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Crumbling Up Crooks

Page 16

by Emmie Lyn

  Jane looked at me and shook her head. I’m pretty sure I heard her mumble, “You’re something else,” before she raised her voice and added, “AJ warned me about you, but I thought you’d be more of a pain in the neck than any kind of legitimate help.” She held her hand out toward Creative Designs. “Let’s talk inside. You rattled off a lot a few minutes ago but I need every single detail.”

  With Pip back in my arms, we walked with Jane.

  “Just a minute,” I said. Before Jane could argue, I ran over to Luke’s truck. He had just pulled up, and I gave him the short version of events. “Tell Rose what’s happening, and I’ll be home as soon as possible.”

  Luke stared at me in disbelief. “Penny? You put all that together because of a mitten and some dog poop on her boots?”

  “And some other details. Tell Maggie to wait at the police station. I have a good feeling that Jane will be releasing AJ.”

  A grin bloomed on Luke’s face. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

  “Our wedding is back on track,” I said with an added whoop. I stood on my tippy toes and leaned through the truck window, inhaling the scent of sawdust mixed with ocean as I got close to the man of my dreams. He held me close as we kissed, but Pip managed to wiggle her way from under my arm to squeeze between our faces.

  “Is it always going to be like this, Dani?”

  “Probably worse,” I teased.

  He ruffled Pip’s head. “I can’t complain. She keeps an eye on you when I can’t. Hurry up and get this over with.”

  That was my plan.


  Jane and I wandered around inside Creative Designs. I waited for her to break the silence. She took her time looking at various items before she turned to me and said, “I guess I owe you an apology.”

  I guessed she did too, but instead of letting something I’d regret fall out of my mouth, I decided it was better for me to be quiet and stay on her good side. Who knew what might be in store in the future? I swallowed the words, I told you so, sitting on the tip of my tongue, as I waited as patiently as possible for her to continue.

  “So,” she finally said as she leaned on the center jewelry display. “Give me the details.”

  “To be honest, the whole scene just fell into place because of a maroon coat and a mitten Pip found.”

  “A mitten, huh?” Jane’s eyes crinkled at the edges. “Now that’s a scary clue if I ever heard of one.”

  I realized I had to back up a bit. “Yesterday, Sadie told me that she thought she saw Marion leave the Blue Moon Inn that morning. When Penny showed up fifteen minutes ago wearing Marion’s coat and she tucked the lost mittens in the pockets, I finally understood that it was Penny leaving the Blue Moon Inn yesterday morning and not Marion. The other big clue was how so many people, including Penny, had stepped in dog poop. Kelly really needs to clean up better behind Creative Designs.”

  “Yeah, tell me about that. I finally learned the hard way to watch where I was stepping.” Jane wrinkled her nose. “My car still has a faint eau de dog poop aroma.”

  I laughed at her description and continued my explanation. “So, when Penny blurted out that she’d overheard Kelly and Nick arguing, well, it put her right at the scene of the crime. And the last clue was the clincher to put her smack inside the back room. I remembered seeing one of the glass Christmas trees on her mantel right along with all the reindeer. The only problem was, they’d sold out before Penny arrived at the open house, and she’d even complained about not being able to buy any.”

  “So,” Jane said with the edges of her lips twitching, “Greed on top of carelessness crumbled her story into little pieces.”

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” I laughed, too, and I never felt so refreshed as I did leaving Creative Designs and walking with Pip to my flashy MG.

  With every mile I drove away from Misty Harbor, layers of stress melted away.

  “Can you believe it, Pip?”

  Pip, with her feet on the dashboard, turned and looked at me. The red bandana covered with candy canes was folded over one of her ears giving her a lopsided goofy look, but I knew better. Even though she loved to have a good time, Pip was no ditzy terrier. Her heart of gold could barely fit in her little frame and she had more good sense than the average person. But what I admired the most was how she dug in and never quit. I pushed the bandana back where it belonged. “Penny Pratt thought she could outsmart us, but she didn’t know you’d be sniffing out the biggest clue of all from the bottom of her boot.”

  It felt good to laugh and it felt better to know Marion and her father had left town without a cloud over their heads. Kelly had her gallery to take her mind off her broken heart, and I could focus on something really important now.

  Of course, when I reached Sea Breeze, there were plenty of other cars in the driveway. Word had spread.

  I opened the front door and let the warm cinnamon-scented air soothe me. Pip, never one to take it slow, charged straight in.

  “Where’s Dani?” I heard Rose ask my Pipsqueak. “I hope you didn’t leave her in town.”

  I wondered what Pip’s answer was.

  Luke found me standing inside the door. I knew I had a goofy grin on my face, but I wanted to savor being home before I had to recount all the details. Again. He wrapped me in his strong arms and whispered. “Everyone is waiting to hear your story.”

  His warm breath tickled my neck, sending delightful shivers straight to my fingertips.

  “And I promised I’d have dinner ready for you. Remember?”

  I nodded. The thought of food after this hectic day made my stomach growl.

  “I’m so glad to be home.”

  Hand in hand, we walked together into the living room, and to be honest, with questions coming from every direction, I couldn’t hear one from another. Instead, I focused on all the faces of the people I loved. Maggie sat with AJ and it sure looked like she had stars in her eyes. Lily blew me a kiss. Rose’s face split into the biggest smile I’d ever seen. And when Sue Ellen pulled me away from Luke, she practically suffocated me in her tight hug as she said, “Bless your heart, Danielle. You’re back safe and sound.”

  Not to be left out, Trouble, curled up on Rose’s lap, hissed as the two kittens dashed across the back of the couch.

  Pip sat next to me taking it all in, too.

  Yup, everything was as it should be. And I couldn’t be happier.

  The evening went by in a blur of food, a few glasses of wine, and me trying to answer all the questions about Penny. Finally, everyone seemed to be satisfied and slowly, one after another, all but Rose and Luke left.

  “What a day,” Rose said as she pushed herself off the couch. “Time for me to head home, too. I’m glad I only have to walk across the room and through that door to my new lovely apartment.”

  I hugged her goodnight, thinking this really was the start of a new life for Luke and me.

  The rest of the week flew by in a flurry of last-minute baking, decorating, and making sure everything for my Christmas Eve wedding would be perfect.

  As I sat in my bedroom before the wedding ceremony, I looked at my reflection with Rose, Lily, Maggie, and Sue Ellen crowded around. Happiness flooded through me.

  Sue Ellen touched one of my curls, trying to push it into place after she’d insisted on fixing my hair. To be honest, I couldn’t see any difference in the before or after since my unruly auburn curls had a mind of their own and refused to be tamed. But I told Sue Ellen she’d performed magic.

  She fastened a beautiful silver hair vine through my curls that made my tresses look like they’d been dusted with snow.

  Lily added delicate silver snowflake earrings.

  Maggie placed a wrapped box on my dressing table. “You can open it later.”

  After Rose shooed them out, she sat next to me, our hips tight together on the small bench seat. We stared at each other’s reflection in the mirror.

  “You look beautiful, Danielle. I knew you and Lu
ke were meant for each other and I couldn’t be happier that this day finally arrived.” She kissed me. There’s someone waiting to have a word with you.

  I heard the door click open and, without turning around, I saw my mother and Rose trade places at the door.

  My mother. She’d been at the back of my mind all day. Half hoping I’d have a chance to talk to her, the other half hoping she’d disappear into the crowd. I certainly wasn’t expecting her to show up while I was battling pre-wedding nerves.

  “Danielle.” She stood behind me and again, two reflections looked back at me.

  “You know who told me you were getting married?”

  I shook my head, nervous about what bombshell she decided to drop on the most important day of my life.

  “Your grandmother told me. She knew I wouldn’t want to miss this special day, and I can’t thank her enough.”

  I blinked several times. “Rose has been in touch with you?”

  “Yes, dear. She’s kept me informed about everything you’ve been up to.” She smiled at me and for the first time in forever I saw warmth in her eyes. “I can’t tell you how glad I am that she talked me into coming.”

  I felt my mouth open. I had no idea what was coming next.

  “Don’t say anything. I think we’ve had a big misunderstanding. It’s all my fault. Rose has helped me see so many things. She took me aside last night and we had a long talk. I feel you and I have wasted so much time. Rather, I’ve let it happen.”

  I turned to her, away from the mirror so I could look at her directly. She sat on the bench beside me and took my hands in hers.

  “I’d always assumed Rose resented the fact that her son chose me, which got us off to a rocky start. She’s is a strong personality.” She laughed and nodded; I knew what she meant. “I don’t have to tell you that since you’re just like her. I mean that as a compliment. I never thought there was room for Rose and me in your life. So…”

  “It’s not a choice I ever wanted to make, Mom. I love you both.” As soon as those words fell out, I knew I’d longed to tell her that for years. But had I made a mistake? This was the woman who had been so cold to me for so long, my own heart had closed to her for self-protection. Could I trust her now?

  “Oh, Danielle, I’ve wanted to hear those words for so long. I just thought you’d shut me out in favor of your grandmother. So, I stayed away. Probably I pushed you away. But Rose made me see that I’ve hurt you all these years. That you’ve needed me more than ever, especially after your father died. Is that true?”

  Was I really hearing these words from my mother? The woman I thought didn’t love me. “Oh, yes,” I said with tears in my eyes. “Of course, I need you. More than ever. You’re my mother. Nobody could ever replace you.”

  I couldn’t have been happier as we stared at each other, blinking, and trying to hold tears at bay.

  I put my hands over hers. “Thank you for coming.” I whispered. “Will you walk me downstairs to Luke’s side?”

  She bit her lower lip. “I’d love to.”

  With our arms tucked together, we walked across the old maple floor, my white gown swishing against my legs. At the door, my mother stopped. “I might not have you all to myself after we leave this room. I want you to know what a wonderful person Luke is. He reminds me of your father. You’re lucky to have each other.” She kissed my cheek and patted my hand. “Ready?”

  I nodded.

  At the entrance to the living room, we paused. Pip left her spot next to Luke and ran to my side. With her sequin-covered bandana reflecting various colors as she moved, and snow falling gently outside the French doors, I felt like a princess walking toward my Prince Charming.

  At Luke’s side, finally, my mother embraced us both before she took a seat between Rose and Lily.

  AJ cleared his throat, winked at me, and the next thing I remember was saying, “I do” before Luke swept me in his arms, twirled me around, and gave me a kiss I’d never forget.

  Pip pranced around us, yapping her approval.

  My heart soared across the bay and back.

  More Blueberry Bay

  Welcome to Blueberry Bay, a scenic region of Maine peppered with quaint small towns and home to a shocking number of mysteries. If you loved this book, then make sure to check out its sister series from other talented Cozy Mystery authors…

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  Little Dog Diner

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  Misty Harbor boasts the best lobster rolls in all of Blueberry Bay. There’s another thing that’s always on the menu, too. Murder! Dani and her little terrier, Pip, have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time… which often lands them smack in the middle of a fresh, new murder mystery and in the crosshairs of one cunning criminal after the next. Start with book one, Mixing Up Murder, which is now available to buy or borrow! Visit for more.

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  More Emmie!

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  About Emmie Lyn

  Emmie Lyn shares her world with her husband, a rescue terrier named Underdog, and a black cat named Ziggy. When she’s not busy thinking of ways to kill off a character, she loves enjoying tea and chocolate in her flower garden, hiking, or spending time near the ocean. Find out more at

  More from Emmie


  Little Dog Diner

  Mixing Up Murder

  Serving Up Suspects

  Dishing Up Deceit

  Cooking Up Chaos

  Crumbling Up Crooks


  Dicing Up Disaster


  Gold Coast Retrievers

  Helping Hanna

  Shielding Shelly



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