeping him from speaking.

  “Save it. So many people would do anything to get the favor of a Naga. Don’t waste it on someone like me.” Remmy’s voice was weak, but determined.

  “Okay.” He gently patted her cheek. “I won’t waste it. I promise.”

  She smiled and closed her eyes.

  “I want you to heal Remmy.”

  Her eyes snapped open, and she opened her mouth to protest, but Christine reached down and touched her shoulder, enveloping her in white light.

  Finn sat down beside Mila, who jumped a little at his sudden appearance.

  “Hey! What took you so long?” She sipped her G&T from two tiny, black straws.

  Finn smiled. “We ran into a few new friends. I had to set them up with a working relationship before I could go.”

  Mila laughed. “You say the oddest things sometimes, Finn. What does that even mean?”

  “Well, there was this goblin who needed to repay me a kindness, then a Naga that was doing a shit job of protecting herself, so I set the goblin and her tribe up with the Naga. Now they can watch each other’s backs and I don’t have to have a goblin squire.”

  Mila slowly blinked a few times. “I feel like there is a lot more to that story.”

  “Probably, but I hit the highlights.” Finn took a drink of his fresh whiskey on the rocks. “I have something for you.” He held up a thin metal sheet the size and thickness of a playing card. The surface was covered in intricate runes that glowed faintly green in the dim light of the bar.

  She took the card and frowned. “What is it?”

  “It’s a favor.” He held up a hand to forestall the inevitable confusion. “Let me explain. This is a favor that I owe you. It will work whether I hear what you ask for or not, and it is irrevocable. Whatever you ask of me, I will be magically compelled to do, no matter the consequences.”

  Her eyes went wide, the implications hitting her full force.

  That was what Finn liked most about Mila. She was smart. Very smart.

  “So if I ask you to do something impossible?”

  “I’ll die trying,” he confirmed.

  “That’s too much power over you.” She turned to face him, and put a hand on his knee. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because for the first time in my life, I trust someone with that power.” He picked up the favor and handed it to her. “Don’t lose this. You never know when you might need it.”

  She clutched the card tight. “Thank you, Finn. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know.”

  They were quiet as Danica sang “Uptown Girl” in the background.

  “Is that blood on your pants?” Mila pointed at a dark streak on his thigh.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake! These were my nice jeans!”

  Return of the Dwarf King - Book 01 is on sale NOW!

  The Dwarf King is back. A 6’5” Dwarf and his mini dragon sidekick are lost in Denver. Anyone know a good repair shop for an aging spaceship? Has ancient artifacts to trade. Join in the adventures of a reluctant hero out to save magic. Click here and join in The Adventures of Finnegan Dragonbender from the beginning!





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