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Heart of Ice

Page 27

by T. B. Markinson

  He nibbled at Eileen’s neck, eliciting a high-pitched squeal, and the screen went black.

  Laurie smothered the phone with her hand since Jack looked horrified.

  “I really did not need to see or hear that.”

  Laurie laughed. “It’s wonderful that they’re finally together after pining for each other all those years.”

  “Oh my God. My stepdad’s about to boink my mother, and you’re getting all misty-eyed? That settles it.” Jack flashed an evil grin. “Turning fifty-one has turned you into a big old softy.”

  “Did you just call me old?” Laurie put her hands on her hips. “I think we should take this discussion back to our suite, and I’ll show you how young and vigorous I still am.”

  “Right, well…” Andy tugged at his shirt collar, and this time his discomfort was probably not a joke. “I think that’s our cue to leave. Marian, can I walk you out?”

  “Not a minute too soon,” Marian agreed, grabbing her bag and looking ready to make a sprint for the door.

  A short time later, Laurie and Jack stepped into the elevator. Laurie pressed the button for the eighteenth floor, one above the ballroom.

  “It was nice of Mr. Ahmed to let us use his suite,” Jack remarked. “What good luck that he signed as a client in time for your birthday.”

  “Why do you think I insisted we go after him as a client when we did?” Laurie replied. “Luck had nothing to do with it. I happen to have some fond memories of that suite.”

  “And that,” Jack said, “is why I love you.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  Jack turned to her with a look so filled with desire it sent shock waves all the way to Laurie’s toes. “Just one of many.”

  “TPWIAB,” Jack announced as they stepped inside the President’s suite.

  Laurie stared at her blankly, struggling to make sense of what she’d said. “Sorry, what?”

  “It’s an acronym. The Place Where It All Began,” Jack said, taking a bottle of champagne from where it waited in a silver ice bucket and popping the cork.

  “You Millennials and your complete inability to speak in normal words.” Laurie snorted. “I was going to guess The Place Where I Ate Bacon.”

  “The place where you ate bacon?” Cocking an eyebrow, Jack handed her a champagne flute. “And you think Millennials are the weird ones?”

  Chuckling, Laurie lifted her glass. “A toast.”


  Laurie inhaled, a sense of complete contentment filling her. “To everything. All of life is ahead of us, Jack. Growing our business, traveling the globe together. World domination is within reach.”

  Jack rolled her head to Laurie. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  “What?” Laurie’s eyes tapered as her pulse quickened.

  Was there something she’d overlooked, something Jack wanted that she’d failed to provide? “Tell me what it is, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “Well…” Jack’s hopeful expression pierced Laurie’s heart.

  She wants to get married, Laurie realized with a start. Of course! They’d been together for more than a year, and the only reason Laurie hadn’t proposed already was that, between Jack moving in and their business taking o , it had been such a whirlwind.

  “Is it a ring you want?” Laurie asked.

  But Jack started speaking at the same time. “I was thinking it was time to talk about adding a little bundle—”

  No, not that. Laurie’s insides turned to ice. “I’m way too old—”

  “You’re not old.” Jack’s lips pursed. “Ten seconds ago, you said you were going to show me how young and vigorous you are. I really hope you weren’t leading me on, because I came here with certain expectations.”

  Laurie set her champagne down, no longer in a celebratory mood. She should’ve known it was all too good to last. Though she felt younger than she ever had when Jack was around, Laurie had to face facts. As heart-wrenching as it was, there were certain things a young woman might want that Laurie simply couldn’t give.

  Laurie sighed heavily. “Jack, is that something you want?

  Because if it is, we need to talk about that now.”

  “I’ve always wanted one. A ginger.”

  Laurie blinked, perplexed. Jack must have given this a lot of thought to have such a specific vision. “You want a red-haired baby?”

  “I sure do.” Jack’s eyes twinkled merrily, though Laurie couldn’t see how the issue that would break them apart was a laughing matter. “Extra furry so it gets everywhere.”

  “Furry?” Laurie’s eyebrows met in the middle. Now it was just getting weird.

  “Please don’t tell me you like the hairless ones.” Jack shuddered. “I’m sorry, but that’s a deal breaker. What’s the point of getting a cat if they don’t have any fur?”

  It took Laurie a second to process what Jack had said, but when she did, relief washed over her to the point her whole body began to tremble. “Jesus! You had me going. I thought you were serious.”

  “I’m totally serious,” Jack assured her. “I do want a cat.

  Two, actually. One black, one ginger.”

  “Two?” Now that she knew Jack wasn’t going to break up with her for not wanting a baby, Laurie would happily give her a dozen cats in whatever colors she wanted.

  “Shelters here frown upon adopting just one,” Jack explained. “They need a companion.”

  “That makes sense.” Laurie wrapped her arms around Jack and pulled her close. “Going alone through life is cruel and unusual punishment.”

  “It really is.” Jack grabbed Laurie’s hand and lifted her fingertips to her lips, kissing them.

  “Fortunately for us,” Laurie said softly, “we don’t have to su er such a terrible fate.”

  “Yes, indeed,” Jack agreed. “Now tell me more about that ring.”

  Laurie frowned. “What ring?”

  “The one you promised you were going to give right before that little baby freak-out moment, or did you think I wasn’t listening?”

  Laurie gave a hearty laugh. She should’ve known she wasn’t going to be let o the hook, not that she wanted to be. “Maybe you’d like to go shopping for one tomorrow, if you don’t have other plans.”

  “Maybe.” Jack tilted her head from side to side as if giving it some thought. “I mean, my boss did give me the day o , so I don’t have anything else to do.”


  Laurie released Jack from her embrace and gave the back of her head a gentle swat. Then she crossed the room to take a seat on the sofa. Jack followed. Sitting down, Laurie leaned back into the cloud-like cushions, spreading out her arms.

  Jack didn’t waste a moment. Repositioning to be on top of Laurie, Jack buried her face into Laurie’s neck, placing soft kisses right below the ear. “Don’t you think we should go to bed?”

  Laurie smirked. “I’m wide awake.”

  “Yes, I’m aware.” Jack hopped up. “You’re also beautiful.

  So very beautiful. Besides, you did make certain promises earlier.”

  “I promised to show o my youth and vigor. I said nothing about a bed.” Laurie fluttered her lashes in a come-hither way. “Maybe I’m comfortable here.”

  Jack licked her lips. “I’m curious how far you’ll take this.”

  “I’m game.” Laurie started to undo the buttons. “If I remember correctly, you once told me it’s not too late for me to learn new tricks.” She swished the sides of her shirt, stripper style.

  “I’m loving this new side of you.” Jack gazed at Laurie through heavy lids. “I should call you old more often.”

  Carrying on with the stripper theme, Laurie squeezed her tits playfully, the flesh spilling over the low-cut neckline of her evening gown and revealing a flash of delicate red lace.

  Jack bit down on her lower lip. “If I had known you had that on under your clothes, I probably wouldn’t have been able to focus during tonight’s party.”

“Which is why I didn’t give you a peek earlier, but I have to admit, it did give me a thrill to imagine how it would play out later.” Laurie ran her hand teasingly along her torso.

  “You haven’t seen the best part yet.”

  “I haven’t?” Jack gulped.

  “Will you help me undress?”

  As Jack watched breathlessly, Laurie slid the dress from her body, revealing black stockings and garters.

  Jack gasped. “I’m pretty sure you have the days wrong.”

  “Why is that?”

  “It’s your birthday. Not mine.”

  Laurie let out a low, throaty laugh, the kind she knew drove Jack to the point of distraction. She eased herself back onto the couch, and Jack settled on her knees in front of her, nestled between her legs.

  “I know I should take longer removing them, but I’m not sure I can control myself.” Jack ran a hand up Laurie’s leg, going over the strap and coming to rest on Laurie’s pussy.

  Laurie arched her back. “You young people. Always in a rush.”

  “Yes, it’s all on me.” Jack unclipped the top strap of the garter, her hand reaching under to undo the back. Then, she rolled the stocking down Laurie’s leg, her mouth licking the exposed flesh, all the way to the toes, sucking one into her mouth.

  Laurie’s body pulsed with arousal. “You’re winning me over to your youthful ways.”

  “Is that right?” Jack worked on the other leg, rolling the item down, keeping her eyes laser-locked on Laurie’s face.

  “This is a first.”

  “I know for a fact it isn’t.” Laurie gave a quick glance around the room. “Although, this is—what did you call it?

  The PWIAB.”

  “Close enough, but I was referring to the garters.”

  “You’re handling them like a pro.”

  “That’s why everyone thinks I’m so smart. Nothing fazes me.”

  Laurie tossed her head back, laughing. “Please don’t institute this at board meetings.”

  “You don’t think the others would want to watch me in action?”

  “I don’t think you understand. I don’t intend to share you. Not ever.”

  Jack buried her face into Laurie’s pussy. “You smell so good. I know it’s your birthday, but I want a present.”

  “More than I’ve already provided?”

  “Yes. I want to take you from behind. Get on the floor.”

  Laurie didn’t move. She would do whatever Jack asked, of course, but she didn’t need to make it easy.

  Jack bit her bottom lip, looking uncertain. “Please? I’ll owe you.”

  Laurie pretended to give the request careful consideration. “Well… I do like having a hold over you.”

  “You always have,” Jack breathed, “ever since that first night.”

  Slowly, Laurie made her way to the floor, reveling in the look of astonishment on Jack’s face as the woman realized she was going to get her wish. Jack quickly positioned herself behind, as if afraid Laurie would change her mind, then tugged Laurie’s lace panties down with a force that sent a shiver of promise through Laurie’s core.

  Laurie sucked in a breath as Jack slid her pussy lips apart then eased her fingers inside.

  Laurie hunched down on her forearms, pressing her forehead on the carpet, opening herself up to Jack.

  As Jack moved in and out, Laurie groaned in a pleasure too intense to conceal. The time for teasing was over.

  Jack’s free hand reached under Laurie, tweaking a nipple.

  “Fuck me, Jack.” Laurie started to stimulate her own clit.

  “Oh, God!” Jack groaned, even as she kicked it into a higher gear.

  “Harder,” Laurie commanded.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jack moved in deep.

  Then deeper.

  Laurie could feel herself dripping as she rocked her hips back to take Jack in more fully.

  As Jack angled her fingers to trigger the magic spot, Laurie lurched o the carpet and reached back to hold on to Jack, who instinctively supported Laurie with an arm.

  Laurie’s entire body quaked, but Jack never stopped fucking her for a second, until Laurie collapsed, taking both of them to the ground.

  Lying on top of Laurie’s body, Jack rested her cheek on Laurie’s shoulder. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  “I like to keep you on your toes.”

  “That you do.” Jack yawned. “Should I put you to bed, old lady?”

  “Calling me old again?” Laurie pretended to gasp.

  “You’re the one yawning.”

  “I may be the one who’s getting old.”

  “Well, that won’t do.”

  “Why not?” Jack asked.

  “Because it’s my birthday.”

  “You want me to give it another go?” Jack let out a playful groan. “I swear, I will never question your youth and vigor


  “Nope, that’s not what I meant.”

  “It’s not?” The disappointment in Jack’s tone pleased Laurie to no end. “Did you want me to make you a cup of tea?”


  “Then what?”

  In one motion, Laurie flipped them both so that Jack was on her back with Laurie on top. As she gazed into Jack’s eyes, Laurie’s heart swelled with love, and she felt the thrill of truly being alive. As long as they were together, she knew this feeling would never fade. What she wanted now, more than anything, was to make sure Jack felt the same way.

  “It’s my turn,” she whispered into Jack’s ear, feeling the young woman beneath her already beginning to quake.

  “That’s what.”

  A H U G E T H A N K Y O U !

  TB here. First, thanks so much for reading Heart of Ice. This project gave me another opportunity to work with Miranda MacLeod, whom I’ve known since childhood. She’s the type of friend who sticks by your side through thick and thin, and as the year 2020 is proving, that’s invaluable to stay sane.

  Readers always want to know more about cowrites, especially who wrote what. While I’m terrible with certain aspects like descriptions (clothing, weather, and settings), Miranda excels at them. She’s also extremely witty, so when a punchline didn’t have enough oomph, I’d Skype her and say, “Help!” It never took her long to come up with a snappy comment, always amazing me. Miranda isn’t particularly fond of writing sex scenes, so like with Holly and Ivy, I penned those.

  As for the other scenes, we worked closely together to get them right. I wrote the first draft, Miranda worked on the second, then we collaborated on the remaining drafts until it was ready for publication. Amazingly enough, we didn’t fight when it came to killing our darlings, since we have much respect for each other.

  If you enjoyed the story, we would really appreciate a review. Even short reviews help immensely.

  I’ve published more than twenty novels, and I still find it simply amazing people read my stories. When I hit publish on my first book back in 2013, I had no idea what would happen. It’s been a wonderful journey, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without your support.

  If you want to stay in touch with me, TB, sign up for my

  newsletter. I’ll send you a free copy of A Woman Lost, book 1

  in the A Woman Lost series, plus the bonus chapters that are exclusive to subscribers. And, you’ll be able to enter monthly giveaways to win one of my books. Here’s the link to join:

  And, if you want to follow Miranda, sign up for her

  newsletter. Subscribers will receive her first book, Telling Lies

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  paperbacks, ebooks, and audio, that her readers love. Here’s the link to join:

  Thanks again for reading this ice-queen romance. It’s because of you that Miranda and I are able to follow our dreams of being writers. It’s a wonderful gift, and we appreciate each and every reader.

  TB & Mi

  A B O U T T H E A U T H O R S

  TB Markinson is an American who’s recently returned to the US after a seven-year stint in the UK and Ireland. When she isn’t writing, she’s traveling the world, watching sports on the telly, visiting pubs in New England, or reading. Not necessarily in that order.

  Feel free to visit TB’s website ( to say hello. On the

  Lesbians Who Write weekly podcast, she and Clare Lydon dish about the good, the bad, and the ugly of writing. TB also runs I Heart Lesfic, a place for authors and fans of lesfic to come together to celebrate and chat about lesbian fiction.

  Originally from southern California, Miranda MacLeod now lives in New England and writes heartfelt romances and romantic comedies featuring witty and charmingly flawed women that you'll want to marry. Or just grab a co ee with, if that's more your thing. Before becoming a writer, she spent way too many years in graduate school, worked in professional theater and film, and held temp jobs in just about every o ce building in downtown Boston. To find out about her upcoming releases, be sure to sign up for her mailing list at

  Document Outline

  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  A Huge Thank You!

  About the Authors




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