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Chasing the CEO (The CEO duet Book 1)

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by Cecilia Campos

  She decided to become a writer. Now, she writes those self-aid books about sex. She knows everything about the subject and most of it’s based on her own experiences. She is familiar with all the toys and gadgets and has the ability to talk about them vibrantly. She is very successful. I think some of her books have even been translated into other languages, but I have not read a single one. Wouldn’t dream of it! I’m way too scared I might discover things about her sex life. No matter how youthful and pretty she still is, that image of her, having sex with grandpa or any of her recent friends, would be forever seared in my brain.

  Grandpa passed away a long time ago, but she never stayed alone—she dates, oh yes. I’m quite positive she’s fucked more men over the past two years than I have. Maybe she writes her books in interrogative form as well ...

  She pushes her boobs upwards with both hands and the gesture gets me out of my thoughts. Apparently, they are too saggy for her taste?

  “Any plans for today?” she asks while she approaches me, folds the sheets away, and sinks down next to me on the bed. I straighten myself and blink my eyes a few times, still trying to get used to the light streaming into my room.

  “What do you mean, any plans? Hang out together! Stroll around downtown. Light two candles in the big church. We’ll take Gnocchi with us; a stroll will be good for him.”

  “When will you ever give that dog a proper name?” She looks me over in her critical way, with one eyebrow going up.

  “Why? That name is perfect for him! He’s such a cute doggy, just like those yummy potato-pasta-bites!”

  “Oh well, he’s your dog, so it’s up to you. And he doesn’t seem to mind. But what I actually meant was, have you got any plans for tonight? You know, sowing your wild oats and all that stuff?” She winks at me.

  “Well, I’m not that young anymore and certainly not in the mood for sowing oats. What I’ve seen so far of our male population is very disappointing and by the way, I don’t wish to end up in one of those stagnating relationships.”

  “My God, young lady, what kind of talk is that? And who said anything about a relationship? If ever you find yourself in a relationship, why would it stagnate? Or do you think because your parents weren’t able to stay happy together, this will ultimately happen to you too? Isn’t that in your own hands? You can make your own choices, can’t you?”

  I’m impressed by her ability to have a conversation with nothing but questions. She really has a knack for it!

  “Yes, well, I just don’t think it’s that easy. I see dull couples around me everywhere, all of them following the same path. A white-picket-fence life. And I would understand it if they would be happy in that slump, but they’re not.”

  There is a reason that so many relationships go down the drain. The slump and dullness will crawl under your skin soon enough. Kind of like a disease—you either try to escape it or it will finish you off. The best thing is to protect yourself by staying as far away from it as possible. That’s what I do.

  “Why would you even start it when you know how it’s going to end?” I ask.

  “I understand, sweetie, but life’s too short, right? I think? Don’t worry, be happy?”

  “But ... Friday is our day, Grandma. I can go out any other day of the week. I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  She rises from the bed, walks over to my wardrobe, and opens it. “Who says I’m alone? When have I ever been alone in my life? You’re not gonna use me as an excuse, are you?”

  Going through my clothes disapprovingly, she says, “So, let’s buy you a pretty, sexy dress and you will go to that work meeting this afternoon and to the party afterwards! You don’t think I’ll let you ruin your life, do you? Over my dead body, I will! Seize the day, sweetheart!”

  Wow! She almost managed that without a single question. Could it be she’s losing her touch? And just as that thought pops into my head, she adds a question. “Remember?”

  “Seize the day ... Don’t worry, be happy ... How many more one-liners are you going to throw at me, Grandma?” How the hell does she know about the party in the first place?

  So that’s it then, it’s decided. I know very well what this means—there’s no way back. The minute I make up my mind, I won’t change it again. Because I’m Nina Palermo and Nina never doubts herself.

  Later, I conclude she was right to give me that kick in the pants and force me to go to that party. I needed it. Because sometimes I forget that, in order to enjoy life, you need to experience life. And that is exactly what I’m going to do this Friday.

  If my life were a highway, it would be a new one, reaching the same familiar destination.

  Chapter 3 – Nothing. Nada. Niente


  For the outside world, I’m the guy with the big dick. The guy who calls the shots. The guy women spread their legs for willingly.

  But I’m more than that. I observe. I analyze. I plan.

  I have everything under control, in every aspect of my life. I always make sure I know everything. For me, no secret is a secret and that is a valuable thing. I use this to achieve my goals. I know no shame and have no conscience. Everybody always gets what he or she deserves. Of that, I’m convinced.

  There is nothing I can’t do. Nothing. Nada. Niente.

  This is how I got myself a top job at one of the most important companies on earth. I’m also crazy about women—conquering them, owning them, is a game I always like to win. Time after time after time.

  In my little black book, I write down the final adjustments to a piece of text that represents an important milestone for the successful execution of my plan:

  When we have sex, I will be the only one you will have sex with for the rest of your life. There will be no more random one-night stands. You will no longer want that, because your head and your heart will be mine and no one else’s ...

  No, she and I will not be having mere sex. I will constantly have to remind her that what we have together is so much more than sex. I have to choose my words carefully.

  When we make love, I will be the only one you will want to have that with for the rest of your life.

  That’s better.

  She has forgotten me. But I haven’t forgotten her. I simply can’t. I tried though. It does hurt a little to know that she’s made such an impact on me and I made none whatsoever on her.

  She owns a piece of me. A piece that not many people know and she doesn’t even know it. Her grandmother is certain of that. The thing she said to me earlier today, when we were talking on the phone, confirms this.

  “I will make sure she’s going to that meeting. Don’t you worry about that.” Her certainty leaves no room for doubt.

  “Okay, then I will leave this in your hands, Corina. I’m curious if she will recognize me at all though. It’s been a long time.”

  “Oh, my dear Sebastian. Do you remember what you looked like back then? The harsh life you were living ... You looked so skinny. And now you have become a strong, handsome man, in charge of thousands of people all over the world. I bet no one that you knew back then would recognize you now.”

  “It’s not bad if she would recognize me, but I need to take every possible scenario into consideration. You understand that, don’t you?”

  “She won’t have a clue, trust me. She was only ten!”

  Yes, she was only ten indeed, and without even knowing it, she played such an important role in my life. I am who I am because of her.

  “Darling?” she adds casually.


  “Take good care of my little girl.” The emotion is thick in her voice.

  “I will,” I reply with resolution. It makes me feel good she would trust me with her most precious treasure. The thing I want most in my life is to take care of her granddaughter.

  “We’ll be in touch.”

  “We will.”

  I end the conversation quickly so I can keep my emotions to myself.

  The clock above the front doo
r of my hotel room indicates it’s half past three in the morning. I have been so preoccupied with my Nina-conquering-plan, I completely forgot all the business obligations waiting for me around the corner. My presentation for the Audi Germany staff is the first step in the execution of that plan. But that plan is an easy one, and less risky. Still, I quickly write some more lines for my presentation:

  This company is very successful, but in order to keep it that way on an international level, we need to make optimum use of our most important asset—our people.

  Only a couple more hours left. A couple more hours until I can put my plan into motion.

  Owning her will never be enough. Once, I used to be a jungle full of dark feelings and secrets, and she was the sunlight, lighting my path through the thick canopy. She already owns me. This is so much more than a challenge. This is the rest of our lives.

  Chapter 4 - Sexcapades


  My reflection in the mirror is a sexy, confident woman in a tight purple dress. The garment is a perfect fit. The deep V-neckline makes my girls pop out—figuratively speaking, of course—and the small black strap underneath accentuates my hourglass figure. The skirt fits tightly around my hips and falls wider around my knees, which makes it classy and tasteful.

  You can imagine, being a truck driver, I don’t get to dress like this very often, but the times I do, I enjoy it to the fullest. Every guy will stare at me and have a hard time keeping the front of his pants from bulging.

  There’s a man standing behind me and he wraps his arms around me. Two large hands grab my breasts from behind. Oh, that feels good. I relax and throw my head back, resting it against his shoulder, so I can lean into him and enjoy this wonderful feeling.

  He growls softly and I feel his breath on my neck, while he caresses me through the fabric of my dress. One of his hands reaches my bare skin and massages the swells on my chest, while the other hand wanders down a few inches, sliding over my belly. He grabs me between my legs and at the small of my back, just above my butt, I can feel his hard erection.

  He presses his big cock against me and moves softly back and forth, so I can feel every inch of him. Automatically, I push my behind into him and twist my hips softly from left to right.

  I feel so feminine and sexy when a big, strong man holds and admires me this way. The thought of being so powerful I can turn a man on like this. To be held by two strong arms and lean against such a broad chest, while he breathes in and out in excitement. Nothing compares to that.

  Slowly, I look down and then up again in the mirror. There is no one behind me and those big powerful hands were just a fantasy. It’s only been a few days since my last sexcapade with Tim, but I’m horny nonetheless.

  Investigation shows men think about sex every minute of the day? Well, I believe the same goes for women. But you never see any articles about that because, apparently, women are not allowed to feel horny. I don’t understand. I’m horny, I think about sex a lot, and I’m not at all embarrassed about it.

  Women often claim vibrators make men redundant, that’s a big load of crap, if you ask me. There is nothing better for a heterosexual woman than sex with a man, and not a single vibrator can beat that.

  The sensation of his hands on your skin, his fingers touching you in the most intimate way. His warm breath on your neck and the words he whispers into your ear while he slowly penetrates you. His warmth, smell, sounds, hands—the combination makes it a unique experience.

  The sounds ... Don’t get me started on the sounds. I dare say that’s actually the biggest turn-on for me. The low moaning coming from deep within the man’s throat, the smacking of kisses, the small sounds my lips make while his dick slides in and out of my mouth ...

  Hands ... that’s a bit of an obsession for me. When I meet someone, his hands are the first thing I notice. A man has to have manly hands. It doesn’t matter if they are callused or dirty. What I find so incredibly sexy are the veins standing out on them and the long fingers. Add a watch around the wrist and you can hand me a clean pair of panties.

  I’m sorry, is this offensive? Well, that’s tough luck. This is how most women think. Be honest.

  And what do I mean when I talk about sexscapades? Well, I’ve told you how it works between Tim and me, right? I don’t have those kinds of encounters very often, but luckily I do sometimes. Random flings. I am a beautiful young woman. I love sex and a vibrator doesn’t do it for me. So, that means I have sex with men on a regular basis. Different men. Casual sex, I believe they call it.

  How do I get these men? During the various stops that are part of my work as a trucker, I often find myself in the company of handsome, tough men. However, it’s not always as easy as it seems and I am always very careful too. I won’t hit the sack with every random guy because, before you know it, they get attached.

  I’m also very selective. Even though I have a very adventurous attitude, I do have some ground rules. The way I see it, it’s all a game. I love driving a guy completely crazy, pushing his buttons long enough there is no way in hell he could refuse me. But just like with every game, you need to have rules. My three sexscapade rules:

  1. Wrap the lollipop.

  Always have safe sex. If you’re taking birth control, like me, it might be very tempting to do without, but there is no dick in the world that is worth getting an STD over.

  2. Get in, get out, get over it.

  A sexcapade is a one-time thing. Repetitions should be avoided as much as possible. This means I only select men I will probably never see again. It’s a matter of managing expectations, because if you don’t, you’ll be stuck with longing looks and other unwanted behavior.

  Now that I think about it ... you might think Tim is an exception. We’ve been together a couple of times already this year. No more than that, so that should be fine ... right?

  3. No swinger! Check that finger!

  Perhaps this is where you might reach the conclusion that married or taken men would actually be perfect for a sexcapade, but that’s a bridge I will not cross. Having fun at someone else’s expense is not my thing. If they want to cheat on their wives, they’ll have to find someone else to help them with that. I might be in for a quick fuck, but I’m certainly not a home wrecker.

  I haven’t always been like this, you know. I mean, I’ve always been adventurous when it comes to the opposite sex. I’ve always drooled over boys and I’ve been in love many many times. I liked it when boys offered me their undivided attention, or touched me in certain places.

  My parents were pretty old school when it comes to sex. I think they were both still virgins when they met. Those were different times. Back then, living together without being married was not an option, and if you lost your virginity before the wedding night, you were a whore. So that’s how I was raised as well.

  I was a decent, good girl, for many years. Liam was my first boyfriend and at the time, it seemed pretty obvious he would also be my last. When my parents died, I decided that I didn’t want to end up like them. No white picket fence for me. And so, no relationship with Liam. But don’t feel sorry for him—Liam was a first-class cheater.

  Girls just want to have fun is my motto. A fun game, but always according to my three rules. That way, I can keep having fun and everything will remain nice and simple. No strings attached. I’m definitely not looking for a relationship. Before I know it, I’ll be stuck with that white picket fence, in that boring life. No way!

  BEFORE I PUT ON MY dress and ended up in my own wet daydream in front of the mirror, I had already taken a nice hot shower, including all the necessary shaving. My makeup turned out pretty good and I smelled wonderful. The dress would be too excessive for the business meeting, so I take a selfie, send it to Anita, and take it off to put it back in my mini suitcase.

  “Are you ready?” the message to Anita says. She replies immediately with a selfie of herself in a black pencil skirt, blue blouse, and high heels. “Watch out world, ’cause here we come,” I t
ype before I put my mobile in my purse.

  Dragging my suitcase with me, I carefully descend the stairs to wait for Anita and John with my grandma. They’ll pick me up in a bit and we’ll drive to Germany together.

  As soon as my grandma sees me standing at the foot of the stairs, her smile changes into a frown. “Where is that dress you bought? I thought you would put that on?”

  “No, Grands, not until the party. Here, I took a selfie on my phone.” She glances at the screen and her face lights up with pride.

  “I’m at a loss for words. You are simply stunning, Nina! Your parents would be so ...” She presses a hand over her mouth and looks at me guiltily.

  “Yes, I know, Grandma, I know.” She misses my mom too. I push the memory of my parents far away, along with the weight it puts on my stomach.

  “Anita and John should be here any minute, Grandma,” I say, trying to change the subject.

  “So, everything’s fine between Anita and John?” She knows John has had a difficult relationship before Anita. She knows Anita well and she just wants her to be happy, as do I. Considering the fact that this is his first relationship after his divorce, the question is how serious it is.

  “Well, Grands, she’s happy now and you know that Anita is the long-term relationship type of girl. But I think, for now, they’re just having fun, and they should. Who knows what happens tomorrow? Seize the day, right?”

  While I say this, a car honks outside. I look out the window and spot John’s black Citroën.

  “Bye, Grandma! You know I won’t come home tonight, right?”

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do?” she asks.

  Actually, that’s not a question, it’s advice. Although, I doubt it’s any good ...

  WE ARE DRIVING A LITTLE over ninety miles an hour on the German autobahn. John is a wonderful driver. Of course, you would expect this from a trucker, but driving a car is completely different from driving a truck. He’s watching the road with full concentration. I secretly admire his manly profile with that strong jaw. He is a handsome man. In the meantime, Anita catches me up on what’s going to happen at the meeting.


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