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Her Highland Secret: Steamy Historical Scottish Romance

Page 11

by Fiona Faris

  He moved his hand up and down her slim frame, and each touch lit her body with small shocks of heated tingling. She wanted to taste more of him, and not knowing why, she broke their kiss and moved her lips down to his neck, puckering and licking. The heady, masculine taste of his skin causing her no end of pleasure. She wanted to take more.

  He moved his head down to her breasts. Before when he had taken her nipples into his hands and rubbed them with her thumbs she had been in heaven. Now he took one, then the other into his mouth. Over the fabric his kissed their stiff, small buds. She let out a low moan and felt wetness to pool between her legs. She looked up shocked.

  “What is it lass? What’s wrong?” he asked, his eyes darkened with desire.

  “I, uh, I feel wetness?” she said, embarrassed to be revealing such a thing to Lucas. He smiled and kissed her again.

  “Aye, ‘tis normal sweet, and ‘tis exactly what I need tae hear. It means ye desire me as much as I desire ye. Yer body is getting ready for me.” She didn’t know what he meant, but she didn’t want him to stop. He laughed as she pushed his head back to her breasts.

  Lucas knew he was going to take her maidenhead. He was too far gone and wanted her too badly to stop. He knew if she asked him to stop, he would have no choice, but heavens above she was so sweet, he hoped it was a decision she wouldn’t ask him to make. Each sigh and moan that escaped her lips at his kiss sent him into a delirious state of pleasure. She was sweeter and able to quench him more than the strongest ale, and sweeter than the finest flower. He wanted to kiss every inch of her, and then do it all again. As his lips took each of her small nipples into his mouth he toyed and teased over the fabric, but his mind reeled. What did she look like underneath the fabric of her dress? Were her breasts tipped with the delicate pink of an English rose like he imagined? Hard and tight begging him to fondle her more, he cursed the lack of a moon. There was nothing he wanted more in this moment than to remove her dress and look upon her beauty without any encumberment under the pale light of an Autumn moon.

  “Lass, I want tae keep goin’ but I know what it means, and willnae if ye want me to stop,” he said. Looking down at her hooded grey eyes. He could see the need dripping out of every inch of her soul. But he also knew she had never been intimate with a man, and he wanted to be her first. Her only if that was what she wanted. Lucas MacGille would never take a woman who didn’t want to be taken.

  “I don’t want you to stop. Will it hurt?” she said, and he almost lost all of his control.

  “When the time comes, there will be small pain, but I will dae me best tae make it as little as possible. But first, let me show ye how good it can be. This part willnae hurt, lass,” he said with a wink that made her giggle. He like the sound of her mirth, and were it not for his own building desire, he would be content to listen to her giggle forever. But he had a pressing need. Lifting her skirt he dipped his head underneath. Her scent strong with her desire for him and making his erection throb. “What…?” she said shocked, trying to push her skirt back down. Her innocence exciting his own need.

  “Trust me lass, I want ye tae feel how much I want ye, and how much I need ye,” he said between kissing the smooth bare skin behind each of her knees. He moved slowly up, using his hands as a guide and kissing each leg, thigh, and higher until he reached the rounded mound of her womanhood. Parting the sweet blond curls that protected her, he used his mouth to gently part her. Her sharp intake of breath and the immediate tension he felt from her body let him know she had never been with a man in any intimate fashion. He tasted her sweet folds, licking and moving his mouth over her sex, searching for the tiny swollen knub at her center that would bring her the release he wanted for her. She began to move her hips into him as he kissed her. She was heaven. He moved his mouth with more urgency matching her pace. Using his free hand he took a finger and entered her, then slowly moving in a second and curling his hand up to meet her with each stroke. She was the sweetest thing he had ever enjoyed. Moving his tongue and hand in unison he felt her quicken her pace until she exploded with pleasure, letting out a full, loud moan of release. He smiled into her as he felt the tension leave her body. He lifted his head from her skirt and removed her dress completely. She was a vixen laying naked beneath him. And as she came down from her climax, he began to kiss her again, this time moving up her body first her flat, smooth stomach, then onto each breast.

  “Lucas, please…” she moaned. “What is happening to me?” Not allowing him any time to answer her, she moved her hands to his back, digging in with her nails bringing him closer to as he captured her mouth again. He wasn’t sure how much more of her he could take before prematurely spilling his manhood like a boy. Just watching Ella experience her pleasure was enough to send him into a release of his own. He had been with women before, but it had never been like this. And he wanted more.

  “Ella, this part may be a bit painful, lass, but I will try an’ be gentle,” he whispered, positioning himself over her.

  “I trust you, Lucas,” she said. His name on her lips was his undoing. He slipped himself inside her, slowly at first watching her face as the first hint of pain hit her. Her tight warmth swallowed him. And as suddenly as she had tensed her body began to fold around him. She moaned again, and Lucas melted as he realized it was pleasure.

  “I dreamed of ye lass,” He whispered in her ear. “I dreamed of ye every night I was sick and ye came tae save me.”

  “I dreamed of you too,” she replied, through moans of pleasure. “You are my red-haired, highland savior.”

  Her words were so sweet to his ears. It was she who saved him. And right now, she was doing it all over again. He moved himself out of her and then with intention smoothly entered her again, she met his body and moved with him thrust for thrust. Closing his eyes and bending his head back he allowed himself to get lost in Ella. She felt better than any woman he had every been with. As much as they fit together in sleep. He knew, in this, he had finally met his perfect match. She sped her movements up and he matched pace. He knew he would barely be able to hold on as she climaxed again. Her moans becoming as fast as the movements of their entwined bodies. They were made to become one, and stars exploded behind his eyes as he met his own release in time with hers.

  Collapsing into her arms he slowly slipped out of her sweet depths and rolled her into his embrace. She let out a small sigh, and he listened to her heartbeat as it slowed with her breathing as she was asleep. He closed his eyes and slept the contented sleep of a man who knew he had chosen his woman. There would be no one for him but Ella. “Mine,” he whispered into her ear, knowing she didn’t hear him, but saying it aloud was enough to seal their bond.

  Chapter Fourteen

  In the early dawn light Ella awoke alone, and stretched. Her body ached and her cheeks warmed at the memory of her and Lucas just hours before. The things he had done to her released the most amazing feelings. Why didn’t any of the women in society talk of such pleasure. Everything she had heard about the intimacy between a man and a woman made the act sound like a boorish duty. Something a wife had to endure, and the only reward was her husband’s pleasure or perhaps a baby. But what had happened between her and Lucas was not boorish at all. She had never in her wildest dreams imagined that a man and woman could experience so much pleasure along with so much connection. She must have imagined it, but she swore as she fell asleep in his arms, she heard Lucas whisper the word “mine” in her ear.

  Even in her dreams she knew she would never willingly leave his side. She was his. Looking around she saw Lucas standing a small distance away with a plaid spread out and some of the meats and cheeses Sarah packed for their journey spread out. It reminded her of the first meal they took together out of doors and her heart flipped.

  He noticed her staring at him and smiled.

  “Mornin’ lass,” he said. “I’ve got some food laid out for ye. We should get tae our journey. By foot from here I think we hae two and a half days by foot. We made
good strides last night.”

  Ella blushed, even though she knew what he meant, she couldn’t help but think of the other great strides they had made. As if reading her mind Lucas smiled, and gave her another wink. She giggled and got up to meet him at the blanket.

  “Lass I could listen tae the sound of yer laugh forever,” he said, and she smiled broadly at him. No one had ever complimented her laugh before. It felt at once strange and wonderful. She would expect nothing less from Lucas. Since the moment she saw him lying, lifeless on that barn pallet, he had surprised her at every turn.

  They ate in silence, but Ella thought their silence was comfortable. The weight of all of her secrets had been lifted off by her confession the night before and their lovemaking. She was still worried the soldiers would somehow be on their trail and told Lucas as much.

  “They verra well could be lass,” he said addressing her fears. “But I think once we get a tad closer to my people, we should be much safer. The English rarely venture to deep into the highlands,” he said.

  “When we arrive at Cadney, what will your family think of you bringing home an English lass?” she asked. She saw the look on Lucas’s face turn tense. Was he not interested in bringing her to meet his family? After what had occurred between them the night before Ella had felt at ease with Lucas and trusted that their relationship would continue. Now catching a glimpse of the hard set of his jaw she was no longer sure. “Will they not want to meet me?”

  “Nay, lass. My mother and sister will be more than happy tae welcome ye into our home and our clan,” he said, reaching out and taking her hand in his own. Ella let out a breath of relief.

  “Then what has you worried?” she asked.

  “’Tis Evans,” he said. “Lass, he willnae stop until he finds ye. Even though it’s better that ol’ Fergus’s barn, the keep may not be th’ safest place for ye right now, and I need tae keep ye safe. Ye understand right?”

  She nodded in agreement, unsure of what he was getting at, but the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach made her think whatever it was, she wasn’t going to like it.

  “I’m afraid I wasnae completely honest with ye last night,” he continued. “When ye were talking about Evans. I left out an’ important reason why I needed to ken so much.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said. How could he have left anything out, he didn’t know the commander, and it was her story to tell.

  “Lass, the same Commander Evans that yer da traded ye to in a game of cards is the Commander Evans I watched run my da through with a sword at th’ battle o’ Dundee,” he said. Ella covered her mouth with her hand. It couldn’t be true. What cruel twist of fate would put that evil man in both of their lives. He had caused so much damage. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes again. Poor Lucas, he had been through so much, and every time he looked at her he would be forced to relive his father’s death. No wonder he was hesitant to bring her home to his family. She brought nothing but pain to everything and everyone she touched.

  “Lucas, how is it possible?” she asked.

  “I dinnae ken lass. All I ken, is that I cannae lose another tae Evans, and until I’m able tae take my revenge and kill the bastard, ye won’t be safe,” he said.

  “My safety means nothing to me. Not when I have brought you and your family so much pain,” she said.

  “Och, lass, ‘twasn’t yer fault. The man is evil and a bastard for sure, but ye dinnae make him that way. I couldnae bare it if he ever got his clutches in ye again. ‘Tis why I think once we arrive at Cadney, I want me ma to send word to her family in France. I want ye tae go to there, ye’ll be safe.”

  “France!?” Ella shouted. “You must be out of your head Lucas MacGille, to think you can ship me off to a foreign country.”

  “Calm down, lass,” he said, and Ella seethed. She ripped her hand from his. After everything they had been through, he wanted to ship her off. Get her out of his hair, just like, well just like, she didn’t know what, but she would be damned before she would allow him to dictate her future to her.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down, this is madness. I’m sorry that Evans murdered your da, I would give anything to have that taken back. I understand you don’t want me around as a reminder, but France? What gives you the right?” Ella didn’t even try to hide the hurt in her voice. She must have imagined the tenderness he lavished on her the night before. It was a betrayal. She had given Lucas everything and he wanted nothing more than to be rid of her.

  He didn’t respond, and Ella knew it was because there was nothing he could say. She silently began clearing their meal and packing up the plaids. The journey ahead was long, and she needed the time to think of a way, once again to get out of the situation she had found herself in. This time it would be harder. Evans revolted her. Running from a fate entwined with his had been easy but Lucas was different. Her heart would break at leaving him. Even now, as furious as she was, a part of her wanted nothing more than to be held in his arms and told everything would be ok. Leaving Lucas would be hard, but she refused to be sent to France. She had proven she could take care of herself and that is what she would have to do again.

  Lucas worked silently beside her, and his looming presence was hard to handle.

  “I need to relieve myself,” she told him and he nodded.

  “Dinnae go tae far lass,” he said as a word of caution.

  She walked away from him, tears stinging her eyes. Damn that man, even when she wanted nothing more than to hate him, she found it difficult.

  She wandered behind the large tree, which was even more glorious in the morning light, and set to look for a place where she could have some privacy. Wandering just out of eyesight of Lucas she spied tall grasses, and swore she heard the gentle lapping of water. Oh how she would love a bath. It had been ages since she felt the soft touch of clean water against her skin. She walked in the direction of the sound.

  The daylight was coming fast, and Ella noticed the clouds building to her west. There will not be much sun today, she thought. A typical cold, Autumn day. She just hoped the rain would hold off until they found a spot to camp for the night. Possibly they could find shelter. Coming through the tall grasses she was surprised to see a lovely small pond. On the far side of the pond, a deer was taking an early morning drink. Upon her approach its ears perked up but seeing Ella was not a threat, it kept on drinking.

  The water was so clear and blue, she thought it might be a good idea for her to take a sip as well. She stepped closer to the pond and heard the distinct sound of crunching leaves behind her. Anger began to rise again, she told Lucas she needed time. How dare he follow her. She would just keep heading toward the pond, and ignore the man behind her. If he wanted to apologize let him be the first to speak. She was in no hurry to except his apology, at least not until he let go of the silly notion that she would be better off in France.

  “That’s right, sweet thing, I’m not here to hurt you,” she said as she drew closer to the deer, still happily lapping away at its drink.

  “Well, well, well,” she heard the sinister voice behind her. “Hey, Peters, looks like we found us a runaway bride.” It was Stewart. Ella turned slowly, coming face to face with the three soldiers Evans sent to find her.

  “Looks like it,” the one who must be Peters replied. She would recognize his voice anywhere. Now having a face to put with a name, she was even more terrified. All three men were large, not as large as Lucas, but still much larger than she was. She frantically looked around for anything she could use as a weapon.

  “What say we bring ya back home where ya belong?” the third soldier said. Ella thought that he must be Smith. He couldn’t have been a day over twenty and had a scattered look about him, that made Ella think he would turn tail and run at the first sign of danger.

  Peters walked toward her, “Well miss, what do ya have to say for yourself? You know your betrothed has been half mad with missin’ you. He has us looking all over this hellish landscape, tasked
with bringing you back for your weddin’.” He smiled, but Ella noticed the smile never reached his eyes. Peters, she decided, was the most dangerous of the lot of them.

  She backed away from the soldiers slowly. She was in trouble. She understood, France or no France, she should’ve never left Lucas’s side. She wondered briefly if they had already come upon Lucas. Did they hurt him? Was he dead? Fear began to grip her. She felt herself sinking into terror, the same way she had in the barn only now Lucas was nowhere near here to pull her into his arms and calm her fraying nerves. What are you going to do, Ella? she thought. How can we get out of this one?

  She felt in the pocket of her dress and was relieved that the dirk was still there. She hadn’t lost it during the night. She dropped to her knees, dirk hidden in hand, and let out a blood curdling scream.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lucas dropped the bag with their plaids and picked up his sword. He would know her voice anywhere and that scream was Ella. His Ella, and something was wrong. Rapidly heading in the direction of her scream, he slowed down as he approached the tall grass. She screamed again, and his heart dropped. It would do no good in his current state to go into a potential battle without knowing what it was he was walking into.


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