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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2)

Page 23

by Nichole M. Bridges

I pushed my way into Viktor’s mind and tried talking to him.

  "Viktor, pull yourself together. Natalie is in danger. I'm on my way, but I need to know what's happening." I said sternly.

  "My dear, if I could get to her, I would." He said strained.

  “What the hell happened?” I asked.

  “Attacked. They are after dear Natalie. I cannot get to her. I think they have her.” He said.

  He sounded weak. I could hear his pain and knew he needed blood and a healer immediately. I wasn’t sure if we would get there in time.

  “Who Viktor?” I asked.

  “I do not know but they will not live long after I find them.” He said.

  “Hang on. We’re almost there.” I said and broke away from him.

  I was breathing hard and holding my stomach. Marek was looking at me more than the road.

  "I'm fine, but Viktor isn't. He said they were attacked. They are after Natalie. That's all I got. He's lost a lot of blood, and he's pissed." I said to Marek.

  He nodded and ran a red light. The adrenaline was pouring into my bloodstream so fast I couldn’t stop shaking. Running red lights was not helping.

  “Stay by my side when we arrive. Promise me you will not go anywhere without me or James.” Marek said looking at me intensely.

  “I promise. I’m not stupid.” I said although I felt stupid for not seeing this beforehand.

  What good is a Seer who can’t predict an attack? Ironically my only consolation was that Natalie is a vampire now and much harder to kill.

  Marek drove the car through a garage door and down a tunnel that opened up into a garage area I had never seen before. There were tactical vehicles and SUV’s everywhere. He jumped the curb and pulled right up to the door. Essentially blocking it but leaving just enough room for a person to slide through.

  I was out of the car and at the door so fast a wave of nausea threatened my stomach.

  “Shit Em. How did you do that?” James asked.

  I looked at Marek and his shocked expression didn’t comfort me.

  “No idea. Let’s go.” I said and ran through the door.

  Marek jumped ahead and lead the way. I pushed my thoughts to him and told him where to go. Viktor was out of his cell in one of the hallways. I pushed the image to Marek, and he took us there directly.

  I wasn’t prepared for what I saw when we arrived. Viktor laid in a large pool of blood. His stomach was torn open and his guts were spilled all over the floor. There was a trail of blood where he had apparently crawled to get to this point.

  “Viktor, stop. We’ll take it from here.” I said running up to him.

  Marek stopped me from getting too close and I glared up at him. He moved out of my way reluctantly.

  “Do not order me to stop trying to get to my daughter,” Viktor said through gritted teeth.

  "For Pete's sake, Viktor. You are trailing your insides down the hallway," I said, kneeling down next to him.

  He looked up and I could see the pain in his eyes. He cared for her deeply and couldn’t stop.

  "Fine, but I don't see how you can help," I said and walked quickly ahead of him.

  James and Marek fell in step behind me, although I knew they both preferred to lead in case someone came at me. I used my power to find what was ahead and only found injured vampires or dead humans.

  When I got to Natalie’s door, it was open, and I feared the worst. I rushed in only to find her fighting against two vampires. She was holding her own, but I could tell she was about to fall.

  I threw my power at her attackers and grabbed them. They stopped instantly, and I pushed them back into the wall. Their faces were snarling, but their eyes showed fear at being held.

  "Unsettling, isn't it? Not being able to move." I said, stepping in front of them.

  I spared a glance at Natalie, and Marek held her in his arms. She was shaking but appeared to be uninjured.

  James swept through the apartment to ensure no one else was lurking about. He nodded to me then to Marek, curious. I shook off my wonder and refocused on the two vampires.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  They both just stared at me.

  “If I may?” Marek asked.

  I nodded and stepped back a little. James took Natalie into his arms, and Marek moved to the vampires.

  “Who sent you?” He asked.

  They remained silent, but their eyes darted between Marek and me. It was like they were unsure who to fear the most.

  "Answer," I said, sending a little heat into their feet.

  They squirmed and then started to scream as smoke began to rise from their shoes.

  “Ember,” Marek said, and I shut off the heat but pressed them harder into the wall.

  Their eyes bulged, and the one on the left started to talk.

  “Don’t kill us.” She said.

  "Tell us what we want to know, and I won't light another match," I said, suggesting I was ready to light them up again.

  "Who sent you, and why? If you cooperate, we won't take your lives." Marek asked calmly.

  He now looked like the most reasonable of the two of us. I guess that meant I was playing bad cop. Fine by me.

  “I can’t tell you. We were sent to get the vampire and her sister.” The female vamp said.

  “Why?” Marek asked.

  “Our orders were to capture and then wait for instructions.” She said.

  "Shut up, Trina!" The other vampire yelled.

  He wasn’t happy she was talking.

  “Trina?” I asked the female.

  “Yes,” She responded.

  "You can't tell us who sent you, or you won't tell us?" I asked.

  “Can’t,” She said.

  The other vampire went crazy at that. Instead of trying to get us, he decided to move to Trina. He couldn't move while I held him, but I was sure if I let him go, she would be dead.

  I looked at Marek and found he was thinking the same thing. We needed to get this guy out of here so Trina would spill more info.

  I heard feet pounding in the hallway and turned at the same time as Marek. Maybe I heard him hearing it? He looked surprised again before his face went suddenly blank.

  James and Marek moved to the door, and I moved in front of Natalie.

  "We are about to have company, Nat. You okay?" I asked her.

  She nodded, although she still looked shaken.

  "Viktor is hurt," She said, and the pain on her face made my heart hurt.

  “I know. I saw him in the hall.” I said grimacing.

  Familiar faces entered the room at that moment, so I didn't elaborate for Nat how hurt Viktor was. It looked like the cavalry finally arrived.

  Caden was covered in blood, and Natalie shrieked when she saw him. I looked at her and then at him. They stared at each other like they needed the other to breathe. I moved out of the way when Caden made a beeline to Nat.

  "Are you hurt?" Natalie asked him.

  "It isn't my blood," Caden said, looking her over for injuries.

  I left her in his capable hands and turned my attention back to our vampire invaders. I looked at the male and felt an urge to give him to Viktor. It made me laugh, and the vampire's eyes widened.

  I smiled, and I could see his fear spike before my eyes.

  “Stop playing with him,” Marek said from behind me.

  I jumped. Marek had snuck up on me. I didn't think it was possible with our new bond.

  "I was just imagining what Viktor will do to him," I said.

  The vampire's Adam’s apple bobbed with a gulp, and he looked over my right shoulder toward the door. I could feel Viktor there but didn't think he was a threat given the state he was in.

  "Let him go, and you will see it firsthand," Viktor said.

  I turned around and saw him standing there, holding his guts in. Natalie gasped, and I almost joined her. I couldn't believe he was standing.

  "He is a prisoner, Viktor," Marek said with steel in his voice.

sp; I glared at Marek, but he was right. We needed to learn more from this guy.

  “Maybe you can have him after Marek is done with him,” I suggested.

  Viktor smiled a wicked grin as Marek's face went blank. That was the equivalent of a frown from Marek. I guess he didn't appreciate the humor of the situation, or maybe Viktor's feelings were bleeding through to me.

  Guardian Johnson came in then and gave Marek an update. There were groups of vampires like the two we had pinned down throughout the complex. Apparently, there had been a coordinated attack to hit various parts of the complex at the same time.

  I went over to Viktor as he slumped against the wall.

  "Why are you still standing here?" I asked, trying to push him out of the room.

  "I'm not going anywhere." He said, not moving an inch.

  “You are literally falling apart,” I pointed to his stomach.

  Blood oozed between his fingers, and his face was whiter than I thought was possible. He needed blood badly.

  "I only need a little blood," He said, glancing at my neck.

  "You aren't getting it from me," I said, and I felt Marek perk up.

  "How did you get out of your cell anyway?" I asked, realizing it was weird he was wandering about.

  “I removed the door,” He said as if that explained everything.

  "Right, well, you should be in the hospital where a doctor can put you back together and get you some blood. You've lost most of it on the floor." I said, looking down at the puddle growing under his feet.

  “I don’t seem to be able to move from this spot,” Viktor said as his body began to shake.

  I grabbed him as he fell both with my hands and with my power. That meant I let go of the vampires behind us. I heard a snarl and then a scuffle before the Guardians had the two vampires in hand. While I held Viktor, he stared into my eyes. I could feel his need for me. It pounded at me like someone trying to break through a door.

  James said something to me, but I couldn't hear him over the pounding in my head. I laid Viktor down on the floor as gently as I could, but the pain had him crying out again. He passed out, and the pounding slowed down to a manageable level.

  When I looked up, Marek was staring at where my hands were. I looked down and saw that I was cradling Viktor’s head. I was covered in his blood, but the thing that upset Marek was that I was showing compassion for Viktor.

  I got back to my feet just as James brought in a stretcher. He was followed by a team of EMT’s that I recognized. The fact I recognized EMT’s said a lot about my current life.

  “They’ve got him,” James assured me.

  I nodded and looked down at Viktor, lying helpless on the floor. I couldn't help the sting of pain in my heart. He was mine, and he was broken. I felt an urge to hold him and offer him my blood. It freaked me out.

  The team picked Viktor up with their power instead of lifting him with their hands. He still cried out, and I ran to him. I grabbed his hand and locked my power around him. He stopped yelling and looked up at me while I helped move him onto the stretcher. His lips curved up into a small smile.

  "Thank you, Master," He said, then passed out again.

  The room was silent for too long. I looked up to find all eyes on me except for Marek. He was staring a hole right through Viktor’s forehead.

  “What are you waiting for? Get him to the hospital and put his pieces back where they belong.” I yelled.

  The EMT's scrambled to roll Viktor out of the room. I couldn't ignore the pain on his face as they moved him. I needed to go with him.

  I looked over at Marek, and he looked back with his usual stoic expression.

  “I need to go with him,” I said through the bond.

  “I know,” He said and turned away.

  I looked back at Natalie. She was cradled in Caden's arms, looking at Viktor like he was dead. Marek was busy taking charge of the Guardians, so I took charge of Natalie.

  “Caden. Take Natalie to the penthouse and watch her until I come to get her.” I said.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He said.

  He looked at Marek as he moved Natalie toward the door. Marek nodded as if to confirm my order. It didn’t look like Caden needed the confirmation.

  I met Marek's eyes, then turned and followed Viktor.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Isat on a tiny wooden chair staring at Viktor while he slept. It had taken the surgeon six hours to put him back together. They had needed me several times during the surgery to keep him calm. It turns out that it is challenging to sedate a master vampire, but if you happen to have their master handy, they can put the vampire under a suggestion to remain still.

  That was something I learned tonight. I was Viktor's master. He had called me that name a few times, and after how everyone reacted to me, it was clear I had earned that status as if I was a vampire.

  Viktor looked peaceful now as he slept. The pain was still present, but it was fading as the hours passed. I was having a hard time putting this new selfless Viktor in my mind with the cruel Viktor I knew so well. I half expected him to jump off the bed and come at me any moment.

  Two Guardians stood outside the door, one for Viktor and one for me. The door was locked up tight so that Viktor couldn't escape. I'm not sure how effective that would be considering he tore the door off his cell in the detention area last night.

  Viktor whimpered softly, and his brow furrowed slightly. I reached out and took his hand. It was smeared with blood as was my own. The moment our skin touched; I was pulled into his dream.

  Viktor flew through the air and hit a brick wall. The force of the hit knocked several bricks loose, and they fell on top of him. His thoughts were a swirl of panic for Natalie. He couldn't let her be harmed or taken.

  He picked himself up and rushed toward his attacker again, only to be thrown back on the ground.

  "Give up, Viktor," a female vampire said with a thick Spanish accent.

  The vampire looked wild, but it was clear that she was also beautiful. Her long dark blonde hair fell below her waist, and her voluptuous body was barely contained in a spaghetti strap silk dress. Viktor wasn't distracted by her beauty at all. He was more concerned with her temper.

  "I don't know where he is, Magdalena," Viktor replied.

  “Liar! You work with him on the Council. You know where he is.” She yelled.

  Her deep brown eyes were wild and tinged with red.

  "For the last time, I don't work on the Council. I'm called in occasionally to consult. I don't know him well enough to be acquainted with where he makes his home or spends his time." Viktor said, exasperated.

  She backhanded him, and his mouth filled with blood. He spit the blood out on the ground and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. He looked up at the woman, and surges of anger filled him. If she wasn't ancient, he could and would tear her head off. Unfortunately, because she is an ancient, that is much easier said than done.

  Old vampires like her tended to lose their minds if they didn't stay grounded. Most ancients had covens filled with vampires made in every century to help them all adapt. This one was clearly insane, although she did have at least several vampires under her control.

  “I may know where he will be. If you agree not to harm my pet, I will tell you.” Viktor offered.

  She narrowed her eyes at him like she was trying to decide if she should believe him.

  “You are sure you know where he will be?” She asked.

  "Yes," Viktor said.

  "She could be useful after I find him. Marek takes a lot of interest in her sister." She said, flashing a smile at Viktor.

  "Magdalena, please." He said with gritted teeth.

  “Very well. If your information proves useful, I will leave your pet alone.” She said.

  It wasn’t exactly what he asked for, but he knew it was all he was going to get.

  "My son is introducing his newest vampire to society next week. Marek has been invited to attend on behalf of the Counc
il of Guardians. He hasn't missed an event on behalf of the Council in years. You will find him there." Viktor said.

  "Now, Viktor, that was not so hard." She said purring.

  She pulled him into her and kissed him on the cheek. He remained stiff in her arms, but she didn’t seem to notice. When she pulled back, she was smiling.

  "You will tell me if anything changes. I will not be kept from him, or I will come for you again." She threatened.

  "I understand," He said, bowing low to her.

  The vision dissolved, and I was left looking down at a man who sold Marek out to some vampire named Magdalena. Viktor opened his eyes and looked confused. I still held his hand and dropped it as soon as I realized it.

  “You were holding my hand?” Viktor asked with a smile.

  "You had a bad dream," I said.

  His brow wrinkled, and he looked like he was trying to remember. He tried to sit up, but I stopped him.

  "You have more stitches in you than a patchwork quilt. You need to stay still until you heal." I said, holding him down with a hand on his shoulder.

  He looked at my hand and then at the IV attached to his arm. He moved to pull it out, but I stopped him again.

  "Viktor, stop it," I said sternly.

  He stilled instantly.

  “I don’t want to be here,” he said.

  "Neither do I, but here we are," I said.

  I started to pull away, but he grabbed my hand, keeping me from putting distance between us.

  “Where is your Guardian shadow?” Viktor asked.

  He stroked my hand with his thumb, and it felt good. Good enough to pull my hand away.

  "They are all busy dealing with the little invasion that happened last night," I said, sitting back down in the tiny chair.

  “Last night? How long have I been here?” He asked.

  "You were in surgery all night. You have only been in this room for a couple hours." I said, feeling irritable.

  "Whose blood is in this bag?" Viktor asked.

  I laughed. Not because it was funny but because I had asked the same thing the last time I was in this hospital.

  “Why is that funny?” He asked.

  "It isn't. I'm tired. You seem better, and I need to catch up with what happened while I was in here with you." I said.

  "Did you stay with me the whole time?" He asked, confused.


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